. _:N081f40d4db95490ba96a5d385ed9c379 . "ObjectProperty" . . _:Ne42f555293ae410f9ee23592358175d3 . "A note associated with the object"@en . . "This object property has been mapped"@en . . _:Nb10ce17d75bc47beb05e2436b1f8d477 . _:Nf0311af349b840b889864444aa2a7918 . "This data property has been deprecated. See hasGeo"@en . . . _:N218cb87028b74cd391a182ac1cff0757 _:N050d147f635e459cadf4a58955f0db49 . . "has calendar link"@en . "Friend"@en . . . _:Nffdac8f82f2b4c66b0141c5d3631b34f _:N79fa336312184b1d9028ea1518906b2f . "agent"@en . "true"^^ . . _:Nd006db32656e46648f19d2635526bc4a "1"^^ . _:N0fe23db8a001494a94a2ac5e00dda717 . "has name"@en . _:N0a3e3e8f55c74baa943cc23d1035062f _:Nd837dfe1c7c240568789fbb4eb159a4c . . . _:N1c8866aedb2840669977b20e2f7ab98a _:N66714819b05746cd8f1aab5a192a4772 . _:Nd006db32656e46648f19d2635526bc4a . "Type"@en . . . . . _:N79fa336312184b1d9028ea1518906b2f _:Nd7bdf264b300459484e14ca5fc1943ce . _:Nca6746ac5ac748539ed2d841f81a775f . . "Met"@en . . _:N9de9a066afe9404aae7198ef23ff30f4 _:N6ac95f6af21640fe8d9942b0d5e324fa . . "To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en . "An object representing a named geographical place"@en . . . . "The locality (e.g. city or town) associated with the address of the object"@en . _:Nca6746ac5ac748539ed2d841f81a775f . . . _:Ndfaac100d2aa4176b42f074cd1659e12 _:Nc0294006d1e94a99bedcc4502c082d9e . . . "Pager"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the organization name data property"@en . "To specify revision information about the object"@en . "Modem"@en . . "Used for gender codes. The URI of the gender code must be used as the value for Gender."@en . _:N0bbe145cdd9343bab2d8f238cacb3fb1 _:N2f5aa96d582f41b7a6f88ce5a410d728 . . . . "To specify the sex or gender identity of the object. URIs are recommended to enable interoperable sex and gender codes to be used."@en . "The given name associated with the object"@en . "To specify the identifier for the product that created the object"@en . . _:Nccd0be8c263341d7a8e2047628f5ef4a . . . "true"^^ . "note"@en . . . . _:N4356689e1f3e404c86c86b472551eaad _:N0c8075ad5c96494c9548906049895a5b . . "has locality"@en . _:Nf27aa0b87a8645adbab3493d95a6c536 . "Other"@en . . . "has uid"@en . "Ontology" . . "Crush"@en . _:N8d98ef3501404edf803cd7d8e6ec7188 . "This implies that the property is related to an individual's work place"@en . . "This class is deprecated"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the language data property"@en . . _:Nf92f800acaf94d4eab98a8255c7befcc . _:Nb10ce17d75bc47beb05e2436b1f8d477 . "Spouse"@en . . _:Na0852f13c98b426b9b7cf54f557608d5 . . "Used to indicate the literal value of a data property that requires property parameters"@en . . . . "text/n3" . . "Relation Type"@en . . . "sort as"@en . . "This class is deprecated"@en . _:Nfeb4e3cc8c51432ba46c5498361a602b . _:N33c277f159d14d209d25ecfc12b10d14 . . . . "This object property has been mapped"@en . . "url"@en . "This data property has been deprecated. See hasGeo"@en . "Coworker"@en . _:N1959009239af4ac48d6b68a172947978 _:Nf0ec64a274914601b8b66dfe5498c7ca . _:N970daccd90c84e9a95f7dad8f9562744 . "The postal code associated with the address of the