"text/plain" . "Date of formal issuance of the resource."@en . . . "type" . "text/html" . "text/turtle" . "2000-07-11"^^ . . . "Description"@en . . "Description of Date Issued" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "NTriples description of Date Issued" . . . "subPropertyOf" . "Source"@en . . . . "range" . . "Date Issued"@en . . . . . "HTML description of Date Issued" . . . "label" . . . "Date"@en . "comment" . _:N351c223a8ba04a379cec48012335ee4d . . . "text/n3" . "Date"@en . _:N351c223a8ba04a379cec48012335ee4d . "Notation3 description of Date Issued" . . "Turtle description of Date Issued" . "Property" . . . "Literal" . . "Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty."@en . "DCMI Metadata Terms - other"@en . "application/rdf+xml" . "RDF/XML description of Date Issued" . . . "isDefinedBy" .