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Fixed-term Apprenticeship (48 months) Level 3 Installation Electrician/Maintenance Electrician Apprenticeship Reporting to Facilities Maintenance Manager Vacancy reference 168346 Additional information Closing date No relocation expenses apply to this post. Please contact the recruitment team if you require the job description in an alternative format. 12:00 midday BST Friday 27 October 2023 Apprenticeships at the University of Oxford Becoming an apprentice at the University of Oxford is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience and training. You will work alongside experienced colleagues, whilst learning on the job and appropriate objectives will be set during the course of the Apprenticeship. At the same time, you will study for formal qualifications in your field. For more information, please see some of our current apprentice’s case studies: https://www.apprenticeships.ox.ac.uk/meet-our-apprentices For advice on how to make you application for this apprenticeship the best it can be, please go to: https://www.apprenticeships.ox.ac.uk/how-apply The role You will work as an Apprentice Maintenance Technician (Electrical). You will be required to complete a four year training programme that will cover all aspects of the role and will be delivered through in-house training, as well as day-release or other distance learning methods delivered by National Electrotechnical Training (NET). You will complete a Level 3 Installation Electrician/Maintenance Electrician Apprenticeship which is within the Construction and Built Environment sector and you will gain a Level 3 Electrotechnical Qualification, (Installation/Maintenance). Apprentices without level 2 English and mathematics will need to achieve this level as part of and prior to completion of their apprenticeship. College attendance and successful completion of these studies is an essential requirement of this Apprenticeship. Overview The Facilities Apprentice Maintenance Technician (Electrical) is a position within the Ashmolean Facilities Team, who are responsible for the Facilities Management (Hard and Soft-FM) of the museum’s estate comprising of seven buildings within Oxford. The Hard-FM team will ensure that all buildings are running efficiently, are pro-actively maintained and remain fit for purpose. Due to the nature of the role and the museum environment, good communication skills are critical to establish good working relationships within the team, across the museum, with the University Estates Services and external specialist contractors. Reporting to the Facilities Maintenance Manager, alongside the apprenticeship you will assist in conducting Hard-FM tasks such as compliance checks, responding to building emergencies, contractor liaison, and the carrying out of pre-planned and reactive maintenance. The work you carry out will be a combination of what the Facilities Maintenance Manager assigns to you, and requests that come in through the Facilities Helpdesk system. As such self-motivation and good IT skills are essential. You will receive support through participating in 1:1’s with the Facilities Maintenance Manager, attending weekly team meetings/tool box talks and your annual personal development reviews (PDR). You will be working alongside the Soft-FM team, and, on occasions, you may need to work flexibly by assisting on their duties. Ashmolean Facilities Team structure Head of Buildings and Facilities Maintenance Manager Facilities Apprentice (Electrical) Maintenance Technician Facilities Supervisor Maintenance Technician Facilities Assistant Page 2 of 8 Responsibilities Under the direct management of the Facilities Maintenance Manager, you will assist with: Hard-FM/ Maintenance • Assist the Lead Maintenance technician will all electrical works within the remit of the team. • Work externally with our partnered electrical contractor in order to meet some apprentice requirements out side of the Facilities Team remit. • Assist with compliance checks. including; fire doors, passenger lift checks and emergency lighting. Maintaining a high standard of health and safety service to the building. • Assist with pre-planned maintenance tasks • Assist with reactive maintenance tasks, including mechanical, electrical, equipment and utilities. • Manoeuvring and operating the museums mobile elevated working platform (MEWP) (training will be arranged externally). Computers/ technical software • Using outlook email, diary management, creating documents, retrieving technical drawings and general administration. • When required, operate the Lighting Controls via a system tablet. Health and Safety • Follow all internal risk assessments and method statements (RAMS) when carrying out works in the buildings, and attend relevant safety courses when required. Work Ethic • Liaising with and building effective working relationships with the Facilities Team, internal museum staff, University Estates Services, contractors and any stakeholders with regards to the museum buildings. • Pro-actively seek additional training opportunities and attend training course for personal and professional development purposes. Ad-Hoc Duties • Support the Soft-FM Team when required. • Assist with basic repairs to showcases, audio visual equipment and gallery lighting requests. • Any other duties commensurate with the grade of this post as requested by Head of Buildings and Facilities. This is a basic overview, there will be more as your training progresses. The Ashmolean Museum reserves the right to make reasonable amendments to the job description in consultation with the post-holder at any time. Page 3 of 8 Selection criteria Essential selection criteria • Educated to GCSE standard (English and Maths grade 4 or above) or equivalent • Ability to communicate clearly and accurately when drafting information for documents, handbooks or websites • Ability to communicate messages clearly and accurately on the telephone and in person • Able to demonstrate an aptitude for the skills taught in the Apprenticeship (for example through work experience, qualifications or