object"@en . _:Ncb795fc7f2bb4b2c89abd3a8558b69f6 . "Phone"@en . "has country name"@en . . "Datatype" . . . _:N7e956f3ea9c244b7930e2f2df03674ee _:N61c8af74187c479694af254926ce8386 . _:N58ca5768e0ff429bb2f39bbcc81667fb . _:N154b308b882d4bb0bfd5f6c03a2882be _:N6680dcdc73c44e80a853a40450922a32 . _:N050d147f635e459cadf4a58955f0db49 _:Ndfaac100d2aa4176b42f074cd1659e12 . "application/xhtml+xml" . "equivalentProperty" . "Turtle description of Ontology for vCard" . "has honorific suffix"@en . _:N9de9a066afe9404aae7198ef23ff30f4 _:N6a7c39139b8f4ae69e0f47dd37a2cbb8 . . . . . . . _:Nf27aa0b87a8645adbab3493d95a6c536 "1"^^ . "comment" . "Used to support property parameters for the formatted name data property"@en . _:N0bbe145cdd9343bab2d8f238cacb3fb1 _:N0fe23db8a001494a94a2ac5e00dda717 . . . . _:N085e7e0853d345a48ac1263c59e87918 _:Ne42f555293ae410f9ee23592358175d3 . _:Nf27aa0b87a8645adbab3493d95a6c536 . . . . _:Ncb795fc7f2bb4b2c89abd3a8558b69f6 . . . "The nick name associated with the object"@en . "X400"@en . "This class is deprecated"@en . . . "None"@en . . . "minCardinality" . "Used to support property parameters for the note data property"@en . . _:N7679757e325042579912bd393081f03d _:N54fa7f93827248b5a5d116117d9108f6 . "This class is deprecated"@en . . "Used to support property parameters for the nickname data property"@en . "has calendar request"@en . . "The street address associated with the address of the object"@en . "To specify the organizational name associated with the object"@en . . . . . . _:N86336969e71745d38d9e13c892ca9778 _:Nae98929b3e1a4a3e902a8f4d3e810107 . "range" . "To specify the calendar user address to which a scheduling request be sent for the object. (Was called CALADRURI in RFC6350)"@en . "This class is deprecated"@en . "has related"@en . "The vCard class is equivalent to the new Kind class, which is the parent for the four explicit types of vCards (Individual, Organization, Location, Group)"@en . _:N07947bbb1be145188451d41b5aabd8cc . "has value"@en . . "honorific prefix"@en . _:N6a7c39139b8f4ae69e0f47dd37a2cbb8 . _:N848f593e85a34e77bc0d2ae991a114dc . "rest" . "To specify the function or part played in a particular situation by the object"@en . . "has honorific prefix"@en . "has url"@en . "has nickname"@en . . . _:N050d147f635e459cadf4a58955f0db49 _:N33c277f159d14d209d25ecfc12b10d14 . . "Neighbor"@en . . "true"^^ . _:Na5141c59f30c4aa0ac1493e6bfea4378 "1"^^ . _:N6095298c92194f58bcc57ba85ecaec37 _:Ncb795fc7f2bb4b2c89abd3a8558b69f6 . "postal code"@en . . _:N8f5a813f56a149cb983028ba8bee383b . . "equivalentClass" . . "This data property has been deprecated"@en . _:Ne979822a90e44f3b9e03f674d2350a86 . . . _:Nfeb4e3cc8c51432ba46c5498361a602b . . _:N58ca5768e0ff429bb2f39bbcc81667fb . _:N35463fef2d7f4895b52cd1845febe394 _:N07947bbb1be145188451d41b5aabd8cc . . . . _:N6a7c39139b8f4ae69e0f47dd37a2cbb8 . _:Ne033fc4864804360996ca42268ded47f . . "Used for type codes. The URI of the type code must be used as the value for Type."