. . . . "sotto-Organization di"@it . "text/turtle" . . _:N3761021bd1b7438f9835a7a3b5634a54 . "in dataset" . . . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 "Oxford" . . . "street address"@en . . . . . . . "building" . . . "8HJ0" . "notation"@en . "Turtle description of EnSpire Data analyst" . "email"@en . . "application/pdf" . . "Notation3 description of EnSpire Data analyst" . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c . . . . "logo" . . . . "image" . . . . "depiction" . . "telephone"@en . "false"^^ . . . . . . "true"^^ . . . . . . . "5 Worcester Street" . . . . "RSO" . "Research Services" . "5 Worcester Street" . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c "Oxford" . "8HJ0"^^ . "Research Services" . . "Robert Hooke Building, Oxford OX1 3PB" . . "KC" . """Job Description Summary Job fitle Data analyst (Innovafion & Engagement) Division University Administrafive Services (UAS) Department Research Services / Innovafion & Engagement Locafion Robert Hooke Building Grade and salary Grade 7: £37,524 -£49,850 per annum Hours Full fime Contract type Fixed-term fill 31 July 2026 Reporfing to Operafions Manager Vacancy reference 176358 Addifional informafion The role As the Data Analyst (Innovafion & Engagement), you will be a crucial member of the University of Oxford’s Innovafion & Engagement (I&E) Team. You will focus on analysing data within the University’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and supporfing the Increasing Diversity in Enterprising Acfivifies (IDEA) programme. This will include    detailed data analysis and reporfing to inform EDI strategies and inifiafives; working closely with partners across the University and beyond to collect, compare, and interpret data, contribufing to the University’s efforts to foster a more inclusive entrepreneurship environment; and wider data analysis to help understand the impact of EnSpire. In addifion, you will support the wider I&E Team’s data collecfion and analysis, including  Knowledge Exchange (e.g., statutory data returns such as Higher Educafion Business and Community Interacfion survey [HE-BCI] and Knowledge Exchange Framework).   Public and Community Engagement with Research (e.g., quanfitafive data around the PCER Fund, University-wide analysis of grants with engagement costs). Enabling data sharing across different University systems to help streamline analysis and reporfing. You will be responsible for developing data analyfics and reporfing mechanisms, benchmarking standards, and supporfing the evaluafion of inifiafives. Your strong analyfical skills, aftenfion to detail, and ability to work independently on complex data projects will be essenfial. Responsibilifies In this role, you will be responsible for: 1. Data collecfion and analysis  Collect, compare, and analyse data (including diversity data) from various sources.  Develop and maintain databases and reporfing mechanisms.  Ensure data accuracy and integrity.  Conduct detailed analysis and interpretafion of complex data sets. 2. Reporfing and communicafion  Prepare detailed reports and presentafions on diversity data.  Communicate findings and recommendafions to stakeholders.  Collaborate with other teams to integrate data insights into EDI inifiafives.  Ensure transparency and clarity in all communicafions. 3. Benchmarking and standards  Idenfify and benchmark diversity standards across university entrepreneurship.  Monitor and evaluate the effecfiveness of EDI inifiafives.  Provide recommendafions for improvements based on data analysis.  Support the development of best pracfices in diversity data management. 4. Support for EDI inifiafives  Assist in the planning and evaluafion of EDI inifiafives.  Provide data-driven insights to support decision-making.  Collaborate with the IDEA Advisory Group and other stakeholders.  Contribute to the development of EDI strategies and targets. 5. Administrafive support  Manage administrafive processes related to data projects.  Ensure compliance with data protecfion regulafions.  Provide support for meefings and events as needed.  Maintain accurate records and documentafion. 6. Innovafion and confinuous improvement  Encourage a culture of experimentafion and measured disrupfion within the team, promofing confinuous improvement in engagement strategies and pracfices.  Support matrix working within Innovafion & Engagement to enable flexible deployment of skills within the team. JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 2 Selecfion criteria Essenfial selecfion criteria You’ll be a great fit for this role if you 1. have strong numerical and analyfical skills, with experience in data analysis; 2. can collect, synthesise, and interpret large volumes of complex data using appropriate tools (e.g., Python, R, Excel, PowerBI); 3. know how to develop and maintain databases (e.g., SQL etc.) and reporfing mechanisms; 4. have excellent aftenfion to detail and accuracy; 5. can communicate data findings effecfively to diverse audiences; 6. can work independently and manage data projects; 7. organise tasks and priorifise effecfively to meet deadlines; 8. use data analysis tools and software proficiently. Desirable selecfion criteria It would be good, but not essenfial, if you 1. 2. 3. 