University of Oxford

Open Data about the University of Oxford


Associate Professorship in Physical Geography (Climate Science)

Applications for this vacancy closed on 8 February 2024 at 12:00PM
<div xmlns=""> <p></p><div>The School of Geography and the Environment, in association with St John&#8217;s College, seeks applications for a full-time Associate Professorship in Physical Geography, with a focus on Climate Science.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The Associate Professorship is tenable from 1st September 2024, or at an earlier or later date by negotiation, and will be held in conjunction with a Tutorial Fellowship at St John&#8217;s College under arrangements described in the further particulars. The post-holder will be based at the School of Geography and the Environment, and St John&#8217;s College, Oxford. The appointment will be for five years in the first instance, and upon completion of a successful review, the post-holder will be eligible for reappointment to the retiring age.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The main duties of the post-holder will be to engage in research, produce high-quality publications of an international standard and to teach, supervise and examine undergraduate and graduate students. The person appointed will be expected to engage in advanced research in Physical Geography and to give high-quality lectures, classes and small-group teaching in Geography at both undergraduate and graduate level. The appointee is expected to have expertise and a strong research interest in climate science, with a specialism in climate dynamics and climate processes complementary to the current research strengths in physical geography in the School. Preference may be given to candidates with research and teaching experience applicable to understanding long-term climate change. Other key duties include undertaking administrative work for the School and College.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The successful candidate will hold a doctorate in physical geography or a closely related field; have a proven track record of high-quality research and publications in physical geography at an international level, and evidence of rigorous and significant research plans.&#160; The post-holder will be expected to teach, supervise, and examine undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Geography, and be responsible for the organisation and teaching of the undergraduate degree at St John&#8217;s College. The post-holder is also expected to engage in the citizenship and service work of the School and the College, and be committed to deepening equality, diversity and inclusion in all their activities.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div><strong>Salary:</strong> Combined University and College salary from &#163;52,815 - &#163;70,918 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including an annual college Housing Allowance of &#163;21,630 and a Supplementary Duties allowance of &#163;5,132. An additional allowance of &#163;3,078 p.a. is payable upon award of Recognition of Distinction (the title of Full Professor).</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Further information regarding the School of Geography and the Environment can be found at &#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, and further information on St John&#8217;s College is available &#160;at &#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. The further particulars, which include details of the selection criteria and application procedure may be obtained by emailing &#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> or visiting &#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor Giles Wiggs, Head, School of Geography and the Environment (&#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>), or Professor Kate Nation, Provost for Academic Affairs at St John&#8217;s College (&#160;<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on <strong>Thursday 8th February 2024</strong>&#160;and interviews will be taking place on <strong>Tuesday 12th March 2024</strong>.&#160;Please quote reference number 170103 on all correspondence.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div><strong>The School of Geography and the Environment and St John&#8217;s College are committed to promoting a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. SoGE and the St John&#8217;s College are committed to equality and value diversity. The School of Geography and the Environment holds an Athena Swan Silver award in recognition of our commitment and success in addressing gender equality.</strong></div> </div>
School of Geography and the Environment, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY in association with St John’s College
2024-02-08 12:00:00+00:00
2023-12-19 09:00:00+00:00
The School of Geography and the Environment, in association with St John’s
College, seeks applications for a full-time Associate Professorship in
Physical Geography, with a focus on Climate Science.

The Associate Professorship is tenable from 1st September 2024, or at an
earlier or later date by negotiation, and will be held in conjunction with a
Tutorial Fellowship at St John’s College under arrangements described in the
further particulars. The post-holder will be based at the School of Geography
and the Environment, and St John’s College, Oxford. The appointment will be
for five years in the first instance, and upon completion ...

The School of Geography and the Environment, in association with St John’s College, seeks applications for a full-time Associate Professorship in Physical Geography, with a focus on Climate Science.


The Associate Professorship is tenable from 1st September 2024, or at an earlier or later date by negotiation, and will be held in conjunction with a Tutorial Fellowship at St John’s College under arrangements described in the further particulars. The post-holder will be based at the School of Geography and the Environment, and St John’s College, Oxford. The appointment will be for five years in the first instance, and upon ...
Associate Professorship in Physical Geography (Climate Science)
based near