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All vacancies within University of Oxford
There are currently 139 vacancies within University of Oxford:
Title | Closes | Salary |
Bioinformatician | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: Research Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year. |
Research Associate on AI Cybersecurity | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. with the potential to underfill at Grade 6 with salaries in the range of £34,982 - £40,855 p.a. |
SRF Operations Officer | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 p.a. (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Senior Course Administrator (International Courses and Projects) | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum |
Senior Research Associate on Al Cybersecurity | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Grade 8: Salary range between £48,235- £57,255 per annum (with the potential to under-fill at Grade 7 with salaries in the range of £38,674 - £46,913 p.a.) |
User Experience Librarian | Jan. 21, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum, pro-rata |
Alumni and Development Coordinator | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Departmental Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthetics | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Clinical Researcher (New Scale) (E63): £36,616 – £70,425 per annum |
Development Administrator | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Finance Communications Lead | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Hyper-Kamiokande | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on T2K | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Symplectic Topology | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £40,855- £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Prostate Cancer Immune Regulation | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum) |
Research Assistant | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Research Assistant in Neuropathology | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 – £45,628 per annum |
Research Facilitator and Trusted Research Lead | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 p.a |
Senior Exam Project Supervisor | Jan. 22, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Computational Biology / Data Science Trainer | Jan. 23, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Cryogenics and Facilities Manager | Jan. 23, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. (with a discretionary range up to £51,059) including Oxford Weighting |
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Inclusive Battery Redeployment and Policy for Global Decarbonisation | Jan. 23, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Asset Management System Implementation Manager | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (Inclusive of the Oxford University Weighting) (pro rata) |
Clinical Trials Assistant | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum (pro-rata) |
Graduate Trainee Library Assistant (7 Posts) | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 2: £25,381 per annum |
Laboratory & Facility Assistant | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant Mechanoluminscent Materials | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £40,855 to £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mechanics of Solid State Batteries (Computational) | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £40,855 - £46,913 per annum |
Programme Administrator, Schmidt AI in Science Africa-India-Oxford Faculty Fellowship Programme | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Schools Creative Producer (2 Posts-Job Share) | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £36,616 per annum, pro-rata* |
Senior Business Analyst | Jan. 24, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Assistant Registrar (Governance) | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Associate Professor of Information Engineering | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £11,788 p.a. |
DTP Coordinator | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | not specified |
Fellowships Development Officer | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. (pro-rata for part time) |
HR Manager | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. |
Head of Brand Licensing | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum |
OxSTaR Simulation Technician | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 – £36,616 per annum (with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum) |
Professorship of Corporate Law | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | not specified |
Programme Manager (Education) | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 |
Research Assistant in Development and Education Research | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Grade 6: £34,982 - £38,674 p.a., dependent on experience. Pro-rata for variable hours appointments |
Royce Hydrogen Technology Analyst | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: 48,235 to 57,255 |
Senior Fellow of Practice in Public Management | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | Senior Researcher (D35/Rsiv): Competitive |
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Bywater and Sotheby Professorship of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature | Jan. 27, 2025, noon | not specified |
Administrative Assistant | Jan. 28, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 3: £26,948 - £27,838 p.a. |
Deputy Business Manager – Africa and Asia Programmes | Jan. 28, 2025, noon | Grade 8: £48,285 - £57,255 with a discretionary range to £62,407 p.a. (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Research Midwife | Jan. 28, 2025, noon | Grade 6: £34,982- £40,855 per annum (with a discretionary range of up to £44,382 per annum) |
Senior Campaign Manager | Jan. 28, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Academic Programmes Assistant - MSc Modelling for Global Health | Jan. 29, 2025, noon | Grade 4: £25,138 - £28,759 with a discretionary range to £31,396 per annum |
Postdoctoral Researcher – Cancer Prevention Vaccine Project | Jan. 29, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Researcher in Food Systems | Jan. 29, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Senior Scientific Officer | Jan. 29, 2025, noon | Grade 8: Salary in range £48,235 - £52,539 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Departmental Lecturer in Modern Chinese History | Jan. 30, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Development Officer - Social Sciences | Jan. 30, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Estate Worker (Forestry/Woodland) | Jan. 30, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 4: 27,838 - 31,459 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Concentrated Electrolytes for Energy Storage and Conversion | Jan. 30, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT | Jan. 31, 2025, midnight | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (A less experienced candidate may be appointed at Grade 6 (£34,982 - £40,855 per annum), with a commensurate adjustment in either the essential criteria, responsibilities or duties.) |
Associate Director of Data and Marketing Performance | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Communications and Events Lead - State of Carbon Dioxide Removal | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Doctoral Network Researcher | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Marie Curie Researcher (Mcr): Salary will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum |
Doctoral Network Researcher | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Marie Curie Researcher (Mcr): Salary will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum |
Finance Operations Supervisor | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
HR Administrator | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 |
Information Governance Officer | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Maintenance Engineer (Candidate Pool) | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £33,832 - £39,705 per annum |
Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: 38,674 - 46,913 per annum |
Medical Statistician | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £41,997 per annum |
PDRA in Modern Methods for Transport in Plasma Physics | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Part-time ERC Projects Officer, iMANAGE Project | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: £31,459-£36,616 per annum pro rata |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in AI for Health Technologies | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: 40,855 - 46913 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Molecular Microbiology and Vaccine Development | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Single-Molecule Transcription in Bacterial Cells | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Grade 07RS: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Survey Development for AI Simulation | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Grade 7.1 - 7.8: to £38,674 - £46,913 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Inorganic Chemistry | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (inclusive of Oxford University Weighting) |
Recruitment Manager – Executive MBA Programme | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Research Assistant | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 per annum |
Researcher | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Statistician | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Strategic Workforce Planning Officer | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Transformation Programme Officer | Jan. 31, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £51,059 per annum pro-rata (this includes Oxford University weighting) |
Associate Professor of Engineering (Information Engineering) | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £12,334 p.a. |
Associate Professor of Information Engineering. | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £11,635 p.a. |
Campaigns and Marketing Manager (maternity cover) | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range to £51,059) p.a., depending on experience |
Clinical Trial Supplies Planner | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range up to £51,059) |
Digital Transformation Manager | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range to £51,059) p.a., depending on experience |
Eleanor Rathbone Professor of Contemporary European History | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | not specified |
Functional Support Analyst- Web CMS | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Senior Developer- BI | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Senior Library Assistant (Evening Supervisor) | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 4: £27,838 - £31,459 per annum |
Senior Research Scientist in Weather & Climate Predictability and Risk | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum |
University Engagement Lead | Feb. 3, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 (per annum, pro rata)* |
CMR Applications Specialist (postgraduate or postdoctoral) | Feb. 4, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: 38,674 - 46,913 |
Campaign Manager | Feb. 4, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum |
Head of Development - Ashmolean Museum | Feb. 4, 2025, noon | Grade 10: annual progression from £64,228 to £74,191 per annum, with a possible extension to £80,913 including an Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata) |
Medical Statistician | Feb. 4, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. |
Research Finance Manger | Feb. 4, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Assistant Clinical Trial Manager | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum (pro-rata) |
Associate Professorship in the Art of the Americas | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 30S: Salary from £55,755 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits and allowances as detailed below, a college housing allowance of £10,952 p. a. |
Clinical Trials Manager | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: 34,982 - 40,855 with a discretionary range to £44,382 per annum (pro-rata) |
IT Project Engineer | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Research Assistant | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 per annum |
Research Assistant in Neuroimaging | Feb. 5, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 – £40,855 per annum |
Event Venues Coordinator | Feb. 6, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 per annum |
Project Manager | Feb. 6, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 with a discretionary range to £51,059 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata) |
Associate Professorship or Professorship of Philosophy | Feb. 7, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-College New): Combined University and College salary: £55,755 - £74,867 p.a. |
Senior Statistical Data Analyst | Feb. 7, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 |
Creative Producer (ADP Focus) | Feb. 10, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 per annum, pro-rata* |
Research Associate, India Transition Finance Programme, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group | Feb. 10, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
IBME Finance Portfolio Manager | Feb. 11, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum, with a discretionary range to £62,407 per annum (including Oxford University Weighting) |
Research Assistant in Urban Mobility | Feb. 11, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Research Assistant in Urban Mobility | Feb. 11, 2025, noon | Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 |
Qualitative Researcher | Feb. 12, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Africa Oxford Ubuntu Transitions Programme Manager | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Data Coordinator | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 4: 27,838 - 31,459 with a discretionary range to £34,046 per annum (pro-rata) |
Data manager | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: 34,982 - 40,855 with a discretionary range to £44,382 per annum (pro-rata) |
Head of Horticulture and Curator | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
High Speed Wind Tunnel Assistant | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982-£40,855 per annum |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Ion Trap Quantum Computing | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum |
Programme Assistant | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Grade 4: £27,838 - £31,459 with a discretionary range to £34,046 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Research Collaborations Manager | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata). |
Senior Scientific Researcher in Single-Molecule Biophysics | Feb. 14, 2025, noon | Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum |
Kadoorie Professor of Trauma Rehabilitation | Feb. 17, 2025, noon | not specified |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Bioelectronics | Feb. 17, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £40,855 per annum (Inclusive of Oxford University weighting) |
Public Programmes Creative Producer | Feb. 17, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £36,616 per annum, pro-rata* |
Associate Professorship in the History of Contemporary Art with a Tutorial Fellowship | Feb. 19, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 30S: £55,755 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits and allowances as detailed in the job description |
Early Career Research Fellowship in Near-Eastern Archaeology | Feb. 19, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics (2 Posts) | Feb. 21, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum |
Professorship of Civil Engineering | Feb. 24, 2025, noon | not specified |
Building Services Technician – Chilled water and Compressed Air systems | Feb. 26, 2025, noon | Grade 6 - £34,982 - £40,855 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Measurements at ATLAS | Feb. 26, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum |
Study Coordinator | Feb. 27, 2025, noon | Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum (including Oxford University Weighting) |
Associate Professorship of Cell and Molecular Biology | Feb. 28, 2025, noon | Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 10a: £55,755 – 74,867 per annum plus substantial additional benefits |
Big Data Institute Director | March 3, 2025, noon | Competitive Salary |
Professor of Computer Science | March 10, 2025, noon | not specified |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | March 11, 2025, noon | Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 |
Research Associate in Generative AI | March 17, 2025, noon | Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. with the potential to underfill at Grade 6 with salaries in the range of £34,982 - £40,855 p.a. |
Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | April 4, 2025, noon | Grade 10a: Combined University and College salary: in the range £55,755 - £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits as detailed below, including a Fellows’ allowance of £13,762 p.a. and an allowance of £3,155 p.a. if awarded the title of Professor |
Internal Applicants only - NMH TSS Registration | Dec. 31, 2025, noon | Casuals: Various |
Temporary Administrative Assistant | Dec. 31, 2025, noon | Competitive rates of pay |
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: Research Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year.
<div> <p></p><div>We have an opportunity for a Bioinformatician to work closely with the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance team of software engineers and data analysts to contribute to the strategy of CGPS, delivering operational solutions for translational bioinformatics in the public health arena at the Pandemic Science Institute, Nuffield Department of Medicine.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for contributing to the development of research questions within the GHRU2 project context, conduct research, analysing detailed and complex qualitative and/or quantitative data from a variety of sources, and generate original ideas by building on existing concepts. You will regularly draft and write research articles at a national level for per-reviewed journals, book chapters and reviews. You will carry out collaborative projects with colleagues in partner institutions and research groups and contribute ideas to the shaping the CGPS’s plans and the writing of group-funding applications for new research projects. Additionally, you will contribute to manuscripts, presentations and other means of disseminating results.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you hold a post-graduate degree in Biostatistics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Mathematical Biology or a related subject with demonstrable experience, ability and practical success in biostatistics or bioinformatics. You will be able to organise and prioritise work efficiently whilst delivering results to the required standard and to an agreed schedule. You will also have experience working in international settings, or with international collaborators. Having experience in designing, implementing and teaching pathogen bioinformatics at a post graduate level is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract until 31 May 2027 and is funded by the NIHR Global Health Research Units programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Tuesday 21 January 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>177383</strong> on all correspondence.</div> </div>Research Associate on AI Cybersecurity
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. with the potential to underfill at Grade 6 with salaries in the range of £34,982 - £40,855 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>The Global Cybersecurity Capacity Centre (GCSCC) at the Department of Computer Science is looking to employ a Research Fellow to work within an interdisciplinary team on AI cybersecurity research. Primarily funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the GCSCC is a programme of the Oxford Martin School, which specialises in supporting interdisciplinary research communities working to address the most pressing global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will report to the Principal Investigator.  The post holder is a member of a research group providing day-to-day supervision for research assistants.  The post holder is responsible for their own grant funded research project within a discrete area of a wider research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The key focus of this role will be to support the research programme of the GCSCC across the three primary task areas outlined below, but primarily focusing on <strong>Task 2</strong>.  Each task is framed by a key challenge question:  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>1. How are each of the different types of AI / ML models vulnerable to cyber-attack, and can we predict outcomes of cyber-attacks based on knowledge of the specific model and training dataset being used? </div><br> <div>2. What is the nature of harm that is faced when AI-systems are attacked, and how might the risk propagate through organisations, supply-chains and ecosystems? </div><br> <div>3.  What AI cybersecurity capacity should nations and organisations be prioritising for investment? </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Project website is  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be required to work primarily under the direction of Professor Sadie Creese and the supervision of Professor Michael Goldsmith, with guidance from other senior academics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that successful candidate would hold a relevant PhD/DPhil or being close to completion in a cybersecurity-relevant field with post-qualification research experience. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 21st January 2025.</strong> Interviews are expected to be held in January or early February. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>We are a Stonewall Top 100 Employer, Living Wage, holding an Athena Swan Bronze Award, HR excellence in Research and Race Equality Charter Bronze Award.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diversity groups and champions, for example , as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Demonstrating a commitment to provide equality of opportunity, we would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic applicants who are currently under-represented within the Computer Science Department. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div> </div>SRF Operations Officer
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 p.a. (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div>We have an exciting opportunity to recruit an SRF Operations Officer to support the operations of the Small Research Facilities (SRFs) across a number of units within the Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM). SRFs provide state-of-the-art, financially sustainable facilities to scientists within academia and industry, fostering an innovative and collaborative environment critical for interdisciplinary biomedical research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The SRF Operations Officer will report directly to the SRF Operations Manager and assist them in the delivery of finance and operations support for the SRFs. You will work closely with the SRF Staff members, Finance Officers, Business Managers, functional teams, and external customers to manage the day-to-day financial and operational activities including raising quotes, ensuring contractual documentation is in place, requesting invoices and ensuring financial transactions are delivered in a timely and accurate manner. You will also ensure up-to-date documentation is accessible to all stakeholders and assist with the implementation of processes to streamline SRF administration.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be successful in this role, you will be educated to A Level Standard with GCSE (Grade A-C) level England and Maths, or equivalent. You will have suitable experience of working in a relevant financial and operational role, including experience of working with computerised financial systems, and be competent using Microsoft Office including Excel and Word, and databases. You will have excellent time management and demonstrable ability to prioritise and manage a diverse workload to meet competing deadlines.  A meticulous approach to work, ensuring accuracy and attention to detail, is required, alongside the capacity to interpret and apply policies to everyday situations. Additionally, you should be able to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract for 3 years.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Monday 20 January 2025 will be considered. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 28th January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please quote  <strong>175474</strong>  on all correspondence.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Senior Course Administrator (International Courses and Projects)
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE) is seeking to appoint a Senior Course Administrator that will be responsible for the administration of a number of schools for international students and bespoke courses.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity for a Senior Course Administrator to join the Professional and Open Access Courses team in the Department for Continuing Education.  You will be responsible for the administration of a number of spring and summer schools for international students, and bespoke courses and events run throughout the year. You will also be responsible for our Oxford Teachers' Academy professional development courses run in collaboration with OUP.  You will also support colleagues working on other international courses and projects.  You will be expected to work throughout the summer and to attend weekly evening and weekend events between June and September.</div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You should have a solid background in student administration, with excellent organisational and time management skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be experienced in the preparation and delivery of residential summer schools for international participants, as well as short courses and other events. You will have considerable experience of coordinating events in person and responding to queries by email, as well as face-to-face and over the phone. It is essential that you will be comfortable interacting with a diverse range of people of all ages and nationalities. Experience with financial arrangements such as preparing course budgets is also essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Flexibility is important, as you may be required to take on additional administrative responsibilities related to course administration. Strong attention to detail, a collaborative working style, and the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently are crucial</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About us</strong></div><br> <div>OUDCE provides opportunities for people from a wide variety of backgrounds to benefit from the University’s rich and unique resources. We are ambitious and forward-thinking, with a strong sense of identity and community. Our mission is to inspire people locally, nationally and globally by extending access to Oxford’s world-class teaching and resources through flexible and inclusive opportunities for study and research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Colleagues uphold the Mission, Vision and Values of the Department and actively promote a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div>Your happiness and wellbeing at work matters to us, so we offer a range of family friendly and financial benefits including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•         An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•         38 days’ annual leave</div><br> <div>•         A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•         Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•         Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•         Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</div><br> <div>•         Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To make informal enquiries about the post please contact</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on 21 January 2025</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Bring your expertise to the University of Oxford and be a part of a community that values creativity, diversity, and excellence.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from individuals regardless of their background.</div> </div>Senior Research Associate on Al Cybersecurity
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 8: Salary range between £48,235- £57,255 per annum (with the potential to under-fill at Grade 7 with salaries in the range of £38,674 - £46,913 p.a.)
<div> <p></p><div>The Global Cybersecurity Capacity Centre (GCSCC) at the Department of Computer Science is looking to employ a Senior Research Associate to work within an interdisciplinary team on AI cybersecurity research. Primarily funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, the GCSCC is a programme of the Oxford Martin School, which specialises in supporting interdisciplinary research communities working to address the most pressing global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will report to the Principal Investigator.  The post holder is a member of a research group providing day-to-day supervision for research assistants.  The post holder is responsible for their own grant funded research project within a discrete area of a wider research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The key focus of this role will be to support the research programme of the GCSCC across the three primary task areas outlined below, but primarily focusing on Task 2.  Each task is framed by a key challenge question:  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>1.How are each of the different types of AI / ML models vulnerable to cyber-attack, and can we predict outcomes of cyber-attacks based on knowledge of the specific model and training dataset being used? </div><br> <div>2.What is the nature of harm that is faced when AI-systems are attacked, and how might the risk propagate through organisations, supply-chains and ecosystems? </div><br> <div>3.What AI cybersecurity capacity should nations and organisations be prioritising for investment? </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Project website is  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be required to work primarily under the direction of Professor Sadie Creese and the supervision of Professor Michael Goldsmith, with guidance from other senior academics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that successful candidate would hold a relevant PhD/DPhil in a cybersecurity-relevant field with post-qualification research experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 21st January 2025.</strong> Interviews are expected to be held in January or early February. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are a Stonewall Top 100 Employer, Living Wage, holding an Athena Swan Bronze Award, HR excellence in Research and Race Equality Charter Bronze Award.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diversity groups and champions, for example , as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Demonstrating a commitment to provide equality of opportunity, we would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic applicants who are currently under-represented within the Computer Science Department. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>User Experience Librarian
Closes: Jan. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum, pro-rata
<div> <p></p><div><strong>THIS POST COULD BE CONSIDERED AS A SECONDMENT OPPORTUNITY</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>Join us at the Bodleian Libraries as a User Experience Librarian and be instrumental in creating a welcoming and engaging library environment that meets the needs of our diverse user community. This is an exciting opportunity to improve the user experience of the Bodleian Libraries by designing, undertaking, analysing and reporting research into the experience of our users.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As part of the small, friendly, supportive Assessment Team, you will undertake user experience research in support of Strategic projects, for example user testing developments of existing resource discovery tools; researching user needs from new library services; and supporting colleagues to undertake and embed local user experience research into the comfort of physical library spaces.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This a part-time, fixed-term position, working 15 hours per week (Tuesday and Friday) for 21 months. The role is office based, with the option to work occasionally from home. There may need to be some occasional flexibility to undertake interviews outside standard office hours, depending on the availability of users.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The User Experience Librarian role is filled by 2 post-holders: 0.6FTE existing postholder and this 0.4FTE postholder. These postholders work collaboratively and co-operatively to deliver the responsibilities of the role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will have expertise and experience undertaking qualitative research, including qualitative data analysis following grounded theory methods (or similar e.g. history research methods) and strong knowledge of user experience principles, techniques and methodologies.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to connect, build trust with, and work effectively with diverse user groups.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have a postgraduate degree in librarianship/information management/psychology/anthropology/another social science subject (or equivalent experience) and a strong customer service ethos with the ability to identify opportunities for improvement and advocate for change.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days of annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Bodleian Libraries is committed to supporting staff in their personal and career development and offers extensive training and development opportunities, including fully funded conference attendance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV and a supporting statement</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you excited about this role but feel you don’t meet every requirement? Studies show that some groups of people are less likely to apply for jobs unless they match everything, not just the essential criteria. If your experience doesn’t perfectly align but this is your dream role, please do apply. You may be just the right candidate for us.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Dr Frankie Wilson, Head of Assessment, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role ( General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please discuss secondments with your line manager in the first instance, as you must have their agreement that you can be released for a secondment before you submit an application<a rel="nofollow" href="">  </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday on Tuesday 21 January 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place during week commencing Monday 3 February 2025.</div> </div>Alumni and Development Coordinator
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Permanent, full time (36.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Saïd Business School is renowned for its ambitious fundraising initiatives and exceptional team, supporting one of the largest fundraising portfolios outside of the Central University. In the past six years alone, we have raised over £100 million through diverse engagements with major trusts, foundations, corporations and esteemed alumni and supporters. With a new five-year strategic vision, we are entering a transformative phase to deepen philanthropic engagement and alumni relations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Alumni and Development Coordinator will provide essential administrative and logistical support to our Development and Alumni Relations team. Reporting to the Prospect Research Manager, the post holder will support team members across alumni relations, donor communications, event planning and finance administration. This role is perfect for an organised, detail-oriented professional eager to contribute to impactful alumni and development initiatives in a collaborative environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Serve as a main contact for alumni and donor communications via phone, email and in-person interactions.</li><br> <li>Maintain accurate alumni and donor records on our DARS CRM, ensuring GDPR compliance.</li><br> <li>Assist in planning and executing alumni, donor and student events, both in the UK and internationally.</li><br> <li>Oversee financial administration tasks, including raising POs, credit card reconciliation and generating invoices.</li><br> <li>Organise travel for team members, book accommodations and manage travel-related expenses.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>You will have substantial administrative experience in a fast-paced setting, demonstrating excellent customer service and a professional manner. Proficiency in CRM systems, Microsoft Office and social media platforms is essential, along with strong verbal and written communication skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must have the Right to Work within the UK as this position may not amount to enough points under the points-based immigration system in the UK. For more information please visit: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 22 January 2025 at 12.00 noon. Interviews will likely be held week commencing 27 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Departmental Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthetics
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Clinical Researcher (New Scale) (E63): £36,616 – £70,425 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Clinical Lecturerships at Oxford are for a specific fixed-term period because they are training posts designed for those hoping for a career in academic medicine. During the period of this post you will be given 50% of protected time to undertake research. This post is interim for 1 year in the first instance. Clinical Lecturers continue to receive clinical experience and training leading to the CCT. In addition, there is a requirement to undertake teaching for medical students. The Medical Sciences Division provides mentors and teaching advisers to provide support for all aspects of the Clinical Lecturers’ work and in addition the Oxford Learning Institute provides educational advice and a wide variety of courses in aspects of research (applying for research grants etc.), management and the teaching of students. The relevant research group offers support for research. </div><br> <div>The main features of the post of Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthetics include the development of a research programme in an area of relevance and teaching of medical students, as well as completion of higher professional training and contribution towards the clinical work of the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will be responsible to the Head of the Nuffield Division of Anaesthetics (currently Professor Andrew Farmery) within the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences and will carry out teaching, research, clinical work and administrative duties under the Head of Division’s direction. Duties will be divided so that approximately 50-75% will be spent on academic pursuits (teaching and research) and the rest on clinical duties.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you have a primary medical degree (MB.BS, BM.BCh etc) recognised by the GMC and FRCA or equivalent anaesthetic qualification. It is desirable that you have  evidence of audit and management experience, peer reviewed publications, information technology skills, prizes and honours will lend support to any application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please see the below 'Job Description' for further details on the responsibilities and selection criteria, as well as further information about the university and how to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The post is full time, but part time may be considered at a minimum 0.8 FTE, for a fixed term of 12 months in the first instance.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 will be considered.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter. </strong></div> </div>Development Administrator
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Permanent, full time (36.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you an organised, detail-oriented professional with a passion for supporting impactful projects? Join our Development & Alumni Relations team at Saïd Business School as a Development Administrator, where you'll play a key role in supporting our fundraising and donor stewardship efforts.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As part of our Operations sub-team, you’ll collaborate with senior academics, donors and stakeholders to fundraise for academic projects, scholarships and other initiatives. This role combines financial administration, event coordination and general support duties, offering an excellent opportunity to contribute to high-profile projects and further develop your career.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Manage gift processing, invoicing and payment tracking from receipt to acknowledgment.</li><br> <li>Support the planning and execution of donor stewardship events, gala dinners and signing ceremonies.</li><br> <li>Provide database support, ensuring data accuracy and assisting with reporting.</li><br> <li>Maintain GDPR-compliant donor records and administrative systems.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>You will have professional experience with access databases or CRMs, strong IT proficiency (particularly in Excel and Word), and a track record of maintaining effective administrative systems and streamlining processes. You should demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills, with an understanding of GDPR compliance and data sensitivity, alongside data management expertise to research, analyse and present information accurately and efficiently.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must have the Right to Work within the UK as this position may not amount to enough points under the points-based immigration system in the UK. For more information please visit: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 22 January 2025 at 12.00 noon. Interviews will likely be held 28 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div><br> <br>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href="v"></a><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Finance Communications Lead
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Finance Communications Lead</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Location</strong>: Great Clarendon Street, Oxford with requirement for 1 day a week in the office but with flexibility to come in for meetings/workshops.</div><br> <div><strong>Salary</strong>:Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum</div><br> <div><strong>Contract</strong>: Full-time, permanent contract.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Here, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking research that tackles global challenges - from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions - and join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Finance Division is here to support the academic, research and administrative community at the University with sound financial advice and timely information with a range of support services including financial operations, financial reporting, financial support and professional services.</div><br> <div>We are seeking a Finance Communications Lead to shape and deliver impactful communication strategies across the Finance Division. This role involves collaborating with senior leadership and project teams to enhance visibility and understanding of financial activities, supporting strategic initiatives, and leading engagement efforts for digital transformation projects.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•         38 days of annual leave to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</div><br> <div>•         One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</div><br> <div>•         A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</div><br> <div>•         An excellent contributory pension scheme.</div><br> <div>•         Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</div><br> <div>•         Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•         Develop and implement integrated communication strategies for the Finance Division.</div><br> <div>•         Support the Finance Leadership Team in delivering strategic messaging and stakeholder engagement.</div><br> <div>•         Manage digital communication channels, including website content and newsletters.</div><br> <div>•         Create and deliver accessible content, simplifying complex financial topics.</div><br> <div>•         Lead stakeholder engagement efforts during major financial events and policy changes.</div><br> <div>•         Ensure communication strategies align with University-wide initiatives.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•         Extensive background in a strategic communications role.</div><br> <div>•         Strong ability to manage complex change communications.</div><br> <div>•         Strong writing, editing, and content creation skills.</div><br> <div>•         Excellent stakeholder management and relationship-building abilities.</div><br> <div>•         Experience with digital communications, including website management.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <div>•         A covering letter/supporting statement</div><br> <div>•         Your CV</div><br> <div>•         The details of two referees</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 24th January</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Hyper-Kamiokande
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Particle Physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 3 years, with the possibility of extension subject to funding.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The holder of this post will work on the Hyper Kamiokande experiment which is currently under construction in Japan.  Hyper-Kamiokande will have world-leading sensitivity across a broad range of physics topics from CP-violation in the neutrino sector, baryon number non-conservation and supernova burst neutrino detection for more than a decade to come.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will be part of the outer detector installation team and will also develop software within the DAQ for Hyper-Kamiokande. They will be a key team member during the integration and commissioning of the experiment.  They will also take a lead role in development of analysis efforts within the Oxford group for example in neutrino oscillations or supernova burst neutrinos.  The post holder may also participate in SK operations/analysis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold, or be close to completion of, a PhD/DPhil in physics or a related field and ideally a strong background in particle physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience in the field of neutrino physics and/or detector installation or data acquisition in high-energy physics experiments will be an advantage</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates are expected to demonstrate strong research skills, the ability work both independently and within a team and to communicate effectively.  Willingness to travel to Japan is a must.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holder will have the opportunity to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received promptly by 12:00 noon UK time on <strong>22 January 2025</strong> can be considered. Please read the “Person Specification and Job Description” before preparing your application. You will be required to upload a Curriculum Vitae, a description of research experience and interests and the names and addresses of three referees as part of your online application. In addition you should arrange for the three letters of reference to be sent to by the closing date. Applications are acknowledged but not reference letters.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant on T2K
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Particle Physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 3 years, with the possibility of extension.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The holder of this post will work on the T2K, Hyper Kamiokande (HK) and potentially Super-Kamiokande (SK) experiments which are in Japan.  T2K and SK have, and HK will dramatically extend, world-leading sensitivity across a broad range of physics topics from CP-violation in the neutrino sector, baryon number non-conservation and supernova burst neutrino detection for more than a decade to come.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will work with other members of the Oxford group, and other UK and international groups to provide operational support of the DAQ for the recently upgraded ND280 near detectors in Tokai.   They will also help with the DAQ for HK, in particular with any necessary adaptations at ND280.  They will also take a lead role in development of analysis efforts within the Oxford group for example in neutrino oscillations or supernova burst neutrinos.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold, or be close to completion of, a PhD/DPhil in physics or a related field and ideally a strong background in particle physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience in the field of neutrino physics and/or data acquisition in high-energy physics experiments will be an advantage.</div><br> <div>Candidates are expected to demonstrate strong research skills, the ability work both independently and within a team and to communicate effectively.  Willingness to travel to Japan is a must.</div><br> <div>The post-holder will have the opportunity to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received promptly by 12:00 noon UK time on <strong>22 January 2025</strong> can be considered. Please read the “Person Specification and Job Description” before preparing your application. You will be required to upload a Curriculum Vita, a description of research experience and interests and the names and addresses of three referees as part of your online application. In addition you should arrange for the three letters of reference to be sent to by the closing date. Applications are acknowledged but not reference letters.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Associate in Symplectic Topology