4. understand the University research and knowledge exchange environment; have experience in supporfing EDI inifiafives; are familiar with the Oxford University ecosystem; know data protecfion regulafions and best pracfices. Pre-employment screening Standard checks If you are offered the post, the offer will be subject to standard pre-employment checks. You will be asked to provide: proof of your right-to-work in the UK; proof of your idenfity; and (if we haven’t done so already) we will contact the referees you have nominated. You will also be asked to complete a health declarafion so that you can tell us about any health condifions or disabilifies for which you may need us to make appropriate adjustments. Please read the candidate notes on the University’s pre-employment screening procedures at: hftps://www.jobs.ox.ac.uk/pre-employment-checks About the University of Oxford Welcome to the University of Oxford. We aim to lead the world in research and educafion for the benefit of society both in the UK and globally. Oxford’s researchers engage with academic, commercial and cultural partners across the world to sfimulate high-quality research and enable innovafion through a broad range of social, policy and economic impacts. We believe our strengths lie both in empowering individuals and teams to address fundamental quesfions of global significance, while providing all our staff with a welcoming and inclusive workplace that enables everyone to develop and do their best work. Recognising that diversity is our strength, vital for innovafion and creafivity, we aspire to build a truly diverse community which values and respects every individual’s unique contribufion. JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 3 While we have long tradifions of scholarship, we are also forward-looking, creafive and cufting-edge. Oxford is one of Europe's most entrepreneurial universifies and we rank first in the UK for university spin-outs, and in recent years we have spun out 15-20 new companies every year. We are also recognised as leaders in support for social enterprise. Join us and you will find a unique, democrafic and internafional community, a great range of staff benefits and access to a vibrant array of cultural acfivifies in the beaufiful city of Oxford. For more informafion, please visit www.ox.ac.uk/about/organisafion. Research Services Research Services is part of the University Administrafion and Services Division and works in partnership with the academic divisions and their departments and faculfies to support Oxford’s researchers. Our role is to facilitate excellence in research, engagement and innovafion at Oxford. Our vision is to be a trusted provider of experfise, strategic insight, internal and external influence and excellent professional support to Oxford’s research, engagement and innovafion community. Research Services is a large team of over 160 research support professionals, with a wide-ranging remit including:       Supporfing the acquisifion of external research funding, funder engagement and strategic research inifiafives comprehensive funding, contracts and research development support Negofiafing research-related contracts Supporfing insfitufional research strategy, policy and planning Facilitafing knowledge exchange, innovafion and engagement and coordinafing the development and delivery of knowledge exchange strategy and policy Promofing the responsible conduct of research and compliance with regulatory and research governance requirements Leading the confinuous improvement of research administrafion at Oxford Our values and commitments govern the way we work with others within Research Services, the University and externally, including our commitment to professionalism, consultafion, teamwork and confinuous improvement. You can read more about our values and commitments here. For more informafion please visit: researchsupport.admin.ox.ac.uk University Administrafion and Services University Administrafion and Services (UAS) is the collecfive term for the central administrafive departments of the University. UAS comprises structures to:    support the University’s core academic purposes of teaching, learning and research; ensure the University can meet the requirements of government, funding bodies and other external agencies; and facilitate the aftainment of the objecfives set out in the University’s Strategic Plan. The offices of the UAS secfions are spread across the city centre, with the main University Offices located in Wellington Square. For more informafion please visit: hftp://www.admin.ox.ac.uk/ JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 4 How to apply Applicafions are made through our online recruitment portal. Informafion about how to apply is available on our Jobs website hftps://www.jobs.ox.ac.uk/how-to-apply. Your applicafion will be judged solely on the basis of how you demonstrate that you meet the selecfion criteria stated in the job descripfion. As part of your applicafion you will be asked to provide details of two referees and indicate whether we can contact them now. You will be asked to upload a CV and a supporfing statement. The supporfing statement must explain how you meet each of the selecfion criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience. This may include experience gained in employment, educafion, or during career breaks (such as fime out to care for dependants) Please upload all documents as PDF files with your name and the document type in the filename. All applicafions must be received by midday UK fime on the closing date stated in the online adverfisement. Informafion for priority candidates A priority candidate is a University employee who is seeking redeployment because they have been advised that they are at risk of redundancy, or on grounds of ill-health/disability. Priority candidates are issued with a redeployment lefter by their employing department(s). If you are a priority candidate, please ensure that you aftach your redeployment lefter to your applicafion (or email it to the contact address on the advert if the applicafion form used for the vacancy does not allow aftachments). If you need help Applicafion FAQs, including technical troubleshoofing advice is available at: hftps://staff.web.ox.ac.uk/recruitment-support-faqs Non-technical quesfions about this job should be addressed to the recruifing department directly rsrecruitment@admin.ox.ac.uk To return to the online applicafion at any stage, please go to: