. _:Nec6f826c71b540a5bd211cd4c94a3090 . "text/plain" . . . . . "en fecha-tiempo XSD"@es . "DeprecatedProperty" . "Position of an instant, expressed using xsd:dateTime"@en . "RDF/XML description of in XSD Date-Time" . "Description of in XSD Date-Time" . "Time instant"@en . "PosiciĆ³n de un instante, expresado utilizando xsd:dateTime."@es . "Turtle description of in XSD Date-Time" . . . "domain" . . . . _:Nec6f826c71b540a5bd211cd4c94a3090 . "label" . "comment" . . . "La propiedad 'en fecha-hora XSD' ha sido reemplazada por 'en fecha-sello de tiempo XSD' que hace obligatorio el campo 'huso horario'."@es . "range" . . "true"^^ . "HTML description of in XSD Date-Time" . "text/html" . "NTriples description of in XSD Date-Time" . . . . . . "note"@en . . "deprecated" . "text/n3" . "PosiciĆ³n de un instante, expresado utilizando xsd:dateTime."@es . "in XSD Date-Time"@en . "definition"@en . . "text/turtle" . . "type" . . "Position of an instant, expressed using xsd:dateTime"@en . "Source"@en . "DatatypeProperty" . . "instante de tiempo."@es . . "The property :inXSDDateTime is replaced by :inXSDDateTimeStamp which makes the time-zone field mandatory."@en . "application/rdf+xml" . "Notation3 description of in XSD Date-Time" . . "application/xhtml+xml" .