"The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . _:N957e94d224c7413cb5ce2958756f4c7c . . "text/n3" . . . . "RDF/XML description of has inventory level (0..1)" . . . _:N957e94d224c7413cb5ce2958756f4c7c . . "Offering"@en . _:N278ac27ea4ae4e95b70ee2c15e1a8372 . . "text/turtle" . _:Ne50d5637006343b1aa77634b5389b3f1 . . "Notation3 description of has inventory level (0..1)" . "text/plain" . . . "range" . _:Naa90e57c87774b4bbf44dbd9a9dbb453 _:N278ac27ea4ae4e95b70ee2c15e1a8372 . _:N0aa147b3b4ad479ebb115da84e281d4d . "first" . . . "rest" . "isDefinedBy" . "Class" . "application/rdf+xml" . "type" . "NTriples description of has inventory level (0..1)" . "Turtle description of has inventory level (0..1)" . _:Ne50d5637006343b1aa77634b5389b3f1 . . "comment" . . _:Ne50d5637006343b1aa77634b5389b3f1 _:Naa90e57c87774b4bbf44dbd9a9dbb453 . "nil" . . "Some items"@en . . "domain" . "Source"@en . . "HTML description of has inventory level (0..1)" . . . . . . _:N278ac27ea4ae4e95b70ee2c15e1a8372 _:N957e94d224c7413cb5ce2958756f4c7c . . "unionOf" . _:N0aa147b3b4ad479ebb115da84e281d4d . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . "ObjectProperty" . "text/html" . "has inventory level (0..1)"@en . "Quantitative value float"@en . . "label" . . _:Naa90e57c87774b4bbf44dbd9a9dbb453 . """This property specifies the current approximate inventory level for gr:SomeItems. The unit of measurement and the point value or interval are indicated using the attached gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance. This property can also be attached to a gr:Offering in cases where the included products are not modeled in more detail."""@en . "application/xhtml+xml" . . "Description of has inventory level (0..1)" . . .