. "Property" . "ha sotto-Organization"@it . . . . . . "label" . . "Source"@en . "Organizzazione"@it . . . . _:Nd7c887a3a7d249b09d1316c936fc7276 . "Notation3 description of has SubOrganization" . "tiene suborganización"@es . "NTriples description of has SubOrganization" . "es suborganización de"@es . "inverseOf" . . "組織または組織単位の階層的包含を表わします。この組織のサブパートまたは子である組織を示します。"@ja . "subOrganization of"@en . "Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or Organizational Units; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization. Inverse of `org:subOrganizationOf`."@en . "sotto-Organization di"@it . . . "isDefinedBy" . "Organización jerárquica de organizaciones o unidades. Indica que una organización es parte de otra organización más amplia o pertenece a ella. Es la relación inversa de `org:subOrganizationOf`."@es . . . "Turtle description of has SubOrganization" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "domain" . "text/html" . _:Nd7c887a3a7d249b09d1316c936fc7276 . "range" . "a une Sous-Organization"@fr . "Organization"@en . . "text/n3" . "RDF/XML description of has SubOrganization" . . "Description of has SubOrganization" . . . "Organisation"@fr . . . "text/plain" . "text/turtle" . . "sous-Organization de"@fr . "organización"@es . "Indique le statut de dépendance hiérarchique pour des Organisations ou des Unités Opérationnelles; indique une Organisation qui est une sous-partie ou une branche d'une Organisation plus large. C'est la propriété inverse de `org:subOrganizationOf`."@fr . "type" . "ObjectProperty" . "HTML description of has SubOrganization" . "has SubOrganization"@en . "Rappresenta un contenimento gerarchico di una Organization o di una OrganizationalUnit. Indica una organizzazione che è parte di una organizzazione più grande. È l'inverso di `org:subOrganizationOf`."@it . . "application/rdf+xml" . . . . . "comment" .