. . . . . "Nueva propiedad agregada en DCAT 3."@es . . . "Katalogizovaný zdroj"@cs . . . _:N63e5c6b87d4f40c0802d54a07f777a98 . . "Property" . "New property added in DCAT 3."@en . . "Katalog"@da . "text/plain" . "Nová vlastnost přidaná ve verzi DCAT 3."@cs . . . "range" . . "Catalogo"@it . "Katalog"@cs . "Source"@en . . "comment" . "فهرس قوائم البيانات"@ar . . . . "Κατάλογος"@el . . "resource"@en . "Vd. anche: Le sottoproprietà di dcat:resource, in particolare: dcat:dataset, dcat:catalog, dcat:service."@it . "This is the most general predicate for membership of a catalog. Use of a more specific sub-property is recommended when available."@en . "isDefinedBy" . "Catalogued resource"@en . "Catalog"@en . "type" . . "Una risorsa elencata nel catalogo."@it . "text/turtle" . "HTML description of resource" . "Description of resource" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "Status: English Definition text modified by DCAT 3 revision team, translations pending."@en . "Una risorsa elencata nel catalogo."@it . . "application/rdf+xml" . "NTriples description of resource" . "editorial note"@en . "text/html" . "A resource that is listed in the catalog."@en . _:N63e5c6b87d4f40c0802d54a07f777a98 . "カタログ"@ja . "scope note"@en . "subPropertyOf" . "A resource that is listed in the catalog."@en . "text/n3" . "Catalogue"@fr . . . . "Katalogiseret ressource"@da . . "label" . "change note"@en . "See also: Sub-properties of dcat:resource in particular dcat:dataset, dcat:catalog, dcat:service."@en . "Risorsa catalogata"@it . "Recurso catalogado"@es . . . . . "Notation3 description of resource" . "domain" . "definition"@en . "risorsa"@it . "Turtle description of resource" . . "Nuova proprietà aggiunta in DCAT 3."@it . . . "ObjectProperty" . . "Catálogo"@es . . "RDF/XML description of resource" . . "Questo è il predicate più generale per indicare l'appartenenza di una risorsa a un catalogo. Si raccomanda l'uso di una proprietà più specifica, quando disponibile."@it . . "Has Part"@en .