. "This property is deprecated. Use dcterms:subject from the Dublin Core ontology for text keywords and sioc:topic if the subject can be represented by a URI instead." . "Notation3 description of subject" . "range" . . "domain" . . . "HTML description of subject" . "Post"@en . "text/n3" . "Turtle description of subject" . . . . "Keyword(s) describing subject of the Post."@en . "NTriples description of subject" . "isDefinedBy" . "Source"@en . . . "subject"@en . . "type" . "comment" . . "DatatypeProperty" . . . "text/plain" . . . "DeprecatedProperty" . . . "text/html" . . . . . "text/turtle" . "application/xhtml+xml" . . "Description of subject" . "label" . . _:Nbeed7a49b335474696639d37405dd6a6 . "versionInfo" . . _:Nbeed7a49b335474696639d37405dd6a6 . . "SIOC Core Ontology Namespace"@en . "application/rdf+xml" . . "Literal" . "RDF/XML description of subject" .