. "application/pdf" . . """Job Description and Selection Criteria Post Associate Professorship in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation Department/Faculty Department of Social Policy and Intervention Division Social Sciences College Green Templeton Contract type Permanent upon completion of a successful review. The review is conducted during the first 5 years. Salary £52,815 - £70,918 p.a. Overview of the post The Department of Social Policy and Intervention and Green Templeton College are recruiting an Associate Professor in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation. The Associate Professor will be a member of both the University and the College community. They will be part of a lively and intellectually stimulating research community which performs to the highest international levels in research and publications and will have access to the excellent research facilities which Oxford offers. They will have a role to play in the running of the College as a member of the Governing Body and a trustee of the College. The post is tenable from 1 September 2024, but a later date may be negotiated. The successful candidate will become a member of the interdisciplinary Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention and will hold a Non-Tutorial Fellowship at Green Templeton College. Applications are invited from academics whose teaching and research interests extend or complement the Department’s existing expertise in evidence-based social intervention and policy evaluation. We would particularly welcome applicants with expertise in the evaluation of policies and complex social interventions, including those with expertise in non-randomised research methods (e.g. natural experimental or quasi-experimental designs). However, we also encourage excellent applicants offering other approaches relevant to our research and teaching programme. We are open to a range of research foci, but expect a body of established work on a social intervention or policy evaluation. For further information, see: Research & Impact | Department of Social Policy and Intervention (ox.ac.uk) If you would like to discuss this post and find out more about joining the academic community at Oxford, please contact Professor Jane Barlow (jane.barlow@spi.ox.ac.uk). All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence and will not form part of the selection decision. The role of Associate Professor at Oxford Associate Professor is the main academic career grade at Oxford with a focus on research and teaching, spanning the full range of professor grades in the USA. Associate Professors are appointed jointly by a University department/faculty and an Oxford college, and you will have a contract with both. There is considerable flexibility in the organisation of duties, with three 8-week undergraduate teaching terms and generous sabbatical leave to balance teaching and research (please see the Benefits, Terms and Conditions section for further details of sabbatical leave). There is the potential for temporary changes to the balance of duties between College and University to enable a focus on different aspects of work at different stages in your career. Oxford offers many opportunities for professional development in research and teaching. Associate Professors may apply for the title of full Professor in annual exercises. If the title is conferred, you will also have access to professorial merit pay opportunities. In exceptional cases, the title of full Professor may be awarded on appointment. Appointments are confirmed as permanent on successful completion of a review during the first five years. The vast majority of Associate Professors successfully complete this initial review. Duties of the post The main duties of the post are as follows: i. Engage in research. ii. Co-operate in the work of the Department in both term and vacation under the direction of the Head of the Department. This includes teaching undergraduates and graduates on taught courses. iii.Supervise graduate students (MSc, MPhil, DPhil). iv.Examine as required by the appropriate committee for the nomination of examiners. The amount of teaching normally must not exceed an average of 288 teaching units 1 per year without approval by the divisional board. The specific duties of the post are: • Engage in empirical research on the effectiveness of social interventions or policies to tackle social or psychosocial problems: this may also include research into the underlying causes of these problems in order to inform the development and testing of interventions and policies. • Seek external research funding. • Publish in highly-ranked, peer reviewed academic journals. • Give lectures, classes and tutorials on the MSc/MPhil in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation. • Contribute to the graduate research group in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation. 1 One hour paired tutorial, 1 unit; one-hour lecture, 3 units; one doctoral student, 24 units; and other types of teaching to be weighted proportionally. This tariff is subject to local variation. • • • • • Supervise doctoral and master’s students in the Department. Serve as a university examiner when required. Undertake administrative duties as required by the Head of Department. Contribute to the work of the Department during both term and vacation; and Participate in the life of the College. College responsibilities • • • • • To act as college adviser to around five graduate students, meeting each once a term to discuss, in general, academic progress, personal development and engagement with college and university life. To be an advocate for college, highlighting the college affiliation whenever appropriate. Where appropriate, to advocate for and support the fundraising efforts of the college. On a voluntary basis, to join committees which contribute to the governance of the college. On a voluntary basis, to participate in and contribute towards academic activity and goals of the college, engaging with the wider community to do so. Selection criteria Your application will be judged only against the criteria which are set out below. You should ensure that your application shows clearly how your skills and experience meet these criteria. The University is committed to fairness, consistency and transparency in selection decisions. Members of selection committees will be aware of the principles of equality of opportunity, fair selection and the risks of bias. There will be both female and male committee members wherever possible. If, for any reason, you have taken a career break or have had an atypical career and wish to disclose this in your application, the selection committee will take this into account, recognising that the quantity of your research