"in dataset" . . . . . _:N2941638d33e1426980dd01ab89a36c5c . "text/plain" . . "Source"@en . . "HTML description of Job Description" . . "Past vacancies at the University of Oxford" . "text/n3" . "RDF/XML description of Job Description" . . """Job Descrip on _________________________________________________________________________ Summary Job tle Trusts & Founda ons O cer Division University Administra on and Services Department Development O ce Loca on University O ces, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, but you may be able to agree a pa ern of regular remote working with your line manager. Grade and salary Grade 7: £36,024 - £44,263 per annum, with discre onary range to £48,350 Hours Full me (37.5 hours) Contract type Permanent Repor ng to Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons Vacancy reference 168878 Addi onal informa on Applica ons are welcome and encouraged from all sectors of the community and are especially keen to encourage candidates from under-represented groups to apply. The Development O ce is commi ed to equality and values diversity. Subject to HMRC guidelines and the availability of funding, a reloca on allowance may be o ered Development O ce The role of the University’s Development O ce is to help secure philanthropic support for the University. The Development O ce works in partnership with academic and development colleagues throughout the collegiate University to build enduring rela onships with external cons tuencies – including alumni, non-alumni, corporate and founda on donors – and to increase nancial support for agreed academic priori es. In 2019, the University and the colleges completed the Oxford Thinking Campaign, which raised £3.34bn, and is the most successful fundraising campaign in higher educa on in Europe. The University is currently planning its next major campaign, and as a member of the Development O ce, the post holder will have a key role to play in helping realise its successful delivery. The University and the colleges have recently completed the Oxford Thinking Campaign, which raised £3.34bn, and which is the most successful fundraising campaign in higher educa on in Europe. The University is currently planning its next major campaign, and as a member of the Development O ce, the post holder will have a key role to play in helping realise its successful delivery. ti ti ffi ti ti ffi ti ti ffi ti ti ffi fi ti tt ti ti ff ffi ffi ffi ti ti ti ti ffi ffi ffi ti tt ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti In addi on to fundraising sta , the Development O ce has a number of teams that cover par cular support func ons. These include the Donor Rela ons team (which ensures that donors are thanked and the University’s For further informa on please visit: www.development.ox.ac.uk The Development O ce is commi ed to equality and values diversity. The Division holds a silver Athena Swan award to recognise advancement of gender equality: representa on, progression and success for all. The role This is an exci ng opportunity in the University of Oxford’s Development O ce fundraising for the University’s wide-ranging priori es. Working closely with development colleagues and academic champions, as part of the sixperson founda ons and corpora ons team, you will raise philanthropic income from, and build enduring rela onships with trusts and founda ons, to enable the University to maximise its impact. Key rela onships: Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons; other members of the University Development O ce; College Development Directors; and other academic and administra ve sta as appropriate Purpose: To meet the objec ves outlined below and other key strategic fundraising priori es as iden ed by the University and be primarily required to a ract and steward high-level trust and founda on support for funding opportuni es within the collegiate University. Working under the overall direc on of the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons, the post holder’s main role is to raise gi s, typically in the range of £50,000 to £250,000, but up to £500,000, from the trusts and founda ons sector for the University’s agreed philanthropic priori es. The postholder is expected to submit 16+ applica ons to trusts and founda ons and raise £500k+ per annum. In addi on they will prospect manage and steward a number of the University’s rela onships with Trusts and Founda ons, ensuring e ec ve stewardship involving management of and the prepara on and submission of donor reports. In fundraising for projects it will be necessary to understand not only the other major sources of philanthropic funding (individual and corporate) but also the key sources of non-philanthropic funding for the University sector. The work will include the iden ca on of major prospects and the pursuance of these with a view to raising nancial support. The post holder will recognise and embrace the value of adop ng a collabora ve and internally transparent approach to fundraising within the collegiate University structure. The post holder will work closely with colleagues in the Development O ce, Oxford Colleges, University Administra on and Divisions as well as academic colleagues to maximise gi poten al from prospects who may have mul ple connec ons and enthusiasms. The post holder will join the Trust and Founda ons team working alongside the Head of Development, two