@en . "Internet"@en . "Sibling"@en . "true"^^ . . _:N54fa7f93827248b5a5d116117d9108f6 _:N654baa9644804e809d438d84a14dedaa . . "This class is deprecated"@en . . _:Na0de8439bc544b179295dde174624ab4 _:N03ebf927b4164f5cbade84ffe76b9acd . . "This class is deprecated"@en . _:N2f5aa96d582f41b7a6f88ce5a410d728 . _:Nb10ce17d75bc47beb05e2436b1f8d477 . . _:Nc0294006d1e94a99bedcc4502c082d9e . "This object property has been mapped"@en . "To specify the telephone number for telephony communication with the object"@en . . . . _:N1959009239af4ac48d6b68a172947978 _:N880378e6bbde4ab68898ba4e1de3cdd8 . . . . "This class is deprecated"@en . "latitude"@en . . . "extended address"@en . . "This object property has been mapped"@en . . "subClassOf" . "This implies that the property is related to an individual's personal life"@en . . "has telephone"@en . "has formatted name"@en . . . "telephone"@en . . "text/plain" . . "Address"@en . _:N8f5a813f56a149cb983028ba8bee383b . . . . "Male"@en . . "To specify the organizational unit name associated with the object"@en . . "Sweetheart"@en . . "has additional name"@en . . "formatted name"@en . . "versionInfo" . "Video"@en . . _:N258c2d3d414b4b58af44ad247ea3cbce _:N9de9a066afe9404aae7198ef23ff30f4 . "true"^^ . . . . . . . _:N3dda9bf21de94c158df00baef24e3652 . "geo"@en . "This object property has been mapped"@en . _:Ncc993e6c9e7641139016f3c472303a17 . "This class is deprecated"@en . "post office box"@en . "true"^^ . _:N54fa7f93827248b5a5d116117d9108f6 _:Nb10ce17d75bc47beb05e2436b1f8d477 . "Final"@en . . . _:N6680dcdc73c44e80a853a40450922a32 . "minQualifiedCardinality" . . _:Nccd0be8c263341d7a8e2047628f5ef4a . _:N64a8695cae744c859e59f2501e17b49b . "true"^^ . "has note"@en . . . "locality"@en . _:N654baa9644804e809d438d84a14dedaa _:Nd006db32656e46648f19d2635526bc4a . "To specify the language that may be used for contacting the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en . . . "has street address"@en . _:N35e686da25cf4a80b2e05955c2f21d49 . "DatatypeProperty" . "application/rdf+xml" . . . "photo"@en . _:Nb109f3426dd94d28ac1b46a62e98017b . "has category"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the given name data property"@en . _:N0c8075ad5c96494c9548906049895a5b _:N86336969e71745d38d9e13c892ca9778 . "This data property has been deprecated"@en . . "This class is deprecated"@en . . . . _:N7679757e325042579912bd393081f03d . . . . "Used to support property parameters for the honorific prefix data property"@en . _:N880378e6bbde4ab68898ba4e1de3cdd8 . "RDF/XML description of Ontology for vCard" . . . . . . . . "true"^^ . . . "value"@en . "has key"@en . . "birth date"@en . _:Ne033fc4864804360996ca42268ded47f "0"^^ . . . . . _:N41dbca9f7f69464aade1ff1cd435bbf6 _:N154b308b882d4bb0bfd5f6c03a2882be . "Used to support property parameters for the honorific suffix data property"@en . . "true"^^ . . . . "Individual"@en . . . _:N2f5aa96d582f41b7a6f88ce5a410d728 . . . _:N33c277f159d14d209d25ecfc12b10d14 . "This object property has been mapped"@en . "nil" . "Used for relation type codes. The URI of the relation type code must be used as the value for the Relation Type."