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £40,855- £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are currently inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work with Professor Alexander Ritter at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. This is a 3-year, fixed-term position, funded by a research grant from the EPSRC. The starting date of this position is flexible with an earliest start date of 01/09/2025, but no later than 01/01/2026. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be part of a research group with responsibility for carrying out research in Symplectic Topology and related fields as part of the EPSRC grant “Orbifold Floer cohomology and birational geometry”. They will be expected to conduct research which falls within the remit of this large-scale project and will have the opportunity to do so in several ways including independently, collaboratively with other members of the group at Oxford and/or with other mathematicians internationally.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>They will contribute to the activities of the wider Geometry research group and write up the results of their work, either singly or with co-authors, for publication in refereed journals and proceedings. There will be opportunities to contribute a small amount of teaching to the department, of at most three hours a week during the academic terms.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have, or be close to completing, a PhD in mathematics or a related discipline, and possess sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to work within established research programmes. Excellent communication skills are essential, including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We proudly hold a departmental Athena SWAN Silver Award and an institutional Race Equality Charter Bronze Award, which guide our progress towards advancing racial and gender equality. As part of our strategic aim to improve staff equality and diversity, we would particularly welcome applications from women and BME candidates, who are currently under-represented in positions of this type within the department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please direct informal enquiries to the Recruitment Coordinator (email:, quoting vacancy reference <strong>177390</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants will be selected for interview purely based on their ability to satisfy the selection criteria as outlined in full in the job description. You will be required to upload a statement setting out how you meet the selection criteria, a curriculum vitae including full list of publications, a statement of research interests, and the contact details of two referees as part of your online application. (<strong>NOTE: Applicants are responsible for contacting their referees and making sure that their letters are emailed to</strong> <strong></strong> <strong>by their referees by the closing date</strong>).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before <strong>12.00 noon UK time</strong> on <strong>Wednesday 22 January 2025</strong> can be considered.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Researcher in Prostate Cancer Immune Regulation
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Grade 7RS:</strong> <strong>£38,674 - £46,913 (including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum)</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Location:</strong> <strong>Radiation Research Institute/ORCRB</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Contract type: Fixed term for 24 months with the possibility of extension</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Hours: Full-time</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role and project</strong></div><br> <div>Prostate cancer is immunologically cold, which means that the body’s own immune system fails to detect and eradicate the cancer cells. We have discovered that drug-induced defects in transcription elongation activate immunogenic signalling in prostate cancer cells. In particular, this can be achieved by inhibiting cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9) using compounds already assessed in clinical trials against other cancers.</div><br> <div>Our main aim is to develop CDK9 inhibitor-based treatment against prostate cancer that leads to durable response. This is achieved through three sub-aims:-</div><br> <div>1. Explain how prostate cancer cells become resistant to CDK9 inhibition to identify predictors of resistance.</div><br> <div>2. Characterise CDK9 inhibitor-induced remodelling of tumor and tumor microenvironment to identify the right combinatorial treatment strategy.</div><br> <div>3. Validate 1-3 combinatorial treatment strategies and explain how the best one works.</div><br> <div>We are looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher who will be involved in every aspect of the project taking on responsibility for setting up and applying the necessary molecular biology tools. Experiments will be performed in cell line models, organoids and <em>in vivo</em> models. Past experience of working with <em>in vivo</em> models to study changes in the tumour micro-environment is highly desirable. You will be working as part of our multidisciplinary/multi-group team. The project is co-led by Professor Ian Mills (Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences (NDS)) and Associate Professor Harri Itkonen (University of Oslo and University of Helsinki), and in addition you will work closely with collaborating groups led by Professor Eileen Parkes (Oncology) and Professor Fadi Issa (NDS) focussing on <em>in vivo</em> responses.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will hold a PhD/DPhil in molecular biology, oncology, immunology, or a related biomedical science field. You will be experienced in cellular and molecular biology techniques in mammalian cells and you have worked with mouse models of cancer. You will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, and ability to communicate results clearly in presentations, manuscripts, and grant reports.</div><br> <div>This full-time position is available for a 24-month period in the first instance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>If you would like to discuss this role, please contact Professor Ian Mills: and Associate Professor Harri Itkonen:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement of maximally two pages setting out how you meet the selection criteria, curriculum vitae that includes potential peer reviewed publications, and the names and contact details of two referees as part of your online application. Please quote reference NDSA949 on all correspondence.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before noon on the 22nd January 2025 can be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are in the first instance scheduled for the <strong>afternoon of the 7th February 2025.<br> <br></strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Committed to equality and valuing diversity</strong></div> </div>Research Assistant
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health undertakes world-leading research into long term, chronic health conditions, operating large-scale long-term studies and projects to identify the causes, prevention and treatment of diseases that result in avoidable suffering for millions of people around the world.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a research assistant to support the delivery of an exciting new programme of work addressing important outstanding questions about the associations of ethnicity and breast cancer. This work is funded by a Cancer Research UK project grant awarded to Dr Toral Gathani in the CEU.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The focus of the role of research assistant is to support delivering the operational and scientific activities linked to the research objectives of this project, and the development of future research programmes.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered for the role you will hold a relevant Masters degree, together with some relevant experience in administration or project management in an academic research environment or other large complex organisation. You should be proficient in the statistical software R or a similar statistical package (e.g. Stata) and have the capability to independently manage your research and administrative activities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a part time post (0.80FTE), fixed term until 30 April 2026.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is noon on 22 January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Research Assistant in Neuropathology
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 – £45,628 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>This position will be based within the world-renowned Academic Unit of Neuropathology (Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences) based at the John Radcliffe Hospital (University of Oxford) under the supervision of Prof Gabriele De Luca. The aim of this post is to provide comprehensive technical and logistical support to academics. The work will involve preparation and characterisation of central nervous system post-mortem tissue samples for quantitative neuropathology and downstream multi-omics technologies. In addition, the role will involve collecting and analysing historical data from the St Hugh’s World War II archive.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will need to be able to work independently. The job will encompass skills in i) neuropathology, including: embedding tissue, sectioning (frozen and paraffin embedded tissue), section staining, immunohistochemistry, tissue archiving, archive maintenance, quality control, document management and a variety of general laboratory duties; and in ii) molecular biology (e.g. mass spectrometry); iii) Data archiving. Good communication, accurate record keeping, planning and organisational skills are essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will work in vibrant, diverse, and multidisciplinary University and NHS Departments with access to state-of-the art facilities.</div><br> <div>This role will require onsite participation in laboratory and archiving activities to handle sensitive tissues and data. There may be flexibility with home working for data analyses where scientific circumstances allow. The post is only available part-time within fixed hours as specified above.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you are educated to undergraduate Level (or equivalent qualification) and have previous laboratory experience working with tissue samples. It is desirable that you have experience in sample preparation for neuropathology and/or molecular biology techniques and experience in light and fluorescent microscopy and downstream analysis software.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please see the below 'Job Description' for further details on the responsibilities and selection criteria, as well as further information about the university and how to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The post is part time (0.72 FTE) for a fixed term of 32 months in the first instance.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 will be considered.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter. </strong></div> </div>Research Facilitator and Trusted Research Lead
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 p.a
<div> <p></p><div><em>PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSING DATE FOR THIS VACANCY HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO WEDNESDAY 22 JANUARY 2025</em></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you a dynamic, proactive, and solution-oriented professional looking to make a significant impact in a world-renowned academic environment? The Department of Materials at the University of Oxford is seeking an exceptional individual to join our Operational Leadership Team as a <strong>Research Facilitator and Trusted Research Lead</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a unique opportunity to support world-leading research and contribute to the Department’s commitment to excellence in research and education. Our Department is internationally recognized for its pioneering work in Materials Science, and we are embarking on an exciting journey of continuous improvement to enhance our operations and research support.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As the <strong>Research Facilitator and Trusted Research Lead</strong>, you will play a vital role in enabling and supporting the Department’s academic mission. You will:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Provide expert guidance to researchers, helping them navigate funding opportunities, build successful grant applications, and ensure compliance with institutional and funder policies.</li><br> <li>Act as the Department's Trusted Research Lead, ensuring that research activities align with ethical standards, security guidelines, and best practices.</li><br> <li>Lead the development of innovative approaches to research facilitation and operational processes, contributing to the Department’s Continuous Improvement initiatives.</li><br> <li>Work closely with the academic and professional services teams to foster a culture of collaboration and operational excellence.</li><br> <li>Represent the Department in University-wide forums and committees related to research facilitation and trusted research practices.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>We are looking for someone who:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Has a “can-do” attitude and thrives in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.</li><br> <li>Possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build strong relationships with academic and administrative colleagues.</li><br> <li>Demonstrates a deep understanding of research funding landscapes, compliance requirements, and trusted research principles.</li><br> <li>Is solutions-driven, organized, and committed to driving improvements in how research is supported.</li><br> <li>Brings creativity and initiative to the role, with a genuine passion for supporting cutting-edge research.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>Joining the Department of Materials means becoming part of a supportive, forward-thinking community that values professional growth and well-being. We offer:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A competitive salary and generous annual leave entitlement.</li><br> <li>Access to CPD opportunities and a supportive learning environment.</li><br> <li>The chance to work in a department renowned for its international excellence and innovation.</li><br> <li>The opportunity to shape the future of research support within a dynamic and improving operational framework.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>If you are ready to make a meaningful impact and support world-leading research, we would love to hear from you.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>All applications are to be made online using the Oxford University E-Recruitment system, no later than 12 noon on 22 January 2025. You will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your application. Please do not attach any manuscripts, papers, transcripts, mark sheets or certificates as these will not be considered as part of your application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are scheduled to take place at the Department of Materials, week commencing 27 January 2025 and you must be available during this time in person.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>If you have any queries about this position, please contact Fernanda Haswell-Martin at</div> </div>Senior Exam Project Supervisor
Closes: Jan. 22, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>The University of Oxford is a stimulating work environment, which enjoys an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence. Our research plays a key role in tackling many global challenges, from reducing our carbon emissions to developing vaccines during a pandemic.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Department</strong></div><br> <div>Student Registry is seeking to recruit as Senior Exam Projects Supervisor to provide administrative and operational support within the Student Assessments section. The successful candidate will work with the team to plan and support the running of student assessments across the University. The role is varied, and involves working with colleagues from right across the university.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•               An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•               38 days annual leave</div><br> <div>•               A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•               Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•               Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•               Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div>•               Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</div><br> <div> <br> <br> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>The role of Senior Exam Projects Supervisor requires someone who embraces change, is happy to initiate and lead on improvements of systems and processes, can take on supervision of hourly paid members of staff, and who enjoys a steep learning curve. The work will be challenging and, at times, very fast paced.  However, the role presents an ideal opportunity for developing a career in University administration, and gaining a deeper understanding of discrete areas of the examinations and assessments arena. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The team covers several operational areas: examination timetabling, invigilation management, student supports, exam paper management, and assessment policy and process review. The Assessment Supervisor will gain experience in each of these areas, with a view to supervising activity at peak periods.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is fixed term for 6.5 months and may be also be considered a secondment opportunity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>We seek an individual who is committed to understanding and reviewing processes, thinking through and identifying solutions to complex problems in a thorough manner. You are quick to learn and apply IT skills, and have the ability to pinpoint issues and implement improvements to ensure delivery of an effective service. You should have excellent written and verbal communication skills, with a proven ability to multitask as well as manage and prioritise workloads for yourself and for others. You must be able to communicate well with students, administrators and academic staff. A successful candidate will be happy to work as part of a team or independently, and under supervision or under their own initiative.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have demonstrable experience working in a student focused/customer service environment, with strong IT skills. Experience of Microsoft SharePoint, Student Systems (eVision/SITS), and knowledge of Higher Education would be an advantage.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12noon on <strong>22 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will take place during week commencing <strong>3 February 2025</strong> and will be face to face.</div> </div>Computational Biology / Data Science Trainer
Closes: Jan. 23, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking for an enthusiastic team-player to join the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://"></a><a rel="nofollow" href="">Oxford Biomedical Data Science (OBDS)</a> training programme in the role of Computational Biology / Data Science Trainer. This unique position provides the opportunity to play a key role in training biomedical scientists in data science and computational genomics as well as managing computational biology research projects.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At the  <a rel="nofollow" href="http://"></a><a rel="nofollow" href="">MRC WIMM Centre for Computational Biology (CCB)</a>, we work alongside scientists and clinicians to realise the potential of ‘big data’ in biology by exploiting complex information to make discoveries that benefit human health. The CCB encompasses an international team of over 40 computational biologists, working closely with 500 lab-based scientists and clinicians.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will hold an MSc or PhD in a quantitative discipline (e.g. bioinformatics, computational biology, computer science, physics, statistics, engineering or mathematics), or a biomedical subject with relevant computational experience. You will have evidence of developing and delivering training in computational biology / data science methods. You will be experienced in working in a Linux / Unix command-line environment and be proficient in software development and data analysis in Python and/or R.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is available fixed-term for 2 years, funded by the OBDS Training Programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For informal enquiries please contact  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for this position is noon on 23 January 2025.</strong> Interviews to be held week commencing 3 February 2025.</div> </div>Cryogenics and Facilities Manager
Closes: Jan. 23, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. (with a discretionary range up to £51,059) including Oxford Weighting
<div> <p></p><div>Oxford Population Health (the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford) is a global pioneer and leader in population health science. The department has over 1000 staff, students and academic visitors who work together to investigate the causes and prevention of disease and lead human health forward.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As a Cryogenics and Facilities Manager you will be a senior member of the NDPH Wolfson Sample Management team.  You will be responsible for the operational management of the NDPH bio-storage areas located in the NDPH Wolfson Laboratories and at off-site sample storage facilities based in Oxford, near Thame and Milton Keynes.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered, you will hold a relevant degree or similar level qualification, have relevant experience of managing a facilities function, and have understanding of Health and Safety regulations and procedures such as COSHH regulations and risk assessments. You will also have line management experience and the ability to manage a busy workload.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is full time (part time considered) and fixed term for 2 years, in the first instance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is noon on 23 January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and a cover letter as part of your online application. The cover letter should clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Associate in Inclusive Battery Redeployment and Policy for Global Decarbonisation
Closes: Jan. 23, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Just and Inclusive Battery Redeployment for Global Decarbonisation to join the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, School of Geography and Environment at the University of Oxford.  The post is funded by the Oxford Martin Programme on Circular Battery Economies. <strong>It is fixed-term for 30 months (or up to December 2027).</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will work on an exciting new multi-disciplinary programme on Circular Battery Economies, which aims to determine the existing/growing role of batteries for energy storage in Global South countries. This position will focus on identifying and understanding the interactions of key actors within these landscapes, building analytical frameworks based on comprehensive data and institutional mapping, analysis of growth sectors and geographies, and continuous stakeholder engagement.</div><br> <div>Main duties will include:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>understanding the landscape of cross-cutting policies  that support battery uptake in Global South countries and current market entry points/barriers for second-life batteries</li><br> <li>identifying stakeholder groups that influence deployment of second life batteries</li><br> <li>understanding community needs and to what extent community perceptions of using second life batteries are factored in</li><br> <li>the role of justice in battery uptake and use, and the synergies between regulatory and policy frameworks supporting battery deployment for sustainable uptake.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The post-holder will undertake interdisciplinary research, and have skills in mixed methods  (qualitative and quantitative) research, as well as demonstrable capability to engage with diverse stakeholder and community groups  This research will inform targeted policy interventions. The project will involve close collaboration with researchers from other disciplines within the Oxford Martin School Circular Battery Economies Programme who are working on technical aspects such as second-life battery modelling, re-certification, and use cases for redeployment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must hold, or be near to completion, of a relevant PhD in the fields of economic policy, economic geography, energy and environmental studies, public policy, or another closely-related social science discipline, with post-qualification research experience or relevant work experience prior to the PhD. Ideally, you will be familiar (through previous research or work experience) with the academic and policy literature on the deployment of decarbonised technologies particularly batteries, circular economy approaches, economic development, policy studies, and justice and equity in the energy transition. Additionally, the ideal candidate will have a strong peer-reviewed publication record appropriate to their career stage, and sufficient specialist knowledge of policy design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in posts in SoGE. SoGE are committed to equality and value diversity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter.</strong> Applications for this vacancy are to be made online.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <strong></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon</strong> on 23<strong> January 2025</strong>, and interviews will be held on <strong>17 February 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Asset Management System Implementation Manager
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (Inclusive of the Oxford University Weighting) (pro rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About us</strong></div><br> <div>The University of Oxford Department of Engineering Science is a world-renowned institution with a reputation for excellence. We are dedicated to addressing global challenges through research and innovation, from reducing carbon emissions to helping develop vaccines.  The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The Role</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department has a requirement for an Asset Management System Implementation Manager (Asset Manager) on a fixed term contract to set up a new computerised asset and space management system.  This is a new role, and you will be required to use your previous knowledge of the set up and management of asset and space management systems.  This role is key to the delivery of the Department’s asset strategy for long-term asset maintenance and replacement and space management throughout the department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be working within the Facilities Management Team for the Department of Engineering Science. The Department occupies 19 buildings within the city and surrounding areas.  This role will be based at the Parks Road site but will be required to visit all these buildings to build relationships with key people and understand the individual building’s requirements and ensure these are incorporated into the new asset and space management system.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>The successful candidate will ideally be educated to degree level or have equivalent qualifications and experience and will be able to demonstrate experience in the management and implementation of asset management data base systems.   They will be an excellent communicator with good IT skills with an attention to detail and a positive attitude to problem solving.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we value the well-being and development of all our employees, this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>30 days of annual leave (excluding public holidays) (prorate for part time role)</li><br> <li>Extensive personal and professional development opportunities</li><br> <li>Supportive childcare services for working parents and guardians</li><br> <li>Generous family leave for pregnancy, adoption, paternity, and shared parental leave</li><br> <li>Excellent contributory pension scheme for your financial future</li><br> <li>Salary sacrifice scheme for additional savings</li><br> <li>Subsidised sports centre membership to promote well-being</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme to encourage sustainable commuting</li><br> <li>Discounted bus and transit travel</li><br> </ul><br> <div>For more information about working at the Department, see  <strong></strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> To apply for this position, please submit the following documents as part of your online application:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•    Covering letter/supporting statement, setting out how you meet the selection criteria.</div><br> <div>•    Curriculum vitae (CV)</div><br> <div>•    Contact details of two referees (only contacted if you are successful)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will take place the week commenting the 3 February 2025.  If you will not be available at this time, please state this in your covering letter.</div> </div>Clinical Trials Assistant
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum (pro-rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join Professor Simon Draper’s research group in the Department of Paediatrics as our Clinical Trials Assistant.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will provide support the development, co-ordination and completion of a portfolio of Clinical Trials and/or Controlled Human Malaria Infection (CHMI) studies in the UK and Africa. Your role will be key to ensuring smooth and effective running of operations and providing day to-day professional support. Previous experience in clinical trials and good clinical practice (GCP) are desirable for this position.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Draper group under the lead of Professor Simon Draper conducts research in has a strong translational focus, seeking to develop innovative and new concepts in vaccine or antibody-based design and delivery, and with full integration of the clinical and laboratory teams. Over the last 10 years we have translated nine vaccine candidates, including viral vectors, recombinant proteins-in-adjuvants and virus-like particles, into Phase I and II clinical trials in the UK and Africa.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract initially for 12 months or until 31 March 2026, whichever is sooner, with the possibility to extend provided further external funding is available.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>This is a readvertisement of vacancy 174828. Previous applicants need not reapply.</em></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the department</strong></div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics holds the Athena Swan Gold award (a national gender equality charter) acknowledging the innovative policies and practices developed across the department. We encourage staff to develop their skills by offering all staff ten paid days of professional development each year and have a policy where staff can apply to receive funding for further training courses to support their professional development. For staff on work visas, we also offer financial assistance towards visa renewal fees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="">website</a> to find out more about the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will be educated to an A-Level standard (or equivalent), with proven administrative experience, ideally in the area of clinical trials, with excellent attention to detail, accuracy, and good numerical skills. You will possess excellent organisational skills, with previous experience of working effectively under pressure, with a demonstrable ability to prioritise and organise own diverse workload to meet competing deadlines. You will have experience of working as part of a team, with highly effective verbal and written communication skills with all level of staff staff and an ability to operate effectively in a demanding research environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Rachel Roberts, the Senior Clinical Trials Manager, using the contact details below.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only online applications received before 12.00 midday on 24 January 2025 will be considered. Interviews will be held on Friday 14th February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics offers an Interview Expense Reimbursement Policy in its efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion. Should you be invited to interview, we will share further information about the policy at that stage.</div> </div>Graduate Trainee Library Assistant (7 Posts)
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 2: £25,381 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Bodleian Libraries are looking for librarians of the future and this trainee scheme is the first step in your career in Librarianship/Information Management. Oxford’s one-year full-time traineeships provide an excellent launch pad for subsequent postgraduate qualifications and a professional career. 7 vacancies will be available, commencing in September 2025 and based in research, faculty and departmental libraries within the Bodleian Libraries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will benefit from on-the-job training, professional and social support, and a varied programme of weekly training events (talks, workshops and library visits). You will be working in frontline services helping our readers access the information and resources they require. This will involve working directly with readers and also working with materials to ensure accessibility. You will play an integral part in the day-to-day running of the library but individual project work is also encouraged.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Posts are aimed at graduates (of all ages) and if you have good IT skills, a flexible and customer-orientated approach, and a desire to pursue a career in librarianship then this could be the career for you. You do not need prior experience of library work, but must have a keen interest in information and libraries. You will have great communication skills and a willingness to work with others and in a team. Applications are welcomed from graduates in any discipline.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Please do not apply if you already have or are currently doing an undergraduate or postgraduate degree related to Librarianship and/or Information Management, or if you have already completed a Library Traineeship.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Working for the University of Oxford</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example shared parental leave. The Bodleian Libraries are taking active steps to foster diversity and inclusion and help libraries become more representative of wider society. We welcome applications from people from all backgrounds, especially people who identify with a Black, Asian or other minority ethnicity, who are currently underrepresented within the libraries sector. We would also like to encourage more men to apply for these roles, since they too are under-represented across the sector.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role will not meet the requirements for a Skilled Worker visa sponsorship. However, applications are welcome from candidates who do not currently have the right to work in the UK, but who would be eligible to obtain a visa via another route.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Benefits include 38 days leave, extensive training and development opportunities, access to travel and childcare schemes, free entry to colleges, discounted access to sporting facilities and a wide range of other staff discounts. For more details please see <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> We can offer reasonable interview expenses to assist with your attendance at interview.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>These roles are being offered on a full-time, fixed-term basis for 1 year. You will be required to upload a <strong>CV (no more than 2 pages)</strong> and <strong>Supporting Evidence Form</strong>. Your Supporting Evidence Form should demonstrate how you meet each of the criteria, as listed in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please ensure that you carefully read the ‘How to apply’ section provided in the Job Description, which you can download. The shortlisting will be based on the evidence you provide in your Supporting Evidence Form. Applications submitted without a Supporting Evidence Form will <strong>not</strong> be processed.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>More information about the Graduate Library Trainee Scheme is available on the Graduate Trainee Scheme page of the Bodleian Libraries website.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online before 12.00 midday (GMT) on <strong>Friday 24 January 2025</strong> can be considered. We hope to notify candidates to let them know if they have been called to interview towards the end of February/early March and interviews are anticipated to be held in week commencing 17 March 2025. We intend to hold interviews in person and we will notify candidates of timings closer to the time of their interview.</div> </div>Laboratory & Facility Assistant
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a Laboratory and Facility Assistant to support the daily operation of the <a rel="nofollow" href="">MRC Molecular Haematology Unit (MHU)</a>. This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated, candidate with a proactive approach that can work under their own initiative within the guidance of the Laboratory and Facility Manager. Full training will be provided on the use of equipment and laboratory procedures.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will support and manage the smooth day to day running of the MHU tissue culture rooms, providing crucial support services for all research groups across the Unit. Duties will also include ordering, receipting and distribution of goods, assisting with dealing with suppliers, and maintaining the fixed asset register and liaising with engineers for equipment maintenance and repair.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be educated to A-level or above in life sciences or equivalent, including relevant experience working in a scientific environment or a similar role. Knowledge of Good Laboratory Practice and laboratory health and safety regulations relevant to the post are essential, along with excellent organisational and time management skills with the ability to manage stock.  You must be computer literate, with the flexibility and willingness to work with minimal supervision on tasks and have good attention to detail for completing records and reports. Experience of maintaining laboratory equipment is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is available fixed term until 31 March 2027, funded by the Medical Research Council</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for this position is noon on Friday 24 January 2025.</strong> Interviews will be held as soon as possible in February 2025.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant Mechanoluminscent Materials
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £40,855 to £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant in ‘Mechanoluminescent Materials for Surface Pressure Imaging and Stress Detection’ to join Prof. Jin-Chong Tan’s group (Multifunctional Materials & Composites Laboratory: in the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford. The post is funded by the UKRI EPSRC grant and is fixed-term for two years (with potential for a 3rd year extension) and available immediately. The research will focus on luminescent mechano-responsive materials that can display a change in emission properties subject to external mechanical forces. Such mechano-fluoro-chromic materials are useful as pressure-sensitive paints and for non-invasive structural health monitoring. Materials of interests may include aggregation induced emission (AIE) materials and luminescent metal-organic frameworks (LMOFs). </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should hold a PhD/DPhil or be near completion in luminescent materials, engineering of smart optical sensors, pressure sensitive paints, or related subjects. Candidates with prior experience in the development and characterisation of LMOFs, AIE and photochromic materials are encouraged to apply. The applicant must be able to demonstrate a high level of competence in the laboratory. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Tan (email: Further information can be found at </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only online applications received before midday on 24th January 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> Luminescent optical sensors, aggregation induced emission, pressure sensitive paints, luminescent metal-organic frameworks</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mechanics of Solid State Batteries (Computational)
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £40,855 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Mechanics for Solid State Batteries. The post holder will be based at the Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford), working under the supervision of Profs. Emilio Martinez-Paneda (Mechanics of Materials Lab) and Laurence Brassart, and work closely with Prof Mauro Pasta and other colleagues at the Department of Materials. This fixed-term post, initially offered for one year but with the possibility of extension, is funded by the Faraday project SOLBAT (Next Generation Solid State Batteries;</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking for a researcher interested in running coupled chemo-mechanical finite element simulations to tackle mechanics challenges holding back the commercialisation of all-solid-state batteries. You will be expected to work closely with experimentalists at the Department of Materials and engage in activities related to the wider project and the Faraday Institution. There is some flexibility in regard to the finite element tools to employ, with a preference for COMSOL. You will also be expected to participate in the research group's activities, submit publications to reputed journals and liaise with academic collaborators and sponsors. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must have obtained or be close to obtaining a PhD in engineering, mathematics, physics, materials science, or other closely related disciplines. Also, you should have experience in at least one of the following: • Finite element analysis • Multi-physics modelling • COMSOL • Fracture Mechanics • Battery technology • Computational Mechanics The initial appointment will be for one year but there are opportunities for extension based on availability of funding. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Emilio Martinez-Paneda (email: For more information about working at the Department, Only online applications received before midday on 24 January 2025 can be considered. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For those candidates about to finish their PhD degrees, a lower grade offer may be made (Grade 6: £32,332- £38,205 p.a.) with a commensurate reduction in responsibilities (and amendment in job title to Research Assistant) until the PhD is awarded. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Keywords Computational solid mechanics,  Finite element analysis,  Solid state batteries,  Numerical analysis, Multi-physics modeling</div> </div>Programme Administrator, Schmidt AI in Science Africa-India-Oxford Faculty Fellowship Programme
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking to recruit to the post of Programme Administrator for the Africa-India-Oxford Schmidt AI in Science Faculty Fellowship Programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Programme will recruit outstanding scientists (Fellows) from under-resourced settings in Africa and India and will build an inclusive community of researchers with excellent understanding of AI/ML techniques and their application to scientific research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As Programme Administrator, you will provide key administrative and financial management support to the Programme and play a vital role in the ongoing delivery and development of the enterprise, working closely with academic and administrative colleagues across the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Programme is being delivered as a partnership between the MPLS Doctoral Training Centre and the Africa Oxford Centre and the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development, and you will work closely with these institutions. We are an inclusive partnership of like-minded individuals, who are committed to helping our Fellows to achieve their goals.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will support a comprehensive programme of career and professional development activities and will help deliver activities which foster the cohort ethos and which support the EEDI aims of the programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role is offered as 0.75FTE with a combination of both onsite working (at the MPLS Doctoral Training Centre) and working from home.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Information on the Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is available at: <a rel="nofollow" href="">SAIIS</a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Information on the Oxford Schmidt Africa-India AI in Science Faculty Fellowship (AI2-Ox SFF) Programme, is available at: <a rel="nofollow" href="">AI2-Ox SFF</a></div> </div>Schools Creative Producer (2 Posts-Job Share)
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £36,616 per annum, pro-rata*
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Would you like to join our friendly team committed to inspiring young audiences? If your answer is ‘Yes,’ keep reading!</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>The Ashmolean Schools and University Engagement Team is recruiting a Schools Creative Producer (job share) to develop, coordinate and deliver object-based teaching and learning programmes for primary, secondary and SEND school groups, FE students, work experience placements, HE teacher training students and HE interns.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will support the Head of Schools and University Engagement to develop and deliver the Ashmolean Formal Learning Strategy in response to evidence-based analysis of audience engagement and income. You will track, analyse and evaluate qualitative, quantitative and financial success measures for primary, secondary and FE audiences. You will develop and maintain contacts and networks with schools, FE colleges and the University Outreach collegiate and departmental teams. You will build relationships with exam boards, textbook publishers, curriculum development organisations and university education departments to develop curriculum expertise.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a permanent, part-time, job share post, working 21 hours per week, over three, 7-hour consecutive days (Monday-Wednesday or Wednesday-Friday) on site at the Ashmolean Museum. Start time is 9.30am.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role will involve daily manual handling activities, including moving resources and objects including tables and chairs.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Due to the nature of this post, the successful candidate will be required to undertake a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will be educated to degree level or equivalent, with a PGCE or equivalent teacher training qualification or equivalent experience of whole class teaching in museums and UK schools.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have outstanding interpersonal, verbal, presentation and written communication skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be positive and driven, able to work independently and as part of a team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have the ability to manage your workload and time efficiently, prioritising tasks, multi-tasking and remaining calm under pressure.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days of annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV and a supporting statement</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Melanie Rowntree, Head of Schools and University Engagement, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role ( General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to GLAM Recruitment (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday (GMT) on Friday 24th January 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place on Friday 14th February 2025 or Monday 17th February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>*An automatic annual increment each year will be paid up to (and not including) the discretionary range within the University of Oxford’s Grade 6 salary scale.</div> </div>Senior Business Analyst
Closes: Jan. 24, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div><strong>x2 Senior Business Analyst- IT Services</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking for two highly capable Senior Business Analysts to join our thriving BA Practice in IT Services which supports change and technology development in a world-leading teaching and research university.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>These are dynamic and stimulating roles, offering the opportunity to contribute directly to transforming systems and processes which play a key role across the University of Oxford.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>Senior Business Analysts at Oxford University work collaboratively with business representatives, end-users, project and continuous improvement teams, and suppliers to deliver solutions that align with university strategic priorities and Oxford’s Digital Transformation programme, which is reimagining the culture, processes and technology underpinning all it does.  These are exciting opportunities.</li><br> <li>You will play a critical role in the definition, support and implementation of systems and solutions that support key activities of the University.</li><br> <li>You will join a thriving, friendly and supportive Business Analysis Practice at Oxford and contribute to the continuous improvement of business analysis and IT-enabled business change at one of the world’s leading universities. We will invest in your personal development through training and professional development.</li><br> <li>One of the roles will be working directly within the Digital Transformation team on a new University-wide CRM system.  The hybrid working requirements for this role are a minimum of 2 days per week in the office and on occasion up to 4 days per week as required by business needs.</li><br> <li>The other role will be based in one of our other diverse portfolios. It also offers hybrid working, with an expectation of 1–2 days per week in the office or as required by business needs.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>As a Senior Business Analyst, you will have <strong>considerable experience of working as a Business Analyst</strong> throughout the change lifecycle and on a variety of initiatives.  Experience of working within a large and complex transformation programme would be highly regarded.</li><br> <li>You will have <strong>strong analytical and problem-solving skills</strong> to understand complex issues and propose effective workable solutions, building on your experience of working in a complex environment with a wide range of parallel and mutually dependent activities.</li><br> <li>You will have <strong>experience mapping and designing processes</strong> for fast-paced and complex operational teams and providing analysis on opportunities for improvement to services and underlying processes.</li><br> <li>You will have <strong>excellent communication and interpersonal skills</strong>, enabling you to shape your messaging to different audiences, build consensus and bring teams together to make real change at the University.</li><br> <li>You will have proven experience of <strong>collaborating</strong> with stakeholders at all levels, building strong relationships so that you can understand user needs and represent their voice. Your <strong>proven negotiation skills</strong> will help with defining the scope of the work and agree on competing user requirements.</li><br> <li>You will be <strong>adaptable and flexible</strong> in your approach, able to respond to changing demands and priorities. You will be a self-starter and able to bring clarity where there is ambiguity.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About IT Services</strong></div><br> <div>IT Services is a key department that ensures that the University has the core IT facilities it requires to support the distinctive needs of those engaged in teaching, learning, research and administration. We foster a collaborative and inclusive culture, valuing and recognising contributions to create an environment where everyone feels they belong.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> </ul><br> <div>This is a hybrid role meaning that whilst you will be based in our offices in central Oxford – and will be expected to come to site as required for key project activities and practice meetings – you will be able to agree a pattern of regular remote working with your line manager.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>If you would like further information about the role, please contact: Ana Matak Siviour (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter with a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. In your supporting statement, please explain why you would like to do this role and how you meet the selection criteria in the job description. See also application guidance at</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>closing date is Friday 24 January 2025 at noon</strong>. Only applications submitted by this time will be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We will <strong>review applications as we receive them</strong>, and reserve the right to close the vacancy earlier should we find the right candidate prior to the closing date.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews</strong> will take place throughout the application period, and in person on 31 January 2025.</div> </div>Assistant Registrar (Governance)