references) • Experience of Microsoft Office applications, including Word and Excel Pre-employment screening Standard checks If you are offered the post, the offer will be subject to standard pre-employment checks. You will be asked to provide: proof of your right-to-work in the UK; proof of your identity; and (if we haven’t done so already) we will contact the referees you have nominated. You will also be asked to complete a health declaration so that you can tell us about any health conditions or disabilities for which you may need us to make appropriate adjustments. Please read the candidate notes on the University’s pre-employment screening procedures at: https://www.jobs.ox.ac.uk/pre-employment-checks Hazard-specific / Safety-critical duties This job includes the following hazard-specific or safety-critical duties which will require successful pre-employment health screening through our Occupational Health Department before the successful candidate will be allowed to start work: • Working at heights - ladders, tower scaffolding and the museums mobile evaluated working platform. • Regular manual handling • Work with allergens – e.g. dust • Work with any substance which has any of the following pictograms on their MSDS: Additional security pre-employment checks This job includes duties that will require additional security pre-employment checks: • A satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check due to works in high security areas of the museum. Page 4 of 8 About the University of Oxford Welcome to the University of Oxford. We aim to lead the world in research and education for the benefit of society both in the UK and globally. Oxford’s researchers engage with academic, commercial and cultural partners across the world to stimulate high-quality research and enable innovation through a broad range of social, policy and economic impacts. The Ashmolean Museum We believe our strengths lie both in empowering individuals and teams to address fundamental questions of global significance, while providing all our staff with a welcoming and inclusive workplace that enables everyone to develop and do their best work. Recognising that diversity is our strength, vital for innovation and creativity, we aspire to build a truly diverse community which values and respects every individual’s unique contribution. While we have long traditions of scholarship, we are also forward-looking, creative and cuttingedge. Oxford is one of Europe's most entrepreneurial universities and we rank first in the UK for university spin-outs, and in recent years we have spun out 15-20 new companies every year. We are also recognised as leaders in support for social enterprise. Join us and you will find a unique, democratic and international community, a great range of staff benefits and access to a vibrant array of cultural activities in the beautiful city of Oxford. For more information, please visit www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisation Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) The Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) group includes the providers of the major academic services to the divisions, and also departments with responsibilities including, but extending beyond, the immediate teaching and research needs of the University. The collections embodied within these departments are an essential part of the University’s wider nature and mission. They are part of its heritage as the country’s oldest University and now form a resource of national and international importance for teaching, research and cultural life; they also make a major contribution to the University’s outreach and access missions. For more information please visit: https://www.glam.ox.ac.uk/home Page 5 of 8 The Ashmolean Museum Who we are: Open since 1683, we are the University of Oxford’s Museum of art and archaeology. Situated in the heart of the city, we are an iconic cultural destination open to everyone every day. With c.900,000 visitors a year (pre-Covid), we are the most visited university museum in the world. What we do: We preserve and share our collections and knowledge to promote research, learning and enjoyment. Why we do what we do: To illuminate our shared humanity. We have three strategic pillars: Collections: We care for, develop, and widen access to our collections. Research and Teaching: We enable, lead and deliver world-class research and teaching. Audiences: We provide engaging and inspiring experiences for increasingly diverse audiences. In the next five years, we have five enabling priorities: 1. To support, develop and inspire our teams; 2. To promote equity and value diversity in all that we do; 3. To ensure we have the resources to deliver our work; 4. To work towards our commitment to achieve net zero carbon by 2035. Our environmental responsibility will inform our actions; 5. To ensure we have a building and infrastructure fit for purpose and our future. For more information visit https://www.ashmolean.org/ How to apply If you would like to apply, click on the Apply Now button on the ‘Job Details’ page and follow the on-screen instructions to register as a new user or log-in if you have applied previously. You will be asked a series of questions as part of your application. Your responses should explain how you meet the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience. This may include experience gained in employment, education, or hobbies. Your application will be judged solely based on how you demonstrate that you meet the selection criteria stated in the job description. All applications must be received by midday on the closing date stated in the online advertisement. Please visit our ‘How to apply’ page for apprenticeship vacancies for more advice and information. Should you experience any difficulties using the online application system, please email recruitment.support@admin.ox.ac.uk. Further help and support is available from https://hrsystems.admin.ox.ac.uk/recruitment-support. To return to the online application at any stage, please go to: www.recruit.ox.ac.uk. Page 6 of 8 Please note that you will receive