Senior Trusts and Founda ons O cers, a Senior Development Execu ve – Corpora ons, a Development O cer – Trusts and Founda ons and a Development Coordinator. The team is based in the Development O ce where there are support services provided (which include accoun ng, database, research and proposal and report document produc on). ti ti ffi ti ffi ffi ti ti ti ff ti ti ti ffi ti ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tt ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ffi ft ffi ti ti ffi ti ti ti ff ti ffi ti ft ti ti ti ffi ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti 2 ti fi rela onships with them appropriately stewarded); the Events team (which arranges high-level and bespoke events for donors and poten al donors); the Research Team (which gathers informa on on poten al and exis ng donors); the Development and Alumni Rela ons System (DARS) Support Centre (which supports the Development and Alumni Rela ons database); and the Communica ons team (which ensures that major and principal donors are made aware of the University’s strategic fundraising priori es through tailored communica ons, including bespoke proposals and project informa on). It also works closely with the Gi Registry, part of the Finance Division, which records and processes dona ons received by the University and on behalf of colleges. There are also three overseas o ces covering North America and Asia whose remit includes development; these o ces are located in New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Key requirements for this post include an ability to plan and organise concurrent projects, work with professional and academic colleagues in the cul va on of prospects and in the solicita on of grants, and a talent for maintaining donor interest in the collegiate University. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor – Development and External A airs, the Chief Development O cer, the Execu ve Director of Development and the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons are responsible for the solicita on of principal and many major gi s in support of the collegiate University. The Trusts and Founda ons O cer will also be expected to develop a por olio of prospects and be responsible for their iden ca on, cul va on, solicita on and stewardship. The post holder will be able to use the support services provided (accoun ng, database, communica ons, stewardship and research). The line manager will regularly review progress. There will be opportuni es for career development within the University Development structure. The o ce seeks to support and encourage sta to help them reach their poten al, providing access to appropriate courses and training whenever possible, as well as a comprehensive induc on process. The work of the Development O ce covers a wide range of ac vi es and priori es which will inevitably change from day to day. All sta operate as a team, and, while each has their own responsibili es, they are expected to assist each other in peak periods. The post holder will need to become conversant with the University as a whole and especially with the numerous academic sta and volunteers and to travel to meet donors. Development O ce values The following points lay down the founda ons of the working ethos, culture and values of the Development O ce. Aspira onal and celebratory in turn, they provide a central framework for individual members of sta and teams, encouraging personal and professional growth. • We value each other – We respect the professional exper se of our colleagues. An approachable, friendly and kind o ce, we work in an environment where transparency of ac on and clarity of intent create openness and trust. • We work collabora vely – Whether within our own teams, across UODO, the collegiate University, or beyond, working collabora vely is second nature to us, and enables us to navigate complicated landscapes successfully. • We go beyond – We prize working with a high degree of autonomy and trust, and deliver a wide range of projects to the very highest standards. We are commi ed to personal, professional development. • We are part of something bigger – Our work supports the strategic priori es of the University of Oxford. We take pride in the contribu on we – individually and collec vely – make to the University. Responsibili es The du es of the post are set out as they are envisaged at present, but it will be important for the person appointed to be versa le and adaptable, and able to contribute to the development of the fundraising func on of the collegiate University. • To con nue the successful work which has been done in obtaining grants for numerous University projects from trusts and founda ons. • With the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons, to iden fy prospects with whom the University will aim to develop signi cant philanthropic rela onships. ffi ti ti ti ti ti ff ffi ti ti ti ffi ti ti fi ti ff ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff tt ti ff ffi ti ti ti ti ffi tf ft ti ti fi ff ti ti ti ffi ti ffi ti ti ti ti ti 3 • To be able to understand academically complex projects and explain and promote them to poten al, nonspecialist donors. This will be undertaken in close collabora on with the relevant Head of Development and with senior fundraising personnel in the collegiate University both in Oxford and overseas (including the o ces