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. – You will be joining  a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The governance team sits within the Planning and Council Secretariat (PACS). It supports the University Council and a large number of the University’s committees, as well as providing direct support to senior University officers to develop policy, facilitate decision making and help deliver the institution’s strategic priorities. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for an Assistant Registrar to join us on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <div>•       38 days of annual leave to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</div><br> <div>•       One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</div><br> <div>•       A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</div><br> <div>•       An excellent contributory pension scheme.</div><br> <div>•       Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</div><br> <div>•       Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>You will play a crucial role in supporting two of the University's main committees as well as being able to engage in broader project work</div><br> <ul><br> <li><strong>People Committee</strong>: Responsible for personnel and equality matters, often handling sensitive issues requiring tact and discretion.</li><br> <li><strong>Information and Digital Committee (IDC)</strong>: Overseeing the University's digital strategy, services, and investment, ensuring alignment with broader institutional goals.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>This role combines policy oversight, governance expertise, and collaboration with senior officers across the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>Plan and manage the agendas for People Committee and IDC, working closely with their Chairs and stakeholders.</li><br> <li>Provide expert governance advice and ensure effective consultation and decision-making processes.</li><br> <li>Draft clear and concise minutes and committee reports for various stakeholders.</li><br> <li>Develop relationships with departments, including HR, Legal Services, and the Digital Governance Unit, to ensure seamless coordination and delivery.</li><br> <li>Engage in broader governance projects and initiatives as part of the PACS team.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>We are looking for a proactive and adaptable individual with:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Strong written and interpersonal communication skills.</li><br> <li>A keen eye for detail and the ability to handle information with sensitivity.</li><br> <li>Exceptional organisational skills to manage competing priorities effectively.</li><br> <li>A degree or equivalent experience, and a strong interest in governance, policy, or committee work.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>Experience in higher education or the public sector is advantageous but not essential, also a background in one of the subject areas IDC or People would be desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <div>•       A covering letter/supporting statement</div><br> <div>•       Your CV</div><br> <div>•       The details of two referees</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 24 January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will take place on 6 February 2025  and will be held face-to-face There will be a short task to complete prior to attendance at the interview.</div> </div>Associate Professor of Information Engineering
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £11,788 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Engineering Science intends to appoint an Associate Professor of Engineering Science (Information Engineering) from 1st October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will work at the Department of Engineering Science, based at the Oxford e-Research Centre (Keble Road, OX1 3QG), and will be offered a Tutorial Fellowship at Keble College under arrangements described in the Job Description. The combined University and College salary will be on a scale currently from £55,755 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits (see the Job Description for full details) that include a housing allowance of £11,788 p.a. The appointment will be initially for five years at which point, upon completion of a successful review, the post-holder will be eligible for reappointment to the retiring age.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This appointment will strengthen the Department’s research in the fast-growing area of Information Engineering. The successful candidate will conduct original research in the field of Information Engineering and its applications.  We are particularly interested in candidates with a research focus on Digital Twins, which is broadly understood to be at the intersection of large scale compute, modelling, trust, in the loop simulation, world models and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We welcome applicants who are working on any of these themes from both theoretical and systems perspectives in any discipline.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will have a doctorate in Information Engineering or a cognate discipline. They will have a proven research track record witnessed by peer reviewed publications and other research outputs, as well as research and/or infrastructure grants, stakeholder collaborations, and relevant teaching experience. They will have the ability to teach effectively, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, and have excellent interpersonal skills for undertaking tutorial teaching.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be expected to take part in the teaching of undergraduate courses in the Department of Engineering Science, which may include lectures, taught classes, practical laboratories, and the supervision of undergraduate design and project work; and tutorial teaching and academic care of students in Keble College, where they will also be a trustee and will play a role in the governance of the college. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s research portfolio in information engineering, obtaining external funding to enable development of a new and independent research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>A job description, containing full details of the application procedure and duties, may be obtained below or by clicking ‘apply’.  The job ref is: DF24KEB/176754. Please quote this in all correspondence.  The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon on Monday 27 January 2025</strong>.  Interviews are expected to take place <strong>during the last two weeks of March 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For those invited to interview, the department can provide accommodation and will cover reasonable travel expenses and reasonable additional caring costs incurred as a result of attending the interview (within agreed policy limits).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For queries about the post that are not answered in the job description please contact the department on or telephone: +44 (0) 1865 273003.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The Department is committed to equality and valuing diversity and holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting gender equality in academia.  The University is a Living Wage Employer, holds an Athena Swan Silver Award, an HR Excellence in Research and a Race Equality Charter Bronze Award and is a Stonewall Diversity Champion.  Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we seek to create a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through our EDI Committee, working groups and networks, for example, as well as a number of family friendly policies.</div> </div>DTP Coordinator
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Grade 06S: £34,982- £40,855 per annum</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Would you like to support the next generation of leaders in the social sciences?</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Social Sciences Division is looking for a <strong>DTP Coordinator</strong> to support the Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP). This role is key in delivering the day-to-day management and administration of the DTP as it continues into its next phase with funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Grand Union DTP supports graduate funding for approximately 40 social science students per year across the three partner institutions (University of Oxford, the Open University and Brunel University London), also providing opportunities to develop skills that will support students’ development as the social science leaders of the future.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As the DTP Coordinator, you will be involved in a wide range of activities including co-ordinating the annual funding competitions, acting as first point of contact for enquiries from students and staff, event planning and communications, budget tracking and reporting to funding bodies.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Based in the friendly and committed Social Sciences Education Team at the University of Oxford, you will work closely with the DTP and Studentships Manager and DTP Director, as well as with colleagues across the divisional team and partner institutions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should be educated to degree level or equivalent, with administrative experience. You will work closely with a broad range of students, colleagues and senior academic staff across the partnership and collegiate University, requiring strong interpersonal and communication skills, and a commitment to excellent customer service. You will be able to manage your portfolio of work independently with high levels of organisational ability, accuracy, attention to detail, and integrity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is offered on a fixed-term basis until 31 January 2026. This is a full-time post (or minimum of 0.8 FTE). Hybrid working arrangements will be considered in consultation with the line manager, but with the expectation of working at least two days per week based in the Divisional Office. This post is also available as an internal secondment opportunity, please ensure that you have the approval of your employing department before applying. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please contact Juliette Hargreave on ( for an informal discussion about the role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy must be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Monday 27 January 2025. Interviews are anticipated to take place on 11 February 2025 at the Social Sciences Divisional Office.</div> </div>Fellowships Development Officer
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. (pro-rata for part time)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>SECONDMENT - INTERNAL APPLICANTS ONLY.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Offered as 6 months at 0.4 FTE – Grade 7 (£38,674 - £46,913 pro rata) </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Medical Sciences Division is looking for an experienced project manager to join the friendly and supportive Research Strategy and Funding Team in the MSD Office on a part-time internal secondment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a great opportunity for applicants who are interested in expanding their career in research support to gain experience of the research activity of the world-leading, internationally-recognised Medical Sciences Division, and play a major role in delivering an exciting new project.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>With support from the Research Funding Manager and Head of Research Strategy & Funding, you will develop and launch a new international fellowship scheme which will provide a generous package of support to attract early career academics with great potential to join the University of Oxford and enable them to become world-leaders in their field.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The scope of this activity is wide-ranging and complex. You should be comfortable taking responsibility for the delivery of projects, have previous project management experience, strong organisational skills and the ability to work independently. You should be able to form effective working relationships with staff at all levels and possess strong communication skills (both written and oral).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This secondment opportunity is only open to internal candidates already employed by the University with experience of research support. It would particularly suit candidates with an interest in research funding or academic careers, and who have existing knowledge of the University of Oxford’s structure and processes as they relate to research management.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a temporary role for 6 months offered as an internal secondment opportunity at 0.4 FTE. The Team operates hybrid working with time split between the MSD Office in the John Radcliffe Hospital (currently minimum 1 day/week on Thursdays) and remote working. The Team can offer flexibility over the exact hours and days worked, and the post-holder is asked to join the team in the JR for at least half a day on Thursdays as often as possible.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>Monday 27 January 2025 at 12:00 noon</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will likely be held in week commencing 10 February 2025 and may be virtual or in person at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To arrange an informal discussion about this post, please contact the Research Funding Manager, Adelyn Wise by email at: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div> </div>HR Manager
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>This is an excellent opportunity to join the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), an interdisciplinary research and teaching department within the Social Sciences Division at the University of Oxford, as HR Manager to provide temporary cover for the main post holder for a fixed period until 28th February 2026. This post can be offered as a secondment opportunity for internal candidates.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The HR Manager role is a rewarding and senior role within the OII, working closely with the Director, the Head of Administration and Finance, the OII’s Senior Admin Team (SAT) and the HR Business Partner from the Social Sciences Division.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will lead the department’s HR Team and manage the HR function in the department, with responsibility for overseeing the provision of an effective HR service and for contributing to the wider management of the department through the development and implementation of departmental HR strategy and procedures.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role reports to the Head of Governance and Resources, and you will have line management responsibility for the HR Administrator and Executive Assistant to the Director, and supervisory responsibility for the Administrative Assistant in relation to casual recruitment and payroll activities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be able to work independently and act decisively while working in collaboration with colleagues and as part of the wider team. You must be able to demonstrate the department’s values through your leadership and encourage the same in others. You will be committed to ensuring your team’s work aligns with the priorities of the department’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The OII is due to move to new premises at the Schwarzman Centre in September 2025 and it is anticipated that this role will also provide support during the transition.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further details can be found in the Job Description provided. If you would like to discuss this role please contact Ornella Sciuto (HR Manager) or Duncan Passey (Head of Governance and Resources).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement, setting out how you meet the selection criteria, an up-to-date curriculum vitae, and the names and contact details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Online applications received before 12 noon (midday) UK time on 27th January 2025 will be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will be held in person on 11th February 2025 at 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Head of Brand Licensing
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>The Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) of Oxford University are seeking an exceptional individual to lead on Brand Licensing opportunities across GLAM and the wider University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is an incredible opportunity for an experienced Licensing professional to lead on exploiting the trademarks of the University of Oxford and the institutions that make up GLAM (Bodleian Libraries, Ashmolean Museum, Natural History Museum, Pitt Rivers Museum, History of Science Museum and the Botanic Gardens and Arboretum).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a very senior position and you will be expected to develop a commercially successful, international licensing proposition from the start. You will be working with international partners, agents and consultants to develop the brands and grow our market – which we believe has huge potential.  You will have full responsibility for the profit and loss. You will lead negotiations with new and existing licensing partners.  You will represent the University at trade shows such as BLE and lead on ethical trading and sustainability.  You will be managing all product approvals, you will be responsible for contract management (including termination) and will liaise closely with our legal representatives. You will also be familiar with marketing brands and promotions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a permanent, full-time role, working 37.5 hours per week. The role offers the flexibility to work remotely 1-2 days per week.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will demonstrate a track record of successful brand licensing with an international footprint.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be a strategic thinker, comfortable with creative ideas but always with one eye on the bottom line.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have thorough knowledge of IP rights in relation to images and brands, and superb written and verbal communication skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will need to be practised at managing multiple, senior stakeholders, and be highly numerate. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days of annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV and a supporting statement</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Perry Bushell, Commercial Director, Bodleian Enterprises, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role (  General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday on Monday 27 January 2025 can be considered. Interviews are planned to take place during the period of 10 February 2025 to 21 February 2025.</div> </div>OxSTaR Simulation Technician
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 – £36,616 per annum (with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum)
<div> <p></p><div>OxSTaR (Oxford Simulation, Teaching and Research) centre is seeking to appoint a Simulation Technician to join our team to support technology enhanced learning across a wide range of healthcare disciplines. OxSTaR has an active teaching and research program and the technician plays a crucial role in providing day to day support for clinical skills and simulation training.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The technician will support the team to recreate clinical scenarios in the simulation room to closely resemble a realistic clinical setting, this will include role playing a patient which immerses the learners in the clinical scenario. Scenarios are recorded using a web-based audio-visual platform. The technician will also be involved in producing and editing education videos and supporting innovative ways to use emerging technologies within the simulation setting. A keen interest in technology is essential for this role along with an aptitude to troubleshoot IT challenges.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Training will be provided in all aspects of the role. We encourage applications from a diverse range of applicants. For more information, please see full job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For informal enquiries please contact Rosie Warren, OxSTaR centre manager at <a rel="nofollow" href="http://"></a>. Applicants who are new to clinical simulation are encouraged to arrange an informal visit so they can understand the scope of the role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please see the below 'Job Description' for further details on the responsibilities and selection criteria, as well as further information about the university and how to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The post is full time for a fixed term until 31st July 2027 in the first instance.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Monday 27th January 2025 will be considered.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews are likely to be held on Tuesday 11th February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div> </div>Professorship of Corporate Law
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Faculty of Law and Jesus College are seeking applications for the Professorship of Corporate Law, with effect from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Professor of Corporate Law will provide leadership in teaching and research at the highest level in the law governing business associations. We welcome applications from candidates who specialise in particular areas, such as corporate governance, corporate finance law, corporate insolvency law, the regulation of financial markets, corporate law and business purpose, and the regulation of business associations. Comparative and interdisciplinary interests will be an advantage, as will expertise in allied areas of English law.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be expected to contribute to the leadership of the Faculty’s academic community (in particular the Business Law Research Group), to develop research strategy, and to deliver and develop innovative teaching curricula. You will have an important role in nurturing the intellectual climate of legal studies, and will be expected to provide support and mentorship to more junior colleagues and academic visitors.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should have an outstanding record of internationally recognised scholarship and an excellent publication record indicating the potential to produce further significant work during the tenure of the chair. In addition to excellence in your own research, teaching and supervision, you should have the intellectual leadership skills to be able to support colleagues to foster outstanding research and teaching in Corporate Law at all levels.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 27 January 2025</strong>. Interviews are expected to be held in March or April 2025.</div><br> <div>Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to Professor John Armour, the Dean of the Faculty of Law (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div> </div>Programme Manager (Education)
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Programme Manager x2- Education IT Portfolio</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Fixed-term contracts</strong>: 1 role for 2 years, 1 role for 3 years- both with the possibility of extension</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are excited to offer <strong>two exciting opportunities</strong> for experienced Programme Managers to join the <strong>Education IT Portfolio</strong> within <strong>IT Services</strong> at the University of Oxford. These roles will play a pivotal part in delivering high-quality digital education solutions for stakeholders across the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Education IT Portfolio oversees IT investment and delivery across the University’s educational landscape, including student administration, assessment, teaching and learning, and recruitment, admissions and outreach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>As part of the Education Portfolio’s Senior Leadership Team, you will lead the delivery of a selection of existing projects and contribute to strategic planning for new initiatives aligned with key service areas of the Academic Administration Division (AAD).</div><br> <div>Your work will involve close collaboration with AAD leadership, including Directors, Service/Product Owners, and Operational Managers, to ensure successful planning and delivery of projects that enhance digital education solutions across the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>These roles offer hybrid working, with an expectation of 1–2 days per week in the office or as required by business needs.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities include:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Build and maintain strong working relationships with AAD leadership to effectively plan and deliver programmes and projects.</li><br> <li>Oversee and support a range of ongoing and proposed projects or continuous improvement initiatives within specific AAD service areas.</li><br> <li>Conduct pre-scoping discussions for new or upcoming work, creating compelling business cases to secure investment and influence stakeholders.</li><br> <li>Develop comprehensive plans to define clear strategies and identify the best delivery approaches (project-based, continuous improvement, or delivery team models).</li><br> <li>Support the development of strategic roadmaps across the AAD, helping to simplify systems, improve data management, and enhance the user experience.</li><br> <li>Provide leadership in portfolio operational management and contribute to broader AAD-wide strategic initiatives as required.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The above responsibilities are indicative of current priorities but may evolve to meet emerging requirements.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About IT Services</strong></div><br> <div>IT Services is a key department that ensures that the University has the core IT facilities it requires to support the distinctive needs of those engaged in teaching, learning, research and administration. We foster a <strong>collaborative and inclusive culture</strong>, valuing and recognising contributions to create an environment where everyone feels they belong.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>closing date</strong> for applications is <strong>12:00 noon on Monday 27 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews</strong> will take place on the week commencing <strong>03 February 2025</strong> and <strong>will be face to face/online.  </strong></div> </div>Research Assistant in Development and Education Research
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 6: £34,982 - £38,674 p.a., dependent on experience. Pro-rata for variable hours appointments
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the Blavatnik School of Government</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our vision is of a world better led, a world better served and a world better governed. We are a global school committed to improving the quality of government and public policymaking worldwide, through three routes: <strong>teaching</strong> <strong>current and future leaders</strong>; <strong>generating</strong> <strong>research with impact</strong>; and <strong>engaging</strong> <strong>with governments and practitioners</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The School is a collaborative, friendly, and dynamic department based in an award-winning building in Oxford. We host regular events and talks with well-known guest speakers – all of which are open to staff. On the social side, we have regular coffee/cake mornings for staff, a family-friendly Halloween event, and Christmas and summer parties.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days’ annual leave (pro-rata for variable hours appointments)</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes and a comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme and discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> <li>Opportunities for remote working.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information about working at the School can be found on our <a rel="nofollow" href="">jobs page</a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Blavatnik School of Government is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant in Development and Education Research to provide research support to Dr Rachel Hinton.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for research support on selected education research programmes, and will also provide administrative assistance with the implementation of international development work, including that of the Blavatnik School of Government. This research will contribute to the development of the Global Goals on Education through the production of evidence as a global good.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Reporting to and working directly with Dr Rachel Hinton, you will help produce evidence products such as joint articles, literature reviews, blogs and case studies. You will also collate details on worldwide events and conferences that are relevant to education and development, and support with diary appointments, travel and events.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This contract is fixed-term until 31 July 2025, and on a variable hours basis up to 9.5 hours per week. We hope the successful candidate can start in March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should hold a first degree in economics, politics, development or a related discipline, and possess sufficient specialist knowledge in governance, education and international development to work within established research programmes. You must have the ability to manage your own research and administrative tasks efficiently, experience of following and adapting methodologies, as well as the ability to undertake statistical analysis. Excellent communication skills and a proven track record of strong writing are also essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please upload a <a rel="nofollow" href="">supporting statement</a> that outlines how you meet the selection criteria in your own words, along with your CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon (UK time) on Monday 27 January 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are expected to be held online on Monday 10 February 2025.</div> </div>Royce Hydrogen Technology Analyst
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: 48,235 to 57,255
<div> <p></p><div>This role is best suited to someone who would like to be a point of contact for information, analysis and support as part of the Royce Hydrogen Accelerator (RHA) team, leading on technical assessments to build a detailed picture of the technology challenge areas. As a member of the RHA analysis team, the role will map out the key materials technology challenges within defined headline areas including liquid hydrogen, coatings. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role is fixed-term, for a period of 12 months. Full time; a minimum of 0.6FTE will be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>A successful applicant will need to demonstrate the following skills and attributes:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>a relevant science or engineering background to participate in technical discussions and capture key insights, with an ability to absorb complex information to reach reasoned and robust conclusions</li><br> <li>a current or recent position at a business or research technology organisation active in hydrogen</li><br> <li>a proactive approach and ability to deal with complex, multi-faceted problems and the translation of these into clear and practical next steps</li><br> <li>strong communication skills - written and oral - with the ability to adapt one’s style to a wide range of audiences, including very senior stakeholder level</li><br> <li>excellent judgement and analytical ability to assimilate a range of perspectives and evidence</li><br> <li>the capability to steer through challenges, carefully manage dynamics, build consensus and reach outcomes reflective of input from diverse contributions</li><br> <li>ability to listen actively with consultative skills and to refer to other perspectives where there is expertise</li><br> <li>passion for creating an inclusive environment that fosters diversity by encouraging collaboration</li><br> <li>awareness of technological and societal challenges around fighting climate change</li><br> <li>expertise in environmental degradation and structural integrity of materials, as well as experience engaging with academia</li><br> <li>strong interest in science policy and structural challenges in science funding</li><br> </ul><br> <div>This is a key opportunity in the Department of Materials at the University of Oxford, to support the Henry Royce Institute (Royce) Hydrogen Accelerator activities as a Hydrogen Technology Analyst. This is a pivotal role in representing current understanding of the key technical challenges for materials used in hydrogen applications. You will meet with a range of academics, spin-outs and other enterprises across the UK, and scrutinise proposed solutions. This role will be integrated with the broader Royce Hydrogen Accelerator team. You will support the strategic planning and development of Royce Hydrogen Accelerator activity, also working with researchers and investment in Oxford, Royce partners and beyond. You will work in partnership with all levels of seniority within the Department, the University and UK community to help deliver this flagship project.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>All applications must be made online using the Oxford University E-Recruitment system, no later than 12 noon on 27 January 2025. You will be required to upload a CV and a Supporting Statement as part of your application. <strong>Please do not attach any manuscripts, papers, transcripts, mark sheets or certificates as these will not be considered as part of your application.</strong></div><br> <div><br> <br>Interviews are scheduled to take place at the Department of Materials in the week commencing 10 February 2025 and you must be available for interview, either by Teams, Zoom or in person. Please note in normal circumstances only interview travel expenses within the UK will be reimbursed.</div> </div>Senior Fellow of Practice in Public Management
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Senior Researcher (D35/Rsiv): Competitive
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Blavatnik School of Government seeks to appoint a Senior Fellow of Practice in Public Management. The individual appointed will design and lead public management and leadership courses on our degree and executive programmes, engage in practice-focused scholarship and contribute to the academic and administrative work of the School. They will collaborate with the academic faculty in the School co-developing and delivering executive programmes, co-teaching, co-authoring policy and practice publications, mentoring more junior faculty, and engaging with governments and other stakeholders.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>This post is eligible for the title ‘Professor of Practice’. The title may be awarded by the University at the time of appointment for candidates with established standing at an appropriate level of distinction.</em></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be a senior practitioner with a high-level track record of helping to improve the effectiveness of public institutions and leaders. You will have the skills and expertise necessary to contribute rigorous, practice-based teaching on public management to our degree and executive education programmes. You will have experience of teaching senior practitioners (including course development, delivery, and review), convening seminars which bring together practitioners, academics and other sectors; and manifesting a proven ability to reflect upon and systematise lessons from their practice.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have global outlook and an outstanding reputation in their field and one that will enhance the School’s reputation for excellence in teaching and public engagement. You will have a significant and influential track record of senior professional experience beyond the higher education sector; and a range of published outputs or internal impacts recognised as world-leading in the context of professional practice.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have the ability to teach effectively across a broad range of programmes, including executive teaching, and a demonstrable commitment to improving government through the highest quality of professional teaching and education.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the School</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The School is a collaborative, friendly, and dynamic department based in an award-winning building in Oxford. We host regular events and talks with well-known guest speakers – all of which are open to staff. On the social side, we have regular coffee/cake mornings for staff, a family-friendly Halloween event, and Christmas and summer parties.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days’ annual leave</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes and a comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme and discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Focus on wellbeing</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> <li>Flexible working</li><br> <li>Full staff benefits are shared <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a>.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information about working at the School can be found on our <a rel="nofollow" href="">jobs page</a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a <strong>supporting statement, your CV, and the names of three referees</strong> as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon (UK time) on <strong>Monday 27 January 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews and presentations will be held <strong>24-26 February 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Stavros Niarchos Foundation Bywater and Sotheby Professorship of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature
Closes: Jan. 27, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages is seeking applications for the Stavros Niarchos Foundation – Bywater and Sotheby Professorship of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature, with effect from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. This professorship is associated with a Professorial Fellowship at Exeter College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Professor will be a member of the Sub-faculty of Byzantine and Modern Greek. Ideally you should be able to use your experience and connections in both areas to encourage cross-disciplinary work for mutual benefit. You will be expected to contribute to the inter-faculty Late Antique and Byzantine Studies graduate programme, taking a collaborative approach seeking to foster and encourage links between the various Faculties involved (History, Modern Languages, Classics, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Theology and Religion, and Archaeology) and encourage students from different disciplines to engage across boundaries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be a scholar of the highest international calibre, with an outstanding record of research and publication, capable of creating and maintaining contacts with colleagues and relevant departments in Oxford and other universities in the UK and overseas. You will teach and inspire students at all levels, playing a major role in the supervision, guidance and examination of graduate students in this area. You will be expected to be able to contribute to undergraduate and graduate teaching and examination.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have special interests in the Byzantine period, but you will be able to teach the Modern Languages undergraduate papers which cover Byzantine and Early Modern Greek literature (up to the 18th century) and supervise undergraduate and graduate work in these areas. Modern Greek specialists who possess a strong and sustained record of academic publication in the field of both Byzantine Studies and Greek language and literature and who are able to demonstrate a record of providing teaching and supervision for relevant Byzantine Language and Literature options are also welcome to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 27 January 2025</strong>. Interviews are expected to be held in March 2025. Informal enquiries may be made in strict confidence to Professor Jonathan Thacker, Chair of the Medieval and Modern Languages Faculty Board (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div> </div>Administrative Assistant
Closes: Jan. 28, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 3: £26,948 - £27,838 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Contract type: 1 year fixed term contract</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Hours: 36.5 hours per week</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join the Clinical Trials Team in the Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit at the Churchill Hospital.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will play an important role in the early phase clinical trial unit providing effective an effective administrative support service for the team running our clinical cancer research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is largely office/computer based and assists in staffing a communications hub that has daily contact with a wide range of professionals at all levels. The post holder will act as a point of contact and assist with facilitating the induction and access requirements for new staff starting and leaving the unit as well as maintaining the regulatory training database and reminder database.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The wider administration team provides flexible cover and helps manage the Centres’ broader research coordination needs, which the post holder will assist with</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will be educated to GCSE level or equivalent experience and have strong communication (written and verbal English) skills.</div><br> <div>A good team player, who works well on own initiative but also seeks guidance and follows instructions comfortably.</div><br> <div>You will be well organised and methodical, able to prioritise and work well under pressure and have a positive and flexible approach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave inclusive of bank holidays (pro rata for part time)</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> </ul><br> <div> <strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement (setting out how you meet the selection criteria), a curriculum vitae and the names and contact details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before noon on 28 January 2025 can be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Committed to equality and valuing diversity</strong></div> </div>Deputy Business Manager – Africa and Asia Programmes
Closes: Jan. 28, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 8: £48,285 - £57,255 with a discretionary range to £62,407 p.a. (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div>Are you looking for a new and unique challenge? Working in the University’s largest department, the role of Deputy Business Manager will be a key role to support the Professional Services leadership Team within the Nuffield Department of Medicine. In this role, you will support the Business Manager in proactively supporting the three overseas Africa and Asia Programmes (AAPs) within the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health (CTMGH). The AAPs are a substantial part of NDM, employing >2,000 researchers and conducting world-leading medical research at sites across South-East Asia and East Africa.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will report directly to the Business Manager and work closely with AAP professional services leads, and others acting on their behalf, with responsibility for the provision of operational leadership and support in the delivery of effective and efficient Professional Services to the CTMGH AAPs. You will also provide strong planning and administrative skills, you will be a key Oxford-based operational point of contact for AAP staff and are responsible for the day-to-day delivery of support services across all aspects of research support within CTMGH. This will involve working across CTMGH, NDM, and wider university to deliver operational priorities, drive improvements, and manage the escalation of issues through to resolution, ensuring academics and students receive a positive experience when engaging with NDM Professional Services.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will exercise a high degree of independent responsibility and will regularly handle complex matters which require you to influence staff within CTMGH and the AAP network, colleagues in the wider University and officers of grant awarding bodies. You will have a high level of leadership, management, organisational and interpersonal skills to ensure workloads are managed and prioritised so that targets and deadlines are met. This is a key post in the effective and efficient running of CTMGH, and you will also have authority in many areas to deputise for the Business Manager in their absence, as well as on any matters delegated to you by the Business Manager.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Tuesday 28 January 2025 will be considered. Interviews will be held on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please quote <strong>177712</strong> on all correspondence</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Research Midwife
Closes: Jan. 28, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 6: £34,982- £40,855 per annum (with a discretionary range of up to £44,382 per annum)
<div> <p></p><h2><strong>Please note: This role is only suitable for those who currently hold an OUH NHS contract. Secondment opportunity until July 2026, continuing with NHS contract.</strong></h2><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>Are you a midwife with an interest in research and looking for an exciting opportunity to broaden your experience? Join our dedicated research team in the OUH. This role offers the chance to play a key part advancing evidence-based care within our Clinical Research Group (CRG), working on research that has a direct impact on women's health outcomes. Full training will be provided</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Contract:</strong> <strong>Secondment until July 2026– continuing with NHS contract</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Hours:</strong> 0.6 WTE – full time</div><br> <div><strong>Interviews:</strong> Wednesday 5th February 2025</div><br> <div><strong>Start Date:</strong> As soon as possible</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Key Responsibilities</strong></div><br> <div>•          Assessing, planning & implementing care for clinical trial participants during research visit</div><br> <div>•          Work collaboratively with researchers, healthcare professionals, and the CRG team to deliver high-quality research.</div><br> <div>•          Ensure data collection is thorough and accurate, adhering to ethical guidelines and regulatory standards.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>•          Current OUH midwife/ nurse Registered Midwife with recent clinical experience.</div><br> <div>•          Strong interest in clinical research</div><br> <div>•          Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work within a multidisciplinary team.</div><br> <div>•          Organised and proactive, with a commitment to maintaining high standards of care and research integrity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Why Join Us?</strong></div><br> <div>This is a unique opportunity to contribute to meaningful research that impacts women’s healthcare. You’ll gain hands-on experience in a research environment, working with an inspiring and collaborative team.</div><br> <div>For more information about the team and our projects, please call 21107, email , visit  <a rel="nofollow" href="">our website</a> or come and visit us on Level 4 next to scan.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>Please discuss the option of secondment with your current matron PRIOR to applying for the role.</div> </div>Senior Campaign Manager
