"Product or service"@en . "first" . "text/turtle" . "domain" . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . "Description of is similar to (0..*)" . "ObjectProperty" . "Source"@en . "Turtle description of is similar to (0..*)" . "This states that a given gr:ProductOrService is similar to another product or service. Of course, this is a subjective statement; when interpreting it, the trust in the origin of the statement should be taken into account."@en . "RDF/XML description of is similar to (0..*)" . . "nil" . "application/rdf+xml" . "NTriples description of is similar to (0..*)" . "isDefinedBy" . "Notation3 description of is similar to (0..*)" . "range" . . . . . _:N43f746229e45474ab87534313ba1653c . "type" . "label" . . _:N97a96d0de97c47139673a3bbbcccbf05 . . _:N18f5544b511d4ea9a7a0a0066ac531e0 . "Class" . . . . "text/plain" . . _:N43f746229e45474ab87534313ba1653c . . . . "HTML description of is similar to (0..*)" . . . _:N97a96d0de97c47139673a3bbbcccbf05 _:N43f746229e45474ab87534313ba1653c . . . . "text/n3" . . . . _:Nd3f65ef22a904214be0fc8a948e65416 . . . _:N18f5544b511d4ea9a7a0a0066ac531e0 _:N97a96d0de97c47139673a3bbbcccbf05 . . "rest" . . "is similar to (0..*)"@en . "unionOf" . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . "text/html" . _:Nd3f65ef22a904214be0fc8a948e65416 . _:N18f5544b511d4ea9a7a0a0066ac531e0 . . "comment" . "application/xhtml+xml" .