University of Oxford

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Research Assistant

Applications for this vacancy closed on 5 June 2024 at 12:00PM
<div xmlns=""> <p></p><div><strong>Department of Physiology, Anatomy &amp; Genetics</strong></div><br> <div><strong>University of Oxford</strong></div><br> <div>Sherrington Building, Parks Road, Oxford</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div><strong>Research Assistant</strong></div><br> <div><strong>A genetic resource for complex cell-cell interaction studies in Drosophila</strong></div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div><strong>Salary Grade 6: &#163;32,332 - &#163;36,024</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Full-time/Fixed Term until 30 June 2025</strong></div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Applications are invited to join the laboratory of Professor Scott Waddell to work on a project entitled &#8220;A genetic resource for complex cell-cell interaction studies in Drosophila&#8221; which aims to generate a new genetic tool for the investigation of the neural and molecular mechanisms underlying long-term memory, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. Working alongside Dr Markus Toegel, duties will include being responsible for general laboratory management and administration, manage own research activities, select, follow and adapt experimental protocols and gather, analyse and present scientific data.&#160;</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The successful applicant will hold a first degree and have experience in Drosophila genetics, tissue dissections, immunohistochemistry and confocal imaging as well as having excellent communication skills. Having experience in molecular biology is desirable but not essential.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The post is available for an immediate start. &#160;It is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), and will be based at the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, Tinsley Building, Mansfield Road, Oxford.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be directed to CNCB HR ( or to Dr Markus Toegel (</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Closing date for applications is Wednesday 5th June 2024 at 12 Noon.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women, black and minority ethnic candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. &#160;</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>We, as a Department and Community, will be considerate and welcoming of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity. We acknowledge societal inequalities and how these impact us, and those around us, personally and professionally. &#8211; DPAG Statement of Inclusion</div> </div>
Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour
2024-06-05 12:00:00+01:00
2024-05-22 09:00:00+01:00
**Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics**

**University of Oxford**

Sherrington Building, Parks Road, Oxford

**Research Assistant**

**A genetic resource for complex cell-cell interaction studies in Drosophila**

**Salary Grade 6: £32,332 - £36,024**

**Full-time/Fixed Term until 30 June 2025**

Applications are invited to join the laboratory of Professor Scott Waddell to
work on a project entitled “A genetic resource for complex cell-cell
interaction studies in Drosophila” which aims to generate a new genetic tool
for the investigation of the neural and molecular mechanisms underlying long-
term memory, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. Working alongside Dr
Markus Toegel, duties will include ...

Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics

University of Oxford

Sherrington Building, Parks Road, Oxford


Research Assistant

A genetic resource for complex cell-cell interaction studies in Drosophila


Salary Grade 6: £32,332 - £36,024

Full-time/Fixed Term until 30 June 2025


Applications are invited to join the laboratory of Professor Scott Waddell to work on a project entitled “A genetic resource for complex cell-cell interaction studies in Drosophila” which aims to generate a new genetic tool for the investigation of the neural and molecular mechanisms underlying long-term memory, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. Working alongside Dr Markus Toegel, duties ...
Research Assistant
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