"comment" . _:N4162a2d8779f42c8bfe65edad37967d0 . . "Description of has brand (0..*)" . "range" . _:N0fd7583759384bf58534b9220fb7dead . "Source"@en . . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . . _:Nad0d306655c14585bdba54bec465b5bf _:N4162a2d8779f42c8bfe65edad37967d0 . _:Ned14d30033c84b94a70e34923287f1e5 . _:N0fd7583759384bf58534b9220fb7dead . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . "RDF/XML description of has brand (0..*)" . . . _:Ned14d30033c84b94a70e34923287f1e5 . . "unionOf" . _:N4162a2d8779f42c8bfe65edad37967d0 _:Nae1ead9660dc4f029e4e8b1d4086f67c . . "text/plain" . . "Class" . "Business entity"@en . _:N555bb7e0fb8c49a8a5588f88a129c305 . _:Nae1ead9660dc4f029e4e8b1d4086f67c . . "text/n3" . "nil" . _:N0fd7583759384bf58534b9220fb7dead _:N555bb7e0fb8c49a8a5588f88a129c305 . . _:Nad0d306655c14585bdba54bec465b5bf . "Brand"@en . "Notation3 description of has brand (0..*)" . "first" . _:N555bb7e0fb8c49a8a5588f88a129c305 _:Nad0d306655c14585bdba54bec465b5bf . . "NTriples description of has brand (0..*)" . . . . . . "ObjectProperty" . "has brand (0..*)"@en . . . . . . . "HTML description of has brand (0..*)" . . . "rest" . . "isDefinedBy" . . "type" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "text/html" . . "domain" . "Turtle description of has brand (0..*)" . "Product or service"@en . "This specifies the brand or brands (gr:Brand) associated with a gr:ProductOrService, or the brand or brands maintained by a gr:BusinessEntity."@en . "label" . "text/turtle" . . "application/rdf+xml" . . _:Nae1ead9660dc4f029e4e8b1d4086f67c . .