University of Oxford

Open Data about the University of Oxford


member of

Indicates that a person is a member of the Organization with no indication of the nature of that membership or the role played. Note that the choice of property name is not meant to limit the property to only formal membership arrangements, it is also indended to cover related concepts such as affilliation or other involvement in the organization. Extensions can specialize this relationship to indicate particular roles within the organization or more nuanced relationships to the organization. Has an optional inverse, `org:hasmember`.
Indicates that a person is a member of the Organization with no indication of the nature of that membership or the role played. Note that the choice of property name is not meant to limit the property to only formal membership arrangements, it is also indended to cover related concepts such as affilliation or other involvement in the organization. Extensions can specialize this relationship to indicate particular roles within the organization or more nuanced relationships to the organization. Has an optional inverse, `org:hasmember`.
Persona que pertenece a la organización o es miembro de la misma, sin que conste la naturaleza de dicha pertenencia o el papel que desempeña. Se debe tener en cuenta que la elección de una denominación para esta propiedad no significa que la propiedad esté limitada a ciertos tipos de pertenencia formales, sino que pretende cubrir conceptos relacionados como el de afiliación u otras formas de participación en la organización. Se puede hacer uso de extensiones para especializar esta relación de forma que incluya tipos específicos de pertenencia a las organizaciones o relaciones especiales con la organización.
Indique qu'une personne est membre de l'Organisation sans précision sur la nature de cet engagement ou du rôle joué. Notez que le choix du nom de cette propriété ne vise pas à la limiter aux seuls engagements formels, elle peut également couvrir des concepts reliés comme l'affiliation ou le bénévolat. Des extensions peuvent spécialiser cette relation pour indiquer des rôles particuliers au sein de l'Organisation or des relations plus nuancées avec elle. Possède une propriété inverse optionnelle, `org:hasmember`.
Indica che una persona è membro di una Organization senza una precisa indicazione sulla natura di questa appartenenza e sul suo ruolo. Si noti che la scelta del nome di questa proprietà non intende limitarla alla sola rappresentazione formalmente di un'appartenenza. La proprietà può coprire anche altri coinvolgimenti nell'organizzazione. Questa proprietà può essere specializzata per indicare ruoli all'interno organizzazione o relazioni di diverse tipologie. Ha `org:hasmember` come proprietà inversa opzionale.
member of
es miembro de
membro di
membre de