"Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . . _:Nd1e96abd5597472b9cba61e0a5a75d61 . "NTriples description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . . . "postal code"@en . . . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a "United Kingdom" . "OxPoints"@en . "License"@en . "23233830"^^ . . . "OxPoints"@en . _:Nd1e96abd5597472b9cba61e0a5a75d61 . . "338" . . "Source"@en . "text/plain" . "RDF/XML description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a . "country name"@en . . "51.755367"^^ . "Turtle description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . . . . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a "Beaumont Street" . . "locality"@en . . . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a . . "notation"@en . . "type" . "Estates identifier" . . "text/html" . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a "Entrance through Ashmolean Museum" . . . . "Address"@en . . "HTML description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . "Description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . "address"@en . "way/100294897" . "preferred label"@en . . . . "Title"@en . "text/n3" . "extended address"@en . "Notation3 description of Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . "longitude" . "text/turtle" . "338"^^ . "Cast Gallery, Ashmolean Museum" . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a "OX1 2PH" . . . . . "application/rdf+xml" . . . . . . . . . "-1.260102"^^ . "application/xhtml+xml" . . "street address"@en . "building" . "latitude" . . "in dataset" . "OpenStreetMap feature identifier" . _:Nf556e7f0e1c84d2dacae047f5213769a "Oxford" . _:Nd1e96abd5597472b9cba61e0a5a75d61 . . .