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Post: Research Project Manager (ORFAN Study)


Contract Type: Fixed-term until November 2026 (with possibility to extend)


We are seeking an experienced research project manager to take responsibility for the overall management of the Oxford Risk Factors And Non-invasive imaging (ORFAN) study. ORFAN is a large, multi-centre study which aims to develop novel biomarkers to be used in the prediction of risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack or stroke. This is an opportunity to be directly involved in an exciting research study which aims to push the boundaries of the understanding of heart disease, to positively inform the treatment of patients.


We are looking for an enthusiastic, positive individual with a “can do” attitude, and highly developed problem-solving skills. Good team working is the key to our success, so excellent communication skills with the desire and ability to form positive working relationships are essential to this post.


Application Process


Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. In your supporting statement, please explain why you would like to do this role and how you meet the selection criteria in the job description.


If you would like further information about the role, please contact: Damaris Darby: damaris.darby@cardiov.ox.ac.uk Lead Research Nurse, or Ken Chan kenneth.chan@cardiov.ox.ac.uk, Research Fellow.


Only applications received before 12.00 midday on January 6th will be considered. 


Interviews to be held on Thursday 30th January at the John Radcliffe Hospital site.


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