Closes: Jan. 28, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Four posts</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Permanent, full time (37.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you a seasoned marketing professional with a passion for strategic marketing planning and campaign excellence? We are seeking four Senior Campaign Managers to spearhead the development and execution of innovative, integrated marketing campaigns that drive lead generation and audience engagement. This pivotal role involves crafting and coordinating high-impact marketing strategies working with colleagues across business units and within marketing to deliver high-performing campaigns.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Collaborating across business units, you’ll work closely with senior stakeholders to align marketing efforts with organisational objectives. You’ll also play a critical role in driving cross-selling strategies, ensuring cohesive and effective campaigns that capitalise on market opportunities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Develop and deliver the marketing strategy for a business unit in partnership with the Associate Director/Director.</li><br> <li>Lead marketing for high-profile partnerships and co-develop cross-selling strategies across business units.</li><br> <li>Set and monitor KPIs, providing detailed performance insights to senior stakeholders.</li><br> <li>Analyse profitability and optimise return on marketing investment.</li><br> <li>Provide line management and professional development for Campaign Manager(s), dependent on post.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The four posts by business unit:</div><br> <ol><br> <li>Executive Education – lead the marketing of an Open on-campus portfolio and oversee the marketing for other Open on-campus portfolios, line management for two Campaign Managers.</li><br> <li>Executive Education – lead B2B marketing and oversee the marketing for the online programmes’ portfolio, line management for one Campaign Manager.</li><br> <li>Strategic Initiatives and Brand – lead and support Brand/Thematic Campaigns to drive cross-School lead generation.</li><br> <li>Strategic Initiatives and Brand – lead and support emerging SBS business units e.g. Youth Education, Careers and Oxford Saïd Online in lead generation and recruitment campaigns.</li><br> </ol><br> <div>Further information on the specific posts will be supplied during the interview process.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have extensive experience in strategic marketing, including developing and evaluating integrated campaigns across multiple channels, with strong skills in budget management and marketing communications, particularly email marketing. You should possess line management experience, creativity and a forward-thinking approach to marketing trends, coupled with excellent verbal, written and presentation skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary. Please state your post preferences if you have any in your Supporting Statement/Cover Letter.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 28 January 2025 at 12.00 noon. First interviews will likely be held online 5 and 6 February 2025. Second interviews will likely be held in person 12 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Academic Programmes Assistant - MSc Modelling for Global Health
Closes: Jan. 29, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 4: £25,138 - £28,759 with a discretionary range to £31,396 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We have an exciting opportunity to recruit an Academic Programmes Assistant to help support the Academic Programmes Centre, Nuffield Department of Medicine provide the highest level of support for all its current and future educational offerings including DPhil and MSc programmes, short courses and summer schools.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will work under the supervision of the Academic Programmes Officer, while supporting one of the NDM academic programmes, you will work together with the academic team delivering the course: this may be: Course Directors, Course Co-Directors and Module Leads, Directors of Graduate Studies, Assistant Directors of Graduate Studies, lecturers, teachers, and supervisors.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for supporting the Programme Officer with admissions, assessment-related logistics, on-course student progression, and administrative support. You will be tasked with keeping track of expenditures relating to lecturer accommodation, travel, and course catering, recording data on the course finance spreadsheet. You will also be responsible for helping monitor course emails and respond to queries, managing email inboxes in a timely and professional manner at all times; highlighting complex or difficult emails or inquiries to the Programme Officer as soon as possible.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be successful in this role, you will be educated to GCSE level including English and Maths, or equivalent, and will have previous administrative experience. You will have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and will be able to collect, collate, store, and disseminate information in a GDPR-complaint manner. You will also be able to work independently as well as a part of a team and have an adaptable and reliable a flexible approach to working.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract until 1 September 2027 and is funded by the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are set to be held the week commencing Monday 3 February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Wednesday 29 January 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>177727</strong> on all correspondence.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Researcher – Cancer Prevention Vaccine Project
Closes: Jan. 29, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Department of Oncology as a Postdoctoral Researcher within the Go-Precise alliance (PRECancer Intervention, Surveillance & Exploration). This innovative initiative, established in 2024, is a collaboration between the University of Oxford and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) aimed at identifying molecular vulnerabilities in precancers and developing targeted interventions, including vaccines, to intercept them.</div><br> <div>The project focuses on designing, validating, and preclinically testing neoepitope-based mRNA vaccines to prevent cancers. As a Postdoctoral Researcher, you will play a pivotal role in discovering and validating neoepitopes by analysing immunopeptidomic and genomic sequencing data, as well as interrogating in silico datasets. Working closely with an interdisciplinary team, you will engineer potential neoepitopes into mRNA vaccines, evaluate their immunogenicity using preclinical models, and prepare for their eventual clinical translation.</div><br> <div>This post offers the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge translational cancer research within a highly collaborative environment. The successful candidate will work with Professor Sarah Blagden, James Chettle, and GSK collaborators, and will support the broader Go-Precise alliance, which includes projects such as LungVax alongside discovery work in other cancers. The role also includes contributing to laboratory supervision, supporting PhD and master’s students, and presenting findings across the alliance.</div><br> <div>The position is based at the Old Road Campus Research Building, Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7DQ, and is offered on a full-time basis for a fixed term of two years.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will hold a PhD (or be near completion) in a life sciences discipline or a related field such as computer science, mathematics, or statistics. Your expertise in molecular biology, genetics, and/or biochemistry will be complemented by experience in bioinformatics analysis and working in a molecular or biochemistry laboratory. You will also have a detailed understanding of procedures relevant to mammalian cell culture systems.</div><br> <div>You will possess strong problem-solving skills and a proven ability to manage and prioritize a high volume of work, ensuring that laboratory operations run efficiently. Your experience supervising or managing laboratory staff, including training and ensuring regulatory compliance, will make you a key contributor to the team.</div><br> <div>Effective communication skills, both verbal and written, will enable you to engage confidently with collaborators, team members, and the wider research community. Your flexibility to adapt to changing work patterns and ability to work under pressure without compromising accuracy will be vital to the success of the project.</div><br> <div>Desirable qualifications include advanced certification in data science, machine learning, or analytics, expertise in immunohistochemistry and digital imaging techniques, and a current Home Office Animal Licence.</div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term, full-time position offering the opportunity to contribute to groundbreaking translational cancer research in a collaborative and intellectually stimulating environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>If you would like to discuss this role, please contact Dr James Chettle at <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> . As part of your online application, you will be required to upload a supporting statement (setting out how you meet the selection criteria), a curriculum vitae, and the names and contact details of two referees. To apply, please click the <strong>'Apply Now</strong>' button below</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>closing date</strong> for applications is noon on <strong>Wednesday, 29th January 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Committed to equality and valuing diversity</strong></div> </div>Researcher in Food Systems
Closes: Jan. 29, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The Environmental Change Institute is looking to appoint a Researcher for the FOSTER [Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the European Research Area] Project.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>THE PROJECT</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>FOSTER [Fostering food system transformation by integrating heterogeneous perspectives in knowledge and innovation within the European Research Area] has the vision to build a foundation from which a new Knowledge and Innovation (K&I) governance structure for Europe's food system can emerge. This new structure is needed because the current K&I system in the European Research Area is insufficient to address the emerging challenges of nourishing Europe in a healthy and sustainable way. While great progress in satisfying food demand has been made over receding decades, the growing awareness of the health and environmental outcomes of the current system, and how these interact with society, call for a new approach to K&I. This needs to be underpinned by enhanced governance drawing together food system science with other forms of knowledge, notably Citizen Science. By working together more effectively, traditional knowledge providers (i.e. universities and research institutions), citizen scientists and policymakers can co-create the necessary new foundation. This will need new ways to harness existing knowledge and capacity building to interface this with integrated food systems thinking, closely linked to citizen-led initiatives with strong policy interactions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Led by DIL (the German Institute of Food Technologies), FOSTER's overall objective is to gain insight into how knowledge and innovation systems can be adapted, made more inclusive and better governed to transform Europe's food system outcomes for health, enterprise and the environment. Drawing on the success of the IFSTAL programme, ECI's Food Systems Transformation Group will lead Work Package 2 to create a FOSTER Academy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will report to Dr. John Ingram in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford. The post holder will be a member of the ECI Food Systems Transformation research group. The Researcher will apply knowledge and experience of systems thinking and an understanding of the processes for food system transformation.  Particular emphasis will be on engaging with a range of stakeholders to develop teaching and training materials for the FOSTER Mutual Learning Network and coordinating the development of a set of Learning Papers stemming from work across the project.</div><br> <div>This will involve working closely with Researchers at collaborating universities as well as our citizen science partners. The role provides an opportunity to help shape the delivery of a European and inter and trans-disciplinary teaching and learning Academy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will need to be proactive, working both independently and as part of a team, whilst managing and prioritising a busy workload. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Applications for this vacancy should be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your application, explaining how you meet the essential and desirable criteria for this post.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is midday on 29 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews are anticipated to take place either 6th or 7th February 2025, with exact dates to be confirmed.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Enquiries related to the recruitment process are to be directed to</strong>   <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</strong></div><br> <div>•       Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</div><br> <div>•       Hybrid working</div><br> <div>•       Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</div><br> <div>•       Discounted bus travel</div><br> <div>•       Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•       Plus, many other University benefits</div><br> <div> <br> <br> </div><br> <div>The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to fostering a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Applications are particularly encouraged from women, Black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts at Oxford. The school holds an Athena SWAN Silver Award in recognition of its commitment to gender equality.</div> </div>Senior Scientific Officer
Closes: Jan. 29, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 8: Salary in range £48,235 - £52,539 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div><strong>*This position can be offered as a Secondment opportunity for internal applicants*</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to for a Senior Scientific Officer to join the Centre for Human Genetics, Nuffield Department of Medicine.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Centre for Human Genetics (CHG) houses approximately 400 researchers and staff conducting world-leading research in human genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. The Centre for Personalised Medicine (CPM) is a partnership between the CHG and St Anne’s College, focusing on multidisciplinary communication, engagement with, and facilitation of, research, relevant to a range of public, professional, academic and policy-influencing audiences.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role will work within the CPM and the Lucassen research group at the CHG (which explores the ethical, legal, and social aspects of scientific advances in healthcare). You will be responsible for the operational coordination of research projects both in this research group and the CPM, ensuring milestones and scientific plans are successfully implemented through the management and coordination of staff, activities, and collaborators. You will be tasked with monitoring and presenting key project milestones to the funders and assisting in the timely delivery of these milestones, contributing to annual reports, project progress information, and applications for funding. You will also act as the primary point of liaison on operational matters for project team members, collaborators (University, and overseas institutions) senior management, the Department Research Office, and Research Services. You hold responsibility for liaising with local administration (CHG Business Manager and Deputy Business Manager, HR, NDM Grant Management, and Finance Team) as appropriate to manage projects according to University policies and the terms and conditions of the funders.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be successful in this role, you will be educated to a PhD level in a relevant area of research and have experience in coordinating, preparing, and writing research funding applications. You will be able to communicate effectively to a high standard , verbally and in writing. Good interpersonal skills, including the ability to use tact and discretion to build effective and cooperative working relationships with colleagues at all levels, are also essential for this role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract for 12 months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Wednesday 29 January 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>177618</strong> on all correspondence.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Departmental Lecturer in Modern Chinese History
Closes: Jan. 30, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies intends to appoint a Departmental Lecturer (DL) for four years in Modern Chinese History.  This is an excellent opportunity for a highly promising scholar to develop their career in the field of Modern Chinese History, as they play an active and valued role in teaching the Faculty’s undergraduate and graduate courses, and contributing to the administration of degree courses.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have completed, or be close to completing, a doctorate in modern Chinese history.  You will be able to demonstrate an aptitude for academic teaching at undergraduate and graduate teaching, making use of original Chinese texts on aspects of modern Chinese history, and a solid knowledge of the Chinese language.  You will have a commitment to communicating and publishing research, and ability and willingness to carry out administrative roles in an academic setting, possessing excellent communication, organisational and interpersonal skills, supported by a good standard of English.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is based at the China Centre at St Hugh’s College and it part of the Asian and Middle Eastern Faculty, close to central Oxford. This is a full-time, fixed-term position until <strong>31 August 2029.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 30th January 2025</strong></div> </div>Development Officer - Social Sciences
Closes: Jan. 30, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for a <strong>Development Office</strong>r in the Social Sciences Development team to join us on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <div>• 38 days of annual leave to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</div><br> <div>• One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</div><br> <div>• A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</div><br> <div>• An excellent contributory pension scheme.</div><br> <div>• Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</div><br> <div>• Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</div><br> <div>• Opportunities for growth and development, including membership to CASE. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>In this role you will be securing gifts up to £50,000 and will help identify potential donors to our academic research projects on pressing issues such as climate change, early years education and social inequality.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>• You will have previous experience in sales, fundraising or alumni relations</div><br> <div>• You will be highly motivated</div><br> <div>• You will be an enthusiastic individual who is a confident communicator</div><br> <div>• You will be able to manage, prioritise and adapt to a diverse workload, meet deadlines, and work calmly under pressure.</div><br> <div>• You will be naturally curious and keen to learn</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <div>• A covering letter/supporting statement</div><br> <div>• Your CV</div><br> <div>• The details of two referees</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on <strong>30 January 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div>Interviews will take place on <strong>12 February 2025</strong>, and will be held face-to-face.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>Development and Alumni Engagement</em> <em>is committed to having a team that is made up of diverse skills and experiences. We encourage applicants from all sectors of the community and are especially keen to encourage candidates from under-represented groups to apply.</em></div><br> <div> </div> </div>Estate Worker (Forestry/Woodland)
Closes: Jan. 30, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 4: 27,838 - 31,459 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Here, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking research that tackles global challenges - from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions - and join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Oxford Green Estate (OGE) is a vibrant, living landscape that supports research, education, and biodiversity within the University of Oxford. With 26 unique properties located in Oxfordshire, including the stunning Wytham Woods and floodplain meadows at Park Farm, Marston and Wolvercote, OGE is dedicated to nurturing nature while embracing sustainable practices.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for an Estates Worker (Forestry/Woodland) to join us on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>38 days of annual leave (inclusive of public holidays) to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</li><br> <li>One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</li><br> <li>A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</li><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme.</li><br> <li>Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</li><br> <li>Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As our Estates Worker (Forestry/Woodland), you’ll be at the heart of our operations, ensuring the OGE remains a thriving and well-maintained environment for all.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You’ll get hands-on with planting, thinning, felling, pollarding, and grassland maintenance. You’ll also construct and repair fences and maintain our estate roads, rides, and ditches.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You’ll also interact with a wide range of people—from researchers to local tenants and visitors—ensuring a positive experience for everyone.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking for someone who is as passionate about the outdoors and sustainable land management as we are.</div><br> <ul><br> <li><strong>Experienced and Certified:</strong> You have practical estate management experience and hold NPTC Chainsaw Certification (CS 30, 31, 32, 34).</li><br> <li><strong>Versatile and Skilled:</strong> You’re comfortable working independently, can operate estate vehicles, and love solving problems.</li><br> <li><strong>Knowledgeable and Safety-Minded:</strong> You understand Health and Safety regulations and can apply them daily.</li><br> <li><strong>Engaging and Adaptive:</strong> You thrive on interacting with a diverse range of people and adapting to the changing needs of the estate.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A covering letter/supporting statement</li><br> <li>Your CV</li><br> <li>The details of two referees</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on <strong>Thursday 30 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will take place on <strong>Tuesday 11 February 2025</strong>, and will be held face-to-face.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant on Concentrated Electrolytes for Energy Storage and Conversion
Closes: Jan. 30, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>A Postdoctoral Research position is available in the application of highly concentrated electrolytes to electrochemical energy storage and conversion within the group of Professor Robert Weatherup in the Department of Materials at the University of Oxford.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Highly concentrated electrolytes have shown the ability to selectively suppress certain reactions in favour of others, including allowing aqueous (water-in-salt) electrolytes to be used for Li-ion batteries, and CO2 reduction to be favoured over hydrogen evolution. This project aims to understand the influence of salt concentration on the selectivity of reactions in water-in-salt electrolytes, relevant to Li-ion batteries and electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction. This will involve electrochemical measurements of model devices and the simulation of the electrolytes using molecular dynamics to relate the effect of changes in solvation to the observed results. The candidate will develop operando gas measurement techniques using mass spectrometry to quantify the reduction products that relate to competing reactions during operation.  The ultimate aim is to reveal the relationship between the salt concentration and reaction selectivity to inform the design of aqueous electrolytes for Li-ion batteries, and to improve the selectivity of electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience in electrochemical methods, molecular dynamics and continuum scale modelling is essential, as well as a track record of peer-reviewed publications. This position is available from January 2025 and will initially run until December 2025, with the possibility for extension subject to the award of follow-on funding.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The group website with research details and publications can be found here: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>All applications must be made online using the Oxford University E-Recruitment system, no later than 12 noon on 30 January 2025. You will be required to upload a CV and a Supporting Statement as part of your application.  <strong>Please do not attach any manuscripts, papers, transcripts, mark sheets or certificates as these will not be considered as part of your application. </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are scheduled to take place at the Department of Materials on the week commencing 10 February 2025 and you must be available on this date, either by Teams, Zoom or in person.</div> </div>POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, midnight; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (A less experienced candidate may be appointed at Grade 6 (£34,982 - £40,855 per annum), with a commensurate adjustment in either the essential criteria, responsibilities or duties.)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Postdoctoral Research Assistant</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a researcher that is enthusiastic about fieldwork and with expertise in remote sensing data collection and application to assess ecological function and diversity in tropical forests.</div><br> <div>The ideal candidate will have both remote sensing skills and hands-on experience in ecological fieldwork. They will join the Biodiversity and Earth Observation Lab within the larger Biodiversity and Ecosystems Programme at the Environmental Change Institute. This position involves transdisciplinary research as part of an international collaborative programme combining Ecology and Remote Sensing to understand and quantify tropical forest responses to environmental change.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position includes several field trips across tropical regions to gather data and collaborate with local partners. Fieldwork will focus on data collection from permanent vegetation plots, capturing spectral and vegetation structure data (LiDAR) via drones, and potentially preparing workshops for collaborators in the UK and abroad.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Key activities will include</strong></div><br> <div>1.           <strong>Exploring Earth Observation Sensors:</strong> Utilize the latest Earth Observation tools (e.g., high-resolution multispectral data from Planet, drone-based LiDAR) to enhance mapping of ecosystem structure, function, and biodiversity metrics.</div><br> <div>2.           <strong>Drone Imagery Analysis:</strong> Collect and analyse drone imagery to map biodiversity and ecosystem conditions on a fine scale, refining and validating satellite products.</div><br> <div>3.           <strong>Collaboration on Machine-Learning Models:</strong> Work with experts in machine learning and computer science to map vegetation structure (e.g., height, canopy cover) on a larger scale.</div><br> <div>4.           <strong>Integration of Remote Sensing Metrics:</strong> Develop products describing ecosystem health using metrics derived from remote sensing.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The initial focus will be on the effects of biodiversity on forest resilience across tropical regions, closely collaborating with machine-learning specialists to apply cutting-edge techniques for identifying ecosystem functionality.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate must hold, or be near completion (thesis submitted) of, a PhD in a relevant field, or have equivalent experience, and possess experience analysing ecological, Earth Observation, and other spatial datasets. Ideally, you have experience collecting ecological and remote sensing data in tropical forests. The successful candidate should have experience working with colleagues from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds, as collaboration across cultural boundaries is essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have excellent communication skills, including the ability to write for publications, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Applications for this vacancy should be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your application, explaining how you meet the essential and desirable criteria for this post.</strong></div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong> <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is midday on 31 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews are anticipated to take place in February 2025, with exact dates to be confirmed</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Enquiries related to the recruitment process are to be directed to</strong>  <strong> [](mailto:</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</strong></div><br> <div>•       Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</div><br> <div>•       Hybrid working</div><br> <div>•       Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</div><br> <div>•       Discounted bus travel</div><br> <div>•       Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•       Plus, many other University benefits</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to fostering a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Applications are particularly encouraged from women, Black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts at Oxford. The school holds an Athena SWAN Silver Award in recognition of its commitment to gender equality.</div> </div>Associate Director of Data and Marketing Performance
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Permanent, full time (37.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you ready to lead the future of data-driven marketing? Saïd Business School is seeking an innovative and strategic Associate Director of Data and Marketing Performance to join our team. This exciting new role offers the opportunity to drive the School’s data strategy, optimise marketing performance and enhance customer relationships through advanced CRM and analytics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As Associate Director, you will shape and implement a comprehensive data strategy, ensuring actionable insights inform our marketing decisions. Collaborating closely with the Director of Digital, Insight and Performance and internal teams, you’ll optimise campaigns, improve customer segmentation and lead CRM-driven marketing innovations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Develop and implement a robust data strategy for accurate collection, governance and analysis.</li><br> <li>Lead performance analysis, providing insights on ROI, customer behaviour and campaign effectiveness.</li><br> <li>Oversee CRM integration with marketing platforms to personalise campaigns and improve targeting.</li><br> <li>Expand marketing automation capabilities to drive lead generation and retention.</li><br> <li>Lead and mentor a dynamic team, fostering a culture of data literacy and continuous improvement.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>You will have significant experience in data management, analytics and marketing performance, with expertise in CRM systems, data analysis tools (eg Google Analytics, Power BI, Salesforce) and performance measurement. You will demonstrate strong leadership and team management abilities, effectively mentoring high-performing teams. A solid understanding of GDPR and data compliance is essential, along with experience ensuring data governance across platforms.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 31 January 2025 at 12.00 noon. Interviews will likely be held in the week commencing 3 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Communications and Events Lead - State of Carbon Dioxide Removal
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>This is an exciting opportunity to lead the communications and events for the ground-breaking State of Carbon Dioxide Removal (SoCDR) initiative as it enters into a new phase.  Based at the University of Oxford, you will be part of an international collaboration providing reliable, independent and scientific data for tracking and assessing the development of CDR around the world. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As a member of the secretariat for the project, you will work alongside the Programme Manager, Data Lead and Head of Partnerships.  You will be a member of the communications teams in the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment (SSEE), with dotted line reporting to the Head of Strategic Communications. You will access support and resources from the central team, and help ensure that SoCDR communications align with the wider the Smith School strategy for maximum impact.You will work closely with the communications team in the School of Geography and Environment (SoGE) and the central University, additionally co-ordinating, where needed, with the communications teams in the other collaborating institutions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The role will operate under the guidance of the Executive Team, constituted of members from the following institutions: the University of Oxford, Potsdam Institute for Climate lmpact Research (PlK), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), University of Maryland, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Using your skills with websites and media (social and traditional), you will help raise the profile of the SoCDR outputs, map out strategic audiences, disseminate knowledge, and facilitate outreach events. You will also interact with a growing and diversifying group of lead authors, editors and graphic designers to ensure the SoCDR reports continue to act as a trusted resource for those making decisions about CDR and its role in meeting climate goals.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>The post is fixed-term for 28 months, with the possibility of extension.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter. </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <strong></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Any technical questions related to this vacancy can be sent to:<em>  </em></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12.00 noon</strong> on <strong>31 January 2025</strong>. Only applications submitted by this time will be considered. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>The University of Oxford and The School of Geography and the Environment are Silver Athena SWAN holders.  Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in posts in The School of Geography and the Environment. The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to equality and values diversity</em></div> </div>Doctoral Network Researcher
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Marie Curie Researcher (Mcr): Salary will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>A position is available for a Doctoral Network Researcher for a period of 36 months, tenable at Oxford University, on a research project: <strong>Advancing TM-Catalyst Design: Combining data and mechanistic insights</strong>. The successful candidate will be registered for PhD training while employed by the University as part of the UKRI Guarantee Doctoral Networks-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant “CATALOOP” (“<em>The CATALOOP network aims at the development of powerful and readily applicable workflows for data-driven development of stereoselective catalysis</em>).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Computational chemistry holds great promise for advancing catalyst design. However, current methods are often time-intensive and tailored to specific systems. This project aims to advance catalyst design by integrating data-driven methodologies with physics-based machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs). The project involves close collaboration with experimentalists and focuses on: a) Developing novel approaches to evaluate synthetic accessibility. b) Leveraging MLIPs to uncover mechanistic insights into TM-catalysed reactions. These insights will directly inform the design and optimisation of more efficient and sustainable catalysts.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The applicant will work within the research team of Prof. Fernanda Duarte, based in the Department of Chemistry, and collaborate closely with experimentalists Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford. The successful applicant will also become a member of the EU network “CATALOOP”, funded from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant.  They will become part of a Europe-wide network of students and investigators all working on projects related to <em>closing the loop in stereo selective catalysis with data-driven approaches.</em> Annual scientific meetings and training events will be included in the network’s activities.  Furthermore, the successful applicant will have the opportunity to carry out a secondment at another laboratory (“node”) of the network during the 36 month project. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates with experience in electronic structure methods and/or machine learning, along with a keen interest in organic chemistry are encouraged to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Under the terms of the UKRI Horizon guarantee scheme funding, to be eligible for this post candidates:</div><br> <div>-        at the time of the fellowship start date, <strong>must not</strong> already be in possession of a PhD or have more than 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience as measured from the award date of your first degree or undergraduate degree.</div><br> <div>-        <strong>must not</strong> have been resident in the UK for more than a total of 12 months in the past three years up to the fellowship start date as the scheme aims to promote mobility within the research community</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be eligible candidates <strong>must also be accepted by the University of Oxford as a DPhil student and continue to be a registered student for the duration of the employment contract.</strong> Candidates will be assisted with the graduate admissions process. All graduate awards are subject to the Examination Regulations currently in force: see  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The salary payable will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum. Actual salary will depend on employer deductions, personal circumstances and the exchange rate applicable to the fellowship. This amount includes an annual living allowance and a mobility allowance (to cover the expenses associated with working in a different country).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The start date is subject to discussion; the latest possible date is 1st October 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further particulars for the post can be found in the job description. An application should include a CV, a letter describing how you meet the criteria for the post (see further particulars), together with the names and contact details of two referees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for this position is <strong>midday, Friday 31 January 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Doctoral Network Researcher
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Marie Curie Researcher (Mcr): Salary will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>A position is available for a Doctoral Network Researcher for a period of 36 months, tenable at Oxford University, on a research project: <strong>Catalytic asymmetric cross-coupling type reactions</strong>. The successful candidate will be registered for PhD training while employed by the University as part of the UKRI Guarantee Doctoral Networks-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant “CATALOOP” (“<em>The CATALOOP network aims at the development of powerful and readily applicable workflows for data-driven development of stereoselective catalysis</em>).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In this project you will work on the development of catalytic asymmetric carbon-carbon bond forming addition reactions using metals such as copper and rhodium often relies on using phosphine based ligands in order to control chemical reactivity and induce enantioseletivity in these reactions. This project will aim to improve challenging asymmetric transition-metal catalysed transformations by developing new chiral phosphorus-based ligands through data-driven approaches.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role will work within the research team of Professor Stephen Fletcher and is based in the Department of Chemistry. Interested candidates are invited to be in contact directly to find out more about the project:  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful applicant will also become a member of the EU network “CATALOOP”, funded from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant.  They will become part of a Europe-wide network of students and investigators all working on projects related to <em>closing the loop in stereo selective catalysis with data-driven approaches.</em> Annual scientific meetings and training events will be included in the network’s activities.  Furthermore, the successful applicant will have the opportunity to carry out a secondment at another laboratory (“node”) of the network during the 36 month project. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Under the terms of the UKRI Horizon guarantee scheme funding, to be eligible for this post candidates:</div><br> <div>-        at the time of the fellowship start date, <strong>must not</strong> already be in possession of a PhD or have more than 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience as measured from the award date of your first degree or undergraduate degree.</div><br> <div>-        <strong>must not</strong> have been resident in the UK for more than a total of 12 months in the past three years up to the fellowship start date as the scheme aims to promote mobility within the research community</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be eligible candidates <strong>must also be accepted by the University of Oxford as a DPhil student and continue to be a registered student for the duration of the employment contract.</strong> Candidates will be assisted with the graduate admissions process. All graduate awards are subject to the Examination Regulations currently in force: see  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The salary payable will be no less than £43,883.36 per annum. Actual salary will depend on employer deductions, personal circumstances and the exchange rate applicable to the fellowship. This amount includes an annual living allowance and a mobility allowance (to cover the expenses associated with working in a different country).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The start date is subject to discussion; the latest possible date is 1st October 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further particulars for the post can be found in the job description. An application should include a CV, a letter describing how you meet the criteria for the post (see further particulars), together with the names and contact details of two referees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for this position is <strong>midday, Friday 31 January 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Finance Operations Supervisor
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Here, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking research that tackles global challenges - from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions - and join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Estates Finance Team is central to managing the Estates Services diverse and high-value financial operations. By streamlining processes and ensuring compliance with University controls, the team plays a pivotal role in supporting Estates Services’ strategic goals.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Finance Operations Supervisor to join us on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>38 days of annual leave (inclusive of public holidays) to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</li><br> <li>One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</li><br> <li>A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</li><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme.</li><br> <li>Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</li><br> <li>Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As the Finance Operations Supervisor, you will lead and manage the day-to-day operations of our Finance Operations team, ensuring the efficient and accurate delivery of transactional finance services.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Reporting to the Head of Finance Operations, you will play a pivotal role in shaping our finance strategy, implementing improvement initiatives, and supporting the professional growth of the team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You’ll also take ownership of key processes, including accounts payable and receivable, capital project invoicing, and month/year-end returns. Your work will directly support the Estates Services’ mission of providing world-class facilities and services across the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•       Strong numerical abilities and an appreciation of accounting concepts.</div><br> <div>•       Exceptional attention to detail and proficiency with financial systems and large datasets.</div><br> <div>•       Proven experience in accounts payable, accounts receivable, and transactional finance.</div><br> <div>•       Effective leadership skills with a track record of managing and developing teams.</div><br> <div>•       Ability to manage competing priorities, ensuring adherence to deadlines and financial regulations.</div><br> <div>•       Collaborative and customer-focused approach to delivering results.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <div>•       A covering letter/supporting statement</div><br> <div>•       Your CV</div><br> <div>•       The details of two referees</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday 31 January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews will take place in the week commencing 10 February 2025, and will be held face-to-face.</div> </div>HR Administrator
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459 - £36,616
<div> <p></p><div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for an organised HR Administrator to join the HR Team within the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. We are a busy and friendly HR Team and this role is an integral part of the department, supporting the delivery of an efficient and professional HR service to all stakeholders. You will make a difference to the exceptional research and teaching our staff deliver by being part of our supportive and reliable admin team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The role</strong></div><br> <div>This post is an excellent development opportunity for an individual with excellent organisation and administrative skills to step into an HR role, or for a current HR professional to progress in the field of Human Resources within the University. You will develop practical HR knowledge, including all aspects of recruitment and the employee lifecycle. You will be a key point of contact for advice and support on various HR administrative matters.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be based in the Radcliffe Primary Care Building, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG as your normal place of work but you will be able to agree a pattern of regular remote working with your line manager.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is full-time and permanent.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will have excellent interpersonal and organisational skills with the ability to communicate with people at all levels; well-developed IT skills; accuracy and a high level of attention to detail; the ability to manage your own workload and work effectively as part of a team or independently.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The application process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement. <strong>Please do not attach any manuscripts, papers, transcripts, mark sheets or certificates as these will not be considered as part of your application.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For an informal chat about the post, please contact Delphine Vaneecke, HR Team Leader, on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>“Committed to equality and valuing diversity”</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00</strong> <strong>noon on Friday 31 January 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are expected to be held on <strong>Wednesday</strong> <strong>12 February 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Information Governance Officer
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health (NDPH) contains world-renowned population health research groups and provides an excellent environment for multi-disciplinary research and teaching.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As Information Governance Officer for NDPH, you will be responsible for a range of Information Governance and Security related activities across the department, including audit, policy and compliance with a range of regulatory requirements, particularly ISO 27000 series Information Security Management Systems and the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Your responsibilities will include supporting the NDPH management team in developing, embedding and maintaining corporate policies and procedures relating to information governance and security in a complex clinical environment; keeping up to date with related legislation and best practice in order to inform policy review and change; and providing operational support on day to day issues to all levels of staff.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered for the post, you will be educated to A Level standard or higher and have substantial relevant experience in implementation or audit of either ISO 27000 ISMS or the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT). You will also have a broad understanding of Information Governance and/or Security, excellent organisational skills and attention to detail and excellent written and verbal communication skills, including presentation skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is full time (although part time considered) and fixed term for three years in the first instance. The closing date for applications is noon on 31 January 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Maintenance Engineer (Candidate Pool)