located in New York and Hong Kong). • To become well acquainted with the needs of academic champions whose projects are priori es in the Development O ce fundraising por olio. It also requires the ability to spot poten ally frui ul linkages between speci c projects and the interests of prospec ve founda ons and trusts. • To work with the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons to establish a strategy for approaching founda ons and trusts which have not previously given to the University. • To research background informa on on trusts, including charitable interests, giving levels, annual income, trustees, personal contacts, to iden fy poten al links with key priority projects with the aim of securing a major gi . • To understand donors’ wishes and aspira ons and to iden fy poten al links with key priority projects with the aim of securing a grant. • In conjunc on with the relevant Head of Development and the Proposals Team, to make tailored applica ons to medium-sized and some larger trusts, ensuring that applica ons match the interests and giving poten al of each trust in order to secure an op mal level of support. • In conjunc on with the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons, to manage and develop good working rela onships with current/poten al trusts and ensure that support is appropriately recorded and recognised. • To establish a good working rela onship with administra ve o cers of trusts and founda ons and to use their judgement, some mes without reference, to determine what speci c proposi on should be put to a prospect, and under what terms, in order to best secure the prospect’s greatest poten al level of support. • To be responsible for formula ng and implemen ng stewardship strategies for all donors for which the post holder is the primary rela onship manager. This will also include the arrangement of visits to projects and the submission of mely progress reports. • To ensure that current and accurate trust contact details, income, applica on records, development strategy and ac vity for which the post holder is responsible is maintained on the Development O ce’s database, DARS. • To contribute to regular ac vity reports for senior management. • To op mise philanthropic support for the collegiate University and adhere to best prac ce in prospect cul va on, solicita on and stewardship. This will involve collabora on with College-based and other development sta in line with agreed principles and protocols. • To promote and support best prac ce in trusts and founda ons fundraising across the collegiate University by advising within the Development O ce and the collegiate University on funding from the trusts and founda ons sector, and by responding to incoming queries from trusts. • To carry out such other func ons as from me to me the Head of Development – Founda ons & Corpora ons or the Execu ve Director of Development might require, commensurate with the level of the post, for example, the provision of clear and up-to-date brie ng material on trusts and founda ons donors. ti ti ti ti ti tf ti ffi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ffi fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tf ti ffi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ffi fi ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ffi 4 Selec on criteria Essen al selec on criteria To be assessed by applica on/cv Experience and knowledge • Proven fundraising and/or marke ng experience and the capability of represen ng the University at the highest levels. • An interest in higher educa on and in par cular an understanding of the University of Oxford, and its goals in teaching and research. • Excellent communica on skills, both oral and wri en. • A good general level of educa on Skills and abili es • An ability to think both strategically and tac cally about the rela ons between poten al donors and fundraising goals. • The ability to plan strategically. • An ability to ask for, or arrange for others to ask for, signi cant gi s to assist the collegiate University in maintaining its world-class status. • The ability to promote interest amongst prospec ve donors in the goals of the collegiate University as a whole. • The ability to work with professional and academic colleagues in the cul va on of prospects and in the solicita on of gi s. • The ability to manage and develop rela onships with donors and prospects; good listening skills are essen al. A tudes • Keen to pursue a career in fundraising. • A passion for Higher Educa on. Desirable selec on criteria • A degree or equivalent. To be assessed by interview/exercise Experience and knowledge • An interest in higher educa on and in par cular an understanding of the University of Oxford, and its goals in teaching and research. • Excellent communica on skills, both oral and wri en. Skills and abili es • The ability to promote interest amongst prospec ve donors in the goals of the collegiate University as a whole. • Proven ability to iden fy and develop good working rela onships with professional and academic colleagues in the cul va on of prospects and in the solicita on of gi s. ti ti ti ti ti ft ti fi ft ti tt tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ft ti ti ti ti ti ti ti tti 5 • An ability to act independently and decisively when the situa on demands it. A tudes • A combina on of the personal sensi vity, crea vity and tact that