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<https://source.data.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/168940/0019168899.pdf> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/title> "Job Description" .
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<https://source.data.ox.ac.uk/vacancies/168940/0019168899.pdf> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#value> """Head of Teaching
and Learning
Egrove Park, Kennington & Park End Street, Oxford
Grade 9: £52,815 - £61,198 per annum, permanent, full time
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

The role


The Head of Teaching and Learning will
provide leadership for Teaching and Learning
Enhancement at Oxford Said in support of its
commitment to teaching excellence. This is a
senior role for an educational development
professional to contribute to a teaching
strategy working closely with individual
members of Faculty, degree programme
teams, and senior leadership.

The Head of TLE will have an operational
reporting line to the Director of Student
Services and will work closely with faculty
leadership, the Director of Faculty Services,
and with teachers at all levels within the
School. The postholder will be affiliated to the
central University’s Centre for Teaching and
Learning with whom there will collaborative
working expected to be in the region of two
days per month.

The School’s faculty develop and deliver
teaching for undergraduate and masters and
programmes, including the School’s flagship
E/MBA programmes. The Head of Teaching
and Learning Enhancement will support their
in-person and virtual teaching with a vibrant
programme of teaching development and
celebration of best practice (including
onboarding, personalized development plans,
coaching and mentorship, and delivery of
training and online resources) and promote
and facilitate teaching innovation. This role
will play a pivotal part in shaping an excellent
learning experience, enacting the strategic
priorities for Teaching and Learning at the
School, and bringing best practice from the
wider University and business school sector.
You will be experienced in educational
development and enhancement within a
higher-education setting and will use your
expertise to contribute to dynamic
approaches to teaching practice. The ability to
take a researchinformed approach to
educational development and to gain within
the role the professional respect and trust of
faculty will be essential.
Queries about the post should be addressed
to Janette Nhangaba, Director of Student
Services at Said Business School. All enquiries
will be treated in strict confidence; they will
not form part of the selection decision.

The main duties of the post are as follows:
Policy and priorities
• Partner in the development of strategic
planning and lead the operational
implementation of strategic priorities for
Teaching and Learning Enhancement at the
School and in consultation with senior
stakeholders. Ensure plans are grounded in
current research in higher education and
benchmarked against sector.
• Work in close liaison with the Deputy Deans,
the Director of Faculty Services, faculty
leadership and Programme Directors to
identify priorities for the School’s
enhancement of learning and teaching.
Development and Delivery
• Be a confidential and trusted point of advice
for faculty on matters relating to their
professional development as teachers,
prioritizing those in the initial period of office.

• Act as a specialist advisor to faculty and
programme leads as required on matters of
curriculum and assessment structure for
programme design and for lesson or module
development. This includes both in-person
and hybrid delivery, development and review,
and advice on accreditation/assurance of
• Support individual teaching development
through confidential instructional coaching at
the request of faculty members or as part of a
tailored development programme.
• Lead on the development and delivery of
faculty inductions, bespoke one-year
development plans for all new faculty, peer
observation, mentor schemes and other
teaching development activities.
• Work closely with Programme Directors and
faculty leadership, analysing internal data,
and benchmarking best practice in the sector
to identify emerging training and
development opportunities and innovation;
researching options; putting in place
provisions; monitoring impact.
• Provide specialist advice to teams on
appropriate assessment methods and support
innovation in assessment.
• Effectively and supportively line manage
teams with responsibility for efficient delivery
of the VLE experience and Faculty guidance.
Collaboration and Partnership
• Engage with colleagues within the
University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning
and the wider collegiate university on the
educational development of academic staff
and the enhancement of educational
• Contribute to other projects at the School
including working closely with the Change
Programme Director and other professional
services’ and faculty colleagues at the School
to inform pedagogy, evidence impact, and
drive excellence.

• Play an active and influential part in national
and international initiatives and networks for
educational development.
• Undertake benchmarking of comparator
schools within the business school sector.
• Keep abreast of research developments in
education/learning science.

Selection criteria
Essential selection criteria

1. Educated to degree level or equivalent.
2. Knowledge and significant experience in
learning science, educational development
and enhancement within a higher education
3. Ability to give instructional coaching on
teaching delivery for faculty at all levels of
experience and for both in-person and virtual
classrooms. If required, the School will
support the successful candidate in obtaining
professional coaching accreditation.
4. Ability to work effectively and
collaboratively with colleagues in different
roles (faculty, professional services, learning
technologists) to contribute an open and
innovative approach to policy formation and
training delivery within and beyond the
5. Ability to take a research-informed
approach to designing, delivering and
evaluating educational development.
6. Evidence of an understanding of inclusivity
and equal opportunities in teaching and
learning in higher education.
7. Evidence of understanding of the operating
cultures and career development needs of
academics in research-intensive universities.
8. An understanding, or the ability to develop
an understanding, of the specific teaching
context of the University of Oxford and of the
business school sector.
9. Tact, discretion and the ability to gain the
trust and confidence of faculty members on
sensitive and personal matters.
10. Experience of line management and the
development of high functioning teams.

