. "HTML description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . "ObjectProperty" . . "comment" . _:N3d86e5d301264fb4b71036b0c7af8452 . "Turtle description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . . . "type" . . . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . _:N3d86e5d301264fb4b71036b0c7af8452 . . . . "Source"@en . . "application/xhtml+xml" . . . "This property specifies the gr:PaymentMethod to which the gr:PaymentChargeSpecification applies."@en . . "Payment method"@en . . "RDF/XML description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . "label" . "range" . "Description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . . . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . "isDefinedBy" . . "text/html" . . "Payment charge specification"@en . "text/n3" . . . "domain" . "Notation3 description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . "NTriples description of applies to payment method (1..*)" . "applies to payment method (1..*)"@en . . "application/rdf+xml" . "text/plain" . . . "text/turtle" .