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £33,832 - £39,705 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Are you a skilled Maintenance Engineer looking for a dynamic role <strong>now or in the future</strong> where you can make a real impact? Join our multi-disciplinary team at the University of Oxford, where you'll work with experienced engineers, technicians, and apprentices to maintain and improve our facilities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Please note that this job advert is to keep a candidate pool for Maintenance Engineers and not for any current or specific vacancy.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As part of our Direct Labour Organisation (DLO), you’ll be responsible for monitoring and maintaining systems, performing both planned and reactive maintenance, and troubleshooting technical issues across our very large and diverse estate. You’ll collaborate closely with the wider estates team and sustainability experts to enhance operational efficiency and reduce environmental impact.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Key responsibilities include:</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>Carry out proactive and reactive maintenance to keep systems running smoothly.</li><br> <li>Work independently and prioritize your workload to ensure safety-critical tasks are completed.</li><br> <li>Supervise contractors and support the upskilling of our mechanical team.</li><br> <li>Play a key role in energy-saving initiatives and system performance monitoring.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>What We Offer:</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>You’ll be part of a vibrant and passionate team</li><br> <li>30 days of annual leave (excluding public holidays)</li><br> <li>Extensive personal and professional development opportunities</li><br> <li>Excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>Subsidised sports centre membership and cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Supportive childcare services and generous family leave</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>What we’re looking for:</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>NVQ Level 3 (or equivalent) in a mechanical discipline.</li><br> <li>Strong experience in maintaining mechanical systems (e.g., HVAC, boilers, water systems).</li><br> <li>Excellent fault-finding skills and knowledge of control systems (TREND 963).</li><br> <li>Good Knowledge of British health and safety standards</li><br> <li>A team player with great communication and customer service skills.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply for this position, please submit the following documents as part of your online application:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Covering letter / supporting statement detailing how you meet the criteria for the role as set out in the job description</li><br> <li>Curriculum vitae (CV)</li><br> <li>Contact details of two referees (only contacted if you are successful!</li><br> </ul><br> <div>If you’re ready to take on a new challenge, work flexibly, and be part of a supportive team that’s committed to excellence, we want to hear from you!</div> </div>Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: 38,674 - 46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Are you excited by the challenge of leading a skilled team, sharing your expertise, and ensuring the smooth operation of complex mechanical systems? This role could be your next big career move.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford’s Technical Services Team is searching for an experienced <strong>Mechanical Supervisor</strong> to provide top-tier support, management, and mentorship to a team of engineers, technicians, and apprentices. This team is at the frontline, handling critical maintenance and repairs for over 300 monthly jobs and 400 planned tasks that keep Oxford's facilities running smoothly. From HVAC systems to complex boiler maintenance, your role will be pivotal in ensuring reliable, safe, and efficient service.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What You’ll Do</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•  Team Leadership: Manage a team of tradespeople, fostering their growth through regular training and development.</div><br> <div>•  Operations Oversight: Ensure efficient, high-quality maintenance services, managing workloads and SLA targets via the Planon system.</div><br> <div>•  Technical Expertise: Lead your team in diagnosing, maintaining, and repairing complex mechanical and control systems.</div><br> <div>•  Safety & Compliance: Uphold strict health and safety standards, implementing effective risk management and compliance protocols.</div><br> <div>•  Continuous Improvement: Work with the broader Engineering and Estates Maintenance team to drive service improvements and deliver excellence.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer:</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•  Opportunity to contribute to the operational excellence of one of the world’s leading universities.</div><br> <div>•  You’ll be part of a vibrant and passionate team of experts</div><br> <div>•  30 days of annual leave (excluding public holidays)</div><br> <div>•  Extensive personal and professional development opportunities</div><br> <div>•  Excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•  Subsidised sports centre membership and cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•  Supportive childcare services and generous family leave</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We’re Looking For</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•  Qualified Professional: You hold at least a City & Guilds advanced level or NVQ level 3 in Mechanical Services.</div><br> <div>•  Experienced Leader: You've supervised hands-on trade teams, with skills in organizing and overseeing complex maintenance tasks.</div><br> <div>•  Technical Proficiency: Expertise in HVAC, refrigeration, boiler, and control systems.</div><br> <div>•  Problem-Solver: You’re proactive, detail-oriented, and solution-driven.</div><br> <div>•  Customer-Focused: With strong communication skills, you can provide exceptional customer service and meet service excellence standards.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply for this position, please submit the following documents as part of your online application:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•  Covering letter / supporting statement detailing how you meet the criteria for the role as set out in the job description</div><br> <div>•  Curriculum vitae (CV)</div><br> <div>•  Contact details of two referees (only contacted if you are successful)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 pm on <strong>Friday 31 January 2025</strong> can be considered. <strong>However, this job advert may be closed earlier if we find a suitable candidate.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Join a vibrant, historic campus where every day brings new challenges and opportunities.</div> </div>Medical Statistician
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £41,997 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking to recruit a Medical Statistician to join the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS), based at the Botnar Research Centre, Oxford. This exciting opportunity involves developing statistical methods for novel trial designs in Musculoskeletal Sciences (especially rheumatology and experimental medicines) with full funding for a DPhil.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As a Medical Statistician, you will work independently, with guidance from the supervision team as needed, to design and conduct collaborative methodological research projects with an applied statistical focus. You will also contribute to the design, conduct, analysis and presentation of results of clinical research projects, across the different units within the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM)/ Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit (OCTRU), as appropriate. Additionally, you will provide expert input on the statistical aspects of the design and set-up of the MONITOR2 study and other relevant studies, working within a multidisciplinary team. As part of your role, you will prepare statistical analysis plans (SAP) for analyses to be conducted which may also require leading on drafting the related publication.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must hold a postgraduate degree in statistics (or a closely related subject), a substantial part of which relates to medical statistics, or equivalent experience. You will have experience of working as a statistician conducing statistical analyses contributing to research outputs. Additionally, you should be fluent in key aspects of study design and analysis, and aware of the latest statistical techniques. Proficiency in using statistical software, including at least one of Stata or R for complex analyses requiring statistical programming is essential. Experience contributing to peer-review publications, particularly quantitative methodological projects, is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full-time, fixed-term position for 3 years.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>A lower grade offer may be considered (Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 per annum) depending on experience, with commensurate reduction in responsibilities if a suitable candidate cannot be found to fill the Grade 7 position.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12 noon on 31 January 2025.</strong> Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement as part of your online application.</div> </div>PDRA in Modern Methods for Transport in Plasma Physics
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Modern Methods for Transport in Plasma Physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 2 years with the possibility of extension subject to availability of funds.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The research aims to deepen our understanding of transport and other properties of strongly interacting matter by combining modern theoretical approaches, including holography (gauge-string duality) and quantum molecular dynamics, and applying them to the analysis of experimental data. Scattering experiments, which use high-intensity beams of penetrating radiation to probe microstructure and dynamics, serve as pivotal tools for investigating material properties at extreme temperatures and densities. In the hydrodynamic regime, the shape of measured dynamic structure factors is directly linked to transport coefficients, such as thermal conductivity and viscosity, which are notoriously challenging to measure experimentally and remain poorly constrained.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Holographic techniques connect models of strongly interacting plasmas to weakly interacting gravity in higher dimensions. These methods have been instrumental in providing benchmark estimates, such as the shear viscosity-to-entropy density ratio for quark-gluon plasma. The goal is to utilize existing holographic models and develop new ones, integrating these approaches with experimental and simulation data to better describe real plasmas. At the same time, many-body quantum simulations based on Molecular Dynamics allows for the ab-initio calculation of transport properties. Those simulations can thus be used to guide and verify holographic techniques for the plasma systems under investigation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We seek a postdoctoral researcher to advance the understanding of plasma transport using methods based on molecular dynamics (lattice simulations) and holography. The successful candidate will test predictions from holographic models against experimental data and numerical simulations, develop novel holographic models and techniques, and utilize experimental and simulation data to construct effective plasma models through deep symbolic regression.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holder will also have opportunities to teach, which may include lecturing, small-group teaching, and tutoring undergraduate and graduate students.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold a PhD, or be close to completion of one, in physics or a related field and have a strong background in computational methods. Knowledge of string-theory techniques is highly recommended.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience (experimental or theoretical) in plasma physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates are expected to be able to work in a multidisciplinary environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please direct enquiries about the role to Prof Gianluca Gregori and Prof Andrei Starinets (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before midday (UK time) January 31, 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a statement of research interests, CV and details of two referees as part of your online application.</div> </div>Part-time ERC Projects Officer, iMANAGE Project
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: £31,459-£36,616 per annum pro rata
<div> <p></p><div>The Bonavero Institute is seeking to recruit a part-time Project Officer to directly assist Professor Jeremias Adams-Prassl with the practical organisation of the project. This includes providing coordinated support for the project with the post holder working closely with the project’s Principal Investigator and postdoctoral researcher, as well as the core administration team at the Bonavero Institute tasked with overseeing events and finance.  The postholder will report to the Institute Administrator, Bonavero Institute of Human Rights.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will provide financial support for the projects, ensuring full compliance with funding body regulations, monitoring expenditure, and processing of expense claims. Other duties will include general support to organise workshops and conferences; coordinate data collection; maintenance of the project websites, and general project administration. In addition, there will be opportunities to support specific project events that might fall out of normal working hours, for which overtime payments will be made.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate should be qualified to GCSE standard or equivalent; have proven experience of research grants administration, or equivalent administrative experience; highly competent IT user, with experience of Microsoft Word and Excel; excellent communication skills; experience of administration within the Higher Education sector; experience disseminating information using social media with attention to detail and accuracy and experience of making travel arrangement and managing itineraries for multi-destination trips.  Experience of using the University’s expense claim system (SAPConcur) and updating websites is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The work is offered on a part time basis (0.4 FTE). The role is available immediately and is fixed term until 31 March 2026.  It would be an ideal secondment or career development opportunity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Law Faculty supports hybrid working, and after a suitable training and induction period (when more onsite working might be necessary) staff are currently required to be on site at least 40% of their working week. However, given the nature of the role it would be beneficial for the postholder to work at least one day on site, Wednesday or Thursday. The postholder will be based at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Mansfield College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please consult the further particulars for full details about the role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to complete an application form and upload a supporting statement as part of your online application.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is midday on Friday 31 January 2025.  Interviews will be held in person on Tuesday 18 February 2025</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in AI for Health Technologies
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: 40,855 - 46913
<div> <p></p><div>THIS IS A RE-ADVERTISEMENT, PREVIOUS APPLICANTS NEED NOT APPLY We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Health Technologies, to work within the recently established Podium Institute for Sports Medicine and Technology at the University of Oxford. The post is fixed-term for 2 years, with the possibility of an extension subject to funding. The post holder will work under the supervision of Professor Mauricio Villarroel.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Established in October 2022, the Podium Institute sits within the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) in the University’s Department of Engineering Science and is supported by a £25m 10-year donation to the University. It constitutes a world-unique ecosystem within which to develop and validate new technologies for the diagnosis, prevention, and management of sports injuries, with a particular emphasis on safety rather than performance in the community and youth sports (11-18 years of age). </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers with the main aim to develop the next generation of sensing technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to construct new personalised biomarkers of health in the context of evidence-based interdisciplinary sports injury prevention strategies. You will be responsible for the development of new digital health technologies and AI models to identify patterns of meaningful physiological change using multimodal sensing modalities such as video cameras, smartphones, wearable medical devices, body-worn sensors such as smart mouthguards, and flexible wearable sensors. This will also require expertise in the development of computer vision methods that can detect, segment, and analyse potential causes of injury from the high-frame-rate multi-angle video footage that is increasingly available at both professional and amateur sport events. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be expected to devote a substantial portion of your research time to the field of Sports Medicine. Examples of areas of research are: i) identify the factors that precede sudden cardiac death in competitive young athletes; ii) study the effects of sleep disorders and disruption of circadian rhythms on the incidence of sports-related injuries and other major clinical problems; iii) study the potential relationship between exposure to head impacts and the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and related dementias later in life; iv) develop algorithms to evaluate the behavioural mechanisms associated with response to stress and its impact on the incidence and recovery from athletic injuries; v) identify physiological factors and other biomarkers to assess the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions and other treatments for sports injuries as an exemplar. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to work in other areas of Digital Health in collaboration with world-leading engineering and clinical teams. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will help ensure a healthy and vibrant research environment within The Podium Institute for Sports Medicine and Technology at the University of Oxford. This will involve leading, devising, coordinating, and supervising research projects in this area, including the work involved in the collaborations with project partners, guidance to researchers and students, and applying for further funding to extend the research. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should hold a relevant PhD/DPhil or be near completion (doctoral thesis must have been submitted) with experience in the field of biomedical engineering, information engineering, electrical engineering, computer science or other field relevant to the proposed area of research. Proven programming experience in Python, MATLAB or C/C++ is also essential, as well as expertise in the analysis of time series data, such as the Electrocardiogram (ECG), the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) and other commonly signals recorded in hospitals. Prior experience in computer vision, biomedical imaging and the analysis of data recorded by wearable devices, body-worn sensors or other flexible wearable sensors. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Mauricio Villarroel ( For more information about working at the Department, see Only online applications received before midday on 31 January 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload three documents: your CV, supporting statement and research proposal in a single PDF document not exceeding 10 pages in normal font and spacing. Please refer to the job description document for further details on the role and the required format on How to Apply for the role. You will also need to provide details of two referees as part of your online application. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Keywords: Computer Vision, Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, wearable technology, body-worn sensors, Sports Medicine</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Molecular Microbiology and Vaccine Development
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and motivated Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join Professor Christoph Tang's research group based at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. We aim to understand how human specific bacteria colonise niches in the body, evade elimination by the immune system, and cause disease. We study various organisms that are leading causes of disease, including <em>Neisseria</em><em>, Shigella</em>, and pathogenic <em>E. coli</em>. The group is interested in defining the mechanisms of pathogenesis and applying these findings to the development of vaccines and therapeutics. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for managing your own academic research under supervision of Professor Tang.  You will join an interactive, dynamic group applying multidisciplinary approaches to understand and tackle infections caused by human bacterial pathogens. The post-holder will develop interventions for the prevention or treatment of bacterial infection. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate should hold, or be close to completion of, PhD/DPhil in molecular microbiology or biochemistry and have relevant experience in molecular bacteriology, as well as biochemistry and bioinformatics.  You must have excellent communication skills, the ability to effectively manage research projects as well as have proven track record of publications.  Good interpersonal skills and willingness to work as part of a team are essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term appointment available for 2 years. If you are interested in this role, and have the skills and experience we are looking for, please apply online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> <br> <br>The closing date for applications is 12.00 midday on Friday 31 January 2025. Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Single-Molecule Transcription in Bacterial Cells
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 07RS: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for the Gene Machines’ group, led by Prof Achilles Kapanidis. The group is well known for developing single-molecule and single-cell fluorescence methods (Uphoff PNAS 2013; Robb, Sci Reports 2019; Zagajewski, Nature Comm Biol 2023, Chatzimichail, Lab-on-a-chip 2024) and applying them to proteins functioning on DNA and RNA (Stracy, PNAS 2015; Mazumder, PNAS 2020; Mazumder, eLife 2021; El Sayyed et al Mol Cell 2024). The group is also known for the development of the Nanoimager microscope and the founding of Oxford Nanoimaging (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>). The group recently moved in the new Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery (, a vibrant environment for interdisciplinary research at the interface of physical and biological sciences, and for technology development. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The project focuses on elucidating the mechanisms of gene transcription, by visualising the biochemical reaction, its kinetics, and key conformational changes at the single-molecule level, and in real-time within the crowded environment of a living cell. This approach will lead to new discoveries and insightful comparisons with <em>in vitro</em> studies and help identify new steps for antibiotic development.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To achieve this exciting goal, you will apply novel single-molecule and super-resolution techniques, and data-analysis methods, while employing an multi-disciplinary approach that involves collaboration with a team of physicists, microbiologists, and data scientists within the group. We are particularly interested in experimentalists passionate about the use of sensitive microscopies to address bacterial mechanisms, especially in the context of phase-separated assemblies.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The ideal candidate should possess (or soon obtain) a doctorate in Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or related field. Experience in cell imaging, bacterial and molecular biology, fluorescence labelling, and protein-DNA/RNA interactions is essential. Experience in controlling and operating single-molecule/super-resolution microscopes for bacterial imaging, and experience in image and time-series analysis is also essential. Programming knowledge in Python and MATLAB, as well as in bacterial transcription and condensates is highly desirable. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should have excellent communication skills and enjoy working within an interdisciplinary group. You will manage academic and administrative activities, develop ideas for generating research income, collaborate on reports and journal articles, and have the opportunity to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please direct enquiries to Prof Kapanidis (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before midday Jan 31st 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a statement of research interests, CV, copies of two representative publications (or, alternatively, manuscripts in preparation) and details of three referees as part of your online application.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Survey Development for AI Simulation
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Sociology is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant who will constitute a key member of the team on the DemDialogueAI Project, funded by the ESRC as part of the Trans-Atlantic Partnership Call on Democracy, Governance, and Trust. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The project proposes a cross-national study employing generative artificial intelligence, agent-based models, as well as online experiments and surveys to identify how the algorithms that shape the information users see on social media could promote democratic norms, increase trust, and decrease polarization. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role </strong></div><br> <div>Reporting to the Principal Investigator, Christopher Barrie, the post holder will be responsible for the development of survey instruments to validate machine-coded measures of the quality online discussion as well as priming or social media clone experiments to determine the effect of online information exposure on political attitudes. The post holder will also assist in the collection of training and validation data from social media, and contribute to the analysis of real-world text data from online discussions as well as simulated platforms. The post holder will additionally provide guidance to junior members of the research group including research assistants, PhD students, and/or project volunteers. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term position for 18 months and will be available from March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12:00 midday UK time on Friday 31 January 2025 with interviews taking place on Wednesday 19 February 2025. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV, supporting statement and details of two referees as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should clearly set out the extent to which you meet each of the selection criteria of the post. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further details for this position, including information on how to apply, are outlined in the job description.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Associate
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7.1 - 7.8: to £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated researcher to join a new group in the department of Biology, working with Dr. Anna Borlase on neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). You will develop and apply statistical frameworks and mathematical transmission models to enable long and short-term morbidity outcomes to be incorporated into dynamic transmission models, focusing initially on schistosomiasis, but with scope to expand and apply methodologies to other NTDs. Individual-level clinical data together with surveillance data will be utilised and accessed via a network of collaborators. For those interested, opportunities will be available for overseas travel to visit collaborators in schistosomiasis-endemic countries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must hold or be near to completion of a relevant PhD/DPhil, for example in infectious disease modelling, epidemiology, statistical modelling or a related discipline. This post would be suitable for an individual with a quantitative background and a strong interest in applied infectious disease research, or equally a candidate with a biological/clinical background and a strong interest in modelling/quantitative methods. With excellent communication skills, you will be able to write for publication, present research proposals and results, engage with a wide range of stakeholders, and represent the group at meetings and conferences. You will have demonstrated the ability to manage your own academic research and associated activities.</div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is committed to equality and valuing diversity. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div><br> <div>This post is full-time (part-time considered) and fixed term for 2 years in the first instance, with potential to extend.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 31st January 2025, with interviews likely to be held mid-late February. Applications for this vacancy are to be made online via our e-recruitment system, and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Associate in Inorganic Chemistry
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (inclusive of Oxford University Weighting)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the Catalytic Conversion of Polyolefins to Hydrocarbons under the supervision of Professor Dermot O’Hare for a period of up to 2 years. The project involves developing new solid heterogeneous catalysts and is funded by SCG Chemicals Public Co. Ltd.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Find out more about the O’Hare research and group <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>Applicants must hold a PhD in Chemistry or a relevant subject area, (<strong>or be close to completion</strong>) prior to taking up the appointment. The research requires experience in heterogeneous catalysis, materials synthesis and characterisation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be expected to manage your own academic research and administrative activities. This involves small scale project management, to co-ordinate multiple aspects of work to meet deadlines.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post will be based in the Department of Chemistry, and is available from 10th February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your application.  In your supporting statement <strong>(<5 pages)</strong>, please explain how you meet each of the selection criteria found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Certificates, references and research papers should not be provided at this stage.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 midday, Friday, 31st January 2025, UK time. Interviews will be held on 7th Feb 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford and The Department of Chemistry are Silver Athena SWAN holders.  Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and ethnic minority candidates, who are under-represented in Chemistry research posts in Oxford.</div> </div>Recruitment Manager – Executive MBA Programme
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Fixed-term (one year), full time (37.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you a dynamic and results-driven professional passionate about fostering leadership and professional development? Join Oxford Saïd Business School, where our innovative and globally recognised Executive MBA (EMBA) programme empowers senior leaders to excel professionally while studying at one of the world's most prestigious universities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a Recruitment Manager to play a pivotal role in delivering the long-term success of our EMBA programme. You’ll work collaboratively with a team of experts to attract high-calibre candidates, ensuring the programme continues to thrive and deliver transformational experiences for senior professionals.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Attract high-calibre applicants for the EMBA programme through tailored recruitment strategies, events and networking opportunities both locally and internationally.</li><br> <li>Build and maintain relationships with senior leaders, corporate sponsors, faculty and alumni to create a robust pipeline of applicants.</li><br> <li>Develop and oversee business plans and regional recruitment budgets, collaborating with marketing and programme teams.</li><br> <li>Stay informed on market trends to ensure the EMBA programme remains competitive and aligns with industry advancements.</li><br> <li>Work closely with alumni to enhance referrals and build the School’s reputation in global rankings.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>You will have a proven track record in customer-facing roles, excelling in building and maintaining relationships with senior stakeholders and achieving success in target-driven environments through innovation. Strong communication skills are essential, along with experience in writing and presenting proposals. The role requires a team player with expertise in budget management, knowledge of management or organisational development processes, and the flexibility to handle diverse responsibilities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 29 January 2025 at 12.00 noon.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Research Assistant
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking for an energetic and experienced full-time Research Assistant to join the research group of Professor Tal Arnon at the Kennedy Institute in Oxford, to work within the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences. The laboratory focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating lymphocyte activation and differentiation in vivo. These studies aim to advance our basic understanding of humoral immunity and may have important implications for the development of novel vaccines and therapeutic agents designed to treat a variety of immunological disorders (e.g., allergy, asthma, cancer).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is suited for an experienced individual that enjoys working in an academic environment and who is keen to support competitive research. For a suitable candidate, who already has a strong scientific background, and who wishes to continue to develop these skills, there will also be an opportunity for academic training, including helping to develop projects addressing novel scientific questions, learning cutting-edge techniques, contributing to publications and enhancing academic skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will support the research team in a wide variety of molecular and cellular approaches including flow cytometry analysis, sorting, construct generations, histological analysis, tissue collection, in vivo work etc and routinely liaise with direct supervisor, and other members of group, regarding experiments and general laboratory procedures. You will also contribute to general laboratory maintenance, general laboratory management and administration. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must hold, or be close to graduating with, a BSc (First class or Upper second class, 2.1) or higher degree in Biological Sciences, Immunology, or a related subject (not including pharmacology) with a Home Office personal licence. You must have an extensive experience in handling mice and working with complex mouse models. Previous experience in basic research, preferentially in the field of adaptive immunity, including experience in troubleshooting, adapting protocols and recording results in a clear, timely and organised fashion is essential. Experience with freezing and sectioning tissue samples, ideally using Cryostat, is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term, full time position for 1 year.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Due to the nature of the research at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, this job will require additional security pre-employment checks:</div><br> <div>•    A satisfactory basic Disclosure and Barring Service check</div><br> <div>•    University security screening (eg identity checks)</div><br> <div> <br> <br>The closing date for this position is <strong>12 noon on 31 January 2025</strong>. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.</div> </div>Researcher
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health undertakes world-leading research into long term, chronic health conditions, operating large-scale long-term studies and projects to identify the causes, prevention and treatment of diseases that result in avoidable suffering for millions of people around the world.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a motivated Researcher to join our team studying antimicrobial resistance in <em>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</em>, a sexually transmitted pathogen. This project uses whole genome sequencing data spanning decades to investigate the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance across multiple continents, with a particular focus on data from Africa.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will examine this data and will facilitate existing projects with African collaborators and may be asked to provide guidance to less experienced members of the research group, including project students.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered for the role you will be degree-educated, together with some relevant experience, preferably in bioinformatics and microbiology. You should be pursuing a doctorate in a specialized field and have the capability to independently manage your research and administrative tasks.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full time, fixed term post for 12 months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is noon on 31 January 2025</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Statistician
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health undertakes world-leading research into long term, chronic health conditions, operating large-scale long-term studies and projects to identify the causes, prevention and treatment of diseases that result in avoidable suffering for millions of people around the world.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a skilled and experienced statistician to join the Health Economics Research Centre (HERC) as part of a multidisciplinary team focused on analyzing clinical and health economic data from long-term trials, primarily related to diabetes and its complications. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the analysis of large-scale global diabetes outcome trials and help develop a comprehensive archive of clinical trial datasets to support future clinical and health economic research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key duties will include: undertaking trial-based analyses; developing and validating mathematical models to predict future risks of complications for individuals with diabetes; and  building and curating a data archive of diabetes clinical trials, including obtaining necessary permissions for data access, linking clinical and administrative data, and ensuring robust data governance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The ideal candidate will have an MSc and/or PhD in Statistics or a related field, with expertise in biostatistics, particularly in clinical outcome and translational trials for chronic diseases like diabetes. Proficiency in statistical programming languages (SAS, STATA, R) and experience in clinical trial data analysis is essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In addition, you should possess strong skills in managing conflicting priorities and meeting tight deadlines without compromising accuracy. Effective oral and written communication skills are critical, as is a proactive approach to managing workloads and working collaboratively as part of a team. You must also have the ability to maintain confidentiality.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full time (part-time considered), fixed term post for 12 months in the first instance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>noon on 31 January 2025</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Strategic Workforce Planning Officer
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>Human Resources, Hybrid working/Littlegate House, Oxford</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Full-time (requests for part-time working will be considered).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed term position for a period up to 12 months</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University is at the start of a journey to implement and embed strategic workforce planning. We are seeking an organised and analytical individual to join a small project team to support an SWP pilot.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for assisting pilot participants to identify, collate, cleanse and analyse data as well as managing pilot logistics and communications.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities include collating and managing data, creating dashboards and carrying out comprehensive workforce analysis. You will act as a key liaison point for pilot participants and provide administrative support to ensure smooth project coordination.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have proven skills of analytical thinking, innovation, and problem solving along with demonstrated experience in workforce analysis. You will possess effective organisational and time management skills and have proven experience of collaborating with cross-functional stakeholders supporting project initiatives.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement outlining how you meet the selection criteria as part of your application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 31st January though the position may close before this time if a suitable candidate is found</div> </div>Transformation Programme Officer
Closes: Jan. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £51,059 per annum pro-rata (this includes Oxford University weighting)
<div> <p></p><div>Are you passionate about driving change and improving operational efficiency? We are looking for a dynamic Transformation Programme Officer to support a three-year review and transformation programme within the Department of Computer Science.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This pivotal role will partner with senior leadership to develop and implement improvements across key areas of the department, using the University of Oxford’s Focus approach to continuous improvement. You will lead diverse projects, from standardising operating procedures to enhancing HR processes and streamlining academic support services, all with the aim of fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Your expertise will help deliver tangible, sustainable outcomes, enabling the department to maintain its world-leading reputation in research and teaching</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>We are seeking an experienced and proactive professional with:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A proven track record in project and programme management, ideally within higher education or a similarly complex environment.</li><br> <li>Expertise in process improvement methodologies, with a focus on delivering sustainable operational enhancements.</li><br> <li>Exceptional communication and stakeholder engagement skills, able to collaborate with diverse teams and build strong relationships.</li><br> <li>Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, with a knack for identifying challenges and developing practical solutions.</li><br> <li>A solid background in change management, including designing and delivering effective training resources.</li><br> <li>Excellent organisational skills, capable of managing multiple projects simultaneously.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>If you are passionate about continuous improvement and thrive in a collaborative environment, we’d love to hear from you.</div><br> <div>This role also offers the opportunity for hybrid working, with a minimum of three days per week on-</div><br> <div>site to facilitate key stakeholder engagement and project integration.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is a stimulating work environment, which enjoys an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence. Our research plays a key role in tackling many global challenges, from reducing our carbon emissions to developing vaccines during a pandemic.</div><br> <div>The Department of Computer Science at Oxford is renowned for pioneering research and teaching across diverse fields, consistently ranking among the best in the world. Our commitment to innovation drives us to tackle complex technological and societal challenges.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•               An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•               38 days annual leave</div><br> <div>•               A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•               Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•               Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•               Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div>•               Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Committed to equality and valuing diversity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is midday on 31st January 2025. Interviews are planned to be held on 13th February and will be face to face.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>Secondments will be considered.</em></div> </div>Associate Professor of Engineering (Information Engineering)
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £12,334 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Engineering Science intends to appoint an Associate Professor of Engineering Science (Information Engineering) from 1st October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will work at the Department of Engineering Science (Central Oxford, OX1 3EJ) and will be offered a Tutorial Fellowship at Somerville College under arrangements described in the Job Description. The combined University and College salary will be on a scale currently from £55,766 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits (see the Job Description for full details) including a housing allowance of £12,334 p.a.. The appointment will be initially for five years at which point, upon completion of a successful review, the post-holder will be eligible for reappointment to the retiring age.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This appointment will strengthen the Department’s research in the fast-growing area of Information Engineering. The successful candidate will conduct original research in the field of Information Engineering and its applications. Applications are sought from across a diverse set of disciplines under the Information Engineering umbrella, including, for example, physics-informed machine learning and AI, computer vision, graphics, optimisation, networks, and robotics.  We also welcome applications from candidates with a strong computational or experimental research background in Information Engineering in fields not explicitly listed, including those who innovate Information Engineering methods to impact other engineering disciplines. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will have a doctorate in information engineering or a cognate discipline. They will have a proven research track record, witnessed by peer reviewed publications and collaborations, and relevant teaching experience. They will have the ability to teach effectively, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, and have excellent interpersonal skills for undertaking tutorial teaching.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be expected to take part in the teaching of undergraduate courses in the Department of Engineering Science, which may include lectures, taught classes, practical laboratories, and the supervision of undergraduate design and project work; and tutorial teaching and pastoral care of students in Somerville College, where they will also be a trustee and will play a role in the governance of the college. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s research portfolio in information engineering, obtaining external funding to enable development of a new and independent research program.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please note that this post is being advertised at the same time as a very similar Associate Professor post associated with a fellowship at St Anne’s College (see Should you wish to be considered for both posts, you will need to make two separate applications.  Candidates are encouraged to apply for both posts.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You can apply for the post at Somerville by following instructions set out in the job description (which also includes full details of the dueties of the post) which may be obtained below or by clicking ‘apply’.  The job ref is: DF24SOM/176756. Please quote this in all correspondence.  The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon on Monday 3 February 2025</strong>.  Interviews are expected to to take place on <strong>Monday 31 March 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For those invited to interview, the department can provide accommodation and will cover reasonable travel expenses and reasonable additional caring costs incurred as a result of attending the interview (within agreed policy limits).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For queries about the post that are not answered in the job description please contact the department on or telephone: +44 (0) 1865 273003.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The Department is committed to equality and valuing diversity and holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting gender equality in academia.  The University is a Living Wage Employer, holds an Athena Swan Silver Award, an HR Excellence in Research and a Race Equality Charter Bronze Award and is a Stonewall Diversity Champion.  Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we seek to create a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through our EDI Committee, working groups and networks, for example, as well as a number of family friendly policies.</div> </div>Associate Professor of Information Engineering.