11. Excellent written communication skills,
including the ability to write complex papers,
analyse data, and make cases for new
12. Ability to lead and inspire faculty, and
professional and support staff to contribute
productively to realise objectives.
Desirable selection criteria

1. A professional coaching qualification.
2. A research doctorate, EdD, or equivalent.
3. Experience of teaching and learning within
the business school sector.
4. Professional recognition as a Fellow, Senior
Fellow or Principal Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy.

Pre-employment screening
Standard checks

If you are offered the post, the offer will be
subject to standard pre-employment checks.
You will be asked to provide: proof of your rightto-work in the UK; proof of your identity; and (if
we haven’t done so already) we will contact the
referees you have nominated. You will also be
asked to complete a health declaration so that
you can tell us about any health conditions or
disabilities for which you may need us to make
appropriate adjustments.
Please read the candidate notes on the
University’s pre-employment screening
procedures at:

About the University of Oxford
Welcome to the University of Oxford. We aim to
lead the world in research and education for the
benefit of society both in the UK and globally.
Oxford’s researchers engage with academic,
commercial and cultural partners across the world
to stimulate high-quality research and enable
innovation through a broad range of social, policy
and economic impacts.
We believe our strengths lie both in empowering
individuals and teams to address fundamental
questions of global significance, while providing all
our staff with a welcoming and inclusive
workplace that enables everyone to develop and
do their best work. Recognising that diversity is
our strength, vital for innovation and creativity,
we aspire to build a truly diverse community
which values and respects every individual’s
unique contribution.
While we have long traditions of scholarship, we are
also forward-looking, creative and cutting-edge.
Oxford is one of Europe’s most entrepreneurial
universities and we rank first in the UK for university
spin-outs, and in recent years we have spun out 1520 new companies every year. We are also
recognised as leaders in support for social
Join us and you will find a unique, democratic and
international community, a great range of staff
benefits and access to a vibrant array of cultural
activities in the beautiful city of Oxford. For more
information, please visit www.ox.ac.uk/about/
Saïd Business School

Saïd Business School blends the best of new and old.
We are a vibrant and innovative business school, but
yet deeply embedded in an 800 year old world-class
university. We create programmes and ideas that
have global impact. We educate people for successful
business careers, and as a community seek to tackle
world-scale problems. We deliver cutting-edge
programmes, including the highly regarded MBA,
Executive MBA, a number of specialist MScs, a
portfolio of custom and open programmes, and
accredited diplomas for executives, and we

undertake ground-breaking research that transform
individuals, organisations, business practice, and
society. We are an international and outward looking
School with our programme participants coming from
more than 50 countries.
We seek to be a world-class business school
community, embedded in a world-class
University, tackling world-scale problems.
Further information about Saïd Business
School is available at www.sbs.oxford.edu
The School holds a bronze Athena Swan
award to recognise advancement of gender
equality: representation, progression and
success for all.
Social Sciences

The School is a department within the Social
Sciences Division, one of four academic
Divisions in the University, each with
considerable devolved budgetary and
financial authority; and responsibility for
providing a broad strategic focus across its
constituent disciplines.
The Social Sciences Division represents the largest
grouping of social sciences in the UK: home to a
number of outstanding departments and to the
internationally ranked Law Faculty; all are
committed to research to develop a greater
understanding of all aspects of society, from the
impact of political, legal and economic systems on
social and economic welfare to human rights and
security. That research is disseminated through
innovative graduate programmes and enhances
undergraduate courses. For more information
please visit https://www.socsci.ox.ac.uk/

How to apply

If you need help

Applications are made through our erecruitment system and you will find all
the information you need about how to
apply on our Jobs website https://www.