@en . . . "domain" . . _:Nce9a5fbcfdad4eea9861f061b3881ffa "0"^^ . _:N2f5aa96d582f41b7a6f88ce5a410d728 . _:N35463fef2d7f4895b52cd1845febe394 . "Group"@en . _:N66714819b05746cd8f1aab5a192a4772 . . "Home"@en . . "longitude"@en . "has sound"@en . _:N970daccd90c84e9a95f7dad8f9562744 _:N4c59429f13684a06a7cd9561cf74475d . "has messaging"@en . _:Nccd0be8c263341d7a8e2047628f5ef4a . "To specify a relationship between another entity and the entity represented by this object"@en . "label"@en . "has organization unit name"@en . . . . . "disjointWith" . "PCS"@en . . "To specify information related to the global positioning of the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en . "Class" . . "has gender"@en . . . "Date"@en . . . . . . "has member"@en . _:N6680dcdc73c44e80a853a40450922a32 . "Organization"@en . _:Ne745a9feadcd42abb65e575c1f3f97da _:Nfeb4e3cc8c51432ba46c5498361a602b . . . "Parcel"@en . _:Nc0294006d1e94a99bedcc4502c082d9e . "Text"@en . . . _:Nd7bdf264b300459484e14ca5fc1943ce . _:Nc0294006d1e94a99bedcc4502c082d9e . . . "title"@en . . . . _:Nf0ec64a274914601b8b66dfe5498c7ca . "Also called mobile telephone"@en . . . "text/html" . "Work"@en . . "To specify a public key or authentication certificate associated with the object"@en . _:Nccd0be8c263341d7a8e2047628f5ef4a . . "maxCardinality" . . . . . . . . . . _:Ne42f555293ae410f9ee23592358175d3 _:Na0852f13c98b426b9b7cf54f557608d5 . "The parent class for all objects"@en . _:Nf27835957deb4c128ffcad1bc37741c1 . "To specify a digital sound content information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en . "Name"@en . . . . "This object property has been mapped"@en . _:N085e7e0853d345a48ac1263c59e87918 _:Nca6746ac5ac748539ed2d841f81a775f . . . "Me"@en . _:N6680dcdc73c44e80a853a40450922a32 "1"^^ . . . "Intl"@en . "This class is deprecated. Use the hasTelephone object property."@en . . _:Nce9a5fbcfdad4eea9861f061b3881ffa . . "This object property has been deprecated"@en . """An object representing an organization. An organization is a single entity, and might represent a business or government, a department or division within a business or government, a club, an association, or the like. """@en . "true"^^ . . _:Nbebaa962153c4bd5a835b7cb7722ca74 . . "To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object the vCard represents. Use the hasEmail object property."@en . "ISDN"@en . . "To specify the string to be used for national-language-specific sorting. Used as a property parameter only."@en . . . . . . _:N218cb87028b74cd391a182ac1cff0757 . . "true"^^ . . . . _:Nf0ec64a274914601b8b66dfe5498c7ca . . . "has region"@en . . "The country name associated with the address of the object"@en . . . . . . "Used to support property parameters for the country name data property"@en . . _:Nd837dfe1c7c240568789fbb4eb159a4c _:N1c8866aedb2840669977b20e2f7ab98a . _:Nf0ec64a274914601b8b66dfe5498c7ca . _:Ncb795fc7f2bb4b2c89abd3a8558b69f6 . . . "true"^^ . . . _:N406fd58e5fba427aa44cac04122f1fd9 . . . . "This class is deprecated"@en . "time zone"@en . "To indicate time zone information that is specific to the object. May also be used as a property parameter."