is needed when working with senior academics and prospec ve major donors to the University. • The candidate must be adaptable in all senses and prepared to work out of regular hours and to travel. Pre-employment screening Standard checks If you are o ered the post, the o er will be subject to standard pre-employment checks. You will be asked to provide: proof of your right-to-work in the UK; proof of your iden ty; and (if we haven’t done so already) we will contact the referees you have nominated. You will also be asked to complete a health declara on so that you can tell us about any health condi ons or disabili es for which you may need us to make appropriate adjustments. Please read the candidate notes on the University’s pre-employment screening procedures at: h ps:// www.jobs.ox.ac.uk/pre-employment-checks Hazard-speci c / Safety-cri cal du es This job includes hazards or safety-cri cal ac vi es. If you are o ered the post, you will be asked to complete a health ques onnaire which will be assessed by our Occupa onal Health Service, and the o er of employment will be subject a successful outcome of this assessment. The hazards or safety-cri cal du es involved are as follows: • Lone Working About the University of Oxford Welcome to the University of Oxford. We aim to lead the world in research and educa on for the bene t of society both in the UK and globally. Oxford’s researchers engage with academic, commercial and cultural partners across the world to s mulate high-quality research and enable innova on through a broad range of social, policy and economic impacts. We believe our strengths lie both in empowering individuals and teams to address fundamental ques ons of global signi cance, while providing all our sta with a welcoming and inclusive workplace that enables everyone to develop and do their best work. Recognising that diversity is our strength, vital for innova on and crea vity, we aspire to build a truly diverse community which values and respects every individual’s unique contribu on. While we have long tradi ons of scholarship, we are also forward-looking, crea ve and cu ng-edge. Oxford is one of Europe's most entrepreneurial universi es and we rank rst in the UK for university spin-outs, and in recent years we have spun out 15-20 new companies every year. We are also recognised as leaders in support for social enterprise. Join us and you will nd a unique, democra c and interna onal community, a great range of sta bene ts and access to a vibrant array of cultural ac vi es in the beau ful city of Oxford. For more informa on, please visit www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisa on. We encourage applicants from all sectors of the community and are keen to encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply. The University has a number of sta networks including the Oxford Research Sta Society, BME sta network, LGBT+ sta network and a disabled sta network. For more informa on about equality-related networks for sta and students, please visit h ps://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/networks#/ ff fi ti ti fi ti tt ff ti ti ff ti tti ti ti ff ti ti ff ff ti tt ti ti fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ff ti ti ff ff ti ti ti ti ti ti fi ti ff fi ti ff ti ti fi tti 6 How to apply Applica ons are made through our online recruitment portal. Informa on about how to apply is available on our Jobs website h ps://www.jobs.ox.ac.uk/how-to-apply. Your applica on will be judged solely on the basis of how you demonstrate that you meet the selec on criteria stated in the job descrip on. As part of your applica on you will be asked to provide details of two referees and indicate whether we can contact them now. You will be asked to upload a CV and a suppor ng statement. The suppor ng statement must explain how you meet each of the selec on criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience. This may include experience gained in employment, educa on, or during career breaks (such as me out to care for dependants). Please upload all documents as PDF les with your name and the document type in the lename. All applica ons must be received by midday UK me on the closing date stated in the online adver sement. Informa on for priority candidates A priority candidate is a University employee who is seeking redeployment because they have been advised that they are at risk of redundancy, or on grounds of ill-health/disability. Priority candidates are issued with a redeployment le er by their employing department(s). If you are a priority candidate, please ensure that you a ach your redeployment le er to your applica on (or email it to the contact address on the advert if the applica on form used for the vacancy does not allow a achments). If you need help Applica on FAQs, including technical troubleshoo ng advice is available at: h ps://sta .web.ox.ac.uk/recruitmentsupport-faqs Non-technical ques ons about this job should be addressed to the recrui ng department directly – please email recruitment@devo .ox.ac.uk To return to the online applica on at any stage, please go to: www.recruit.ox.ac.uk. Please note that you will receive an automated email from our online recruitment portal to con rm receipt of your applica on. Please check your spam/junk mail if you do not receive this email. Important informa on for candidates Data Privacy Please note that any personal data