may be reduced as a result. Essential • A completed PhD in social or behavioural sciences or public health, or closely related discipline. • An outstanding programme of empirical research in social or psychosocial intervention, or policy evaluation, with a focus on testing the effectiveness of interventions and policies to tackle social or psychosocial problems; expertise in non-randomised methods for policy evaluation would be an advantage. • Ability and willingness to cultivate inclusive learning environments to teach, supervise and assess high-achieving and challenging graduate students from diverse cultural backgrounds, including students historically underrepresented at Oxford. • Ability and willingness to teach an option course in an area of social or psychosocial intervention or policy evaluation. • A track record of – or in the case of early career appointments, the clear potential for - securing competitively awarded research grants. • A track record of internationally excellent research and publication in highly-ranked, peer reviewed academic journals. • Experience and knowledge of social policy and intervention evaluation methods, such as quasiexperimental evaluations, conducting randomised trials, causal analysis, mixed methods research, systematic reviews and meta-analysis. • Understanding of the issues involved in using research evidence to inform and influence policy and practice. • Ability and willingness to work effectively as part of a team. • Excellent oral and written communication skills. • Willingness to contribute to the life of the College. We welcome candidates who conduct research relevant to inequalities and social interventions and policies (for example social inequalities, gender, sexism, classism, racism, casteism) or who have made novel applications of methods to potentially under-represented research topics. How to apply To apply, visit https://my.corehr.com/pls/uoxrecruit/erq_jobspec_details_form.jobspec?p_id=171814, then click on the Apply Now button on the ‘Job Details’ page and follow the on-screen instructions to register as a new user or log-in if you have applied previously. Please refer to the “Terms of Use” in the left hand menu bar for information about privacy and data protection. Please provide details of three referees and indicate whether the University may contact them now. You will also be asked to upload a CV, including a full list of publications, a supporting statement (2-4 pages) and a research statement (2 pages maximum). The supporting statement should explain how you meet the each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience. This may include experience gained in education or employment. The research statement should summarise the past, current and future direction of your research, highlighting how your research has evolved and your key achievements. The University and colleges welcome applications from candidates who have a disability or long-term health condition and is committed to providing long term support. The University’s disability advisor can provide support to applicants with a disability, please see https://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/disability-support for details. Please let us know if you need any adjustments to the recruitment process, including the provision of these documents in large print, audio or other formats. If we invite you for interviews, we will ask whether you require any particular arrangements at the interview. The University Access Guide gives details of physical access to University buildings https://www.accessguide.ox.ac.uk/. Teaching commitments are mainly concentrated into Oxford’s three 8-week undergraduate teaching terms, making it easier to balance teaching and research. There is considerable flexibility in the organisation of duties, and generous sabbatical leave. Please upload all documents as PDF files with your name and the document type in the filename. All applications must be received by 12.00 noon UK time on the closing date stated in the online advertisement. Should you experience any difficulties using the online application system, please email recruitment.support@admin.ox.ac.uk. Further help and support is available from https://hrsystems.admin.ox.ac.uk/recruitment-support. To return to the online application at any stage, please log back in and click the “My applications” button on the left hand side of the page Please note that you will be notified of the progress of your application by automatic emails from our erecruitment system. Please check your spam/junk mail regularly to ensure that you receive all emails. The Department of Social Policy and Intervention The Department of Social Policy and Intervention is a multidisciplinary, social science centre of excellence for research and teaching in comparative social policy and evidence-based social intervention and policy evaluation. In the UK-wide 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF), it was a top-five scoring department in the country, across all subjects and universities, with 62 per cent of the Department’s research activity classified as ‘world leading’ (4*) with a further 30 per cent classed as ‘internationally excellent’ (3*). In the most recent QS World University Rankings by Subject (2022) the Department ranked second in Social Policy and Administration globally. The Department has undergone substantial transformation in recent years. This renewal includes the expansion of graduate teaching and supervision in policy evaluation and comparative social policy; significant expansion in research income; and the creation of new research groups and areas of research expertise. The Department's teaching is largely devoted to graduate students. It offers master’s degrees in Comparative Social Policy (CSP) and in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation (EBSIPE). Students may study for either a one-year MSc or a two-year MPhil. The Department also offers supervision for doctoral degrees in Social Policy or in Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation. The graduate intake is highly international with students drawn from the United Kingdom, EU member states, and many countries across the world. Research within the Department is largely organised under the auspices of two main research groups: • • The Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention (CEBI) The Oxford Institute of Social Policy (OISP) More information about the department can be found at www.spi.ox.ac.uk. Social Sciences Division The University’s academic departments and faculties are organised into four large groups known as Academic Divisions (Social Sciences, Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS), Medical Sciences, and Humanities). The divisions are responsible for