University of Oxford

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Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Hydrogen Modelling

Applications for this vacancy closed on 18 January 2024 at 12:00PM
<div xmlns=""> <p></p><div>We seek a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Hydrogen - Materials Modelling to join the Solid Mechanics and Materials group at the Dept. of Engineering Science in central Oxford. This fixed-term post is funded by Rolls-Royce PLC until 31st October 2025.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>You will develop new modelling approaches to predict the diffusion and accumulation of hydrogen in metals during thermo-mechanical cycling. These simulations will enable the assessment of hydrogen retention and its effect on mechanical components in hydrogen-fueled jet engines under development by Rolls-Royce PLC. You will be part of a dynamic multi-institutional team working on this challenge.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>You should have a strong background in materials modelling, ideally with experience developing user subroutines in ABAQUS. Programming experience in Fortran and Python, and experience using high performance computing are desirable. Excellent communication, management and team-working skills are essential.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Felix Hofmann (</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>For more information about working at the Department, see</div><br> <div></div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Only online applications received before midday on <strong>18th January 2024</strong> can be considered. You will need to upload a cover letter that includes a brief statement of research interests (describing how your experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), your CV and details of two referees. Previous applicants need not apply.</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Key words</div><br> <div>&#160;</div><br> <div>Hydrogen Embrittlement</div><br> <div>Hydrogen diffusion</div><br> <div>Numerical simulation</div><br> <div>ABAQUS modelling</div><br> <div>Mechanical simulation</div><br> <div>&#160;</div> </div>
Central Oxford
2024-01-18 12:00:00+00:00
2024-01-09 09:00:00+00:00

We seek a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Hydrogen - Materials Modelling to join the Solid Mechanics and Materials group at the Dept. of Engineering Science in central Oxford. This fixed-term post is funded by Rolls-Royce PLC until 31st October 2025.


You will develop new modelling approaches to predict the diffusion and accumulation of hydrogen in metals during thermo-mechanical cycling. These simulations will enable the assessment of hydrogen retention and its effect on mechanical components in hydrogen-fueled jet engines under development by Rolls-Royce PLC. You will be part of a dynamic multi-institutional team working on this challenge.


You ...
We seek a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Hydrogen - Materials
Modelling to join the Solid Mechanics and Materials group at the Dept. of
Engineering Science in central Oxford. This fixed-term post is funded by
Rolls-Royce PLC until 31st October 2025.

You will develop new modelling approaches to predict the diffusion and
accumulation of hydrogen in metals during thermo-mechanical cycling. These
simulations will enable the assessment of hydrogen retention and its effect on
mechanical components in hydrogen-fueled jet engines under development by
Rolls-Royce PLC. You will be part of a dynamic multi-institutional team
working on this challenge.

You should have ...
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Hydrogen Modelling
based near