www.recruit.ox.ac.uk. Please note that you will receive an automated email from our online recruitment portal to confirm receipt of your applicafion. Please check your spam/junk mail if you do not receive this email. JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 5 Important informafion for candidates Data Privacy Please note that any personal data submifted to the University as part of the job applicafion process will be processed in accordance with the GDPR and related UK data protecfion legislafion. For further informafion, please see the University’s Privacy Nofice for Job Applicants at: hftps://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/jobapplicant-privacy-policy. The University’s Policy on Data Protecfion is available at: hftps://compliance.admin.ox.ac.uk/data-protecfion-policy. The University’s policy on refirement The University operates an Employer Jusfified Refirement Age (EJRA) for very senior research posts at grade RSIV/D35 and clinical equivalents E62 and E82 of 30 September before the 70th birthday. The jusfificafion for this is explained at: hftps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/the-ejra. For exisfing employees on these grades, any employment beyond the refirement age is subject to approval through the procedures: hftps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/the-ejra. There is no normal or fixed age at which staff in posts at other grades have to refire. Staff at these grades may elect to refire in accordance with the rules of the applicable pension scheme, as may be amended from fime to fime. Equality of opportunity Entry into employment with the University and progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the applicafion of criteria which are related to the dufies of each parficular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability to perform the job will be the primary considerafion. No applicant or member of staff shall be discriminated against because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientafion. JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 6 Benefits of working at the University Employee benefits University employees enjoy 38 days’ paid holiday, generous pension schemes, travel discounts, and a variety of professional development opportunifies. Our range of other employee benefits and discounts also includes free entry to the Botanic Gardens and University colleges, and discounts at University museums. See hftps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/staff-benefits University Club and sports facilifies Membership of the University Club is free for all University staff. The University Club offers social, sporfing, and hospitality facilifies. Staff can also use the University Sports Centre on Iffley Road at discounted rates, including a fitness centre, powerlifting room, and swimming pool. See www.club.ox.ac.uk and hftps://www.sport.ox.ac.uk/. Informafion for staff new to Oxford If you are relocafing to Oxfordshire from overseas or elsewhere in the UK, the University's Welcome Service website includes pracfical informafion about seftling in the area, including advice on relocafion, accommodafion, and local schools. See hftps://welcome.ox.ac.uk/ There is also a visa loan scheme to cover the costs of UK visa applicafions for staff and their dependants. See hftps://staffimmigrafion.admin.ox.ac.uk/visa-loan-scheme Family-friendly benefits With one of the most generous family leave schemes in the Higher Educafion sector, and a range of flexible working opfions, Oxford aims to be a family-friendly employer. We also subscribe to the Work+Family Space, a service that provides pracfical advice and support for employees who have caring responsibilifies. The service offers a free telephone advice line, and the ability to book emergency back-up care for children, adult dependents and elderly relafives. See hftps://hr.admin.ox.ac.uk/my-family-care The University has excellent childcare services, including five University nurseries as well as Universitysupported places at many other private nurseries. For full details, including how to apply and the costs, see hftps://childcare.admin.ox.ac.uk/ Disabled staff We are commifted to supporfing members of staff with disabilifies or long-term health condifions. For further details, including informafion about how to make contact, in confidence, with the University’s Staff Disability Advisor, see hftps://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/disability-support Staff networks The University has a number of staff networks including the Oxford Research Staff Society, BME staff network, LGBT+ staff network and a disabled staff network. You can find more informafion at hftps://edu.admin.ox.ac.uk/networks JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 7 The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club The University of Oxford Newcomers' Club is an organisafion run by volunteers that aims to assist the partners of new staff seftle into Oxford, and provides them with an opportunity to meet people and make connecfions in the local area. See www.newcomers.ox.ac.uk. Oxford Research Staff Society (OxRSS) A society run by and for Oxford University research staff. It offers researchers a range of social and professional networking opportunifies. Membership is free, and all researchers employed by Oxford University are welcome to join. Subscribe at researchstaff-subscribe@maillist.ox.ac.uk to join the mailing list to find out about upcoming events and other informafion for researchers, or contact the commiftee on commiftee@oxrss.ox.ac.uk. For more informafion, see www.ox.ac.uk/oxrss, Twifter @ResStaffOxford, and Facebook www.facebook.com/oxrss. JD - IandE Data Analyst - 2024-08 8 """^^ . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 "Wellington Square" . . . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef "Oxford" . "51.758972"^^ . . . . . "23232578"^^ . "false"^^ . . "160"^^ . . "tiene sede principal en"@es . . "OxPoints"@en . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 . "ha sede"@it . . "homepage" . "preferred label"@en . . . "University Administration and Services (UAS)" . . _:N48577f4ab2d94f38856705247864a038 . "locality"@en . . "Format"@en . . . . . "Past vacancies at the University of Oxford" . . . . . . "Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913" . . "Oncology Centre" . "RDF/XML description of EnSpire Data analyst" . . "Document" . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef "Wellington Square" . "finance code" . . . . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef "University of Oxford" . """The University of Oxford is a stimulating work environment, which enjoys an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence. Our research plays a key role in tackling many global challenges, from reducing our carbon emissions to developing vaccines during a pandemic. **Department: what do you do?** The Innovation & Engagement Department at the University of Oxford is dedicated to fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and engagement with research. The department supports researchers and entrepreneurs in developing and implementing strategies that promote entrepreneurship, knowledge exchange and public engagement. By collaborating with local authorities, industry partners, communities and the public, and academic colleagues, the department aims to make Oxfordshire a top global innovation ecosystem, ensuring that the University's research and entrepreneurial activities have a significant impact on society. **One sentence summary of job** Join the University of Oxford’s Innovation & Engagement Team as a Data Analyst to drive data-driven insights and support diversity initiatives. **What We Offer** As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including: • An excellent contributory pension scheme • 38 days annual leave • A comprehensive range of childcare services • Family leave schemes • Cycle loan scheme • Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans • Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs This role also offers the opportunity for hybrid working **About the Role** As the Data Analyst (Innovation & Engagement), you will be a crucial member of the University of Oxford’s Innovation & Engagement (I&E) Team. You will focus on analysing data within the University’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and supporting the Increasing Diversity in Enterprising Activities (IDEA) programme. You will work closely with partners across the University and beyond to collect, compare, and interpret data, contributing to the University’s efforts to foster a more inclusive entrepreneurship environment. Additionally, you will support the wider I&E Team’s data collection and analysis, including Knowledge Exchange and Public and Community Engagement with Research. In this role, you will develop data analytics and reporting mechanisms, benchmarking standards, and support the evaluation of initiatives. Your strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently on complex data projects will be essential. You will prepare detailed reports and presentations on diversity data, communicate findings and recommendations to stakeholders, and collaborate with other teams to integrate data insights into EDI initiatives. You will also be responsible for ensuring data accuracy and integrity, developing and maintaining databases and reporting mechanisms, and providing data-driven insights to support decision-making. Your proactive approach to problem-solving and commitment to continuous improvement will be key to your success in this role. **About You** You will have strong numerical and analytical skills, with experience in data analysis. You will be proficient in collecting, synthesising, and interpreting large volumes of complex data using appropriate tools such as Python, R, Excel, and PowerBI. You will know how to develop and maintain databases (e.g., SQL) and reporting mechanisms, and have excellent attention to detail and accuracy. You will be able to communicate data findings effectively to diverse audiences, work independently and manage data projects, and organise tasks and prioritise effectively to meet deadlines. You will use data analysis tools and software proficiently. It would be beneficial, but not essential, if you understand the University research and knowledge exchange environment, have experience in supporting EDI initiatives, are familiar with the Oxford University ecosystem, and know data protection regulations and best practices **Application Process** You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 15 November 2024 Interviews will take place on Thursday 28 November and will be face to face """ . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c "OX1 3PR" . . "176358 - EnSpire Data analyst" . . . . . "resserv" . "has site"@en . "based near" . "NTriples description of EnSpire Data analyst" . . . . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef . "The Robert Hooke Building" . . "University of Oxford" . . . . "primary Site"@en . . . "-1.256218"^^ . "has exact match"@en . . . . "sous-Organization de"@fr . . . . "University Administration and Services (UAS)" . _:N3761021bd1b7438f9835a7a3b5634a54 "+44-1865-270708" . . "site principal"@fr . "a un site"@fr . "valid through (0..1)"@en . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c . . "176358"^^ . . "Description of EnSpire Data analyst" . . . "Voice"@en . . "latitude" . "text/plain" . . . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 "OX1 2JD" . . "label" . . . "KC"^^ . "Title"@en . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef "OX1 2JD" . "has primary place" . "University Offices" . """