@en . "This object property has been mapped"@en . . _:Nd006db32656e46648f19d2635526bc4a . "To specify the components of the name of the object"@en . . . "To specify the position or job of the object"@en . . "true"^^ . . "Ontology for vCard based on RFC6350"@en . . . . "The family name associated with the object"@en . . _:N62c47a3a6b17428abf80aaf36411e9fc _:N58ca5768e0ff429bb2f39bbcc81667fb . _:Nf92f800acaf94d4eab98a8255c7befcc . "true"^^ . . _:N0fe23db8a001494a94a2ac5e00dda717 _:Ncc993e6c9e7641139016f3c472303a17 . . . "Colleague"@en . . . . _:N1920562230194ad381e1e491a4614b05 _:N6095298c92194f58bcc57ba85ecaec37 . _:Nc160cf80b4524c79af4d31c439960b0c _:Nce9a5fbcfdad4eea9861f061b3881ffa . . _:N406fd58e5fba427aa44cac04122f1fd9 "0"^^ . . . "true"^^ . . . . "class"@en . . . . "address"@en . _:Ndfaac100d2aa4176b42f074cd1659e12 . . . "Muse"@en . _:N880378e6bbde4ab68898ba4e1de3cdd8 _:Ne033fc4864804360996ca42268ded47f . _:N4356689e1f3e404c86c86b472551eaad _:N258c2d3d414b4b58af44ad247ea3cbce . _:N79fa336312184b1d9028ea1518906b2f _:N4356689e1f3e404c86c86b472551eaad . "first" . "sello de tiempo"@es . "Unknown"@en . "intersectionOf" . . . _:Na5141c59f30c4aa0ac1493e6bfea4378 . _:Nbebaa962153c4bd5a835b7cb7722ca74 . . "logo"@en . "has logo"@en . "An object representing a single person or entity"@en . "Child"@en . "Agent"@en . _:N258c2d3d414b4b58af44ad247ea3cbce . "nickname"@en . . . _:N90cf591a83434b24b2d3b432ba058559 _:Ne745a9feadcd42abb65e575c1f3f97da . . . "name"@en . . . . . . . "To specify the components of the name of the object"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the additional name data property"@en . "Label"@en . _:Ncc993e6c9e7641139016f3c472303a17 "1"^^ . "true"^^ . _:N1c8866aedb2840669977b20e2f7ab98a _:N7e956f3ea9c244b7930e2f2df03674ee . . . "Car"@en . _:Ncc993e6c9e7641139016f3c472303a17 . "Ontology for vCard"@en . "Used to indicate the resource value of an object property that requires property parameters"@en . "someValuesFrom" . . _:N8d98ef3501404edf803cd7d8e6ec7188 . . . "key"@en . "This class is deprecated"@en . _:Ne979822a90e44f3b9e03f674d2350a86 . . . "This class is deprecated"@en . _:N654baa9644804e809d438d84a14dedaa . . "onClass" . "has postal code"@en . . . . "Used to support property parameters for the street address data property"@en . "has title"@en . _:N154b308b882d4bb0bfd5f6c03a2882be . _:N3dda9bf21de94c158df00baef24e3652 . "organization name"@en . . . "has family name"@en . "true"^^ . . "To specify a value that represents a globally unique identifier corresponding to the object"@en . . "To specify the components of the delivery address for the object"@en . . "Contact"@en . . _:Nb109f3426dd94d28ac1b46a62e98017b . . . "true"^^ . . "BBS"@en . _:N4c59429f13684a06a7cd9561cf74475d _:Nc160cf80b4524c79af4d31c439960b0c . _:N0c8075ad5c96494c9548906049895a5b _:N081f40d4db95490ba96a5d385ed9c379 . . "To specify the busy time associated with the object. (Was called FBURL in RFC6350)"@en . . . . _:N0a3e3e8f55c74baa943cc23d1035062f _:N970daccd90c84e9a95f7dad8f9562744 . _:Nf92f800acaf94d4eab98a8255c7befcc . . . . "sound"@en . . . _:Nffdac8f82f2b4c66b0141c5d3631b34f _:N7679757e325042579912bd393081f03d . "seeAlso" . "language"@en . "unionOf" . _:N848f593e85a34e77bc0d2ae991a114dc _:N8f5a813f56a149cb983028ba8bee383b . _:Nebecacce6f434748a4bc8cd2c8a290ca _:N90cf591a83434b24b2d3b432ba058559 . . "This object property has been mapped. Use the organization-name data property."