University of Oxford

Open Data about the University of Oxford


SPARQL (Public store)


Query took 0.00 seconds to complete.

subject predicate
gr:BusinessEntity owl:disjointWith
gr:PriceSpecification owl:disjointWith
gr:Offering owl:disjointWith
gr:Location owl:disjointWith
gr:TypeAndQuantityNode owl:disjointWith
gr:OpeningHoursSpecification owl:disjointWith
gr:DeliveryMethod owl:disjointWith
gr:PaymentMethod owl:disjointWith
gr:BusinessFunction owl:disjointWith
gr:WarrantyPromise owl:disjointWith
gr:WarrantyScope owl:disjointWith
gr:QuantitativeValue owl:disjointWith
gr:Brand owl:disjointWith
gr:DayOfWeek owl:disjointWith
gr:ProductOrService owl:disjointWith
gr:Reseller rdf:type
gr:eligibleCustomerTypes rdfs:range
gr:Business rdf:type
gr:Enduser rdf:type
gr:PublicInstitution rdf:type
b0 rdf:first
b1 rdf:first


When checked, common prefix declarations are prepended to your query. (show)

SPARQL query used to generate this page

  • SELECT ?subject ?predicate WHERE { ?subject ?predicate <> } LIMIT 200