submi ed to the University as part of the job applica on process will be processed in accordance with the GDPR and related UK data protec on legisla on. For further informa on, please see the University’s Privacy No ce for Job Applicants at: h ps://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/job-applicant-privacypolicy. The University’s Policy on Data Protec on is available at: h ps://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/dataprotec on-policy. ti ti ti tt ti fi fi ti ff tt ti ti tt ti ti ti ti tt tt tt ti ti ti ti ti ti tt fi ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ff tt tt ti ti ti ti ti ti ti 7 The University operates an Employer Jus ed Re rement Age (EJRA) for very senior research posts at grade RSIV/ D35 and clinical equivalents E62 and E82, which will be 30 September before the 70th birthday. The jus ca on for this is explained at: h ps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/the-ejra. For exis ng employees on these grades, any employment beyond the re rement age is subject to approval through the procedures: h ps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/the-ejra. There is no normal or xed age at which sta in posts at other grades have to re re. Sta at these grades may elect to re re in accordance with the rules of the applicable pension scheme, as may be amended from me to me. Equality of opportunity Entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the applica on of criteria which are related to the du es of each par cular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary considera on. No applicant or member of sta shall be discriminated against because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orienta on. Bene ts of working at the University Employee bene ts University employees enjoy 38 days’ paid holiday, generous pension schemes, travel discounts, and a variety of professional development opportuni es. Our range of other employee bene ts and discounts also includes free entry to the Botanic Gardens and University colleges, and discounts at University museums. See h ps:// hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/sta -bene ts University Club and sports facili es Membership of the University Club is free for all University sta . The University Club o ers social, spor ng, and hospitality facili es. Sta can also use the University Sports Centre on I ey Road at discounted rates, including a tness centre, powerli ing room, and swimming pool. See www.club.ox.ac.uk and h ps://www.sport.ox.ac.uk/. Informa on for sta new to Oxford If you are reloca ng to Oxfordshire from overseas or elsewhere in the UK, the University's Welcome Service website includes prac cal informa on about se ling in the area, including advice on reloca on, accommoda on, and local schools. See h ps://welcome.ox.ac.uk/ There is also a visa loan scheme to cover the costs of UK visa applica ons for sta and their dependents. See h ps://sta mmigra on.admin.ox.ac.uk/visa-loan-scheme Family-friendly bene ts With one of the most generous family leave schemes in the Higher Educa on sector, and a range of exible working op ons, Oxford aims to be a family-friendly employer. We also subscribe to the Work+Family Space, a service that provides prac cal advice and support for employees who have caring responsibili es. The service o ers a free telephone advice line, and the ability to book emergency back-up care for children, adult dependents and elderly rela ves. See h ps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/my-family-care Childcare The University has excellent childcare services, including ve University nurseries as well as University-supported places at many other private nurseries. For full details, including how to apply and the costs, see h ps://childcare.admin.ox.ac.uk/ ti ti ti fi ti ti fl ti tt ti ti ti ti ff ff tt ti ti ff fi ti ti ti ffl ti ff tt fi ti tt ff ti fi ti ti ti ti ti fi fi tt tt ff ti tt ff tt fi ft fi ff ti ti ti ti ti ff ti ti ffi fi ti ti tt 8 ff fi The University’s policy on re rement Disabled sta We are commi ed to suppor ng members of sta with disabili es or long-term health condi ons. For further details, including informa on about how to make contact, in con dence, with the University’s Sta Disability Advisor, see h ps://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/disability-support Sta networks The University has a number of sta networks including the Oxford Research Sta Society, BME sta network, LGBT+ sta network and a disabled sta network. You can nd more informa on at h ps://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/ networks The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club is an organisa on run by volunteers that aims to assist the partners of new sta se le into Oxford, and provides them with an opportunity to meet people and make connec ons in the local area. See www.newcomers.ox.ac.uk. ti ff ff ti tt ff ti fi ti fi ti ff ff ff ti ti ff tt tt tt ff ff ff 9 """^^ . . . . "type" . "Turtle description of Job Description" . . "Title"@en . "Format"@en . "Document" . "NTriples description of Job Description" . . "Description of Job Description" . "Job Description" . "text/html" . "Notation3 description of Job Description" . . "text/turtle" . . . "value" . "application/pdf" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "application/rdf+xml" . . _:N2941638d33e1426980dd01ab89a36c5c . . . .