The University of Oxford is a stimulating work environment, which enjoys an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence. Our research plays a key role in tackling many global challenges, from reducing our carbon emissions to developing vaccines during a pandemic.


Department: what do you do?

The Innovation & Engagement Department at the University of Oxford is dedicated to fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, innovation and engagement with research. The department supports researchers and entrepreneurs in developing and implementing strategies that promote entrepreneurship, knowledge exchange and public engagement. By collaborating with local authorities, industry partners, communities and the public, and academic colleagues, the department aims to make Oxfordshire a top global innovation ecosystem, ensuring that the University's research and entrepreneurial activities have a significant impact on society.


One sentence summary of job


Join the University of Oxford’s Innovation & Engagement Team as a Data Analyst to drive data-driven insights and support diversity initiatives.


What We Offer


As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:


•  An excellent contributory pension scheme

•  38 days annual leave

•  A comprehensive range of childcare services

•  Family leave schemes

•  Cycle loan scheme

•  Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans

•  Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs


This role also offers the opportunity for hybrid working


About the Role


As the Data Analyst (Innovation & Engagement), you will be a crucial member of the University of Oxford’s Innovation & Engagement (I&E) Team. You will focus on analysing data within the University’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and supporting the Increasing Diversity in Enterprising Activities (IDEA) programme. You will work closely with partners across the University and beyond to collect, compare, and interpret data, contributing to the University’s efforts to foster a more inclusive entrepreneurship environment. Additionally, you will support the wider I&E Team’s data collection and analysis, including Knowledge Exchange and Public and Community Engagement with Research.