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Combined University and College salary from £55,755 p.a. to £74,867 p.a. plus substantial additional benefits including a housing allowance of £11,635 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Engineering Science intends to appoint an Associate Professor of Engineering Science (Information Engineering) from 1st September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will work at the Department of Engineering Science (Central Oxford, OX1 3EJ) and will be offered a Tutorial Fellowship at St Anne’s College under arrangements described in the Job Description. The combined University and College salary will be on a scale currently from £55,766 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits (see the Job Description for full details) that include a housing allowance of £11,635 p.a.. The appointment will be initially for five years at which point, upon completion of a successful review, the post-holder will be eligible for reappointment to the retiring age.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This appointment will strengthen the Department’s research in the fast-growing area of Information Engineering.  The successful candidate will conduct original research in the field of Information Engineering and its application.  Applications are sought from across a diverse set of disciplines under the Information Engineering umbrella, including, for example, physics-informed machine learning and AI, computer vision, graphics, optimisation, networks, and robotics.  We also welcome applications from candidates with a strong computational or experimental research background in Information Engineering in fields not explicitly listed, including those who innovate Information Engineering methods to impact other engineering disciplines.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will have a doctorate in information engineering or a cognate discipline. They will have a proven research track record, witnessed by peer reviewed publications and collaborations, and relevant teaching experience. They will have the ability to teach effectively, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, and have excellent interpersonal skills for undertaking tutorial teaching.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be expected to take part in the teaching of undergraduate courses in the Department of Engineering Science, which may include lectures, taught classes, practical laboratories, and the supervision of undergraduate design and project work; and tutorial teaching and pastoral care of students in St Anne’s College, where they will also be a trustee and will play a role in the governance, administration and academic life of the college. They will also be expected to contribute to the department’s research portfolio in information engineering, obtaining external funding to enable development of a new and independent research program.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please note that this post is being advertised at the same time as a very similar Associate Professor post associated with a fellowship at Somerville College (see Should you wish to be considered for both posts, you will need to make two separate applications.  Candidates are encouraged to apply for both posts.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You can apply for the post at St Anne’s by following instructions set out in the job description (which also includes full details of the duties of the post) which may be obtained below or by clicking ‘apply’.  The job reference is: DF24STA/176755. Please quote this in all correspondence.  The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon on Monday 3 February 2025</strong>.  Interviews are expected to take place on <strong>Monday 31 March 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For those invited to interview, the department can provide accommodation and will cover reasonable travel expenses and reasonable additional caring costs incurred as a result of attending the interview (within agreed policy limits).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For queries about the post that are not answered in the job description please contact the department on or telephone: +44 (0) 1865 273003.</div><br> <div>.</div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The Department is committed to equality and valuing diversity and holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting gender equality in academia.  The University is a Living Wage Employer, holds an Athena Swan Silver Award, an HR Excellence in Research and a Race Equality Charter Bronze Award and is a Stonewall Diversity Champion.  Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we seek to create a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through our EDI Committee, working groups and networks, for example, as well as a number of family friendly policies.</div> </div>Campaigns and Marketing Manager (maternity cover)
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range to £51,059) p.a., depending on experience
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the Blavatnik School of Government</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our vision is of a world better led, a world better served and a world better governed. We are a global school committed to improving the quality of government and public policymaking worldwide, through three routes: <strong>teaching</strong> <strong>current and future leaders</strong>; <strong>generating</strong> <strong>research with impact</strong>; and <strong>engaging</strong> <strong>with governments and practitioners</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The School is a collaborative, friendly, and dynamic department based in an award-winning building in Oxford. We host regular events and talks with well-known guest speakers – all of which are open to staff. On the social side, we have regular coffee/cake mornings for staff, a family-friendly Halloween event, and Christmas and summer parties.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days’ annual leave</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes and a comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme and discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> <li>Opportunities for remote working.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information about working at the School can be found on our <a rel="nofollow" href="">jobs page</a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a Campaigns and Marketing Manager to join our External Relations team to help directly deliver our mission through creative storytelling and applied digital skills.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will run a range of paid and organic communications and marketing campaigns to support the promotion of, and recruitment to, our degree and executive programmes.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be results-driven, using data and digital tools effectively to shape campaigns and the storytelling you do about the extraordinary and innovative work of the School and of the inspirational people in our global community.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is to cover the absence of the substantive postholder, who is taking a period of maternity leave. The post is available until 30 June 2026 or the actual return of the substantive postholder, or the resignation of the substantive postholder and employment of a new postholder, whichever is the earliest.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We hope the successful candidate can start in May 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Equipped with relevant expertise, an interest in topical issues and a sharp intellect, you have a proven track record of successful campaign development.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be well versed in the principles and practices of marketing and communications, especially digital marketing, and will be able to apply these flexibly and intelligently.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be a ‘doer’, a team player who can combine strategic and creative thinking with the willingness and skills to undertake the full range of required tasks yourself. Your ability to rapidly understand and translate policy-related and intellectual content to our audiences will be critical, as will your ability to draw on the exceptional networks and audience expertise that exist across the School, working across teams and building collaborative relationships.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Quick to learn, proactive and collaborative by instinct, you will have excellent production skills, primarily in conversion copywriting and visual assets.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please upload <a rel="nofollow" href="">a supporting statement</a> that outlines how you meet the selection criteria in your own words, along with your CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12 noon (UK time) on Monday 3 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We anticipate that interviews will take place during week commencing 10 February 2025.</div> </div>Clinical Trial Supplies Planner
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range up to £51,059)
<div> <p></p><div>Oxford Population Health (Nuffield Department of Population Health) is home to world-renowned population health research groups and provides an excellent environment for multi-disciplinary research and teaching. The Clinical Trial Service Unit (CTSU) is a major international research institute within the NDPH, and is a world-leading centre for large-scale research into the causes, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular and kidney disease.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As Clinical Trial Supplies Planner, you will contribute to the development of new methodologies and processes to improve the quality of current and future trials at CTSU, for example in relation to IMP management, forecasting and supplies. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered for the Clinical Trial Supplies Planner post, you will have proven substantial experience within the procurement/supplies planning field with proven success of delivering on agreed targets.  You will also have excellent data management experience and the ability to work cohesively and effectively as part of a busy team with a high degree of accuracy. Ideally, you will have familiarity with the requirements of GMP, GDP and GLP, and experience working with third party suppliers and service providers.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is full time (part time considered) and fixed term 2 years. The closing date for applications is noon on 3 February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Digital Transformation Manager
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 (with a discretionary range to £51,059) p.a., depending on experience
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the Blavatnik School of Government</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our vision is of a world better led, a world better served and a world better governed. We are a global school committed to improving the quality of government and public policymaking worldwide, through three routes: <strong>teaching</strong> <strong>current and future leaders</strong>; <strong>generating</strong> <strong>research with impact</strong>; and <strong>engaging</strong> <strong>with governments and practitioners</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The School is a collaborative, friendly, and dynamic department based in an award-winning building in Oxford. We host regular events and talks with well-known guest speakers – all of which are open to staff. On the social side, we have regular coffee/cake mornings for staff, a family-friendly Halloween event, and Christmas and summer parties.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days’ annual leave</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes and a comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme and discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> <li>Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</li><br> <li>Opportunities for remote working.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information about working at the School can be found on our<a rel="nofollow" href=""> jobs page</a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a Digital Transformation Manager who will lead the School's digital transformation. This will start with, but not be limited to, <strong>CRM system management</strong>, integration, and optimisation to meet School needs. Ensure compliance with data protection laws and train staff on effective CRM use. AnalySe CRM data for actionable insights and continually improve system performance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Horizon scanning and leveraging new technology: </strong>Identify and integrate emerging technologies and AI to enhance operations. Automate manual processes, increase efficiency, and provide digital transformation advice to teams and leaders.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Data-driven initiatives:</strong> develop and implement a data strategy to improve reporting and decision-making. Provide insights and dashboards to support performance and integrate systems for better data clarity.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Project management:</strong> manage digital transformation projects from planning to completion, ensuring alignment with strategic goals. Foster collaboration, provide updates to leadership, and promote best practices in project management.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Stakeholder engagement:</strong> collaborate with academic, research, and professional teams to address digital transformation needs. Build relationships, lead workshops, and establish knowledge-sharing communities to drive innovation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have a degree or equivalent professional qualification and/or substantial relevant experience in CRM management or similar systems and/or project management; have proven experience in managing and optimising CRM and/or similar systems, including implementation; a strong track record of delivering complex projects on time, within scope, and budget; advanced analytical skills, with the ability to interpret data, generate insights, and provide actionable recommendations; demonstrated ability to engage and collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including senior management, technical teams, and end-users; excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to present complex information clearly to non-specialist audiences; strong organisational skills with the ability to prioritise tasks effectively and manage competing deadlines; and a sound understanding of IT systems, digital tools, and emerging technologies relevant to CRM and project delivery and an ability to apply those to improving business impact and efficiency</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please upload <a rel="nofollow" href="">a supporting statement</a> that outlines how you meet the selection criteria in your own words, along with your CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12 noon (UK time) on Monday 3 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We anticipate that interviews will take place during week commencing 17 February 2025.</div> </div>Eleanor Rathbone Professor of Contemporary European History
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Faculty of History is seeking applications for the Eleanor Rathbone Professorship of Contemporary European History, available from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This new senior post is intended to reinforce Oxford’s reputation as a major centre for research and teaching in the field of Contemporary European History. In particular, it will extend expertise into the history of the European present, by developing new teaching provision, and research-led scholarship, on the history of the final decades of the twentieth century and the early decades of the early twenty-first century.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Rathbone Chair has been named in honour of Eleanor Rathbone to mark her lifelong work and engagement with issues of contemporary European politics and social inequality. The professor will be based at St Antony’s College, where they will maintain and develop the legacy of the work and scholarship undertaken on the contemporary history of Europe by Professor Timothy Garton Ash. It is therefore intended that the professor will be a scholar who will combine innovative scholarship and teaching with a wider profile of intellectual engagement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Rathbone Professor will be expected to lead the growth of Contemporary European History within Oxford, including new teaching options on recent and current European history, funded grant applications, workshops, public events and outreach, broadly defined. An important element of the post would be to work with colleagues in the organising and direction of Contemporary European History teaching and research within the History Faculty.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We wish to appoint a committed historian who will be able to shape this new field. You should possess an excellent record of innovative archival research using one or more European languages; a significant record of publications; the capacity to lead and inspire others; and an ability to communicate the importance of historical issues for an understanding of the contemporary identity of Europe.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 3 February 2025</strong>. Interviews are expected to be held in March 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to Professor Martin Conway, Chair of the History Faculty Board (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div> </div>Functional Support Analyst- Web CMS
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Functional Support Analyst- CMS, IT Services</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to help shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Where ground-breaking research tackles global challenges – from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions – you’ll join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>IT Services department</strong> plays a vital role in supporting the University’s ambitious digital strategy, ensuring that staff and students have access to cutting-edge technology and platforms. With a collaborative, service-oriented approach, the department develops and manages a wide range of digital solutions, enabling innovative research and teaching while supporting critical business processes. As part of this dynamic team, you’ll help maintain and evolve the University’s web publishing platform, which is integral to its outreach, public engagement, and research dissemination activities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for a <strong>Functional Support Analyst</strong> to join us on a permanent basis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <ul><br> <li><strong>38 days of annual leave</strong> to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</li><br> <li>One of the most generous <strong>maternity and adoption leave schemes</strong> in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</li><br> <li>A commitment to <strong>hybrid and flexible working</strong> to suit your lifestyle.</li><br> <li>An excellent <strong>contributory pension scheme</strong>.</li><br> <li>Affordable and sustainable <strong>commuting options</strong>, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</li><br> <li>Access to a vibrant community through our <strong>social, cultural, and sports clubs</strong>.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>As a <strong>Functional Support Analyst</strong> within the CMS and Web Platform Team, you will play a pivotal role in supporting the University’s web publishing platform, currently transitioning from Oxford Mosaic (Drupal 7) to Oxford Fresco (Drupal 10). This platform supports over 1000 websites used by departments, research groups, museums and administrative teams to communicate effectively with their public audiences. You will act as a key contact for platform users, helping them adopt best practices, troubleshoot issues, and make the most of the platform’s capabilities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will engage directly with a broad range of users, providing consultancy, delivering tailored onboarding support, and demonstrating platform features. In this role, you’ll also collaborate with the development team to resolve complex issues, introduce product enhancements, improve support processes, and contribute to product release management, including regression testing and user communications.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Your work will directly impact the University’s online presence, enabling the provision of high-quality, accessible, and effective websites that support the University’s world-class teaching, research and public engagement. If you’re passionate about web content management, customer support, and continuous improvement, this role offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>We’re looking for someone who can bring the following skills and experience:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Strong experience in <strong>supporting and configuring CMS systems</strong>, preferably Drupal, with an ability to troubleshoot and help resolve technical issues.</li><br> <li>Excellent <strong>communication and interpersonal skills</strong>, with the ability to explain complex information clearly and deliver engaging user presentations and demonstrations.</li><br> <li>Proven ability to manage and prioritise a <strong>varied workload</strong>, meeting tight deadlines with a proactive and flexible approach.</li><br> <li>Strong <strong>problem-solving skills</strong> and a creative mindset, with a solid understanding of what makes an effective website.</li><br> <li>Careful attention to <strong>detail</strong> and a commitment to maintaining high standards in support, documentation, and user guidance.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A covering letter/supporting statement</li><br> <li>Your CV</li><br> <li>The details of two referees</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>closing date</strong> for applications is <strong>12 noon on Monday 3 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews</strong> will take place on <strong>Monday 10 February</strong>, and will be held face to face wherever possible, otherwise online on Microsoft Teams.</div> </div>Senior Developer- BI
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div><strong>Senior Developer- Business Intelligence</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the University of Oxford has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Here, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking research that tackles global challenges—from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions—and join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for a <strong>Senior Developer – Business Intelligence</strong> to join us on a <strong>permanent basis</strong> within our IT Services department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The Department</strong> </div><br> <div>IT Services plays a pivotal role in supporting the University’s digital infrastructure, providing robust technology solutions that underpin world-class research, teaching, and administration. The Data Reporting, Architecture, and Modelling team focuses on architecting and managing data platforms that enable effective decision-making across the University. Within this team, the Business Intelligence (BI) group supports the University’s central Data Warehouse, ensuring timely, reliable access to critical information while providing technical leadership to innovative BI projects that enhance data-driven insight and analysis.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <ul><br> <li><strong>38 days of annual leave</strong> to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</li><br> <li>One of the most <strong>generous maternity and adoption leave schemes</strong> in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</li><br> <li>A commitment to <strong>hybrid and flexible working</strong> to suit your lifestyle.</li><br> <li>An excellent <strong>contributory pension scheme</strong>.</li><br> <li><strong>Affordable and sustainable commuting options</strong>, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</li><br> <li>Access to a <strong>vibrant community</strong> through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong></div><br> <div>As a <strong>Senior Developer – Business Intelligence</strong>, you will take a leading role in the design, development, and maintenance of the University’s BI solutions, built on the Microsoft BI technology stack. You’ll work closely with analysts, developers, and end users to deliver high-quality, scalable solutions that meet the complex data needs of the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In this role, you will be responsible for developing robust <strong>ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes</strong>, ensuring the effective movement of data from various source systems into the University’s Data Warehouse. You’ll lead the design, coding, and testing of BI solutions, ensuring they are well-documented, reliable, and fit for purpose.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Beyond technical development, you’ll act as a key source of expertise in the BI team, supporting and mentoring colleagues, promoting best practices, and ensuring high-quality support for production systems. With access to cutting-edge BI technologies, you will have the opportunity to broaden your skill set as we progress the migration of out on-premise Data Warehouse to the Microsoft cloud.</div><br> <div> <br> <br> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>We are looking for a skilled and motivated professional with:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A degree in a computing or IT-related subject or equivalent professional experience.</li><br> <li><strong>Extensive knowledge of the Microsoft BI stack</strong>, including <strong>SQL Server</strong>, <strong>T-SQL</strong>, and <strong>SSIS</strong>.</li><br> <li>Strong knowledge of <strong>Data Warehousing principles</strong> and experience developing ETL processes.</li><br> <li>A solid understanding of the <strong>full software development lifecycle</strong>, including design, development, and support of production systems.</li><br> <li>Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and engage with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A <strong>covering letter/supporting statement</strong></li><br> <li>Your <strong>CV</strong></li><br> <li>The details of <strong>two referees</strong></li><br> </ul><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The <strong>closing date</strong> for applications is 12 noon on the week commencing <strong>03 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews</strong> will take place on the week commencing <strong>10 February</strong>, and will be held either face to face or virtually.</div> </div>Senior Library Assistant (Evening Supervisor)
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 4: £27,838 - £31,459 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Senior Library Assistant (Evening Supervisor) to join our friendly Library Services team at the Radcliffe Science Library.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will welcome readers and visitors, respond to routine and ad hoc enquiries, direct library users to appropriate services and collections, and provide security during opening hours through invigilation. You will carry out a full range of other duties associated with front-line reader services, including issuing, returning and renewing library material and equipment, administering reserve collections and room bookings, and act as the first port of call for any problems arising from these transactions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Reporting to the Library Manager, you will supervise library assistants on evening duties, ensuring they understand and adhere to established library workflows and service standards, assist with identifying their training needs, and occasionally deliver ad hoc training sessions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a permanent, full-time post, working 36.5 hours per week. The working pattern is anticipated to be as follows:</div><br> <div>Term time: Mon-Wed 2:30pm-10pm, Thu-Fri 11am-7pm</div><br> <div>Outside of term time: Mon-Fri 11am-7pm</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role requires lifting and carrying boxes of library materials, pushing trolleys, climbing ladders and kick-stools in order to access some of the library’s bookshelves and to re-shelve materials.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As other staff leave the library at 17:00 this a lone-working post.  However, a porter serves the rest of the building but is not based within the library premises.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will have a good general education, strong customer focus and communication skills, and be able to work under pressure. You will be expected to manage and prioritise your workload on a day-to-day basis under general guidance of the Library Manager. Punctuality and accuracy, good team work and IT skills are essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have previous experience of working in a library or similar customer service environment. Experience of supervising colleagues is desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div>•         An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•         38 days of annual leave</div><br> <div>•         A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•         Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•         Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•         Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV and a supporting evidence form</strong> using the attached template as part of your online application. Your supporting evidence form should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We aim to provide a supportive working environment and are happy to discuss training and professional development opportunities. The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Marija Babić, RSL Library Manager, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role (  General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online before 12.00 midday on Monday 3 February 2025 will be considered. Interviews are expected to take place on 19 and 20 February 2025.</div> </div>Senior Research Scientist in Weather & Climate Predictability and Risk
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for a Senior Research Scientist in Weather & Climate Predictability and Risk.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post will involve working within the National Centre of Atmospheric Science (NCAS) team to carry out innovative research in the area of weather and climate risk. Reporting to the NCAS site lead in Oxford, the post holder will be a member of the Predictability of Weather and Climate group providing day-to-day supervision for research assistants. The post holder is responsible for their own grant funded research project within the predictability and climate risk area, contributing to the NCAS National Capability Long Term Science – Single Centre programmes. The post-holder will have the opportunity to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold a PhD in Physics or a related field. Experience with post-qualification research and strong publication records  would be essential as well as sufficient specialist knowledge in the areas of quantifying climate risks and extreme event attribution to develop research projects and methodologies.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is full time and open-ended.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>noon UK time</strong> on Monday, 3 February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description</div> </div>University Engagement Lead
Closes: Feb. 3, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 (per annum, pro rata)*
<div> <p></p><div><strong>THIS POST COULD BE CONSIDERED AS A SECONDMENT OPPORTUNITY</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>Do you know how the Collegiate University of Oxford operates?</div><br> <div>Do you have experience in researching, exploring and piloting new initiatives?</div><br> <div>Do you combine realism with ambition?</div><br> <div>Do you know how to consult and engage University of Oxford students?</div><br> <div>Do you know how to develop a feasible road map for engagement?</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>If you answered yes, keep reading!</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This new fixed term role is part of the Schools and University Engagement team and will work alongside the Audiences & Content Director, the Head of Schools and University Engagement and colleagues across the Ashmolean and the Collegiate University to research, explore, pilot and draft a roadmap for University Engagement for the Ashmolean.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Academic engagement and object-based teaching is not part of this role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term post until 31 July 2025, working part time for 18.75 hours per week.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Due to regulated activity involving children and young people, the successful candidate will be required to undertake a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will have demonstrable knowledge and understanding of the way that the Collegiate University of Oxford operates and of the student’s experiences.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will also have experience in researching, exploring and piloting new initiatives for students and developing an ambitious, realist, fully costed roadmap.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Excellent oral, written and IT skills are also essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days of annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV (up to two sides) and a supporting statement (up to 850 words)</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Gina Koutsika, Director of Audiences and Content who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role (  General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday on Monday 3 February 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place between 9:00 - 13:00 on Friday 28 February 2025. We expect the successful candidate to start at the end of March/beginning of April.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please discuss secondments with your line manager in the first instance, as you must have their agreement that you can be released for a secondment before you submit an application. <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>*An automatic annual increment each year will be paid up to (and not including) the discretionary range within the University of Oxford’s grade 6 salary scale.</div> </div>CMR Applications Specialist (postgraduate or postdoctoral)
Closes: Feb. 4, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: 38,674 - 46,913
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a highly motivated CMR Applications Specialist (postgraduate or postdoctoral) to join our team in the Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR). You will be a member of the Advanced Cardiovascular Image Analysis Group, reporting to Prof. Stefan Piechnik (OU) and Dr. Margarita Gorodezky (GE). Beside translation and validation of the relevant technologies, you will provide guidance to other members of the research group, including postdocs, research assistants, technicians, and PhD and project students. The position is advertised for up to two years, and you will be encouraged to apply for further funding to continue the multi-centre collaborative work to explore the potentially significant impact of the technologies in the foreseeable future.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Your responsibilities will include implementing existing and new MR imaging and analysing methods for quantitative imaging approaches on the clinical GE MRI systems. This includes programming, troubleshooting and validation of acquisition and post-processing methods. You will also collect phantom and human data on clinical MR systems, maintain accurate records, and undertake any appropriate analysis of data as required for this and any related research projects.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You are required to hold a relevant degree together with relevant experience in programming. Experience or training in programming in MRI context, preferably on GE MRI platforms would be particularly desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed value project sponsored by industry. Outside the nominal salary, we are willing to discuss arrangements to accommodate particularly well aligned candidates with potential to deliver this project early.  You will be based at the Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR), Level 0, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, OX3 9DU.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online; you will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement which explains how you meet the selection criteria for the post.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on 4th of February 2025 can be considered</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Interviews are scheduled to take place week commencing <strong>February 10th 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer</div> </div>Campaign Manager
Closes: Feb. 4, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Two posts</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum including the Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per annum</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Permanent, full time (37.5 hours per week)</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you a motivated marketing professional with a flair for strategy, creativity and data-driven decision-making? Join us as a Campaign Manager, where you’ll lead the charge in developing strategic, integrated marketing campaigns that drive lead generation and engagement. In this role, you’ll collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand market needs, refine marketing strategies and deliver impactful campaigns that support business objectives within our dynamic organisation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The two posts are within Executive Education, where you’ll be responsible for marketing for Open on-campus portfolios. Portfolio examples include Leadership, Strategy, Impact and Finance. The primary portfolio allocation will be determined post appointment. Further information on the specific posts will be supplied during the interview process.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key responsibilities:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Design integrated marketing campaigns to achieve business objectives.</li><br> <li>Analyse competitor activity, market trends and audience needs to inform campaign strategy.</li><br> <li>Collaborate across teams to coordinate the execution of marketing activities.</li><br> <li>Create, edit and evaluate copy and creative for all mediums against market positioning, messaging and personas to ensure activities land effectively with the target audience</li><br> <li>Coordinate with marketing colleagues to track campaign performance against KPIs and refine strategies based on insights.</li><br> <li>Manage budgets effectively and identify opportunities for cost efficiencies.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>You will have proven experience in developing and managing integrated marketing campaigns across various channels, with a strong ability to plan, coordinate and evaluate strategies while adhering to budgets. You should excel in creating and assessing effective marketing activities and communications and demonstrate creativity and innovation to convert market opportunities and audience needs into effective plans.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You must have the Right to Work within the UK as this position may not amount to enough points under the points-based immigration system in the UK. For more information please visit: <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information on this role can be found in the job description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At Saïd Business School we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and communities to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to our team. Join us to build a brighter, more equitable future, where we celebrate diversity, advance equity, and nurture inclusion across everything we do.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We offer very generous benefits, some of which are:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Generous holiday allowance of 38 days including bank holidays</li><br> <li>Hybrid working</li><br> <li>Membership of the Oxford staff pension scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel</li><br> <li>Subsidised onsite catering</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Plus, many other University benefits</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter and Current Salary.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 4 February 2025 at 12.00 noon. First interviews will likely be held online 13 and 14 February 2025. Second interviews will likely be held in person 20 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Are you interested in joining Saïd Business School’s talent pool and/or receiving our job alerts? Register at <strong><a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></strong>.</div> </div>Head of Development - Ashmolean Museum
Closes: Feb. 4, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 10: annual progression from £64,228 to £74,191 per annum, with a possible extension to £80,913 including an Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata)
<div> <p></p><div>This is a wonderful opportunity for an experienced fundraising professional to take on a maternity cover to lead the fundraising team for the University’s museum of art and archaeology, the Ashmolean Museum. The oldest public museum in Britain and part of the University of Oxford Museums and Collections, it houses an extraordinary collection of art and archaeology ranging from Ancient Egyptian mummies to American contemporary art.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking for someone with experience in fundraising from a range of sources, individuals, trusts and corporates, with connections in the cultural sector.  You will be confident in dealing with a wide range of senior people in the museum and in the wider community of Oxford donors.  This role is part of the Gardens, Libraries and Museums fundraising team as well as of the wider Development and Alumni and Engagement group, so you will be used to collaborating with a broad community. The Head of Development – Ashmolean Museum will work closely with the Ashmolean Museum’s Director, senior management team and Curators to identify the opportunities, and devise appropriate strategies that will maximise philanthropic support.  They will also liaise closely with the ADD – GLAM on the priorities and the resources available to support them</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You /</strong> <strong>To be successful in the role</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>You will be an experienced fundraiser in the cultural sector with an impressive track record in securing major gifts at the six and seven figure level</li><br> <li>You will have wide experience of managing other team members</li><br> <li>You will have a creative approach to development</li><br> <li>You will have excellent communication skills</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Working at the University of Oxford offers several exclusive benefits, such as:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>38 days of annual leave to support your wellbeing, with the option to purchase up to 10 extra days and additional leave after long service.</li><br> <li>One of the most generous maternity and adoption leave schemes in UK higher education, offering up to 26 weeks of full-pay leave, followed by additional statutory and unpaid leave options.</li><br> <li>A commitment to hybrid and flexible working to suit your lifestyle.</li><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme.</li><br> <li>Affordable and sustainable commuting options, including a cycle loan scheme, discounted bus travel, and season ticket loans.</li><br> <li>Access to a vibrant community through our social, cultural, and sports clubs.</li><br> <li>Opportunities for growth and development, including membership to <a rel="nofollow" href="">CASE</a>.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>To apply, please upload:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>A covering letter/supporting statement</li><br> <li>Your CV</li><br> <li>The details of two referees</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on <strong>4 February 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div>Interviews will take place on <strong>18 February 2025</strong> and will be held face-to- face.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a maternity cover to join us on a fixed term basis until 12 June 2026</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><a rel="nofollow" href="">Development and Alumni Engagement</a> is committed to having a team that is made up of diverse skills and experiences. We encourage applicants from all sectors of the community and are especially keen to encourage candidates from under-represented groups to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Spanning the historic streets of the “city of dreaming spires,” the <a rel="nofollow" href="">University of Oxford</a> has been ranked the world’s leading university for nine consecutive years. A place where centuries of tradition meet world-changing innovation, we offer you the chance to shape the future while working in an inspiring environment that promotes excellence. Here, you’ll contribute to ground-breaking research that tackles global challenges - from advancing sustainability to pioneering healthcare solutions - and join a diverse, inclusive community that champions your wellbeing, development, and aspirations. Apply now to become part of our extraordinary legacy.</div> </div>Medical Statistician
Closes: Feb. 4, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>We are recruiting for a Medical Statistician</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Role</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Join one of the country’s leading groups working in infectious diseases</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Modernising Medical Microbiology (MMM) consortium at the University of Oxford is amongst the country’s foremost groups working in infectious diseases in the UK, aiming to improve diagnostics and fight antimicrobial resistance. We undertake large-scale epidemiological studies of electronic health records data and link this to data from pathogen sequencing, using a diverse range of sequencing technologies.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic MSc or PhD graduate with a background in mathematics, statistics or medical statistics to join our group, who is interested in training “on-the-job” to build a successful career as a medical statistician. Depending on the candidate’s interest and skills, for applicants without a PhD, there would be an opportunity to register for a PhD in future, depending on performance and further funding.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role will include practical on-the-job training working within the friendly multi-disciplinary group made up of around 30 scientists with expertise in biostatistics, epidemiology, infectious diseases, microbiology, bioinformatics, and molecular biology, providing opportunities for skills and career development, both in terms of medical statistics and more broadly in terms of research careers. There will be opportunities to attend seminars at the University of Oxford to gain broader exposure to genetic research, and to complete other training depending on individual needs and interests.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> The successful candidate will have an excellent academic record, having achieved a first or upper second class degree in a numerate discipline (e.g. mathematics or mathematics and statistics, computer science, biology with a quantitative focus, or another quantitative subject), and having achieved or being on track to achieve a PhD or Masters in mathematics, statistics or medical statistics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>They should have an enthusiastic hard-working approach, be keen to continue further formal study and to develop new skills. They should have good communication skills, and the ability to prioritise and work to deadlines. They should have good computer skills including MS Office and experience of one or more statistical programming languages.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates who do not fully meet the requirements for a Grade 7 post may be appointed at Grade 6: £34,046 - £40,855 per annum </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine (NDM) is one of the largest departments of the University of Oxford and is part of the Medical Sciences Division, with responsibility for a significant part of the teaching of clinical students within the Medical School.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•         Flexible working</div><br> <div>•         An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•         38 days’ annual leave (including bank holidays)</div><br> <div>•         A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•         Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•         Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•         Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University also runs a large number of social groups and sports clubs for those looking for more than just a great place to work.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is full time and fixed term for 3 years in the first instance.</div><br> <div>Applications are to be made online. You will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Please include in your supporting statement why this is the right opportunity for you.</div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Tuesday 4 February 2025 will be considered.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Research Finance Manger
Closes: Feb. 4, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>An excellent opportunity has arisen in the Department of Chemistry for a Research Finance Manager to join a busy grants team that manages around 400 active research projects at any one time. The Department submits over 200 applications per year with a combined total value of over £150m. Chemistry projects are funded by a wide variety of funding bodies, and the nature of our work means there are numerous international collaborations and partnerships.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be part of a team of Research Finance Managers, each of whom will manage a portfolio of grants. Each Finance Manager will look after their projects from award application to completion, working closely with Academic Supervisors (PIs) to provide excellent service.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post will involve pre and post award activities including preparation of accurate costings and support in the preparation of sponsor applications to ensure that the grant is submitted on time and with full supporting documentation; activating and setting up the project; and ongoing monitoring and reporting, taking any necessary follow up action. In the role you will liaise with and prepare reports for sponsors, supervisors and other parties and will act as a key point of contact for all internal and external audit enquiries on research grant related matters.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful applicant will be educated to degree level or with equivalent experience, and will have substantial experience relevant to the role. They will have an understanding of the research grants sector and the principles of good grant management and will have strong financial and IT skills. They will demonstrate a focus on professional service provision and will have excellent interpersonal and communication skills. They will be well organised and able to prioritise and handle multiple tasks simultaneously while meeting competing deadlines.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full-time position although part-time hours would be considered. This post is available immediately. The post is located at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, South Parks Road, Oxford. The team works a hybrid arrangement with a minimum 3 days per week on-site (pro rated for part time working).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for the vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before midday on <strong>Tuesday 4 February 2025</strong> can be considered. Interviews will be held shortly after the closing date.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford and the Department of Chemistry are Athena SWAN Silver award holders and are committed to equality and valuing diversity.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Assistant Clinical Trial Manager
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 with a discretionary range to £39,749 per annum (pro-rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join the Specialised Translational Research Oxford Neuromuscular Group (STRONG) in the Department of Paediatrics as our Assistant Clinical Trial Manager.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will play an important role in supporting the delivery of our portfolio of clinical trials and will work closely with the Clinical Trial Managers and the Clinical Research and Operations Manager, Laura Chiverton.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for helping the Clinical Trial Managers with the management and delivery of a portfolio of clinical trials and will work closely with the research group to ensure efficient running of our clinical trials.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be working in a growing department within the Medical Sciences Division. The Department of Paediatrics is a world leader in child health research and hosts internationally renowned research programmes in drug development, gastroenterology, haematology, HIV, immunology, neuroimaging, neuromuscular diseases and vaccinology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract initially for one year or until June 2025, (whichever is earliest) with the possibility to extend provided further external funding is available.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the department</strong></div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics holds the Athena Swan Gold award (a national gender equality charter) acknowledging the innovative policies and practices developed across the department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We encourage staff to develop their skills by offering all staff ten paid days of professional development each year and have a policy where staff can apply to receive funding for further training courses to support their professional development. For staff on work visas, we also offer financial assistance towards visa renewal fees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="">website</a> to find out more about the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will have an understanding of working in clinical trial management and will be educated to degree level, or have equivalent experience. The successful candidate will have knowledge of the regulatory and governance requirements for UK clinical trials. You will have highly effective verbal and written communication skills with all levels of staff and an ability to operate effectively in a demanding and growing research environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Laura Chiverton, the Clinical Research and Operations manager, using the contact details below.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only online applications received before 12.00 midday on 5th February 2025 will be considered. Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics offers an Interview Expense Reimbursement Policy in its efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion. Should you be invited to interview, we will share further information about the policy at that stage.</div> </div>Associate Professorship in the Art of the Americas
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 30S: Salary from £55,755 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits and allowances as detailed below, a college housing allowance of £10,952 p. a.
