. . . "definition"@en . "Source"@en . "Links a concept to a concept related by meaning."@en . . "Description of is in semantic relation with" . "text/html" . "HTML description of is in semantic relation with" . "range" . . "Concept" . . "Turtle description of is in semantic relation with" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "label" . . . "SKOS Vocabulary"@en . . "application/rdf+xml" . . . . "domain" . "text/turtle" . "type" . _:N99b84f86a9a44cfaa6d688f9c246d8a4 . "Concept"@en . "This property should not be used directly, but as a super-property for all properties denoting a relationship of meaning between concepts."@en . . . . . . . "is in semantic relation with"@en . "NTriples description of is in semantic relation with" . . . "Notation3 description of is in semantic relation with" . . "RDF/XML description of is in semantic relation with" . . "text/plain" . . _:N99b84f86a9a44cfaa6d688f9c246d8a4 . "scope note"@en . "text/n3" . . "isDefinedBy" . . "Property" . . "ObjectProperty" .