"type" . . "This object property links a gr:Offering to one or multiple gr:TypeAndQuantityNode or nodes that specify the components that are included in the respective offer."@en . . . . _:N19aa115938484cb78377a9ffc0e84198 _:Nd91e58ef1ab44d5a8c4db682692da03d . . "NTriples description of includes object (0..*)" . "comment" . . _:Neb9a7fe518584d4bb8d2b1dbfbf348c0 . "includes object (0..*)"@en . "ObjectProperty" . . . . "RDF/XML description of includes object (0..*)" . "Offering"@en . . . _:Nd91e58ef1ab44d5a8c4db682692da03d . _:N1ff44b1c06124bf0b07338d5433405b9 . "range" . _:Nd91e58ef1ab44d5a8c4db682692da03d . . "application/rdf+xml" . . "domain" . "label" . "Source"@en . "text/plain" . _:N1ff44b1c06124bf0b07338d5433405b9 _:N19aa115938484cb78377a9ffc0e84198 . _:N1ff44b1c06124bf0b07338d5433405b9 . "unionOf" . "application/xhtml+xml" . . . . . . "nil" . "Type and quantity node"@en . "isDefinedBy" . "first" . "rest" . . "Description of includes object (0..*)" . . . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . "text/turtle" . _:Neb9a7fe518584d4bb8d2b1dbfbf348c0 . . . "text/n3" . . "Notation3 description of includes object (0..*)" . _:N19aa115938484cb78377a9ffc0e84198 . . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . "text/html" . "Class" . . "HTML description of includes object (0..*)" . . . "Turtle description of includes object (0..*)" .