@en . . . . . . "Gender"@en . . _:Nae98929b3e1a4a3e902a8f4d3e810107 _:N0bbe145cdd9343bab2d8f238cacb3fb1 . . _:N406fd58e5fba427aa44cac04122f1fd9 . . "This object property has been mapped"@en . . . . . "Emergency"@en . . _:N6ac95f6af21640fe8d9942b0d5e324fa _:Nf27aa0b87a8645adbab3493d95a6c536 . "revision"@en . _:Nc0294006d1e94a99bedcc4502c082d9e "1"^^ . . "The category information about the object, also known as tags"@en . . "has photo"@en . _:Ne979822a90e44f3b9e03f674d2350a86 . . "has source"@en . "product id"@en . . . . "additional name"@en . _:Nf27835957deb4c128ffcad1bc37741c1 . . "The honorific suffix of the name associated with the object"@en . . "country name"@en . "To specify an image or photograph information that annotates some aspect of the object"@en . "This data property has been deprecated"@en . . "Voice"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the locality data property"@en . _:Nce9a5fbcfdad4eea9861f061b3881ffa . . "isDefinedBy" . _:N61c8af74187c479694af254926ce8386 _:N1959009239af4ac48d6b68a172947978 . . "Location"@en . . _:Ne033fc4864804360996ca42268ded47f . "honorific suffix"@en . . _:N07947bbb1be145188451d41b5aabd8cc _:N848f593e85a34e77bc0d2ae991a114dc . "Used to support property parameters for the postal code data property"@en . _:N081f40d4db95490ba96a5d385ed9c379 _:N085e7e0853d345a48ac1263c59e87918 . "has given name"@en . "To specify the birth date of the object"@en . . . "deprecated" . . . . "Kind"@en . . . . "Used to support property parameters for the family name data property"@en . . . . . . "Tel"@en . "Msg"@en . . _:Nf27835957deb4c128ffcad1bc37741c1 _:N0a3e3e8f55c74baa943cc23d1035062f . . _:N1920562230194ad381e1e491a4614b05 . . . "To specify a graphic image of a logo associated with the object "@en . _:N6095298c92194f58bcc57ba85ecaec37 _:N35e686da25cf4a80b2e05955c2f21d49 . "HTML description of Ontology for vCard" . _:Nebecacce6f434748a4bc8cd2c8a290ca . . . "text/turtle" . . "Female"@en . . "Pref"@en . . _:N33c277f159d14d209d25ecfc12b10d14 . . "This data property has been deprecated"@en . "given name"@en . . . . . "Used to support property parameters for the organization unit name data property"@en . "Kin"@en . "The formatted text corresponding to the name of the object"@en . . "Notation3 description of Ontology for vCard" . _:N218cb87028b74cd391a182ac1cff0757 . _:N64a8695cae744c859e59f2501e17b49b _:N406fd58e5fba427aa44cac04122f1fd9 . . _:Nd837dfe1c7c240568789fbb4eb159a4c _:N1920562230194ad381e1e491a4614b05 . "true"^^ . . "type" . . . . _:N6ac95f6af21640fe8d9942b0d5e324fa . _:N66714819b05746cd8f1aab5a192a4772 _:Na0de8439bc544b179295dde174624ab4 . "mailer"@en . "Dom"@en . . . _:N90cf591a83434b24b2d3b432ba058559 . . . . _:Nbebaa962153c4bd5a835b7cb7722ca74 "1"^^ . "has language"@en . "role"@en . "onProperty" . . _:Na5141c59f30c4aa0ac1493e6bfea4378 . . "Acquaintance"@en . _:N61c8af74187c479694af254926ce8386 . . "Used to support property parameters for the role data property"@en . "VCard"@en . "anniversary"@en . . "To include a member in the group this object represents. (This property can only be used by Group individuals)"@en . . "To specify the electronic mail address for communication with the object"@en . _:Na0852f13c98b426b9b7cf54f557608d5 . . . . _:N6a7c39139b8f4ae69e0f47dd37a2cbb8 . . _:Nb109f3426dd94d28ac1b46a62e98017b _:Nffdac8f82f2b4c66b0141c5d3631b34f . . . . . "The region (e.g. state or province) associated with the address of the object"@en . "Coresident"@en . "This object property has been mapped"@en . _:N62c47a3a6b17428abf80aaf36411e9fc . . _:N03ebf927b4164f5cbade84ffe76b9acd _:Nbebaa962153c4bd5a835b7cb7722ca74 . . _:Nccd0be8c263341d7a8e2047628f5ef4a "1"^^ . . . . . "has calendar busy"@en . . _:N35463fef2d7f4895b52cd1845febe394 . . "The date of marriage, or equivalent, of the object"@en . "category"@en . _:Nae98929b3e1a4a3e902a8f4d3e810107 . "Description of Ontology for vCard" . . . _:Ne745a9feadcd42abb65e575c1f3f97da _:N64a8695cae744c859e59f2501e17b49b . "The honorific prefix of the name associated with the object"@en . . . "Object representing a group of persons or entities. A group object will usually contain hasMember properties to specify the members of the group."@en . "Email"@en . . "label" . _:N35e686da25cf4a80b2e05955c2f21d49 _:Na5141c59f30c4aa0ac1493e6bfea4378 . _:Nca6746ac5ac748539ed2d841f81a775f . "To specify the instant messaging and presence protocol communications with the object. (Was called IMPP in RFC6350)"@en . "To specify the calendar associated with the object. (Was called CALURI in RFC6350)"@en . "has role"@en . . "Used for telephone type codes. The URI of the telephone type code must be used as the value for the Telephone Type."@en . . . "Cell"@en . "organizational unit name"@en . . . "true"^^ . "true"^^ . . _:N4c59429f13684a06a7cd9561cf74475d _:N3dda9bf21de94c158df00baef24e3652 . _:Na0de8439bc544b179295dde174624ab4 _:Ne979822a90e44f3b9e03f674d2350a86 . . . "true"^^ . . . "street address"@en . "Fax"@en . "This data property has been deprecated"@en . _:Nd7bdf264b300459484e14ca5fc1943ce _:N41dbca9f7f69464aade1ff1cd435bbf6 . . "has geo"@en . . "Text phone"@en . "has address"@en . . . _:Nf0311af349b840b889864444aa2a7918 . . "true"^^ . "Restriction" . "The additional name associated with the object"@en . _:N3dda9bf21de94c158df00baef24e3652 . . . . . _:N86336969e71745d38d9e13c892ca9778 . "Also called sms telephone"@en . . "Source"@en . _:N03ebf927b4164f5cbade84ffe76b9acd . "region"@en . . "Parent"@en . "This class is deprecated"@en . "To specify a uniform resource locator associated with the object"@en . . "subPropertyOf" . "Used to support property parameters for the category data property"@en . "family name"@en . "email"@en . "has organization name"@en . "true"^^ . _:Na0852f13c98b426b9b7cf54f557608d5 "1"^^ . _:N7e956f3ea9c244b7930e2f2df03674ee _:Nebecacce6f434748a4bc8cd2c8a290ca . . "Used to support property parameters for the region data property"@en . . "organization"@en . "Used to support property parameters for the title data property"@en . _:Nc160cf80b4524c79af4d31c439960b0c . _:Nfeb4e3cc8c51432ba46c5498361a602b . _:N41dbca9f7f69464aade1ff1cd435bbf6 _:Nf92f800acaf94d4eab98a8255c7befcc . . "NTriples description of Ontology for vCard" . "To identify the source of directory information of the object"@en . . "Postal"@en . . . _:Nf0311af349b840b889864444aa2a7918 _:N62c47a3a6b17428abf80aaf36411e9fc . "has email"@en . . . . "onDataRange" .