"License"@en . "Notation3 description of OxPoints" . "application/rdf+xml" . . . . "dataset" . . . "in dataset" . . . . "قائمة بيانات"@ar . . "Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1"@en . . _:N32f72abedde24d56a172084ff133248f . . . . . . . "Description"@en . . . . . . _:N9f17f803035d4699837c87301e22ef80 "Oxford University Computing Services" . "Radcliffe Camera" . . . . "Title"@en . "IT Services" . "label" . "Date Modified"@en . "データセット"@ja . . . . . "2023-07-12T13:07:26+01:00"^^ . . . . "value" . "text/n3" . . "Datová sada"@cs . . "Datasæt"@da . . "comment" . "application/xhtml+xml" . "HTML description of OxPoints" . . "geo" . . . . "IT Services" . "OxPoints"@en . . "personal mailbox" . . . . "2024-06-05T09:51:40+01:00"^^ . . "University of Oxford"@en . "OxPoints"@en . _:N021fc4d0060b4354bca13b781c423df0 . "Dataset"@it . . . . "Jeu de données"@fr . . "text/turtle" . . . "Rights Holder"@en . . "text/plain" . . . . "example resource of dataset" . "oxpoints"^^ . . "Publisher"@en . . "Description of OxPoints" . "NTriples description of OxPoints" . _:N9f17f803035d4699837c87301e22ef80 . . "Conforms To"@en . . . "Agent" . . . . "Radcliffe Camera" . . . "DCMI Metadata Terms - other"@en . "Bodleian Library" . . "Oxford Department of International Development" . "2024-06-05T09:53:04+01:00"^^ . . . . "Friend of a Friend (FOAF) vocabulary" . . "Σύνολο Δεδομένων"@el . "vocabulary" . _:Nd935b093e521438f98401cfd95fd051b """prefix dcterms: prefix oxp: SELECT ?division (count(?building) as ?number_of_buildings) WHERE { ?division a oxp:Division . ?building a oxp:Building ; dcterms:isPartOf*/^oxp:occupies/dcterms:isPartOf* ?division } GROUP BY ?division""" . . "name" . . _:N021fc4d0060b4354bca13b781c423df0 "" . . "Turtle description of OxPoints" . _:N021fc4d0060b4354bca13b781c423df0 """prefix dc: prefix dcterms: prefix oxp: SELECT ?department ?building WHERE { ?department a oxp:Department ; dcterms:isPartOf+ ; oxp:primaryPlace/dcterms:isPartOf* ?building . ?building a oxp:Building . } ORDER BY ?label""" . "oxpoints"^^ . _:N32f72abedde24d56a172084ff133248f . . "University Science Area" . . "homepage" . "Bodleian Library" . . _:Nd935b093e521438f98401cfd95fd051b "Number of buildings occupied per division" . "OxPoints ontology" . _:N021fc4d0060b4354bca13b781c423df0 "Departments in the MPLS division and their primary locations" . . "notation"@en . "University Science Area" . "has license"@en-US . "Dataset"@en . "Saïd Business School" . . """OxPoints is the University's geospatial, temporal and organisational RDF store. OxPoints aims to contain information about most political and built entities within the University, including college, department, building and rooms.""" . "University of Oxford" . . . . . "text/html" . "RDF/XML description of OxPoints" . "WGS84 Geo Positioning: an RDF vocabulary" . . . _:N32f72abedde24d56a172084ff133248f . "Document" . . . "Source"@en . . _:Nd935b093e521438f98401cfd95fd051b . "type" . "Date Created"@en . "Saïd Business School" . . . . "2023-07-12T13:05:56+01:00"^^ . _:Nd935b093e521438f98401cfd95fd051b "" . "Conjunto de datos"@es . "Oxford Department of International Development" . _:N9f17f803035d4699837c87301e22ef80 . _:N9f17f803035d4699837c87301e22ef80 . . . _:N32f72abedde24d56a172084ff133248f . "University of Oxford" . . "2023-07-12T13:05:38+01:00"^^ . "2024-06-05T09:51:52+01:00"^^ . . .