Help and support is available from:

Your application will be judged solely on
the basis of how you demonstrate that
you meet the selection criteria stated in
the job description.
As part of your application you will be
asked to provide details of two referees and
indicate whether we can contact them now.
You will be asked to upload a CV and a
supporting statement. The supporting
statement must explain how you meet each
of the selection criteria for the post using
examples of your skills and experience. This
may include experience gained in
employment, education, or during career
breaks (such as time out to care for
dependants). Please upload all documents as
PDF files with your name and the document
type in the filename.
All applications must be received by midday
UK time on the closing date stated in the
online advertisement.
Information for priority candidates

A priority candidate is a University employee
who is seeking redeployment because they
have been advised that they are at risk of
redundancy, or on grounds of illhealth/disability. Priority candidates are
issued with a redeployment letter by their
employing department(s).
If you are a priority candidate, please
ensure that you attach your redeployment
letter to your application (or email it to the
contact address on the advert if the
application form used for the vacancy does
not allow attachments).

If you require any further assistance
please email
To return to the online application at any
stage, please go to: www.recruit.ox.ac.uk.
Please note that you will receive an
automated email from our e-recruitment
system to confirm receipt of your
application. Please check your spam/junk
mail if you do not receive this email.

Important information for
Data Privacy

Please note that any personal data
submitted to the University as part of the job
application process will be processed in
accordance with the GDPR and related UK
data protection legislation. For further
information, please see the University’s
Privacy Notice for Job Applicants at:
https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/ jobapplicant-privacy-policy. The University’s
Policy on Data Protection is available at:
https://compliance. admin.ox.ac.uk/dataprotection-policy.
The University’s policy on retirement

The University operates an Employer
Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) for all
academic posts and some academic-related
posts. The University has adopted an EJRA of
30 September before the 69th birthday for
all academic and academic-related staff in
posts at grade 8 and above. The justification
for this is explained at:
For existing employees, any employment
beyond the retirement age is subject to
approval through the procedures:
There is no normal or fixed age at which
staff in posts at grades 1–7 have to retire.
Staff at these grades may elect to retire in
accordance with the rules of the applicable
pension scheme, as may be amended from
time to time.

Equality of opportunity

Entry into employment with the University
and progression within employment will be
determined only by personal merit and the
application of criteria which are related to
the duties of each particular post and the
relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability
to perform the job will be the primary
consideration. No applicant or member of
staff shall be discriminated against because
of age, disability, gender reassignment,
marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or
maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or
sexual orientation.

Oxford Saïd Exclusive Benefits

Pay increases

Wellbeing initiatives

The University salary and grading structure
allows for annual incremental progression
until a scale-bar point is reached. This
incremental progression is automatic.

The Business School runs an annual
Wellbeing Day for all staff. In addition to this,
there is yoga, healthy food deliveries, health
MOTs and a range of other ad hoc
programmes Our excellent catering facilities
provide a high standard of food, including
healthy eating and vegetarian options at a
subsidised cost.
Staff Summer and Christmas parties
Oxford Saïd like to reward all of their staff for
their great work and their Christmas and
Summer parties are our way of saying thank
you. The Christmas party is for all staff and
the summer party is for staff and their
immediate family members, because we
know how important family is to all of us.
Employee Assistance provider
Validium is an employee assistance and
wellbeing consultancy that works in
partnership the Business School to
provide staff and their immediate family
with a free 24-hour per day helpline
providing confidential information and
counselling services on personal issues.

University of Oxford Benefits
Annual leave
38 days (inc. public holidays) Long service
additional annual leave – up to 5 days per
annum, pro rata for part time employees.
Previous service within higher education
sector can be recognised. An additional
scheme enables staff to request to
purchase up to 10 additional days in each
holiday year.

If you are on an academic or academic
related pay scale (grade 6 or above), you
are automatically a member of USS.
Employer contribution is 21.4% and
Employee contribution is 9.8%.
If you are on a pay scale other than
academic or academic related (grade 1-5)
you are automatically a member of OSPS.
Employee contribution can be between 4%8% and Employer contribution 6%-10%.
NUS Extra discount card
All University staff can purchase a card
for £12 for 12 months (£22 for 2 years,
£32 for 3 years) which gives access to
numerous exclusive offers and discounts
from many popular retailers.
University discounts
Wide range of discounts from external
companies using a university card.
University Club
Membership of the University Club is free for
all University staff. The University Club offers
social, sporting, and hospitality facilities. Staff
can also use the University Sports Centre on
Iffley Road at discounted rates, including a
fitness centre, powerlifting room, and
swimming pool. See www.club.ox.ac.uk and
Access to Oxford buildings
Free access to a number of Oxford
colleges, Botanic Gardens, Harcourt
Arboretum, Wytham Woods and
discount at numerous restaurants/shops.

Saïd Business School
University of Oxford
Park End Street
All information is correct at the time of going
to press.

Oxford, OX1 1HP
United Kingdom

Please check our website for the most up-todate information.

Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

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