an automated email from our e-recruitment system to confirm receipt of your application. Please check your spam/junk mail if you do not receive this email. Important information for candidates Data Privacy Please note that any personal data submitted to the University as part of the job application process will be processed in accordance with the GDPR and related UK data protection legislation. For further information, please see the University’s Privacy Notice for Job Applicants at: https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/job-applicant-privacy-policy. The University’s Policy on Data Protection is available at: https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/dataprotection-policy Equality of opportunity Entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary consideration. No applicant or member of staff shall be discriminated against because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation. Photographs: Copyright Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford Page 7 of 8 Benefits of working at the University Employee benefits University employees enjoy 38 days’ paid holiday, generous pension schemes, travel discounts, and a variety of professional development opportunities. Our range of other employee benefits and discounts also includes free entry to the Botanic Gardens and University colleges, and discounts at University museums. See https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/staffbenefits University Club and sports facilities Membership of the University Club is free for all University staff. The University Club offers social, sporting, and hospitality facilities. Staff can also use the University Sports Centre on Iffley Road at discounted rates, including a fitness centre, powerlifting room, and swimming pool. See www.club.ox.ac.uk and https://www.sport.ox.ac.uk/ Information for staff new to Oxford If you are relocating to Oxfordshire from overseas or elsewhere in the UK, the University's Welcome Service website includes practical information about settling in the area, including advice on relocation, accommodation, and local schools. See https://welcome.ox.ac.uk/ There is also a visa loan scheme to cover the costs of UK visa applications for staff and their dependents. See https://staffimmigration.admin.ox.ac.uk/visa-loan-scheme Family-friendly benefits With one of the most generous family leave schemes in the Higher Education sector, and a range of flexible working options, Oxford aims to be a family-friendly employer. We also subscribe to the Work+Family Space, a service that provides practical advice and support for employees who have caring responsibilities. The service offers a free telephone advice line, and the ability to book emergency back-up care for children, adult dependents and elderly relatives. See https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/my-family-care Childcare The University has excellent childcare services, including five University nurseries as well as University-supported places at many other private nurseries. For full details, including how to apply and the costs, see https://childcare.admin.ox.ac.uk/ Disabled staff We are committed to supporting members of staff with disabilities or long-term health conditions. For further details, including information about how to make contact, in confidence, with the University’s Staff Disability Advisor, see https://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/disability-support Staff networks The University has a number of staff networks including the Oxford Research Staff Society, BME staff network, LGBT+ staff network and a disabled staff network. You can find more information at https://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/networks The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club is an organisation run by volunteers that aims to assist the partners of new staff settle into Oxford, and provides them with an opportunity to meet people and make connections in the local area. See www.newcomers.ox.ac.uk Page 8 of 8 """^^<http://purl.org/xtypes/Fragment-PlainText> . <http://purl.org/dc/terms/source> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property> . _:N2930c05931f3475a9fc29e6458c258af <http://purl.org/dc/terms/source> <https://data.ox.ac.uk/graph/vacancies/archive> . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Description of 168346 Job Description and Selection Criteria.pdf" . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasFormat> </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf&format=html> . <http://rdfs.org/ns/void#inDataset> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#ObjectProperty> . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf&format=html> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "HTML description of 168346 Job Description and Selection Criteria.pdf" . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasFormat> </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf&format=n3> . <https://source.data.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/168346/0019103442.pdf> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf&format=rdf> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format> "application/rdf+xml" . <https://data.ox.ac.uk/graph/vacancies/archive> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/ns/sparql-service-description#Graph> . <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#Property> . <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class> . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf&format=n3> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Notation3 description of 168346 Job Description and Selection Criteria.pdf" . </doc/?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsource.data.ox.ac.uk%2Fvacancies%2F168346%2F0019103442.pdf> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/primaryTopic> <https://source.data.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/168346/0019103442.pdf> . <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class> . <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Document" .