"first" . "isDefinedBy" . "ObjectProperty" . . _:N55b768d5e86149d0bdfa4c1fde131762 . . "text/plain" . . "The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce"@en . . . _:N14a40d7a50334ca7bd46af17bf3cb66e _:N89898564bf23465783b8895eb24d8159 . . "seeks (0..*)"@en . . "Business entity"@en . . "Description of seeks (0..*)" . . "Offering"@en . . "nil" . . _:Ne6f7a6a46dd84b96b4f49ff41b0b6b9a . . _:N14a40d7a50334ca7bd46af17bf3cb66e . . "HTML description of seeks (0..*)" . "comment" . . _:N55b768d5e86149d0bdfa4c1fde131762 _:Nc8d36ac634304ac88844e25e7ff8efe9 . "Source"@en . "Notation3 description of seeks (0..*)" . _:N89898564bf23465783b8895eb24d8159 . "rest" . "Turtle description of seeks (0..*)" . . "RDF/XML description of seeks (0..*)" . . . . . "This links a gr:BusinessEntity to gr:Offering nodes that describe what the business entity is interested in (i.e., the buy side). If you want to express interest in offering something, use gr:offers instead. Note that this substitutes the former gr:BusinessFunction gr:Buy, which is now deprecated."@en . "text/n3" . . "text/html" . _:Nc8d36ac634304ac88844e25e7ff8efe9 _:N14a40d7a50334ca7bd46af17bf3cb66e . _:N89898564bf23465783b8895eb24d8159 . "type" . "text/turtle" . . "label" . . "domain" . . "NTriples description of seeks (0..*)" . "unionOf" . "application/xhtml+xml" . . "application/rdf+xml" . . . "GoodRelations Ontology"@en . _:Nc8d36ac634304ac88844e25e7ff8efe9 . _:Ne6f7a6a46dd84b96b4f49ff41b0b6b9a . "Class" . . . _:N55b768d5e86149d0bdfa4c1fde131762 . "range" . .