_:N95563e432494421b8007f9dfb48c04d0 . _:Nb417cc03a3d449d1b2bfadb999ec782f _:N4b9bad16932a4383826ebd4807eed1af . . "Property" . "a un site"@fr . . . . . _:Nef354199403645e2bcbac3fd4a355104 . . . . . "library description page" . . . _:N3c19a88e4d5b4b1196a05892bef53daf . . . . . . . "rest" . _:Ndec476c5ac2a4daf9a7fe3678f241de5 . "organizaciĆ³n"@es . _:N6aef30ab1b6c46ac8fabca617a4f40e3 _:Ndec476c5ac2a4daf9a7fe3678f241de5 . . . "tiene sede en"@es . "occupies" . . . "OpenStreetMap feature identifier" . . "Call locations are used by the Bodleian Libraries when tracking items through the Automated Stack Request system." . . "The page maintained by the Bodleian Libraries about a library" . . . "Publisher"@en . "InverseFunctionalProperty" . "SpatialThing" . . _:N95563e432494421b8007f9dfb48c04d0 . . . "FunctionalProperty" . . "Organization"@en . . . _:N4b9bad16932a4383826ebd4807eed1af _:Nef354199403645e2bcbac3fd4a355104 . . "Agent" . . "text/html" . . "ObjectProperty" . _:N283a9f5059844b948a18be8898b97009 . . "subClassOf" . . "An Oxford college or society, as defined by Statute V of the Statutes and Regulations of the University of Oxford" . . . . "Organizzazione"@it . . "type" . . "IT homepage" . . _:Nba131dd159ae4cb6bd5ed1e281e9e47d _:N6aef30ab1b6c46ac8fabca617a4f40e3 . _:N95563e432494421b8007f9dfb48c04d0 _:Nf8e57483513c422ab602dde7f13ad497 . . . _:N3c19a88e4d5b4b1196a05892bef53daf . . _:N64804363a7a948d9b54fd2dcc01ffb9e _:N283a9f5059844b948a18be8898b97009 . . . "Old OLIS code" . _:Ndd22df4ddbf74cd9a046a47dc2adf78d _:N5c490050ccd848de89ab051048d66766 . . . . "Spatial Thing" . "has site"@en . . . . . . . . . "A Permanent Private Hall of the University of Oxford, as defined by Statute V of the Statutes and Regulations of the University." . . . "Site"@en . _:Nb94324a9c6d24962b5b5791809a48cf9 _:N5b06310a1a984730997f26f02c9a82ce . . . "faculty" . _:N5c490050ccd848de89ab051048d66766 . "first" . . "Organisation Formelle"@fr . . "page" . . _:Ndd22df4ddbf74cd9a046a47dc2adf78d . . _:Nb94324a9c6d24962b5b5791809a48cf9 . . "text/turtle" . "OLIS code" . _:N477ce366ba314fa6a43abe6fef4fef18 . . _:N59deedb8bd1e414484b0f2c369005687 . "Organizzazione formale"@it . _:Nc14e4447398d4bfbbd2b9edc3a21550d . . . . . "equivalentProperty" . "primary Site"@en . . "PPH" . "Estates identifier" . . . . "Site"@fr . "unit" . _:N3c19a88e4d5b4b1196a05892bef53daf _:Nb417cc03a3d449d1b2bfadb999ec782f . _:Na3b24073d96f43aeb45f4a83d72a6972 . "Oxford college" . . . . . . . . . . "label" . "Two-letter code for University of Oxford units" . . . . . _:N6aef30ab1b6c46ac8fabca617a4f40e3 . "has primary place" . . . . _:N477ce366ba314fa6a43abe6fef4fef18 _:N39c830d1c43048b5ac3df919cb35a0d3 . . . "building" . . "WebLearn site" . . . "call location" . _:Nc14e4447398d4bfbbd2b9edc3a21550d _:Ndd22df4ddbf74cd9a046a47dc2adf78d . "alternative label"@en . _:N3d944b0a41dd410e950b0df746341738 . "oxp" . _:Nf8e57483513c422ab602dde7f13ad497 _:Nb94324a9c6d24962b5b5791809a48cf9 . . "Code for buildings and spaces as defined by the Estates Department" . . . . . _:N59deedb8bd1e414484b0f2c369005687 _:N64804363a7a948d9b54fd2dcc01ffb9e . . "HTML description of OxPoints ontology" . . . _:Nc14e4447398d4bfbbd2b9edc3a21550d . . . "Permanent Private Hall" . "Source"@en . . . "Sede"@it . . "division" . _:N4b9bad16932a4383826ebd4807eed1af . "OxPoints ontology" . . . . "An identifier for linking to features in OpenStreetMap, of the form 'type/nnnnn' (e.g. 'way/12345'." . . "The root of an organisation's presence within WebLearn at the University of Oxford" . "finance code" . . . _:Ndec476c5ac2a4daf9a7fe3678f241de5 . "Code for libraries and call locations as defined by the Bodleian libraries (used with the Aleph-based system post-July 2011)" . . . . . "unionOf" . "application/xhtml+xml" . . . . "Description of OxPoints ontology" . . "The root of an organisation's IT support webpages" . . "organizaciĆ³n formal"@es . . . "department" . . "IT Services" . . . . . _:Nba131dd159ae4cb6bd5ed1e281e9e47d . . "subPropertyOf" . _:Nb417cc03a3d449d1b2bfadb999ec782f . . "seeAlso" . _:N5b06310a1a984730997f26f02c9a82ce . . "application/rdf+xml" . "isDefinedBy" . "Class" . _:N59deedb8bd1e414484b0f2c369005687 . _:N39c830d1c43048b5ac3df919cb35a0d3 . "site principal"@fr . . . _:Na3b24073d96f43aeb45f4a83d72a6972 . "nil" . . . . . . . . . "sede"@es . . _:N477ce366ba314fa6a43abe6fef4fef18 . "equivalentClass" . "RDF/XML description of OxPoints ontology" . "IT Services" . _:Na3b24073d96f43aeb45f4a83d72a6972 . . . . "Notation3 description of OxPoints ontology" . . . "Ontology" . _:Nba131dd159ae4cb6bd5ed1e281e9e47d . "comment" . . "Organisation"@fr . _:N283a9f5059844b948a18be8898b97009 . "site" . . . "text/n3" . "OUCS code" . "NTriples description of OxPoints ontology" . "ha sede"@it . . _:N5b06310a1a984730997f26f02c9a82ce . "tiene sede principal en"@es . . "Code for libraries and call locations as defined by the Bodleian libraries (used pre-July 2011)" . . . "university" . . "space" . "Formal Organization"@en . . "text/plain" . . . . _:N39c830d1c43048b5ac3df919cb35a0d3 _:N3d944b0a41dd410e950b0df746341738 . "room" . . "range" . . "AnnotationProperty" . "Document" . "library" . . . . "Code for University of Oxford units as defined by IT Services" . . . "place" . "domain" . . . _:Nf8e57483513c422ab602dde7f13ad497 . . . . . _:N64804363a7a948d9b54fd2dcc01ffb9e . . _:N3d944b0a41dd410e950b0df746341738 . _:Nef354199403645e2bcbac3fd4a355104 . . "sede principale"@it . "Turtle description of OxPoints ontology" . . "museum" . . . _:N5c490050ccd848de89ab051048d66766 . .