. "text/html" . . . . "Warranty scope"@en . . "Class" . . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . . . . . . . . "RDF/XML description of Product or service" . . . "Business entity type"@en . . . "HTML description of Product or service" . . . "Day of week"@en . "Quantitative value"@en . "type" . "application/xhtml+xml" . . "Source"@en . . . "Type and quantity node"@en . _:N19b6fc6a4e1e4c02af0c80d16cfecd11 . . "Offering"@en . "text/turtle" . . "Product or service"@en . . . . . "application/rdf+xml" . "disjointWith" . . "text/n3" . "Turtle description of Product or service" . "comment" . "label" . . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . """The superclass of all classes describing products or services types, either by nature or purpose. Examples for such subclasses are "TV set", "vacuum cleaner", etc. An instance of this class can be either an actual product or service (gr:Individual), a placeholder instance for unknown instances of a mass-produced commodity (gr:SomeItems), or a model / prototype specification (gr:ProductOrServiceModel). When in doubt, use gr:SomeItems. Examples: a) MyCellphone123, i.e. my personal, tangible cell phone (gr:Individual) b) Siemens1234, i.e. the Siemens cell phone make and model 1234 (gr:ProductOrServiceModel) c) dummyCellPhone123 as a placeholder for actual instances of a certain kind of cell phones (gr:SomeItems) Note: Your first choice for specializations of gr:ProductOrService should be http://www.productontology.org. Compatibility with schema.org: This class is (approximately) equivalent to http://schema.org/Product."""@en . . . "Notation3 description of Product or service" . . "Brand"@en . . . . "Warranty promise"@en . "isDefinedBy" . . "Delivery method"@en . . "text/plain" . "Business function"@en . . "Opening hours specification"@en . "Description of Product or service" . . _:N19b6fc6a4e1e4c02af0c80d16cfecd11 . "Price specification"@en . . . "NTriples description of Product or service" .