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking to appoint an Associate Professor with research and teaching expertise in the Art of the Americas (North and/or South) after 1500. The appointee will bring together students and scholars working across the University, including in its libraries and collections, through a consideration of the visual and material cultures of the Americas that expands Art History's traditional geographic, material and methodological boundaries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position provides exciting opportunities for the postholder, who will conduct advanced research and build research networks within and beyond Oxford; give lectures, classes, and tutorials; supervise, support and examine students at the undergraduate and graduate levels; play an important part in the academic life of Worcester College; and take on leadership and administrative roles in the Department of History of Art and, as required, in the History Faculty and College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The new postholder would ensure that the History of Art first-year (Prelims) syllabus would incorporate aspects of the Art of the Americas into its core courses. Aspects of the Art of the Americas would also be integrated into the advanced undergraduate core course 'Approaches to the History of Art' and into the required Master's (MSt) course 'Issues in Art History.' The postholder would be expected to contribute to and take the lead in core courses at both undergraduate and graduate level.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The appointee would be expected to develop new advanced undergraduate options on the Art of the Americas (North and/or South), some of which could also be offered to History undergraduates. The appointee would devise as well a new MSt option that would attract high-quality home and international students, some of whom will continue to the DPhil. The postholder would be expected to supervise BA extended essays and theses in the History of Art Department and History Faculty, as well as supervise MSt and DPhil dissertations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We welcome applications from candidates at all post-doctoral career stages, including at professorial level. We are committed to creating a diverse academic workforce and positively encourage applications from under-represented communities. We particularly encourage applications from women, people with disabilities, and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic candidates.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The appointee will be a member of the Department of History of Art, the Faculty of History, and a tutorial fellow and member of the Governing Body of Worcester College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is tenable from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The deadline for applications is <strong>12 noon (UK time) on Wednesday 5th February 2025</strong>.  <strong>Interviews are expected to take place on 26th February 2025 in Oxford.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford uses the grade of Associate Professor for most of its senior academic appointments. Associate Professors are eligible for consideration through regular recognition of distinction exercises for award of the title of full Professor.  In exceptional cases, the title of full Professor may be awarded on appointment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Queries about the post should be addressed to Prof. Alastair Wright (email:, who is a member of the Department of History of Art, but is not on the selection committee, or Phillipa Tarver (email: who will be able assist with college queries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence; they will not form part of the selection decision.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Committed to equality and valuing diversity</strong></div> </div>Clinical Trials Manager
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: 34,982 - 40,855 with a discretionary range to £44,382 per annum (pro-rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>This is a readvertisement, previous applicants need not reapply,</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join the Specialised Translational Research Oxford Neuromuscular Group (STRONG) in the Department of Paediatrics as our Clinical Trial Manager.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will play an important role in the delivery of our portfolio of clinical trials and will work closely with the Clinical Research and Operations Manager, Laura Chiverton, and the Principle Investigator, Laurent Servais.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for the management and delivery of a portfolio of clinical trials and will work closely with the research group to ensure they run efficiently. The successful candidate will have excellent organisational and communication skills to facilitate smooth delivery of our clinical trials.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be working in a growing department within the Medical Sciences Division. The Department of Paediatrics is a world leader in child health research and hosts internationally renowned research programmes in drug development, gastroenterology, haematology, HIV, immunology, neuroimaging, neuromuscular diseases and vaccinology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract initially for one year or until June 2025 (whichever is earliest) with the possibility to extend provided further external funding is available.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the department</strong></div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics holds the Athena Swan Gold award (a national gender equality charter) acknowledging the innovative policies and practices developed across the department. We encourage staff to develop their skills by offering all staff ten paid days of professional development each year and have a policy where staff can apply to receive funding for further training courses to support their professional development. For staff on work visas, we also offer financial assistance towards visa renewal fees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="">website</a> to find out more about the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You will have experience in management of clinical trials and be educated to degree level, or have equivalent experience.  The successful candidate will have knowledge of the regulatory and governance requirements for UK clinical trials. You will have highly effective verbal and written communication skills with all levels of staff and an ability to operate effectively in a demanding and growing research environment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Laura Chiverton, the Clinical Research and Operations manager using the contact details below.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only online applications received before 12.00 midday on 5th February 2025 will be considered. Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics offers an Interview Expense Reimbursement Policy in its efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion. Should you be invited to interview, we will share further information about the policy at that stage.</div> </div>IT Project Engineer
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>This is a unique opportunity to take on new challenges with a team that will, by sometime in 2025, provide IT support for the largest building in the University’s science area. This role involves working with a strong team to provide effective technical support for our department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We’re looking for a methodical and innovative IT Project Engineer to lead a significant digital upgrade within an affiliated Biology department. This is a fixed-term or secondment opportunity, perfect for someone ready to combine technical expertise with strategic problem-solving to make a lasting impact.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In this role, you’ll take the reins on auditing an existing IT system, from wired and wireless networks to hardware and software platforms, with a particular focus on Linux environments. You’ll plan and execute a comprehensive transformation, improving network design, system resilience, and data security. From implementing robust backup solutions to enhancing virtualisation and directory services, your work will be pivotal in enabling cutting-edge research and teaching. Alongside these technical challenges, you’ll document your progress, ensuring a smooth handover and long-term sustainability.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We’re looking for someone with a proven track record of delivering complex IT projects and a deep understanding of Linux, alongside Windows and Mac systems. Your real-world expertise with Linux servers and clients, scripting, and clustered environments will be a cornerstone of success in this role. If you’re also familiar with networking (DNS, DHCP, VLANs), Active Directory, and security tools, even better. This is your chance to work in a supportive, forward-thinking team and apply your skills where they’ll truly make a difference.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a new role, and training will be given on unfamiliar systems or applications. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For an informal discussion about this post, please contact  <a rel="nofollow" href="http://"></a>. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a fixed-term role available immediately. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Wednesday 5 February 2025, interviews will be held on 18 February 2025. Applications for this vacancy are to be made online via our e-recruitment system, and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application.</div> </div>Research Assistant
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>The role is for a research assistant to work under the direct supervision of Associate Prof. Yvonne Couch and Dr James Grist to develop and work with models of brain inflammation and dementia. The post-holder will work on a project using in vivo models of stroke, brain inflammation and dementia to study the effects of these diseases on brain metabolism.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holder will be focusing on tissue processing and data analysis for the project but may be tasked to do adjacent and related project work in addition to the main project focus. The post would be well suited to someone with relevant experience who would like experience of academic research before committing to a larger project.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Some of your responsibilities may include processing tissue from in vivo experiments to study the effects of various diseases on metabolic outcomes in fresh and fixed brain tissue and to keep detailed records of experimental procedures and results, and meticulously maintain inventories.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you hold a BSc (or equivalent) in biomedical research or related discipline, together with some relevant research experience. It is desirable that you hold an MSc (or equivalent) in biomedical research or related discipline, with some experience of neuroscience research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please see the below 'Job Description' for further details on the responsibilities and selection criteria, as well as further information about the university and how to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The post is full time for a fixed term until 28th February 2026 in the first instance.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Wednesday 5th February 2025 will be considered.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter. </strong></div> </div>Research Assistant in Neuroimaging
Closes: Feb. 5, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 – £40,855 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>This post is for an ambitious Research Assistant who would like to develop their patient-based research and neuroimaging experience. The post would be particularly suitable for a Psychology or Neuroscience graduate.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences seeks an enthusiastic individual who can develop their knowledge of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS (the commonest form of Motor Neuron Disease, MND), and the related disorder frontotemporal dementia (FTD) through engagement with an internationally-leading programme of neuroscience research led by Professor Martin Turner, Professor Kevin Talbot and Associate Professor Alexander Thompson. The post-holder will join a wider vibrant team of more than 30 people in the Oxford MND Centre who are involved in a range of bench science and patient-based research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be primarily responsible for organising the collection of neuroimaging data from healthy volunteers and individuals living with ALS, including those participating in a major new multi centre UK drug screening platform - the ‘EXPErimental Route To Success in ALS’ (EXPERTSALS). EXPERTS-ALS is a randomised, open-label, multi-arm study that will prioritise candidate drugs by their ability to lower blood neurofilament light chain levels in relatively small groups of ALS patients, each taking drug for up to 6 months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Part of EXPERTS-ALS is deeper study of data generated from participants for the development of novel biomarkers. Oxford’s unique neuroimaging theme is focused on magnetoencephalography (MEG) at the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) located on the Warneford Hospital site. We will explore MEG as a disease activity marker, scanning participants at baseline and 3 months, and correlating this with wider biochemical markers of neuronal degradation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will be responsible for data collection in existing neuroimaging studies. Previous research experience with humans is essential. The post requires excellent communication and organisational skills, with the ability to gain people’s trust, and impart enthusiasm and confidence to research participants. Experience working with patients (ideally those with neurodegenerative diseases) is highly desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post offers the opportunity to become proficient in neuroimaging data collection and data management. In addition, you will become experienced in working within the field of neurodegenerative disease, interacting with a range of multidisciplinary scientists. There is also opportunity for basic training in neuroimaging analysis and to support a future application for doctoral study.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please see the below 'Job Description' for further details on the responsibilities and selection criteria, as well as further information about the university and how to apply.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The post is full time for a fixed term for 24 months from 1st April 2025 until 31st March 2027 in the first instance.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only applications received before 12.00 midday on Wednesday 5th February 2025 will be considered.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter. </strong></div> </div>Event Venues Coordinator
Closes: Feb. 6, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 5: 31,459 - 36,616 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About us & the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Oxford University Event Venues (OUEV) is looking for an enthusiastic and customer focussed team player to join us in the role of <strong>Event Venues Coordinator</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At OUEV, we manage five venues including some of Oxford’s most iconic buildings.  Four city centre venues; the landmark Sheldonian Theatre, the historical Examination Schools, the elegant St Luke’s Chapel and contemporary University Club, along with Osler House, our art deco gem in Headington.  Learn more about us at <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You’ll be part of a team of friendly, creative professionals supporting our customers to host a wide range of events in our venues; from bustling conferences and high-profile University events to music performances, weddings and everything in between as well as having a hand in our developing visitor destination initiatives. Safe to say we’re a busy team with a varied and exciting portfolio! Regular evening and weekend working at the events is an essential part of the role, for which overtime payment or time off in lieu is granted.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What you’ll do:</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>Deliver exceptional experiences: provide our customers with the ideal venue experience from the point of initial enquiry through to post event support</li><br> <li>Engage and collaborate: work with a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders to ensure events run smoothly and successfully.</li><br> <li>Delve into the detail: uncover customer needs and ensure that every aspect of the event is documented clearly, accurately and in a timely manner</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>What you’ll bring:</strong></div><br> <ul><br> <li>Experience: a track record in delivering fantastic customer service in any fast-paced industry (events is a bonus!)</li><br> <li>Skills: top notch time management, troubleshooting ability and excellent attention to detail</li><br> <li>Attitude: a flexible, hands-on approach, ability to remain calm under pressure and someone who thrives in a culture of continuous improvement</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we value the well-being and development of all our employees. We offer a comprehensive range of benefits, including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Opportunity to work in some of Oxford’s landmarks with a diverse customer base and wide range of events</li><br> <li>Working alongside talented colleagues who share your passion for excellence</li><br> <li>30 days of annual leave (excluding public holidays)</li><br> <li>Hybrid working if desired to support a healthy work-life balance (one day remote working per week available for this role on a flexible basis)</li><br> <li>Extensive personal and professional development opportunities</li><br> <li>Supportive childcare services for working parents and guardians</li><br> <li>Generous family leave for pregnancy, adoption, paternity, and shared parental leave</li><br> <li>Excellent contributory pension scheme for your financial future</li><br> <li>Salary sacrifice scheme for additional savings</li><br> <li>Subsidised sports centre membership to promote well-being</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme to encourage sustainable commuting</li><br> <li>Discounted bus and transit travel</li><br> <li>In addition, you will have access to a vibrant community with social groups and sports clubs, fostering an inclusive atmosphere.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>Ready to make your mark in some of the world’s most historically significant and architecturally beautiful venues? Join us at OUEV and let’s create exceptional customer experiences together!</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To apply for this position, please submit the following documents as part of your online application:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Covering letter / supporting statement detailing how you meet the criteria for the role as set out in the job description</li><br> <li>Curriculum vitae (CV)</li><br> <li>Contact details of two referees (only contacted if you are successful)</li><br> </ul><br> <div>Only applications received <strong>before 12 pm on Thursday 6 February</strong> can be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Interviews will take place in person on Thursday 20 February 2025 in Oxford.</strong></div> </div>Project Manager
Closes: Feb. 6, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 with a discretionary range to £51,059 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata)
<div> <p></p><div>We have an exciting opportunity to recruit a Project Manager for Professor Gilbert’s team, run within the Pandemic Sciences Institute, at the Nuffield Department of Medicine.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Professor Gilbert’s team led the rapid development of a replication-deficient simian adenoviral vector vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. This is built on years of experience in vaccine development, and experience of vaccine design, preclinical testing, manufacturing, and clinical testing. The group has an excellent record of attracting external grant funding, a robust publication record, and strong collaborations with the Oxford Vaccine Group and other Oxford researchers. Working closely with the clinical team, the group has a major translational emphasis, with full integration of the clinical and laboratory teams.</div><br> <div>As the Project Manager, you will be responsible for planning and managing the set-up activities of various projects conducted within the Gilbert Group, including but not limited to support to Dame Professor Sarah Gilbert and the Senior CMC Program Manager. You will be monitoring vaccine manufacturing and clinical trial progress by internal project members and external subcontractors/collaborators, and problem-solve any potential issues with the principal investigator and Senior Scientific Manager. You will be tasked with liaising with local administration (Business Manager, HR, Research Contracts, NDM Grant Management Team, and Finance Team) to monitor budgets and expenditures according to University policies and the terms and conditions of the funders. You will act as the main point of contact for the project/s and be responsible for scientific communications within the team in writing and orally using highly technical language. You will also be responsible for providing support for all staff employed on the project to ensure they are following all University and project-specific directives receive the appropriate training and follow current Health and Safety regulations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be successful in this role, you will be educated to a PhD level in a relevant area of research and with a demonstrable sufficient experience in managing and coordinating complex scientific projects successfully; or educated to an undergraduate level with significant relevant project management training and experience, with a good understanding of the complexities of scientific research projects. You will also have highly developed problem-solving and organisation skills, with an ability to meet competing deadlines. Excellent organisational skills, with the ability to prioritize activities across portfolio projects and work to tight deadlines, are also essential for this role. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.  </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract until 31 January 2028 and is funded by the Calleva Foundation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Thursday 6 Februrary 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>176290</strong> on all correspondence.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Associate Professorship or Professorship of Philosophy
Closes: Feb. 7, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-College New): Combined University and College salary: £55,755 - £74,867 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>Salary range: Combined University and College salary: £55,755 - £74,867 per annum. An additional allowance (currently £3,155 per annum) would be made upon award of the title of Professor. A college Housing Allowance</div><br> <div>of £12,351 p.a. is also payable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Faculty of Philosophy are seeking to appoint an Associate Professor or Professor of Philosophy, in association with a Tutorial Fellowship at Exeter College. The successful candidate will have an area of specialisation within any area of theoretical analytic philosophy, and will also have an area of competence in Feminist Philosophy. This post is available from 1 September 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. This is a permanent appointment (subject to an initial probation).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be expected to engage in advanced research and must be able to provide research-led teaching and supervision at all levels, undergraduate and graduate. The successful candidate will also be expected to provide small-group undergraduate teaching at Exeter College, in the form of tutorials, on a range of subjects at both introductory and advanced levels (please see the Further Particulars for required teaching expertise).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates must demonstrate a research record of international standing in Philosophy, appropriate to the stage of their career; the ability to deliver excellent teaching; the ability to supervise graduate students; and a willingness to undertake administration and pastoral responsibilities on behalf of Exeter College and of the University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates should hold a completed doctorate, or a completed doctoral dissertation submitted for examination by the advertised closing date for this position, in Philosophy or a closely related field.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12pm noon (GMT) on Friday 7 February 2025</strong>. In person interviews are expected to be held on <strong>24 and 25 March 2025</strong> (candidates will be expected to attend on both days). Please see the Further Particulars document for the job description and details of how to apply.</div> </div>Senior Statistical Data Analyst
Closes: Feb. 7, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255
<div> <p></p><div>Are you looking for an opportunity to use your advanced analytical skills to investigate challenges related to social mobility, evaluating, and improving the effectiveness of outreach and admissions processes and the use of contextual data? Our Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach department is seeking a talented senior statistical analyst to join its Evaluation & Analysis team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will play a pivotal role in the research and analysis of Undergraduate Outreach and Admissions at Oxford. This includes detailed analysis of admissions processes, working in close collaboration with academic staff and admissions coordinators, to review the effectiveness and fairness of admissions processes, and identify evidence-based improvements. You will play a pivotal role in the analysis, evaluation, and development of effective outreach and admissions projects that support the University’s Access and Participation Plan. Other work includes development of effective models for contextualising applicant performance during admissions and supporting the quality assurance and review of our admissions tests. If you enjoy data analysis and visualisation, simulations of hypothetical selection scenarios, predictive modelling, machine learning, and working in a collaborative environment then this role is for you!</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The deadline for applications for this role is midday on <strong>Friday 7 February 2025</strong>. Interviews will be held on <strong>Thursday 20 February 2025. </strong>If you have any questions about the role, or would like to discuss it informally, please contact Hildward Vandormael, Head of Analysis and Evaluation, Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach:</div> </div>Creative Producer (ADP Focus)
Closes: Feb. 10, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 per annum, pro-rata*
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>You will work alongside the Audiences & Content Director and other key colleagues to guide and advise teams across the Ashmolean in implementing the Audience Development Plan (ADP). You will also develop, as a member of the Public Programmes & Informal Learning team, engaging and meaningful projects working directly with audiences, complementing the activities of other members of the team.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The role is a unique opportunity to help shape the implementation of the ADP, to produce enjoyable, stimulating, and co-created programmes for and with diverse audiences, and to support the creative ideas within the wider team to develop strategic initiatives that contribute to the Museum’s reputation and reach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a part time (FTE 0.5), fixed term role (24 months).</div><br> <div>You will be based in the Ashmolean Museum for a minimum of 2 days per week, with the option to work from home 0.5 days a week.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be required to undertake a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, due to regulated activity involving children and regulated activity involving ‘at risk’ adults.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>Are you collaborative and willing to work across all teams to enable and facilitate the implementation of the new Ashmolean Audience Development Plan (ADP)?</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have experience of working with and influencing multiple stakeholders, including development of partnerships and writing funding bids.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have experience of planning, delivering and evaluating programmes for a variety of audiences. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have a good understanding of audience development and engagement in Museums, and experience of working with families and co-producing programmes.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div>•        An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•        38 days of annual leave</div><br> <div>•        A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•        Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•        Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•        Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div>•        Free entry to exhibitions in National Museums and other NMDC members</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload your <strong>CV and a supporting statement</strong> <strong>(up to two sides)</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We aim to provide a supportive working environment and are happy to discuss training and professional development opportunities. The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Gina Koutsika, Director Audiences & Content. For queries relating to the role, please email Carmen Denia, Audiences & Content Assistant ( to book a telephone conversation with Gina Koutsika. General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday (GMT) on Monday 10 February 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place on Thursday 6 March 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>*An automatic annual increment each year will be paid up to (and not including) the discretionary range within the University of Oxford’s Grade 6 salary scale.</div> </div>Research Associate, India Transition Finance Programme, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group
Closes: Feb. 10, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>An exciting opportunity for a Research Associate with the Oxford Sustainable Finance Group.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder will report to the Head of Transition Finance Research and will contribute to research on the drivers of the risk premia that impacts the cost of capital, which is a key driver of the much-needed reallocation of capital from high-carbon to low-carbon investments. Thus, this work will complement our ongoing work in the Energy Transition Risk and Cost of Capital project, where we not only track the cost of capital for energy investments but also seek to understand drivers of cost of capital.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In this process, the researcher will produce research on the following in the Indian context:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Understanding barriers/risks to clean energy investments, focusing on key technologies: renewables, battery storage, and green hydrogen.</li><br> <li>Quantifying risk-premia for clean energy investments, including how different risks contribute to the cost of capital.</li><br> <li>Developing solutions – policies as well as financial instruments – that would reduce this risk premia.</li><br> </ul><br> <div>The researcher will also collaborate with relevant stakeholders to explore the implementation of the solutions, by working with collaborators, concessional climate finance providers, and policymakers.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The role is strongly balanced towards research, but with opportunities for gaining teaching experience. Postholders will contribute to existing research projects and help create new ones in collaboration with the Head of Transition Research. The postholder will have the opportunity to attend international conferences and workshops relevant to their work and potentially also participate in short-term secondments with our partners.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder will have the opportunity to raise funding, manage budgets and supervise research assistants or DPhil students where appropriate.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>This post is fixed-term until September 2027</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter. </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <strong></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Any technical questions related to this vacancy can be sent to:<em>  </em></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12.00 noon</strong> on <strong>10 February 2025</strong>. Only applications submitted by this time will be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>The University of Oxford and The School of Geography and the Environment are Silver Athena SWAN holders.  Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in posts in The School of Geography and the Environment. The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to equality and values diversity</em></div> </div>IBME Finance Portfolio Manager
Closes: Feb. 11, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum, with a discretionary range to £62,407 per annum (including Oxford University Weighting)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity for a new role of IBME Finance Portfolio Manager to support the Institute of Biomedical Engineering within the Department of Engineering Science.  You will be expected to deliver a high quality, efficient and effective service across all aspects of financial administration, financial analysis/forecasting, and financial reporting, together with the development of robust and efficient procedures, ensuring full compliance with the University’s Financial Regulations and policies.  This full-time post is permanent and is based at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Headington.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will support all financial aspects of our rapidly growing biomedical engineering research, which involves extensive collaborations with other Oxford departments across the MPLS and Medical Sciences Divisions of the University, funders, industrial collaborators and government. You will play a critical part in ensuring financial discipline in the submission of applications and subsequent expenditure of research budgets, and in developing the financial strategy for sustainable growth of biomedical engineering research.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will work closely with the IBME Director and the IBME Administrator, as part of the professional services team of the IBME, providing institute-level financial reporting and forecasting. Within the wider department you will work closely with colleagues in the Research Administration and HR teams, and your colleagues in the Finance Team, to provide accurate budgets and forecasts of research activity and overhead recovery. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>You should be educated to degree level or hold equivalent experience, with evidence of strong intellectual, numerical and analytical skills.  You should also have a full or part CCAB accountancy qualification (e.g. ACCA or CIMA), or with equivalent experience in a finance role, as well as demonstrate financial aptitude with a high level of attention to detail and the ability to produce clear and concise financial/research reports.  Proven experience of financial operations and financial management in a complex and challenging environment, including financial planning, analysis and budgetary control are also essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>Your happiness and wellbeing at work matters to us, so we offer a range of family friendly and financial benefits including:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>•       An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•       38 days annual leave</div><br> <div>•       A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•       Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•       Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•       Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</div><br> <div>•       Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div> The University also runs an enormous amount of social groups and sports clubs for those looking for more than just a great place to work.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Mr David Trenchard (  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For more information about working at the Department, see  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only online applications received before midday on <strong>11 February 2025</strong> can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, (describing how past experience fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.</div> </div>Research Assistant in Urban Mobility
Closes: Feb. 11, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>The Transport Studies Unit (TSU) is seeking a motivated and proactive Research Assistant to contribute to a dynamic and expanding research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As part of our team, you will play an integral role in supporting innovative research activities, assisting in literature reviews, qualitative data analysis (using NVivo or equivalent), and contributing to the dissemination of findings through publications and conferences.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will also support a range of knowledge exchange and impact activities targeting policymakers, industry, and other key stakeholders.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Transport Studies Unit (TSU) is a centre of global excellence in research, engagement and education in transport and mobilities. The TSU hopes to inspire and inform change towards more sustainable and just transport systems through better understanding of how people and goods move.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Based within the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford, the TSU approaches global transport and mobility challenges from interdisciplinary perspectives with a strong grounding in geography and the social sciences. Its research is organised within four broad themes: energy, climate and environment; health and wellbeing; everyday life and justice; and politics, power and governance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will support ongoing TSU research that is focused on one or more of those four themes. They will work on different projects and activities overseen by senior TSU colleagues and using qualitative approaches and methods.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>This is a full-time post that is externally funded for 24 months</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter. </strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <strong></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Any technical questions related to this vacancy can be sent to:<em>  </em></div><br> <div>Informal inquiries about the advertised post can be directed to: <em></em>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12.00 noon</strong> (UK time) on <strong>Tuesday </strong><strong>11 February 2025</strong>. Only applications submitted by this time will be considered. <strong>Interviews</strong> <strong>are likely to be</strong> <strong>held on week of 24 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>The University of Oxford and The School of Geography and the Environment are Silver Athena SWAN holders.  Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in posts in The School of Geography and the Environment. The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to equality and values diversity</em></div> </div>Research Assistant in Urban Mobility
Closes: Feb. 11, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 6: £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div>The Transport Studies Unit (TSU) is seeking a motivated and proactive Research Assistant to contribute to a dynamic and expanding research programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As part of our team, you will play an integral role in supporting innovative research activities, assisting in literature reviews, quantitative data analysis (using R, Python, SPSS, Stata), GIS analysis (ArcGIS/QGIS), and contributing to the dissemination of findings through publications and conferences.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will also support a range of knowledge exchange and impact activities targeting policymakers, industry, and other key stakeholders.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Transport Studies Unit (TSU) is a centre of global excellence in research, engagement and education in transport and mobilities. The TSU hopes to inspire and inform change towards more sustainable and just transport systems through better understanding of how people and goods move.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Based within the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford, the TSU approaches global transport and mobility challenges from interdisciplinary perspectives with a strong grounding in geography and the social sciences. Its research is organised within four broad themes: energy, climate and environment; health and wellbeing; everyday life and justice; and politics, power and governance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will support ongoing TSU research that is focused on one or more of the four themes. They will work on different projects and activities overseen by senior TSU colleagues and using quantitative and/or GIScience approaches and methods.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer </strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ well-being, and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans.</li><br> </ul><br> <div><strong>This is a full-time post that is externally funded for 24 months</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>All applications must include a CV, Supporting Statement/Cover Letter. </strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For further guidance and support, please visit  <strong></strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Any technical questions related to this vacancy can be sent to:<em></em>.</div><br> <div>Informal inquiries about the advertised post can be directed to: <em></em>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12.00 noon</strong> (UK time) on <strong>Tuesday 11 February 2025</strong>. Only applications submitted by this time will be considered. <strong>Interviews are likely to be held in the week of 24 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>The University of Oxford and The School of Geography and the Environment are Silver Athena SWAN holders.  Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in posts in The School of Geography and the Environment. The School of Geography and the Environment are committed to equality and values diversity</em></div> </div>Qualitative Researcher
Closes: Feb. 12, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health undertakes world-leading research into long term, chronic health conditions, operating large-scale long-term studies and projects to identify the causes, prevention and treatment of diseases that result in avoidable suffering for millions of people around the world.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking to appoint a post-doctoral researcher to complete a qualitative evidence synthesis on the topic of breast cancer and ethnicity. This work is funded by a Cancer Research UK project grant awarded to Associate Professor Toral Gathani in the CEU.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Key duties will include: conduct a qualitative evidence synthesis and be able to prepare working theories and systematically review and analyse qualitative from a variety of sources, reviewing and refining theories as appropriate; manage own academic research and administrative activities; and collaborate in the preparation of scientific reports and journal articles and occasionally present papers and posters.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The ideal candidate will hold a relevant PhD/DPhil, together with relevant experience in conducting all aspects of a qualitative evidence synthesis. Proficiency in the use of relevant standard software packages used for analysis e.g. NVivo is required, and the candidate must possess sufficient specialist knowledge in the relevant disciplines to work on the research objectives described.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In addition, you should possess excellent communication skills, including the ability to write scientific publications, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings. Experience of independently managing a discrete area of a research project would be desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a part-time role (0.5 FTE), fixed term post for 6 months but other working patterns can be considered such as full time (1.0 FTE) for 3 months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is noon on 12 February 2025.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Africa Oxford Ubuntu Transitions Programme Manager
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div>Are you an experience programme manager looking for a new and unique challenge?</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Africa Oxford Initiative is hiring for a Programme Manager to coordinate and oversee all aspects of the AfOxTransitions Programmes. You will be based at the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, at the University of Oxford.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will facilitate the delivery of the Scholars Transitions Programme for African students. Key elements of this programme include an emphasis on life skills beyond academia and support for a scholar’s transitions. You will oversee the building of partnerships with organisations in a range of sectors across Africa and liaise with implementation partners, and coordinate the process of communicating the Transitions Programme with scholars ensuring scholars are provided with information about the Programmes. Other responsibilities include overseeing all administrative aspects of Ubuntu Transitions Programme including matching, selection, onboarding and the payment of stipends, and ensuring alignment of the AfOx Transitions Programme with other AfOx Programmes including the Research and Innovation Fellowships.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you hold a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline, and have significant programme management experience. You will have previous experience of working in a transitions /career support focused role and experience of the employment and career development landscape in Africa and of working with African institutions. It is essential you are highly organised with excellent attention to detail and the ability to manage a varied workload under pressure, and you should be able to work independently using your own initiative and as part of a team, demonstrating a flexible and helpful approach, particularly with respect to colleagues and partners based in Africa. Working knowledge of GDPR and student admission processes would be highly desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract for 36 months and is funded by the Mastercard Foundation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Friday 14 February 2025 will be considered. Please quote 177019 on all correspondence.</div> </div>Data Coordinator
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 4: 27,838 - 31,459 with a discretionary range to £34,046 per annum (pro-rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join the team that has recently gained large recognition due to the unprecedented speed of activity in the race against the global threat to human health that is coronavirus. With over 25 years of experience in vaccine research, the Oxford Vaccine Group undertakes vaccine research at all stages of the process from pre-clinical development to late phase policy influencing trials, with the sole aim of ensuring protection of as many individuals as possible from vaccine preventable diseases.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking to expand our team of Data Coordinators. Within the Oxford Vaccine Group the Data Coordinator is responsible working with the Programmers and Data Managers helping with data management activities across the lifecycle.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be working in a growing department within the Medical Sciences Division. The Department of Paediatrics is a world leader in child health research and hosts internationally renowned research programmes in drug development, gastroenterology, haematology, HIV, immunology, neuroimaging, neuromuscular diseases and vaccinology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract initially for 2 years or until 28/02/2027 (whichever is earliest) with the possibility to extend provided further external funding is available.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the department</strong></div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics holds the Athena Swan Gold award (a national gender equality charter) acknowledging the innovative policies and practices developed across the department. We encourage staff to develop their skills by offering all staff ten paid days of professional development each year and have a policy where staff can apply to receive funding for further training courses to support their professional development. For staff on work visas, we also offer financial assistance towards visa renewal fees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="">website</a> to find out more about the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>The ideal candidate must have an undergraduate degree or above, with substantial relevant knowledge in data management or database development as a requirement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a varied and busy role in a friendly and hard-working team, and we are looking for someone with initiative, excellent communication skills, and attention to detail who can prioritise their workload and work with minimal supervision.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Yama F Mujadidi, the Programming and Data Management Director using the contact details below.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only online applications received before 12.00 midday on 14th February will be considered. Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics offers an Interview Expense Reimbursement Policy in its efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion. Should you be invited to interview, we will share further information about the policy at that stage.</div> </div>Data manager
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: 34,982 - 40,855 with a discretionary range to £44,382 per annum (pro-rata)
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div>We have an exciting opportunity to join the team that has recently gained large recognition due to the unprecedented speed of activity in the race against the global threat to human health that is coronavirus. With over 25 years of experience in vaccine research, the Oxford Vaccine Group undertakes vaccine research at all stages of the process from pre-clinical development to late phase policy influencing trials, with the sole aim of ensuring protection of as many individuals as possible from vaccine preventable diseases.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are looking to expand our team of Data Managers (DM). Within the Oxford Vaccine Group Data Managers are responsible for all data management activities across the lifecycle.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Reporting to the Programming and Data Management Director, the clinical trial data manager will play a key role in all data management activities across the lifecycle, including liaison with and advice to study teams, developing and documenting data management processes, collaborate with Programming and Development team building and supporting new and existing study databases for clinical research, using EDC systems such as <a rel="nofollow" href="">OpenClinica</a> and <a rel="nofollow" href="">RedCap</a>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a varied and busy role in a friendly and hard-working team, and we are looking for someone with initiative, excellent communication skills, and attention to detail who can prioritise their workload and work with minimal supervision.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be working in a growing department within the Medical Sciences Division. The Department of Paediatrics is a world leader in child health research and hosts internationally renowned research programmes in drug development, gastroenterology, haematology, HIV, immunology, neuroimaging, neuromuscular diseases and vaccinology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract for two years or until 31 May 2027 (whichever is earliest) with the possibility to extend provided further external funding is available.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the department</strong></div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics holds the Athena Swan Gold award (a national gender equality charter) acknowledging the innovative policies and practices developed across the department. We encourage staff to develop their skills by offering all staff ten paid days of professional development each year and have a policy where staff can apply to receive funding for further training courses to support their professional development. For staff on work visas, we also offer financial assistance towards visa renewal fees.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="">website</a> to find out more about the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div>The ideal candidate must have an undergraduate degree or above, with substantial relevant experience in data management or database development is required. Also, among the essential requirements are in-depth experience of building and managing study databases with EDC tools, experience of developing and documenting data management processes and SOPs, well as a good understanding of the regulatory framework around data management and information governance.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Application Process</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should include a cover letter and should also clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description. Click <a rel="nofollow" href="">here</a> for information and advice on writing an effective Supporting Statement.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To discuss the post in more detail, please contact Yama F Mujadidi, the Programming and Data Management Director, using the contact details below.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Only online applications received before 12.00 midday on 14th February 2025 will be considered. Interviews will be held as soon as possible thereafter.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department of Paediatrics offers an Interview Expense Reimbursement Policy in its efforts towards equality, diversity and inclusion. Should you be invited to interview, we will share further information about the policy at that stage.</div> </div>Head of Horticulture and Curator
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum (OBGA) is recruiting for an individual to join its senior team as Botanic Garden Curator and Head of Horticulture. This is an exciting opportunity to join the UK’s oldest botanic garden as it looks to the future as a world-leading university botanic garden.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As Botanic Garden Curator and Head of Horticulture, you will be responsible for the day-to-day management and development of the Botanic Garden. Your role will be key in delivering the vision and strategic plan for OBGA as set by the Director.   You will be a member of the OBGA Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and work closely with the Director and Deputy Director to realise the vision for the Botanic Garden. You will be directly responsible to the Director and will lead and line manage a team of botanical horticulturalists (currently 2 supervisors, 6 botanical horticulturists, 2 apprentices) and volunteers.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further particulars including how to apply, and a detailed job description with selection criteria, are available to download below. <strong>Please submit a supporting statement and up to date CV.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 14th February.2025. Interviews are likely to be scheduled for the week beginning Monday 10th March 2025 but this may be subject to change.</div> </div>High Speed Wind Tunnel Assistant
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982-£40,855 per annum
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a High-Speed Wind Tunnel Assistant to join the Hypersonics research group at the Department of Engineering Science (Oxford Thermofluids Institute). This post will offer variable hours, for a fixed term of one year.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful applicant will support in the day-to-day activities of the high-speed wind tunnels, the T6 Stalker tunnel and the High-Density tunnel, which form part of the National Wind Tunnel Facility (NWTF). These facilities undertake a spectrum of testing, from fundamental research to applied industrial work. The successful applicant will work closely with the tunnel-team, researchers from our own research group (undergraduate students, postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers) and external clients (both academic and industrial) to provide a world-class platform for obtaining high-quality experimental data. The Tunnel Assistant(s) will primarily undertake routine turn-around procedures for the facilities, aid in maintenance & changes in modes of operation, aid in the assembly of experimental hardware, and ensure a safe and productive working environment through tidy consumables for the facility are in stock. The post holder may also undertake a small amount of mechanical or software design and development work.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About you</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should possess an undergraduate degree in a relevant field and/or relevant experience in the operation of wind tunnel facilities. Previous experience in both mechanical engineering design and fundamental flow measurements. You should have strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work on a collaborative project. Good organisational skills and the ability to communicate scientific ideas to an expert audience are also required.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What we offer</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>At the university of Oxford your happiness and wellbeing at work is important to us. We have a number of generous benefits including 38 days' annual leave (inclusive of bank holidays and fixed closure days), generous pension schemes and free access to the Oxford colleges. The other benefits include:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>Travel - We have several travel schemes available for staff which promote sustainable modes of transport.</li><br> <li>Family friendly benefits - We aim to be a family-friendly employer and offer a range of flexible working options. We have some of the most generous family leave provision in the Higher Education sector and the University subscribes to 'My Family Care'.  </li><br> <li>Sports – We have several schemes to help you stay fit and healthy, including discounted membership of the university sports centre on the Iffley Road</li><br> <li>Personal and professional development - We actively encourage all staff to participate in planning their personal and professional development and provide a broad range of opportunities to enable them to reach their full potential.</li><br> <li>University club - All staff are entitled to free membership of the University Club. It offers social and hospitality facilities, a small gym and exercise classes.</li><br> <li>Staff discounts - University staff can access shopping discounts in several ways; by purchasing a TOTUM card, by showing an employee pass in selected local stores, or online by using any of the listed discount codes</li><br> <li>Childcare services - We offer excellent childcare services including five University nurseries as well as University-supported places at other local private nurseries.</li><br> </ul><br> <div> <br> <br> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online via our e-recruitment system and should include the covering letter/supporting statement (describing how you meet the criteria), a CV, and names of two academic references.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is a fixed term, variable hours post available for 1 year. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 14 February 2025. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Mr Chris Hambidge:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Further information can be found at</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is committed to equality and valuing diversity. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Ion Trap Quantum Computing
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Assistants in Ion Trap Quantum Computing.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The posts are available initially for a fixed-term duration of 2 years, with the possibility of extension depending on funding.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Oxford Ion Trap Quantum Computing group currently hosts one of the world’s highest performance networked quantum computing demonstrators, capable of remote Bell-pair production at rates approaching 200Hz. To greatly increase this rate and open the door to a wealth of new experiments, we aim to integrate sub-millimetre scale optical cavities into the structure of novel, 3D microfabricated ion traps. By combining radical new approaches to cavity and trap fabrication, we will demonstrate a reliable and scalable ‘matter-light network interface’, capable of near-deterministic generation of high-fidelity ion-photon entanglement. This offers the potential for remote Bell pair production at rates of 100kHz, comparable to the speed of local entangling gates; a major step towards the realisation of large-scale networked quantum computation.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We seek 1-2 highly-motivated and technically-skilled scientists to join our team in pushing networked-based quantum computing to the next level. As well as driving forward the design, development and implementation of the cavity-mediated photonic entanglement experiment, duties will include preparing scientific papers, presentations and reports, assisting with the supervision of graduate and project students and contributing to the smooth running of the wider group.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holders will have the opportunity to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold, or be close to obtaining, a doctorate in physics or a related field, and ideally possess a strong background and/or interest in experimental quantum optics or atomic physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience in the field of ion or atom trapping or quantum optics will be highly desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates will be expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the relevant basic theory, skills in data analysis and numerical modelling, and a strong research track record.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please direct enquiries about the roles to: Dr Joe Goodwin,</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before midday (UK time) 14 February 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a statement of research interests, CV and details of two referees as part of your online application.</div> </div>Programme Assistant
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 4: £27,838 - £31,459 with a discretionary range to £34,046 per annum. This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div>We have an excellent opportunity for a Programme Assistant to join our team to support the Project and Communications Officer, working closely with the Research Operations Manager at the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine. This varied role will assist with meeting arrangements, organising travel, expenses, diary management, organising conferences, and providing financial and other administrative support as required.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will work closely with, and be mentored by, the Project and Communications Officer, liaising with the administrative, central finance, and HR teams. You will be responsible for coordinating and logistics for international HSC events (workshops, annual meetings, training courses, etc), helping to organise all aspects including financial oversight. You will assist with accounting and finance duties such as processing expense claims for staff and students, company credit card reconciliations, and support for audit preparation by collating documentary evidence when required, such as invoices, staff contracts, and timesheets. You will be acting as the first point of contact and liaising with external suppliers to ensure quality, timely delivery, and value for money. You will also be responsible for working alongside the Project and Communications Officer to review project transactions to ensure expenditure is coded appropriately, monitor ongoing spending, commitments, and budget remaining, and add commentary for internal reporting.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be successful in this role, you will be educated at an A Level or equivalent standard with experience in administrative work in a team environment. You will have experience working on confidential matters; tact and discretion and the ability to work independently, with minimum supervision, and a willingness to resolve situations, as well as knowing when to refer issues to others is essential for this role. A high standard of numeracy and the ability to work with financial information including a high level of competency in Excel is also necessary for this role.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full-time on a fixed-term contract for 12 months and is funded by the NIHR and Wellcome.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on Friday 14 February 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>177396</strong> on all correspondence.</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Research Collaborations Manager
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 7: Standard Grade 7: Salary in range £38,674 - £46,913 per annum (pro rata). This is inclusive of a pensionable Oxford University Weighting of £1,500 per year (pro rata).