In this role, you will develop data analytics and reporting mechanisms, benchmarking standards, and support the evaluation of initiatives. Your strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently on complex data projects will be essential. You will prepare detailed reports and presentations on diversity data, communicate findings and recommendations to stakeholders, and collaborate with other teams to integrate data insights into EDI initiatives.


You will also be responsible for ensuring data accuracy and integrity, developing and maintaining databases and reporting mechanisms, and providing data-driven insights to support decision-making. Your proactive approach to problem-solving and commitment to continuous improvement will be key to your success in this role.


About You


You will have strong numerical and analytical skills, with experience in data analysis. You will be proficient in collecting, synthesising, and interpreting large volumes of complex data using appropriate tools such as Python, R, Excel, and PowerBI. You will know how to develop and maintain databases (e.g., SQL) and reporting mechanisms, and have excellent attention to detail and accuracy.


You will be able to communicate data findings effectively to diverse audiences, work independently and manage data projects, and organise tasks and prioritise effectively to meet deadlines. You will use data analysis tools and software proficiently. It would be beneficial, but not essential, if you understand the University research and knowledge exchange environment, have experience in supporting EDI initiatives, are familiar with the Oxford University ecosystem, and know data protection regulations and best practices


Application Process


You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.


The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 15 November 2024


Interviews will take place on  Thursday 28 November and will be face to face

"""^^ . . "University Science Area" . . . . . . "occupies" . . "OxPoints"@en . . . "University Offices" . . "00000000"^^ . . "text/html" . . "value" . . "Fax"@en . "type" . . . . . . "Oxford, University of" . "comment" . . . . "Source"@en . . "23233536"^^ . . . . . "Unit price specification"@en . . . . . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 "United Kingdom" . . _:N48577f4ab2d94f38856705247864a038 . . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c "Parks Road" . . . _:Nfa11b6db13cc47279e90c14d449bf31d . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 "University Offices" . . "hidden label"@en . . . . "University Science Area" . . . . _:N9814c623184f42cb9c44c47347f16c8c "United Kingdom" . . "tiene sede en"@es . "Estates identifier" . . "Is Part Of"@en . . _:N3761021bd1b7438f9835a7a3b5634a54 . . . . "OpenStreetMap feature identifier" . . . . . . . "Oncology Centre" . . . "application/xhtml+xml" . . . . . . . . "160" . . . . . . "HTML description of EnSpire Data analyst" . . "sede principale"@it . . "OUCS code" . "The Robert Hooke Building" . . "extended address"@en . . . . . "postal code"@en . "country name"@en . . "License"@en . . _:N48577f4ab2d94f38856705247864a038 . . . "page" . . . "university" . "Agent" . _:Nd253bb88261b462494ac689c2b7d4576 . "es suborganización de"@es . . "true"^^ . . "resserv"^^ . "longitude" . . . "application/rdf+xml" . . _:N48577f4ab2d94f38856705247864a038 . "subOrganization of"@en . . "2024-11-15T12:00:00+00:00"^^ . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef "United Kingdom" . "department" . . . . "2024-11-15T12:00:00+00:00"^^ . . _:Nfa11b6db13cc47279e90c14d449bf31d . "way/99873929" . . . . "EnSpire Data analyst" . "account" . _:Nfa11b6db13cc47279e90c14d449bf31d "+44-1865-270000" . "Title"@en . . . . "Meraj Huda" . . . "Address"@en . "address"@en . _:N13ee477878b14fe2bb0a6ede573812ef . . . "Subject"@en . "University of Oxford" . . . "text/n3" . "2024-10-29T09:00:00+00:00"^^ . . . "name" .