academic strategy and operational planning, oversight of the teaching and research of their constituent departments and faculties, and for personnel and resource management. The social sciences at Oxford are distinctive for both their depth and breadth, with over 1,100 academic and research staff working across fifteen departments, faculties and schools. The Head of the Social Sciences Division is Professor Timothy Power. The Division is a world-leading centre of research and education in the social sciences. The Times Higher Education (THE) University Rankings returned the University of Oxford to the number one spot in the world for Social Sciences in 2022. We have placed first in three of the last five years (2018, 2019 and 2022). More than 800 researchers were returned to Main Panel C (Social Sciences) for REF 2021 across a diverse range of subject area ‘units of assessment’ – from geography and business to archaeology and law. Over 55% of the research submitted from the Division was judged to be world-leading (4*, the highest score available). More than two-thirds (69%) of the research’s impact was also recognised as world-leading (4*). Research from across the Division was also submitted to subject areas across Panels A (Medicine, health and life sciences), B (Physical sciences, engineering and mathematics), and D (Arts and Humanities), highlighting the enormous breadth and diversity of research expertise across the Division. Our academic and research staff and students are international thought leaders, generating new evidence, insights and policy tools with which to address some of the major global challenges facing humanity, such as sustainable resource management, poverty and forced migration, effective governance and justice. Particular research highlights in recent years have included COVID-19 and Climate Change. As well as active interdisciplinary links with researchers in other divisions at Oxford, we engage and collaborate extensively with other universities and a wide range of governmental and nongovernmental practitioner communities such as law, business, public health and welfare, international development and education around the world. The Division has an extensive portfolio of external funders, partners and supporters, with competitively-awarded external research income exceeding £50 million per year and philanthropic income over £25 million a year. As part of our commitment to equality of opportunity, eleven of our departments have achieved Bronze awards under the Athena Swan Charter (a UK accreditation scheme recognising organisations’ commitment to equality and diversity, particularly in gender). Our School of Geography and the Environment holds an Athena Swan Silver award. In February 2023, for the first time, the University as a whole was awarded an institutional Athena Swan Silver award, acknowledging the progress that has been made in addressing a number of gender gaps across the University over the last five years. The Division delivers an exceptional range of high-quality educational programmes all underpinned by the innovative research being undertaken by our academics. The student body is made up of over 2,000 undergraduate students, nearly 3,000 students studying postgraduate taught programmes and 1,200 postgraduate research students. The programmes we offer are wide-ranging, often interdisciplinary and include professionally-oriented provision in areas such as business, law and education. The Division is home to several of Oxford’s most widely recognised teaching programmes, such as Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at undergraduate level; and at the Masters level programmes such as the Bachelor in Civil Law (BCL), Environmental Change and Management, International Relations, and Social Data Science. For more information, please visit: www.socsci.ox.ac.uk Green Templeton College Green Templeton is proud to be a progressive, international and inclusive community within the University of Oxford at the forefront of graduate education. The college aims to lead the way by providing an environment specifically geared to the needs and interests of postgraduate and clinical medicine students. In 2022 Green Templeton published its Strategic Plan to 2031. With over 650 students from around 70 countries, 300 fellows and 70 members of staff the college is international, outward-looking, future-focused and truly contemporary within a traditional Oxford setting. Friendly and informal, with a single, shared common room and no high table, the college community forms the backdrop to a lively academic and social scene. The intellectual agenda and distinctive academic profile emphasise issues relating to human welfare and social, economic and environmental well-being in the 21st century. Green Templeton was established in its current form in October 2008 through the merger of Green and Templeton colleges. The diversity of the global community of students and fellows is one of its greatest assets and is reflected firmly in the college’s values. The college is well known for its friendly, congenial and welcoming environment so it would be easy for the appointee to the post to settle into college life. There is an understanding of the multiple pressures on fellows, and the college’s governance and management processes reflect this. More information: https://www.gtc.ox.ac.uk/ Academic Life and Vision Green Templeton extends the traditional Oxford model by bringing together researchers, teachers and practitioners with parity of esteem. Fellows, students, alumni and staff have a welcoming and exceptional college experience with enrichment opportunities that enable all to deliver on their potential and thrive throughout life. The disciplines of the college’s members include medicine, medical sciences, business and management, and a broad range of other social sciences, including education, environmental sciences and social policy. It has established academic initiatives in the nexus of these areas, including a long-running Management in Medicine programme. Home to the iconic Radcliffe Observatory, the college also has strong connections with astrophysics. The college nurtures inter- and multi-disciplinarity for the benefit of social, economic and environmental well-being. Part of its vision for the future is to ensure the fellowship reflects the diversity demonstrated within the student population. Green Templeton has exciting plans for its estate, increasing the facilities available for the community. It has a net-zero goal set for 2035. About the University of Oxford Oxford’s departments and colleges aim to lead the world in research and education for the benefit of society both in the UK and globally. Oxford’s researchers engage with academic, commercial and cultural partners