. "Payment method"@en . "Delivery method"@en . . "Opening hours specification"@en . "Business entity type"@en . . "text/turtle" . . . . . . . . . _:N0f00cffaf4e440a38e674aed3f563034 . "Description of Warranty promise" . . . . . "application/rdf+xml" . "text/n3" . . "Warranty promise"@en . "Offering"@en . . "Quantitative value"@en . . _:N0f00cffaf4e440a38e674aed3f563034 . "text/html" . . . """This is a conceptual entity that holds together all aspects of the n-ary relation gr:hasWarrantyPromise. A Warranty promise is an entity representing the duration and scope of services that will be provided to a customer free of charge in case of a defect or malfunction of the gr:ProductOrService. A warranty promise is characterized by its temporal duration (usually starting with the date of purchase) and its gr:WarrantyScope. The warranty scope represents the types of services provided (e.g. labor and parts, just parts) of the warranty included in an gr:Offering. The actual services may be provided by the gr:BusinessEntity making the offering, by the manufacturer of the product, or by a third party. There may be multiple warranty promises associated with a particular offering, which differ in duration and scope (e.g. pick-up service during the first 12 months, just parts and labor for 36 months). Examples: 12 months parts and labor, 36 months parts"""@en . . . . . . "Warranty scope"@en . "type" . "disjointWith" . "Turtle description of Warranty promise" . "Business entity"@en . . "label" . "Product or service"@en . "Day of week"@en . . . . "RDF/XML description of Warranty promise" . "HTML description of Warranty promise" . "isDefinedBy" . . "Type and quantity node"@en . "comment" . "Class" . . . . . . . "Brand"@en . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . "Business function"@en . . "Price specification"@en . . . "Notation3 description of Warranty promise" . . . "NTriples description of Warranty promise" . . "Location"@en . "text/plain" . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . . . . . . . "application/xhtml+xml" . "Source"@en .