University of Oxford

Open Data about the University of Oxford


Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dynamic Properties of Polymers

Applications for this vacancy closed on 1 December 2023 at 12:00PM
We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dynamic
Properties of Polymers to join Clive Siviour’s research group at the
Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford). The post is funded by UKRI
and is fixed term for 8 months.

This post contributes to a number of projects on the mechanical response of
polymers. Approximately half of your time will be spent on dynamic
characterisation of engineering polymers. Here, you will build on time-
temperature based techniques for determining dynamic properties of
biomaterials and elastomers. The other half will be spent working more broadly
on designing techniques that can be applied to circular plastics, including
novel test and processing methods. These will be applied to polymers derived
from renewable feedstocks; there will be an opportunity to develop further
projects with our industrial partners as the post develops.

You will hold a relevant PhD/DPhil (or be near completion), with significant
knowledge/expertise in experimental mechanics of polymers (thermo-mechanical
testing), optical techniques for measuring polymer response (including
temperature rises at different strain rates) constitutive modelling and Finite
Element modelling. Good programming skills (Matlab, Python) are required.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Clive Siviour

Only online applications received before Noon on Friday 1st December 2023 can
be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting
statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how
past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the
details of two referees as part of your online application.

The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment
to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.

Keywords: Polymers; Mechanical Testing; Imaging; Circular Plastics

Central Oxford
2023-12-01 12:00:00+00:00
2023-11-07 09:00:00+00:00
We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dynamic
Properties of Polymers to join Clive Siviour’s research group at the
Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford). The post is funded by UKRI
and is fixed term for 8 months.

This post contributes to a number of projects on the mechanical response of
polymers. Approximately half of your time will be spent on dynamic
characterisation of engineering polymers. Here, you will build on time-
temperature based techniques for determining dynamic properties of
biomaterials and elastomers. The other half will be spent working more broadly
on designing techniques that can be ...

We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dynamic Properties of Polymers to join Clive Siviour’s research group at the Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford).  The post is funded by UKRI and is fixed term for 8 months.


This post contributes to a number of projects on the mechanical response of polymers.  Approximately half of your time will be spent on dynamic characterisation of engineering polymers.  Here, you will build on time-temperature based techniques for determining dynamic properties of biomaterials and elastomers.  The other half will be spent working more broadly on designing techniques that can be ...
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Dynamic Properties of Polymers
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