across the world to stimulate high-quality research and enable innovation through a broad range of social, policy and economic impacts. Oxford’s self-governing community of international scholars includes Professors, Associate Professors, other college tutors, senior and junior research fellows and a large number of University research staff. Research at Oxford combines disciplinary depth with an increasing focus on inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary activities addressing a rich and diverse range of issues. Oxford’s strengths lie both in empowering individuals and teams to address fundamental questions of global significance, and in providing all staff with a welcoming and inclusive workplace that supports everyone to develop and do their best work. Recognising that diversity is a great strength, and vital for innovation and creativity, Oxford aspires to build a truly inclusive community which values and respects every individual’s unique contribution. While Oxford has long traditions of scholarship, it is also forward-looking, creative and cutting-edge. Oxford is one of Europe's most entrepreneurial universities. It consistently has the highest external research income of any university in the UK (the most recent figures are available at www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisation/finance-and-funding), and regularly creates spinout companies based on academic research generated within and owned by the University. Oxford is also recognised as a leading supporter of social enterprise. Oxford admits undergraduate students with the intellectual potential to benefit fully from the small group learning to which Oxford is deeply committed. Meeting in small groups with their tutor, undergraduates are exposed to rigorous scholarly challenge and learn to develop their critical thinking, their ability to articulate their views with clarity, and their personal and intellectual confidence. They receive a high level of personal attention from leading academics. Oxford has a strong postgraduate student body, who are attracted to Oxford by the international standing of the faculty, by the rigorous intellectual training on offer, by the excellent research and laboratory facilities available, and by the resources of the museums and libraries, including one of the world’s greatest libraries, the Bodleian. For more information please visit www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisation University Benefits, Terms and Conditions Details of University policy in the following areas can be found at the links provided. Salary Academic staff pay | HR Support (ox.ac.uk) Pension https://finance.web.ox.ac.uk/uss Sabbatical leave Council Regulations 4 of 2004 | Governance and Planning (ox.ac.uk) Outside commitments https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/holding-outside-appointments. Intellectual Property https://governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/legislation/council-regulations-7-of-2002 Managing conflicts of interest https://researchsupport.admin.ox.ac.uk/governance/integrity Membership of Congregation https://www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisation/governance https://governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/legislation/statute-iv-congregation Family support https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/family-leave-for-academic-staff. https://childcare.admin.ox.ac.uk/home. https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/my-family-care. https://www.newcomers.ox.ac.uk/. Welcome for International Staff welcome.ox.ac.uk. Home | Staff Immigration (ox.ac.uk) Relocation https://finance.admin.ox.ac.uk/relocation-scheme-arrangements#collapse1094916 Promoting diversity https://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/home Other benefits and discounts for University employees https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/discounts Pre-employment screening https://jobs.ox.ac.uk/pre-employment-checks. Length of appointment Appointments to Associate Professorships at Oxford are confirmed as permanent on successful completion of a review during the first five years. See Academic posts at Oxford | HR Support Retirement The University operates an employer justified retirement age for academic posts of 30 September immediately preceding the 70th birthday. See https://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/the-ejra Data Privacy https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/job-applicant-privacy-policy. https://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/data-protection-policy. College Benefits, Terms and Conditions The successful candidate will have access to all college facilities, including the Library and Gym and are entitled to full dining rights. There is a single Common Room to which all members of the college belong. Partners and families are welcome to accompany fellows in the Common Room and the beautiful college gardens. College association is linked to employment in this role, and terminated concurrently with the end of employment in this role. More information: fellowshipadministration@gtc.ox.ac.uk Appointee The appointee would be elected initially as a Research Fellow. The appointee would be welcome to join committees of the college according to their expertise and interests, and/or to participate in college initiatives. This might relate to academic activity, environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, sport among other areas. Governing Body responsibilities are currently limited to Senior Research Fellows. Offer of employment Applications for this post will be considered by a selection committee containing representatives from both the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and Green Templeton College. The selection committee is responsible for conducting all aspects of the recruitment and selection process; it does not, however, have the authority to make the final decision as to who should be appointed. The final decision will be made by the Social Sciences divisional board and the Governing Body of Green Templeton College on the basis of a recommendation made by the selection committee. No offer of appointment will be valid, therefore, until and unless the recommendation has been approved by both the divisional board and the governing body, and a formal contractual offer has been made. """^^ . . . "Source"@en . . "text/html" . "NTriples description of Associate Professor in EBSIPE Further Particulars" . "text/turtle" . _:N5536be4da17a4bb494ee13b942c4f5e4 . . . "Format"@en . . . "Turtle description of Associate Professor in EBSIPE Further Particulars" . . "value" . . . . _:N5536be4da17a4bb494ee13b942c4f5e4 . . . "type" . 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