<div> <p></p><div>The Africa Oxford Initiative at the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health is seeking a Research Collaborations Manager to join their multi-disciplinary team. Reporting to the Africa Oxford Initiative Head of Programmes, you will be responsible for the management of a range of collaborative research partnerships involving partners across Africa, including the Ibadan–Oxford stroke project (50% of the role), the AfOx visiting fellowship programme and the AfOx catalyst grants programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be responsible for managing the AfOx research projects through the application, awarding, delivery and reporting cycle. In addition, you will be responsible for developing and improving systems for managing the projects and share learning between the projects, including project guidelines, processes for applications for support and processes to ensure standardisation and risk management across all projects. You will liaise with the AfOx monitoring and evaluation manager to develop frameworks to assess the impact of and learning from the programmes. For the Ibadan-Oxford Stroke Programme, you will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to understand the landscape of stroke treatment in the context of current conditions in Nigeria, and you will engage with key stakeholders (the Frederick Foundation as the primary funding partner, University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan Stroke and Neurology Departments, the Ibadan Medical School and colleagues at the University of Oxford) to define the scope, objectives and deliverables of the programme.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that you hold a Master’s degree in a health related or other relevant discipline, and have experience of the research and educational landscape across African universities and research institutions. You will have experience of programme management and experience of having responsibility for all tasks within the lifecycle of educational/research programmes, as well as experience of operational, financial and grant management. It is essential you have confidence to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with a variety of audiences and in a range of contexts including with Heads of Departments and colleges across Oxford and in institution across Africa.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online and you will be required to upload a supporting statement and CV as part of your online application. Your supporting statement must explain how you meet each of the selection criteria for the post using examples of your skills and experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position is offered full time on a fixed term contract for 24 month.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before 12 midday on  Friday 14 February 2025 will be considered. Please quote <strong>177022</strong> on all correspondence.</div> </div>Senior Scientific Researcher in Single-Molecule Biophysics
Closes: Feb. 14, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 9: £55,636 - £64,228 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking to hire an outstanding senior scientific staff member to support our group’s research, which focuses on studying DNA and chromatin replication at the single-molecule level. You will form part of the research team core and support the wider group by leading outstanding research and development in single-molecule biophysics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About the project</strong></div><br> <div>In this project, you will design and implement novel forms of biophysical instrumentation (e.g. advanced optical tweezers and magnetic tweezers, single-molecule fluorescence, novel single-molecule approaches to DNA sequencing, integration with cryo-EM) with the goal of maximizing their contributions to the understanding of DNA replication and/or chromatin organization. You will propose and/or implement technical advances on single-molecule instruments and use them together with graduate students and postdocs to acquire data on DNA replication and/or chromatin organization. An aptitude in instrumentation development and quantitative biophysics, a willingness to acquire relevant knowledge into the photophysics of fluorescent labels, and an interest in guiding, coaching, and training graduate students and postdocs in their scientific and technical development, are essential. The overall goal is to provide novel and sound single-molecule biophysical insights into DNA replication and/or chromatin organization to advance these exciting fields.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Requirements</strong></div><br> <div>For this innovative, interdisciplinary project, we are looking a (bio)physicist, with:</div><br> <div>•       A successfully completed Ph.D. degree in biophysics or optical physics.</div><br> <div>•       Practical experience and scientific maturity in the above areas.</div><br> <div>•       Strong aptitude and interest in biophysical instrumentation and microscopy, and willingness to acquire related knowledge e.g. photophysics.</div><br> <div>•       Professional experience with force spectroscopy (e.g. optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers, or atomic force microscopy) or single-molecule fluorescence methodologies.</div><br> <div>•       Strong skills in hardware-software interfacing and demonstrable ability to interface and collaborate with experts in programming.</div><br> <div>•       An independent, well-organized, and reliable work style.</div><br> <div>•       Track record of obtaining scientific funding.</div><br> <div>•       Leadership ability to guide, coach, and train graduate students and postdocs in the context of an interdisciplinary team.</div><br> <div>•       Excellent interpersonal communication skills and a strong interest in the broader field of biophysics that will contribute to the interactive lab culture.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We look for friendly and driven colleagues to enrich our team. UK visa costs and NHS surcharge fees will be covered. <strong>We would like to welcome our new colleague by the summer or fall of 2025. </strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Who are we?</strong></div><br> <div><strong>The Nynke Dekker Lab</strong> ( <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) is a highly successful single-molecule biophysics research lab based in the Department of Physics and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Discovery at the University of Oxford. The lab focuses its studies on understanding DNA replication and chromatin organization from a quantitative perspective both <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em>. The lab employs state-of-the-art biophysical techniques (e.g. advanced single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, optical and magnetic tweezers) together with in-house molecular biology and biochemistry, all housed in a brand-new building with high quality laboratory spaces. Studying the dynamics of DNA replication and chromatin organization at the single-molecule level requires broad and integrated expertise; as such, we employ outstanding international scientists trained in biophysics, biochemistry, and cell biology who work together enthusiastically as a multidisciplinary team. You will be part of this group and will interact actively with current members.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Information and application</strong></div><br> <div>If you're excited about contributing to innovative biophysical research and collaborating with a talented team, we’d love to hear from you!</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For more information about these positions, or to apply, please contact Prof. Nynke Dekker, e-mail:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications should include a motivated cover letter of application, a detailed CV, and the names and contact information of three references, with the final deadline for applications being 12 noon on <strong>14</strong> <strong>February, 2025</strong>.</div> </div>Kadoorie Professor of Trauma Rehabilitation
Closes: Feb. 17, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS) and Lincoln College intend to appoint to the Kadoorie Professorship of Trauma Rehabilitation. The professor will be a Senior Research Fellow at Lincoln College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Kadoorie Centre at Oxford has an outstanding track-record in the field of research into musculoskeletal trauma rehabilitation, and the Centre’s expertise in clinical trial design and associated clinical effectiveness methodology is world-leading. As the Kadoorie Professor, you will be expected to provide leadership across a range of clinical effectiveness research in musculoskeletal trauma rehabilitation. You will provide teaching to graduate students within NDORMS and supervise DPhil and post-doctoral students. You will collaborate within NDORMS, the Medical Sciences Division, and the wider University.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should be clinically active in musculoskeletal trauma rehabilitation. You should have recognition as a research leader at national and international level, and a strong commitment to postgraduate education.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences and Lincoln College embrace diversity and inclusion in their recruitment campaigns, and would welcome applications from candidates currently underrepresented in senior roles in the University, particularly women, candidates of colour and disabled candidates with diverse backgrounds.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 17 February 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to Professor Matthew Costa (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Bioelectronics
Closes: Feb. 17, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £40,855 per annum (Inclusive of Oxford University weighting)
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the Bioelectronics research group at the Department of Engineering Science (Headington).  The post is funded by UKRI and is fixed-term for up to 24 months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The researcher will work with Professor Christopher Proctor to develop prototype bioelectronic technologies for interfacing with the nervous system. The emerging field of “bioelectronics” provides a novel intervention by sensing and electrically stimulating the nervous system. This project will push capacity to further include electronically controlled pharmaceutical release into bioelectronic systems.  You will be responsible for microfabrication of bioelectronic technologies, development of materials for bioelectronic applications and optimization of bioelectronic devices for selective and controlled therapuetic release.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should hold a relevant PhD (or be near completion) in fields such as biomedical, electrical or materials engineering.  You should have proven competence in microfabrication techniques for biomedical technologies and evidence of working well as part of a busy multidisciplinary research team.  Experience with microfluidics and/or drug delivery systems will be beneficial. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Christopher Proctor (  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For more information about working at the Department, see</div><br> <div></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only online applications received before midday on <strong>17th February 2025</strong> can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology.</div> </div>Public Programmes Creative Producer
Closes: Feb. 17, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 6: £34,982 - £36,616 per annum, pro-rata*
<div> <p></p><div><strong>About the role</strong></div><br> <div><strong>Are you passionate about developing programmes for new and existing audiences? Can you inspire them to connect with museum collections?</strong> <strong>‘Yes,’ keep reading!</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role in the Audience & Content Directorate will lead on developing engaging and meaningful programmes working directly with families other key identified groups. The role develops and delivers onsite activities for audiences within the Informal Learning and Public Programmes team, focussing on audiences identified in the Audience Development Plan. The role is a unique, permanent opportunity to build on existing family programmes at the Museum, in addition to supporting the creative ideas within the wider team to develop strategic and commercially viable initiatives that contribute to the Museum’s reputation and reach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will work alongside an existing team of Gallery Lecturers, Experience Leaders, the Adult Creative Producer, temporary Creative Producer (ADP) and Head of Informal Learning & Public Programmes in the Informal Learning and Public Programmes team. This is an opportunity to produce inspiring, creative programming and set ambitious commercial and other quantitative and qualitative targets, plan, commission or deliver, monitor and assess all aspects of these activities. Develop, coordinate, deliver and evaluate an audience-focused, exciting and creative public programme for Children First audiences and other audiences, across all ages, as identified in the Ashmolean’ s Strategic Plan and Audience Development Plan, which will be confirmed in the coming months.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full time, permanent role, based in the Ashmolean in Oxford for a minimum of four days with the option to work from home for 1 day a week.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role involves some lifting and carrying. All necessary health and safety training will be provided.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Due to the nature of this post, the successful candidate will be required to undertake a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check due to regulated activity involving children and regulated activity involving ‘at risk’ adults.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>About You</strong></div><br> <div>You will have demonstrable experience of planning, organising, commissioning and delivering high-quality events for a variety of audiences, and understanding of excellence in family programmes</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have experience of devising and running robust evaluation</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have an open and collaborative mindset, backed by demonstrable experience of partnership working</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Understanding of current discussions in the sector and knowledge of family learning and excellence in family programme is also essential.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>What We Offer</strong></div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <ul><br> <li>An excellent contributory pension scheme</li><br> <li>38 days of annual leave</li><br> <li>A comprehensive range of childcare services</li><br> <li>Family leave schemes</li><br> <li>Cycle loan scheme</li><br> <li>Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</li><br> </ul><br> <div>More information is available at  <a rel="nofollow" href=""> </a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Diversity</strong></div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diverse groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example, shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>How to apply</strong></div><br> <div>You will be required to upload <strong>your CV (up to two sides) and a supporting statement</strong> as part of your online application. Your supporting statement should list each of the essential and desirable selection criteria, as listed in the job description, and explain how you meet each one. CVs alone will not be considered.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Chair of this recruitment panel will be Lucy Shipp, Head of Informal Learning & Public Programmes, who can be contacted with enquiries relating to the role (  General queries about the recruitment and application process should be directed to the Recruitment team within our Human Resources department (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received online by 12.00 midday on Monday 17 February 2025 can be considered. Interviews are expected to take place on Wednesday 5 March 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>*An automatic annual increment each year will be paid up to (and not including) the discretionary range within the University of Oxford’s Grade 6 salary scale.</div> </div>Associate Professorship in the History of Contemporary Art with a Tutorial Fellowship
Closes: Feb. 19, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 30S: £55,755 to £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits and allowances as detailed in the job description
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking to appoint an Associate Professor with research and teaching expertise in the History of Contemporary Art since 1945. The appointee will bring together students and scholars working in this period across the Humanities and in Oxford’s collections through a consideration of visual and material cultures that expands Art History's traditional geographic, material and methodological boundaries.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This position provides exciting opportunities for the postholder, who will conduct advanced research and build research networks within and beyond Oxford; give lectures, classes, and tutorials; supervise, support and examine students at the undergraduate and graduate levels; play an important part in the academic life of Wadham College; and take on leadership and administrative roles in the Department of History of Art and, as required, in the History Faculty and College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>A new postholder in Contemporary Art with a global outlook will bring primary research expertise in Contemporary Art to the curriculum, as well as to contribute, through shared undergraduate courses, to the History Faculty's commitment to globalise its curriculum.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder will engage with the wide range of media used by artists since the mid-20th century. The work of the postholder would be of interest not only to colleagues in History of Art and at the Ruskin School of Fine Art, but also to scholars across the Humanities specialising in post-1945 history, literature, music, and film. Depending on their expertise, the postholder could contribute to research centres and networks focusing on sexuality/gender/women’s studies, race/ethnicity, or migration and diasporas.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder would be able to use Oxford collections in their research and teaching, with the possibility of curating shows in the Ashmolean, Weston Library, or the new Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder would be expected to contribute to and take the lead in core undergraduate and graduate courses, and be expected to develop new advanced undergraduate options in Contemporary Art, as well as devise a new Master’s option.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We welcome applications from candidates at all post-doctoral career stages, including at professorial level. We are committed to creating a diverse academic workforce and positively encourage applications from under-represented communities. We particularly encourage applications from women, people with disabilities and Black, Asian, and minority ethnic candidates.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The appointee will be a member of the Department of History of Art, the Faculty of History, and a tutorial fellow and member of the Governing Body of Wadham College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is tenable from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The deadline for applications is <strong>12 noon (UK time) on Wednesday 19th February.  Interviews are expected to take place in person on Tuesday 11th March 2025 in Oxford.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford uses the grade of Associate Professor for most of its senior academic appointments. Associate Professors are eligible for consideration through regular recognition of distinction exercises for award of the title of full Professor.  In exceptional cases, the title of full Professor may be awarded on appointment. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Queries about the post should be addressed to Professor JP Park (email:, who is a member of the Department of History of Art, but who is not on the selection committee, or Lynn Featherstone, the Senior Tutor at Wadham College (email:</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence; they will not form part of the selection decision.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Committed to equality and valuing diversity</strong></div> </div>Early Career Research Fellowship in Near-Eastern Archaeology
Closes: Feb. 19, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>The Gerald Averay Wainwright Fellow is a post-doctoral research fellowship role. The Fellow will carry out research addressing the archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any period of the human past apart from that of Classical Antiquity (i.e. the sphere of influence of Classical Greek and Roman Worlds, between c. 600 BCE and 500 CE), from the Palaeolithic up to and including the medieval and post-medieval periods of any of the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestine, Persia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, and Yemen. Priority is given to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The primary emphasis is on completion of a significant piece of publishable research in the non-classical archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any country or countries listed above.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be at an early stage of an academic career, having completed a doctorate not earlier than 1 January 2018 (excluding justified career breaks).  You will be able to present a credible proposal for research and publication, have or plan to develop research impact and public engagement skills, and demonstrate excellent skills in preparing research findings for publication. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate sufficient specialist knowledge in the discipline to develop an effective research programme, be able to develop a coherent, well-organised and deliverable programme of research, showing evidence of time management skills, setting priorities and meeting deadlines, and be able to analyse and research complex ideas, concepts or theories, and analyse data as appropriate.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The research may be conducted at any UK University with appropriate mentorship in these areas, with the appointee responsible for making hosting arrangements. This is a full-time, fixed-term position for 3 years from 1 September 2025.  </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>Please note that, due to immigration restrictions, the option to be based at a university other than Oxford is only available to those with an existing right to work in the UK.</strong> </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12 noon on 19th February 2025</strong></div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics (2 Posts)
Closes: Feb. 21, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking two full-time PDRAs to join the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance in central Oxford. The post is funded by the Oxford-Man Institute and is a three-year fixed-term appointment. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holders will engage in advanced study and academic research and will contribute to the full range of research and academic life within the Oxford-Man Institute (OMI).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Hold a relevant PhD/DPhil or be near completion* in one of the following: Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, Finance, Computer Science, or a closely related subject (preference will be given to those with a strong focus on data driven models). </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries may be addressed to </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>For more information about working at the Department, see </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only online applications received before midday on 21st February 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, including a brief statement of research interests (describing how past experience and future plans fit with the advertised position), CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Department holds an Athena Swan Bronze award, highlighting its commitment to promoting women in Science, Engineering and Technology. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Finance, Data Science, Financial Econometrics, Mathematical Finance, Machine Learning, Asset Pricing, Portfolio Theory</div> </div>Professorship of Civil Engineering
Closes: Feb. 24, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Engineering Science and Brasenose College seek to appoint to the Professorship of Civil Engineering with effect from 1 October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Professor of Civil Engineering is expected to provide strategic academic and research leadership in Civil Engineering and will contribute appropriately to the administration of the subject area, and in the wider Department. They will work collaboratively with their academic colleagues to develop the direction of Civil Engineering research and teaching at Oxford, aligned with developments and initiatives in the UK and internationally, to further advance and promote the subject.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be expected to pursue a research programme at the forefront of the subject internationally, providing research leadership of the highest calibre to colleagues working in this field, and embracing the opportunity to shape the direction of Civil Engineering research. You will play a leading role in the planning and development of the proposed Engineering and Technology innovation Hub at OSney (ETHOS) building, which will provide state-of-the-art laboratory and office space for Civil Engineering at Oxford. You will contribute appropriately to the recruitment of new academics, including providing mentorship to those appointed, as well as take initiative for the funding and management of appropriate shared resources to underpin a thriving research community in Civil Engineering.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should possess an outstanding research record and will be of internationally recognised stature in Civil Engineering, broadly interpreted across the sub-disciplines. Your specialised interests will likely extend or complement current activities in the Civil and Offshore Engineering research group, within which Civil Engineering sits, including in structural engineering and materials, geotechnical engineering or environmental fluid mechanics (see <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome and encouraged from women, black, and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. The University holds an Athena SWAN bronze award and a Race Equality Charter bronze award at institutional level in recognition of its efforts to introduce organisational and cultural practices that promote gender and racial equality so as to create a better working environment for all.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 24 February 2025</strong>. Applications should be submitted via our executive search partner, TalentEdu, at <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. For more information or an informal conversation, please contact Mark Holleran on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> or +44 (0)203 290 2907.</div> </div>Building Services Technician – Chilled water and Compressed Air systems
Closes: Feb. 26, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 6 - £34,982 - £40,855
<div> <p></p><div><strong><em>This post is a re-advertisement previous applicants need not apply</em></strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is a stimulating work environment, which enjoys an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence. Our research plays a key role in tackling many global challenges, from reducing our carbon emissions to working on virus detection during a pandemic.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Oxford Physics is one of the largest and most eminent departments in Europe – pursuing forefront research alongside training the next generation of leaders in Physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The department of Physics are looking to recruit a Building Services Technician in a full time permanent position.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Building Services Technician role works within the Physics Building Services Team, which is based in the central function of the department supporting all six sub-departments within the Physics department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The building services team is a multi-disciplined team of 12 covering a range specialties. We do maintenance, logistics, compliance monitoring & testing, and office/lab renovations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post holder will work closely with our management team and be responsible for:</div><br> <div>•         Leading and advising the department in matters of compressed air and process chilled water.</div><br> <div>•         Triaging faults and organise repair on the above systems.</div><br> <div>•         Look after the preventative maintenance contracts on the above systems.</div><br> <div>•         As Physics evolves, alter/extend/remove these systems to suit the new purpose of the space.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This role reports to the Deputy Facilities manager - Senior Electrician for allocation of works, the prioritisation, planning and carrying out of tasks and works closely with the rest of the team. You will have an amount of independence of action and should be self-sufficient and able to prioritise your own workload to ensure that safety and operationally critical work is carried out to meet deadlines.</div><br> <div>This post is a re-advertisement previous applicants need not apply</div><br> <div>The Physics department operates a helpdesk system for the reactive and planned maintenance with the planned maintenance managed through a database. This post makes assessment of and provides the maintenance on Air Compressors and Process chilled water systems.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>What We Offer</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As an employer, we genuinely care about our employees’ wellbeing and this is reflected in the range of benefits that we offer including:</div><br> <div>•               An excellent contributory pension scheme</div><br> <div>•               38 days annual leave</div><br> <div>•               A comprehensive range of childcare services</div><br> <div>•               Family leave schemes</div><br> <div>•               Cycle loan scheme</div><br> <div>•               Discounted bus travel and Season Ticket travel loans</div><br> <div>•               Membership to a variety of social and sports clubs</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>About You</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder must have Significant experience in Water Chillers and related pipe work systems and/or Air Compressors and systems delivering compressed air to Laboratories. Ideally be able to modify and install new pipework. You also have excellent interpersonal skills to deliver customer service excellence. An awareness of relevant health and safety policies. A flexible approach to work and IT experience on Microsoft packages are also essential</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Application Process</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Wednesday, 26 February 2025.</strong></div> </div>Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Measurements at ATLAS
Closes: Feb. 26, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 – £46,913 per annum
<div> <p></p><div>Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantum Measurements with the ATLAS experiment.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is available initially for a fixed-term duration of 3 years and will start on 1 October 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post is part of a John Templeton Foundation funded project which is exploring the foundations of quantum mechanics in high energy collisions.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will take a leading role in one or more measurements sensitive to quantum mechanical phenomena with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The post-holder will have the opportunity to undertake public engagement activities and to teach.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applicants should hold a PhD, or be close to completion in physics or a related field and have a strong background in experimental collider physics.   </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Previous experience with quantum measurements and/or public engagement would be an advantage.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Candidates are expected to demonstrate a record of high-quality research in experimental particle physics, good communication skills, capacity to motivate and coordinate their work, and be willing to collaborate with colleagues in philosophy of physics.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Please direct enquiries about the role to Prof Alan Barr (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received before midday (UK time) 26th February 2025 can be considered. You will be required to upload a statement of research interests, CV and details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div>Applicants should <strong>ask the referees to send their letters of reference directly to</strong> <strong> by the closing date</strong> (a letter by e-mail is sufficient).</div><br> <div> </div> </div>Study Coordinator
Closes: Feb. 27, 2025, noon; salary: Standard Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum (including Oxford University Weighting)
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health (NDPH) contains world renowned population health research groups and provides an excellent environment for multi-disciplinary research and teaching.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>We are seeking a Study Coordinator to co-ordinate, manage and facilitate the expansion of enhancements to UK Biobank, which is an open-access biomedical research resource involving half a million participants.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In particular you will be responsible for scoping out new methods of data collection, developing project materials preparing research ethics applications and undertaking and publishing methodological research. You will be the primary point of contact for all operational issues relating to a variety of projects and will need to work flexibly to accommodate changing priorities of the overall study.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>To be considered, you will hold a postgraduate degree in a relevant subject, or equivalent experience. You will also have proven experience in health research study administration, experience of staff management, effective organisational and planning skills and excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a variety of audiences.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This is a full time, fixed term post (part time considered) for 3 years.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal enquiries are very welcome and should be addressed to Jo Holliday (</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is noon on 27 February 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a CV and a cover letter as part of your online application. The cover letter should clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.</div> </div>Associate Professorship of Cell and Molecular Biology
Closes: Feb. 28, 2025, noon; salary: Associate Professor (Tf-University): Associate Professor Grade 10a: £55,755 – 74,867 per annum plus substantial additional benefits
<div> <p></p><div>We are seeking to appoint an Associate Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology to be based in Oxford University’s Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. The role of Associate Professor is an exciting opportunity to pursue an independent programme of research in a thriving scientific community, while also contributing to undergraduate and graduate teaching at both departmental and collegiate level.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Dunn School has an outstanding track record in biomedical research, with an ambition to transform future health through discovering the fundamental cell and molecular mechanisms that underlie a broad range of human diseases. It provides a stimulating and supportive community environment with access to excellent scientific facilities and support services, both within the department and across the wider Oxford community. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The department is in an exciting period of growth and renewal, so this tenure-track position is an opportunity to help shape and develop its historic strengths in the underlying biology of the causes and treatment of human disease, and to integrate them further with Oxford’s thriving biomedical community. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have a higher degree (PhD or DPhil) and a track record of internationally competitive research and publications. We are especially keen to make an appointment in the research areas of immunology, inflammation or infection, all defined broadly. You will have a demonstrable commitment to, and ideally relevant experience in, training and mentoring of graduate students, and undergraduate teaching. You will also value collegiality and a supportive and diverse working environment. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The Dunn School can offer high quality laboratory space and funding to cover the post-holder’s salary. It may also be possible to negotiate additional initial support.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The postholder will be elected to a Tutorial Fellowship at Lady Margaret Hall and significant additional benefits are offered by the College, as set out in the Job Description.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford is a member of the Athena SWAN Charter to promote women in Science, Engineering, Technology and Medicine. The University holds an Athena SWAN silver award at institutional level, and the Dunn School also holds an Athena SWAN silver award.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>If you would like to discuss this post, please contact the Head of Department, Professor Matthew Freeman ( Questions about the application process should be addressed to the Dunn School Head of Human Resources, Andrew Souter ( Candidates may also contact the Senior Tutor of the College<strong>,</strong> Dr Anne Mullen ( specifically about the College side of the role. All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence and will not form part of the selection process.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12:00 on Friday 28 February 2025. It is expected that shortlisted candidates will be invited to the Dunn School and Lady Margaret Hall for informal visits and to give a seminar in March/April. Interviews will be scheduled for late May or early June 2025.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><em>Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.</em></div> </div>Big Data Institute Director
Closes: March 3, 2025, noon; salary: Competitive Salary
<div> <p></p><div>The Nuffield Department of Population Health and the Nuffield Department of Medicine are seeking to appoint a new Director to the University’s Big Data Institute (BDI).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will work with the BDI’s senior academic team and group leaders to set the research direction of the Institute and to develop and deliver agreed strategic plans which promote and develop the Institute’s academic and scientific themes. The Director provides inspiring and visionary leadership to sustain the world class scientific output of the BDI. You will develop leading BDI-wide partnerships within the University of Oxford, as well as nationally and internationally with academic, governmental, and industrial organisations.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have experience of leading internationally-competitive programmes of work for which you will have obtained substantial external grant funding. It is essential that you have a clear understanding of the impact and opportunities of machine learning and artificial intelligence, and other analytic approaches, in biomedical research.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Informal discussion about the post is encouraged, and prospective applicants should refer to the job description for the named contacts. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Only applications received by 12.00 midday on Monday 03 March 2025 can be considered.</div> </div>Professor of Computer Science
Closes: March 10, 2025, noon; salary: not specified
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Computer Science and St John’s College are delighted to offer this opportunity for an outstanding researcher of high international standing with a track record of research that has significantly influenced the field of Computer Science, and who can demonstrate the vision, leadership and enthusiasm to maintain and develop an internationally leading research programme in computer science, and to further the academic and strategic development of the Department.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>This post is a statutory professorship. Statutory professors have a world-leading research reputation and exercise broad academic leadership across their department and college, and more widely in their subject at national and international level. The previous holder of this chair was Georg Gottlob.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The University of Oxford’s Department of Computer Science has broad strengths across the spectrum of computer science from theoretical computer science to systems and applications. It is one of the country’s leading computer science departments and is ranked first in a number of international rankings. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The successful candidate will be an outstanding, internationally recognised researcher in computer science, with a proven record of research achievement. They will establish and lead a research team in their area of expertise and will also play a leading role in further developing computer science at Oxford.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The professorship is available with effect from 1 September 2025. The closing date for applications is <strong>12:00 noon UK time on Monday 10 March 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div>Interviews are expected to be held on <strong>22 and 23 May 2025</strong>.</div><br> <div> <br> <br>Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made in strict confidence to the Head of Department, Professor Leslie Ann Goldberg ( <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>).</div> </div>Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Closes: March 11, 2025, noon; salary: Research Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913
<div> <p></p><div>We are looking for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join a team of researchers developing immune and gene therapies for inherited cardiomyopathy. The post is based in the University of Oxford Centre for Human Genetics (CHG), Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7BN.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will become a member of the Inherited Heart Muscle Disease Group led by Professor Hugh Watkins FRS FMedSci. The group has a long-established and productive programme of work investigating the molecular and cellular basis of important inherited heart muscle diseases (PMID: 21524215, 22456184, 29097735). The role of immune cells in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an exciting new area we are exploring to increase our understanding of the processes that cause cardiac remodelling. This pioneering work is part of the world leading international collaborative programme, CureHeart (, funded by a £30 million award from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and led by Prof Hugh Watkins.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The position is fixed term until 9th November 2027 with a 1 year probation period. The work will be supervised by Dr. Ying-Jie Wang and Professor Hugh Watkins in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. The post holder will provide guidance to less experienced members of the research group, including other postdocs, research assistants, technicians, and PhD and project students.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will have or be close to the completion of a PhD in a relevant discipline (e.g. cardiovascular biology, immunology, or similar), and have an advanced in vivo cardiac phenotyping experience and skills. With capacity to deliver high quality research outputs, as illustrated by a strong publication record in high profile cardiovascular or immunological journals. Proven experience in developing immunotherapy and/or gene therapy would be desirable.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a covering letter/supporting statement and a CV as part of your application <strong>The closing date for this post is 12.00 midday on 11th March 2025. Interviews will take place on 27th March 2025 at the Centre for Human Genetics.</strong></div> </div>Research Associate in Generative AI
Closes: March 17, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a. with the potential to underfill at Grade 6 with salaries in the range of £34,982 - £40,855 p.a.
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Computer Science is looking to employ a Research Associate to work within a research group, reporting to Prof Yarin Gal. The post holder will be a member of the Oxford Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning (OATML) research group with responsibility for leading research for projects in Generative AI. Conducting original research, you will develop fundamental methodologies and tools in the context of real-world Generative AI challenges. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>As a Postdoctoral Researcher, you will lead and contribute to projects aimed at developing principled and practical methods which could be used in real systems. This research requires coping with challenges such as intractable probabilistic inference and robustness. The project will involve both theoretical work as well as empirical analysis on challenging tasks.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In addition to research, this role will also assist in providing day-to-day supervision for DPhil students and research assistants, as well as support of grant applications and ongoing grant progress reporting.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Project website is  <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>It is essential that successful candidate would hold a relevant PhD/DPhil or being close to completion with post-qualification research experience.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You will be required to upload a supporting statement, CV and the details of two referees as part of your online application.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 17th March 2025.</strong> Interviews are expected to be held in March. </div><br> <div> </div><br> <div><strong>We are a Stonewall Top 100 Employer, Living Wage, holding an Athena Swan Bronze Award, HR excellence in Research and Race Equality Charter Bronze Award.</strong></div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Our staff and students come from all over the world and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diversity groups and champions, for example , as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example shared parental leave.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Demonstrating a commitment to provide equality of opportunity, we would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic applicants who are currently under-represented within the Computer Science Department. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.</div> </div>Associate Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Closes: April 4, 2025, noon; salary: Grade 10a: Combined University and College salary: in the range £55,755 - £74,867 per annum plus additional benefits as detailed below, including a Fellows’ allowance of £13,762 p.a. and an allowance of £3,155 p.a. if awarded the title of Professor
<div> <p></p><div>The Department of Biochemistry and University College are seeking to recruit an Associate Professor of Biochemistry whose research addresses fundamental questions in the broad area of molecular and cellular biology with a focus on eukaryotic systems from cells to whole organisms. You will join a vibrant, friendly, democratic and international academic community that values excellence, collaboration and inclusivity. Applications are strongly encouraged from early or mid-career researchers leading innovative and independent research programmes, and where appropriate, full Professorial title may be awarded on appointment. Our institution offers a great range of staff benefits and is strongly committed to career development and mentoring at all career stages. All our groups have access to a range of Departmental and University PhD training programmes, as well as state-of-the art research support for computation, structural, cellular and molecular biology.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Depending on your research topic, you will join one of our highly collaborative interdisciplinary research themes applying biochemical, biophysical and computational approaches to major questions in cell and developmental biology, genetics, microbiology, human health and infectious disease processes. High quality laboratory and office space will be provided in the newly completed Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building, housing the Biochemistry Department and our research facilities.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>In addition to your research, you will contribute to teaching the next generation of Biochemists through our 4-year Masters-level degree course in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and by acting as a Tutorial Fellow at University College.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>You should have a higher degree (DPhil/PhD) and postdoctoral experience in a relevant biologically-related science; a strong track record of published research and research funding; experience of undergraduate teaching; proven ability to contribute to the teaching, training and supervision of graduate students; good communication and interpersonal skills; the ability and commitment to undertake a range of administrative duties within both the Department and the College; and to contribute to outreach activities and widening access.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. To apply for this role and for further details, including the job description and selection criteria, please click on the ‘Apply’ link herein.</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 4 April 2025. It is expected that interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held on 12th and 13th May 2025 (candidates are required to attend both days).</div><br> <div> </div><br> <div>Applications are particularly welcome from women, black and minority ethnic candidates, who are underrepresented in academic posts in Oxford.</div> </div>Internal Applicants only - NMH TSS Registration
Closes: Dec. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Casuals: Various
<div> <p></p><p>NMH Registration only - If you have already applied via the Disability Advisory Service and have been issued the link by the TSS, please select 'Apply now' to complete your registration form.</p> </div>Temporary Administrative Assistant
Closes: Dec. 31, 2025, noon; salary: Competitive rates of pay
<div> <p></p><p>The University of Oxford is inviting applicants with suitable administrative and clerical skills to register with the Temporary Staffing Service, an internal service supplying University departments with temporary staff.</p><br> <p>Assignments range in length and a mixture of working patterns will be available, accommodating those who require flexibility, or just enjoy variety. The University has various sites located across Oxford, but the majority of assignments will be based in the City Centre and Headington areas.</p><br> <p>The Temporary Staffing Service can offer competitive rates of pay and generous holiday entitlement of 38 days per annum (pro rata) including Bank Holidays and fixed closure dates.</p><br> <p>Applicants to the ‘Admin & Clerical’ pool should be able to demonstrate skills and experience in one or more of the following fields:</p><br> <p>• Administration<br> <br>• Clerical/Office Support<br> <br>• PA/Secretarial<br> <br>• Reception</p><br> <p>You should also be available to start work at short notice, or approaching the end of another commitment</p><br> <p>This is an exciting opportunity for those who already have experience working at the University and are seeking the flexibility and variety that temporary work can offer, or for those looking to develop the practical experience of University systems and procedures often featured in the selection criteria for permanent vacancies.</p><br> <p>If you are interested in working for the Temporary Staffing Service, please read the additional information for applicants and send a copy of your CV using the email address below, or call us to speak to one of our recruitment team.</p><br> <p>To find out more about the Temporary Staffing Service, visit our <a rel="nofollow" href="http:%20//">website</a></p> </div>