University of Oxford

Open Data about the University of Oxford


Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Turbulent Reacting Flow Model Development and Implementation

Applications for this vacancy closed on 3 November 2023 at 12:00PM
We are seeking a full time to join the Thermal Propulsion System Research
Group (TPSRG: ) at the Department of Engineering
Science (Central Oxford). The post is funded by EPSRC and is fixed-term for 12
months. The position serves the Oxford TPSRG and Convergent Science, where the
aim is to broaden the impact of research from TPSRG and help build a more
open-source data platform to showcase the research excellence within the
TPSRG. You will be responsible for the development, validation, and
implementation of advanced turbulent combustion models. Additional duties also
include constructing a database from previous research activities in TPSRG and
making it available to the wider community. The candidate will be working
closely with Dr Felix Leach, Dr Leo Fang and external research associates
within the Convergent Science research and development team.

You will possess a relevant PhD/DPhil (or be close to completion) in
engineering, computational sciences, physical sciences, or mathematics,
together with sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to work within
an established research program. Previous novel numerical model development
experience (particularly CMC-based models and spray sub-models) within
Converge or OpenFoam environment is essential to this job.

Additional information can be found in the job description. Informal enquiries
may be addressed to Dr Felix Leach ( or Dr Leo Fang
( ).

For more information about working at the Department, see

Only online applications received before midday on **3rd November 2023** can
be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting
statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how
past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the
details of two referees as part of your online application.

The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment
to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Keywords: CFD, combustion, autoignition, CMC, CSE, Converge/OpenFoam, PDF

central Oxford
2023-11-03 12:00:00+00:00
2023-10-03 09:00:00+01:00

We are seeking a full time to join the Thermal Propulsion System Research Group (TPSRG: ) at the Department of Engineering Science (Central Oxford). The post is funded by EPSRC and is fixed-term for 12 months. The position serves the Oxford TPSRG and Convergent Science, where the aim is to broaden the impact of research from TPSRG and help build a more open-source data platform to showcase the research excellence within the TPSRG. You will be responsible for the development, validation, and implementation of advanced turbulent combustion models. Additional duties also include constructing a database from previous research activities in TPSRG ...
We are seeking a full time to join the Thermal Propulsion System Research
Group (TPSRG: ) at the Department of Engineering
Science (Central Oxford). The post is funded by EPSRC and is fixed-term for 12
months. The position serves the Oxford TPSRG and Convergent Science, where the
aim is to broaden the impact of research from TPSRG and help build a more
open-source data platform to showcase the research excellence within the
TPSRG. You will be responsible for the development, validation, and
implementation of advanced turbulent combustion models. Additional duties also
include constructing a database from previous research activities ...
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Turbulent Reacting Flow Model Development and Implementation
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